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城市社区居民心理健康服务需求状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编问卷的方法,对全国16个省市74个社区的546名社区工作人员进行调查。结果表明,近四成的社区居民处于心理亚健康状况;九成以上的社区居民对开展社区心理健康服务有强烈的需求;当遇到心理障碍或困扰时,与其他个人或专门机构相比,居民更希望社区提供心理健康服务;在不同心理健康的服务内容方面,居民需求存在显著差异,同时不同年龄段间也存在显著差异。以此为基础,提出了具有针对性的对策。  相似文献   

杨健  方珏 《考试周刊》2014,(9):195-196
本研究试图了解社区居民心理科学的普及状况,寻找普及心理知识的方法和途径。通过自编张家港市社区居民心理健康服务情况问卷、防御方式问卷调查及访谈社区工作者,选取张家港市长安社区、万红社区、沙工社区等社区居民,发放问卷300份。调查内容包括社区居民心理健康现状、对开展心理健康服务的需求及社区普及心理科学知识情况等,共收回有效问卷278份。调查结果显示,居民中有27.9%的人防御方式不成熟,70.3%的居民关注心理健康方面的问题,64.8%的人愿意接受心理健康服务。在对心理健康服务的需求量上,36~45岁社区居民需求最高,为38.5%,其次为25~35岁和46~59岁,分别为24.3%和23.8%,60岁社区老人需求量最低,为13.4%。有59.5%的人认为,如果遇到心理困惑,希望接受心理专业人士和社会工作者的帮助。如社区心理知识宣传力度不够、社区心理健康服务工作的人员缺乏专业化、心理科学知识普及率低、心理健康活动参与积极性不强。因此研究者认为,目前社区心理健康知识普及比较迫切,社区可以通过规范社区心理健康服务工作的内容及标准、组建专业化服务团队、普及心理健康理念、加强配套设施建设等途径让心理科学深入人心。  相似文献   

为促进后疫情时代社区心理健康服务体系的构建,课题组运用自编的社区居民心理健康服务需求问卷,以及供社区工作人员填写的社区心理健康服务体系现状问卷,通过问卷网对10个省、29个市的社区居民及工作人员进行调研。调查统计数据表明,我国社区居民对自身心理健康关注度较高,对专业的心理健康服务的需求较大,但对社区心理健康服务了解不多,存在因社会认知偏差、心理健康体系不健全导致的求助无门现象;在求助专业机构、心理健康服务满意度方面,城乡社区居民存在显著差异,乡村社区居民的求助意愿及满意度更低。社区心理健康服务工作在取得了一定成效的同时,依然存在制度建设、经费支持、岗位设置缺乏及专业人才短缺、场地不足等问题。后疫情时代社区心理健康服务体系建构可以采取以下策略:落实政府责任加强政策支持,完善体制建设促进长效运行,联合多方力量形成网格体系,建立四位一体格局全面提升服务成效。  相似文献   

相对于国外社区心理健康服务,我国的社区心理健康服务工作还在起步阶段.广东珠三角城市社区心理健康服务工作虽已普遍开展,但从实际效果来看,还存在不少问题.部分西方国家社区心理健康服务工作的经验可为建立更符合珠三角城市社区实际的心理健康服务工作模式提供借鉴.  相似文献   

关于构建城市社区心理健康服务模式的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社区生活已经成为市民生活的非常重要的组成部分。在社区生活环境中,个体面临心理危机、心理问题,最好的解决方式和途径是通过社区的心理服务机构的支持和干预,但社区心理健康服务工作的开展在我国城市建设中还仅仅处于起步阶段城市社区如何建立良好的心理健康服务模式需要从社区心理健康服务的形式、社区心理健康服务模式的运作特点以及社区心理健康服务开展的途径等方面进行思考,才能建构出一个切合社区居民实际需要、为社区居民所接受、受社区居民所欢迎的心理健康服务模式。  相似文献   

分析了目前我国社区心理健康服务工作的现状及存在的问题,提出通过政府支持,建立心理健康服务职能中心,指导完善社区心理咨询服务网点,开展多样化社区心理健康服务活动,促进社区居民心理健康发展.  相似文献   

