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对幼儿园实习指导教师的角色定位和指导策略的调查发现,实习指导教师在指导实习教师时扮演多重角色,多采用提供教学示范、现场指导等方式指导实习教师.要提高实习指导效果,一方面建议实习指导教师营造宽松的实习氛围,建立与实习教师平等互助的合作关系,探索行之有效的指导方法,丰富指导内容;另一方面建议师范院校与实习幼儿园共同建立教育实习导师制度,为实习指导教师提供相关培训,同时构建多渠道的交流平台.  相似文献   

教育实习是教师入职重要组成部分,是实习教师专业成长的关键时期。教育实习效果的取得很大程度上取决于教育实习指导师的指导质量。多年来,我国教师专业化和教育实习理论的研究为实施教育实习指导师资格认定制度的研究提供了实践和理论支持。因此,要尽快建立教育实习指导师资格认证机构,设立科学合理的教育实习指导师资格认定标准,完善教育实习指导师资格认定的相关措施。  相似文献   

教育实习是师范生理论联系实际的重要手段。通过反思21世纪的英语师范生实习中的指导教师指导的主要问题,并结合多年教育实习指导的经验,笔者提出一些具体的指导建议。  相似文献   

赵英 《教师发展研究》2021,5(2):110-116
在美国哥伦比亚大学教师教育项目中,大学实习指导教师承担着协作者、监督者、指导者、评估者等专业角色,负责协调处理实习管理中的冲突与问题,定期观摩师范生的课堂教学,与中小学合作教师共同研究师范生的教学工作,并提供专业的反馈、指导与评估,促其完成从师范生向准教师的专业成长.借鉴哥伦比亚大学的经验,我国教师教育应提高对教育实习功能重要价值的认识,完善大学实习指导教师的选拔与管理制度,明确大学实习指导教师在教育实习中的专业角色与职责,构建三方合作的教育实习机制.  相似文献   

高师美术教育实习是培养和训练美术教师的重要一环。美术课教学有其自身的学科特点,实习指导教师职责重大,对实习生的指导工作直接影响着美术教育实习的质量。因此,要求实习指导教师必须以身作则,言传身教;对实习生尊重信任,严格要求;在指导中突出重点,发挥特点。  相似文献   

实习指导教师的行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对教育实习工作,分析实习指导教师工作的性质,在协调荼、实习生的管理、指导与观察、写实习总结报告等方面,则实习指导教师工作的程序化和规范化进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

文章基于学生和企业指导教师双视角对经管类学生顶岗实习校企合作指导的满意度进行了统计分析。结果显示学生实习岗位与专业对口程度不高,但反馈顶岗实习对自身的职业能力与职业素养有着很好的提升作用。学生认为学校指导教师的指导总体较好,高于对企业指导教师的总体满意度。企业指导教师对学生的整体顶岗实习工作表现较为满意,总体满意度甚至高于学生的自我评价。学生与企业指导教师在校企合作方面期待不同,且企业指导教师在顶岗实习课程的课程标准建立、教学计划制定、课程实施等方面表现出较低的合作意愿。文章还提出了加强企业师资队伍建设、落实企业指导教师经费等建议,以提高企业指导教师的积极性,提高顶岗实习教学的教学效果。  相似文献   

于隼 《华章》2009,(17)
实习指导教师,是具有一定理论知识,相应的专业操作技能,并有较强的教学指导能力的教育工作者.实习指导教师除具备一定的政治思想品德素质外,还要求具备相应的业务素质,并在实践中不断提高.只有这样,才能做一名称职的,合格的实习指导教师.  相似文献   

实习指导不是课堂教学的简单延伸,从中小学教师到教师教育者的关键转变有一个过程。实习指导是看不见的、复杂的专业行为,而非简单的、个人的师傅带徒弟。实习指导教师需要专门支持去开发他们作为教师教育者的知识、能力和性向。因此,实习指导教师培训是必要的,也是必须的。美国的实践表明,实习指导教师培训应该启发思维而非传授技巧、实习指导教师培训应该坚持长期性原则、实习指导教师培训依赖中小学校与大学深度合作。在我国,实习指导教师培训也应该成为教师教育重要组成部分,并尽快建立实习指导教师培训相关制度。  相似文献   

指导教师是促进实习生专业发展的不可或缺的重要因素。通过分析西方国家指导教师的相关研究,从指导教师的角色、选拔和培训以及指导策略等方面总结了教育实习指导工作有效开展的前提条件。提出建立良好的教师指导工作情境,完善指导教师选拔体系,实现指导教师角色的转换,促进指导教师的反思是我国指导教师专业发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

高校辅导员德育资源的开发和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育资源是指能够为德育工作的开展提供教育资料的各种来源。高校辅导员如果能够有效地积累教育环境中的德育资源,科学地转化校园文化中的德育资源,艺术地激发师生情感中的德育资源,积极地利用利益关系中的德育资源,对大学生进行德育教育,思想教育的实效性就能得到较好的体现。  相似文献   

研究生教育中,人格影响、教学过程、学术研究和资料积累等方面,导师与学生之间是互动的关系,导师必须学高为师,身正为范,心诚为友,与生共勉;既是指导者,也是学习者.而学生既是受教育者,也是教学的参与者,甚至是教学的促进者.师生的互动关系不仅能在人格和学术方面相互促动,还能增进师生的亲和力,达到师生共进,情感交融的目的.  相似文献   