通过对经济较发达的六个沿海大城市的社区心理健康服务工作人员进行田野调查,结果表明:社区心理健康工作人员对心理健康工作的重要性、必要性有较高认识;但认为工作前景不够乐观,工作人员专业素质偏低,社区心理健康工作由于资金困难而开展不充分。因此,政府应加大对社区心理健康工作的资金投入,并建设涵盖多学科人才的服务队伍。  相似文献   

为实现对我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务满意度和需求度评价,运用因子分析的方法确立我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务的一级维度为服务能力和服务意识,二级维度为体育组织与管理服务、体育评价服务、体育设施服务、体育交流服务和体育环境服务.在此基础上,编制我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务的满意度和需求度调查问卷,对3 600名老年人对我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务满意与需求状况进行实证分析.研究结果显示,我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务的需求度明显高于满意度,不同老年群体对于体育服务的需求度差异明显;社区老年活动室体育服务供给与需求契合度不高.需要从优化机制、加强投入和丰富供给模式等方面入手,不断提高我国城市社区老年活动室体育服务供给质量.  相似文献   

社区开展心理健康服务工作对建立和谐社会具有重要的意义.目前我市社区开展心理健康服务工作的总体水平不高,表现在:社区居民对社区心理健康服务的认识模糊;重视程度不高;资金短缺和专业人员匮乏等;缺少理论的支持和实践的指导;实践构想:加强心理健康服务体系建设;全方位宣传;专业人员的组建和培训;政府的政策、资金和管理的支持.  相似文献   

加强农村社区心理健康服务,有助于提高居民心理健康素养,打赢脱贫攻坚战,全面建成小康社会。农村社区心理健康服务发展比较缓慢,居民认知度低,但需求却比较旺盛。发展农村社区心理健康服务,要配套心理健康服务设施,组建心理健康服务队伍,建立信息化服务平台,运用多元化心理健康服务方式,整合各类社会资源。  相似文献   

随着我国社会体制改革的进行,传统的单位制日益解体,社区成为承接社会职能的重要载体和新型公共空间,社区建设应运而生。为了提高社区服务水平,促进社会管理体制的创新以及政府职能的转变,需要在社区服务领域引进社会工作专业人才,使他们运用专业的服务理念和方法为社区居民提供服务。深圳市在社区服务中引进社会工作专业人才方面走在了中国的前列。深圳市南山区在这方面又走在了深圳市的前列,率先提出"一社区一社工"的服务模式,这种社区专业社会工作服务模式具有一定的优势,但同时也存在一些问题,需要采取相应的措施加以解决。  相似文献   


The American Association of Community Colleges has determined over 40% of the population attending a post-secondary institution is enrolled in a two-year community college. The majority of this student population could be described as nontraditional, including first-generation students, underrepresented populations, and single parents working full or part-time jobs while attending classes. This student population is more likely to experience stress and anxiety, increasing their need for mental health services. Despite this demonstrated need, there has been little research conducted on two-year community college campuses relating to mental health services. The purpose of this article is to discuss the need for research on mental health needs and services at two-year community colleges.  相似文献   

利用问卷调查法和访谈法,从居民对社区卫生服务的知晓情况、利用程度和满意程度几个方面出发考察了南京市社区卫生服务的成效。结果发现,南京市社区卫生服务的实施情况基本良好,但在社区卫生服务的宣传方面、服务项目方面、人员配备方面和转诊制度方面都有待于进一步加强和完善。  相似文献   

Some ethnic minority groups in the U.K. have worked on mental health issues within their communities, but there has been little research of how the Japanese community regards these issues. However, it has been shown recently that there are Japanese people in the U.K. who are suffering from living in another culture, and the need to establish systems and facilities to deal with mental health issues for the Japanese community has been identified. It is important to explore how we can develop the services in a culturally appropriate way. In the U.K., counselling and psychotherapy are largely based on Western psychology and cross-cultural issues focus mainly on Black/White relationships, and some issues are not applicable to Japanese clients. This article explains the current stream of cross-cultural issues in the U.K. and some aspects of Japanese culture. It goes on to summarise research results and address the need for professional services, highlighting possible obstacles and problems, as well as the areas where more work is required.  相似文献   

有效的企业心理健康服务的前提是对企业需求比较准确的把握.由于行业特征、内部管理模式、企业文化等因素的差异,企业员工心理健康服务需求存在着较大的差异.本文根据企业规模、行业特点、企业员工心理健康服务的发动组织者、服务目标、企业服务人群、任务要求等需求要素,将我国企业员工心理健康服务需求划分为预防宣教型、问题解决型和发展推进型三种主导类型.针对三种主导需求可以采用心理健康促进、问题解决导向、全面推进三种模式员工心理健康服务模式.  相似文献   

ObjectiveStudies have consistently demonstrated a lack of agreement between youth and parent reports regarding youth-witnessed violence. However, little is known about whether disagreement is associated with poorer outcomes and less utilization of mental health services. The purpose of the current study was to examine disagreement among youth and parents about youth witnessed violence, and determine whether concordance predicted trauma symptoms and recognition of need and receipt of counseling services.MethodsConcordance about youth-witnessed violence was examined in 766 dyads from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN). Youth participants self-reported trauma symptoms, caregivers indicated youth need for and receipt of services. Both youth and parents provided information about youth-witnessed violence exposure in the last year.ResultsResults showed youth and caregivers differed significantly about youth-witnessed violence. Specifically, 42% of youth reported youth-witnessed violence, compared to only 15% of parents. For those parents who reported youth-witnessed violence, only 29% reported an identified need for services and only 17% reported the youth had received any mental health services. Concordance between parent–youth dyads was associated with greater identified need for services but was not associated with the use of counseling services or trauma symptoms.ConclusionsYouth who reported witnessing violence reported more frequent trauma symptoms regardless of concordance. Parents from dyads in which both informants reported youth-witnessed violence were more likely to endorse need for, but not receipt of counseling services. Given this association between youth-witnessed violence and mental health problems, more work is needed to identify barriers to concordance as well as service utilization.  相似文献   

通过回顾国内外社区心理卫生服务的发展状况和组织体系建设情况,系统地分析开展心理卫生服务的组织体系状况,并针对现状提出了改进我国社区心理卫生工作的一些对策,从而保障社区群众的心理健康,提高社区居民的健康水平和生活质量,构建社会主义和谐社区.  相似文献   

了解并分析探讨我国石油企业员工对心理健康服务(员工帮助计划,EAP)的需求现状及影响因素。在DQ油田员工中随机抽取300名员工作为样本,采用问卷调查的方法,经过分析发现我国石油企业员工对于EAP服务的需求总体较高,工作3~10年的员工对EAP服务的需求较高;员工的年龄、工作年限、月收入、压力水平和社会支持水平是EAP服务需求的主要影响因素。对EAP在我国石油企业中的开展心理健康服务提供了指导性的依据。  相似文献   

Although child welfare caseworkers are responsible for facilitating mental health services access for maltreated children, little is known about caseworkers’ decisions to refer children to services. We aimed to identify factors associated with caseworker referral of children to mental health services after a maltreatment investigation. We analyzed data from 1956 children 2–17 years old from the Second National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being. We examined associations of children’s predisposing, enabling, and need-related factors and caseworkers’ work environment characteristics with referral to mental health services. Caseworkers referred 21.0% of children to mental health services. In multivariable analyses controlling for potential covariates, factors associated with increased odds of caseworker referral included: older child age; child sexual abuse (versus neglect); child out-of-home placement; caregiver mental health problems; prior maltreatment reports; clinically significant child behavioral problems; and child welfare agency collaborative ties with mental health providers (all p < .05). Factors associated with decreased odds of caseworker referral included child Black race (versus White race) and lack of insurance (versus Private insurance) (all p < .05). In summary, children’s need for mental health services was positively associated with caseworker referral to services but certain predisposing and enabling factors and caseworker work environment characteristics also correlated with services referral. Interventions to reduce disparities in services referral by race and insurance type are critically needed. These may include child welfare agency implementation of policies for mental health screening, assessment, and services referral based on clinical need and establishment of child welfare-mental health agency collaborative ties.  相似文献   

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