As online education continues to grow, instructors from traditional classrooms are being asked to design online courses. In this study, data from interviews with thirty-three public four-year college and university instructors, who had experience designing online courses, were used to understand the instructor’s perspective on online course design. Using grounded theory, data were analyzed, sorted, and coded to uncover the strategies instructors use to design online courses. Results revealed instructors adapt to the online environment by using strategies to mimic elements of face-to-face courses: in essence, adaption comes through assimilation. Instructors expressed interest in helping students navigate online to encourage active participation in courses. They described using technology and learning management system (LMS) features (e.g., videos, discussion forums) to “hear” and “see” students, as a way to increase interaction and presence, familiar elements from face-to-face education. They spoke of creating authentic assignments to increase student engagement. The implications of this study include effective design and instructional strategies for online courses, as well as understanding the motivation of instructors who design online courses. The study results are relevant to a broad audience including online instructors, instructional designers, LMS organizations, and administrators.  相似文献   

课堂教学的传播要素探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课堂教学是一种特殊的文化传播系统,主要由教育信息传者、教育信息、教育信息通道、教育信宿和教育效果五大要素构成。对这五个要素进行深入的探讨,可以找出减少教育传播中的负功能干扰的策略,提高课堂教学效益。  相似文献   

Learning Plans     

Learning plans are essential tools for field education. The development of a learning plan invests the student in the learning process by encouraging ownership. It alsoserves as a model to help students understand the contracting process used when engaging clients. A well thought out learning plan assures accountability and avoids problemsthat may arise resulting from unclear field expectations. Yet, many students and field instructors have difficulty in developing meaningful plans that truly relate to the social work educational experience. This paper provides a framework for developing a learning plan that includes an overview of the student, faculty advisor, and field instructor's roles and the process utilized. Working from broad comprehensive learning goals, cognitive and affective objectives are developed. This leads to specified tasks and evaluative standards. A sample format is presented to further assist students, faculty advisors, and field instructors to develop useful, instructive, and evaluative learning plans.  相似文献   

We justify and describe our development of the Service Learning Opportunities in Technical Communication (SLOT-C) Database. The database broadens the range of organizations that instructors and students have for client-based communication projects. We argue in support of incorporating service learning into classes and facilitating partnerships among university instructors, their students, and nonprofits. We report strategies we learned for working with student interns and IT experts and strategies we developed as we worked with usability-test participants.  相似文献   

论远程开放教学条件下教师角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教师角色转变是远程教学理论研究的重要课题,远程教学者究竟应当承担什么样的角色以及如何实现角色转变是他们最为迷惑也最为关切的问题.远程教学者要以平等主体、支架主体和导师主体的身份参与到远程教学中去,通过更新角色观念、拓展角色技能、优化角色策略以促进教师角色的顺利转变.  相似文献   

Formative assessment has been recognised as a critical element in teaching for conceptual development. A case study research design was employed to: (1) characterise the assessment thinking of three science instructors at a research‐based university; and (2) examine the complex relationship between instructor thinking and practice by encouraging experimentation with alternative assessment strategies. Interviews, reflective journals, field notes and course documents were the data sources used to create a single case study that documented the development of these university instructors’ assessment thinking during their experimentation with formative assessment strategies. Throughout two semesters of experimentation, the instructors’ assessment thinking became more sophisticated; they grew to view the purpose of assessment less as a summative activity used for the assignment of marks and more as a tool for diagnosing student learning. However, more sophisticated thinking was not associated with revisions in teaching practice based on formative assessment data. Further investigations are needed to more completely understand the nature of assessment thinking and how assessment thinking influences assessment practices. Implications for professional development of university‐level science instructors include personalised experiences through which instructors can become active participants in gathering evidence of student learning that promotes growth in assessment thinking.  相似文献   

Inter-professional teams are typical in health care, and inter-professional education has thus become more common. This empirical study explores the instruction-related challenges when students of dentistry and oral hygiene collaborate during their internship in caring for the oral health of patients. The conceptual framework of the study stems from cultural-historical activity theory, the aim being to explore the instructional actions and boundary crossing of clinical instructors while they were supervising the students. The main data comprise 17 videotaped treatment sessions, which were organised three-dimensionally in sequences, themes and topics, and analysed in terms of the instructional and boundary-crossing actions. The results reveal chains of subtle and rich instructional actions classified as instructive, evaluative and collaborative. Instructional boundary crossing occurred rarely and was also boundary-making: positioning, moving and communicating. It should be taken into account in the field of inter-professional working and learning that instructional boundaries seem easier to maintain than to cross, and professional teachers at educational institutions and instructors in workplaces need to be aware of this.  相似文献   

浅谈大学生情感教育的策略与技巧   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以辅导员工作经验为基础,分析论证大学生情感教育的策略和技巧,提出了教师应该热爱学生策略,即以情育情;辅导员自身的情感修养策略。辅导员应与学生保持密切的联系和相当的共处时间的策略,以及善于把握最佳的适时技巧;师生平等的友谊技巧;冷热兼用的适度技巧;善于发掘的诱导技巧。对大学生辅导员工作作出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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