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布置和设计家庭作业是为了使学生完成多项练习,巩固课内所学知识,同时检验学生学习效果。为此,我们应该研究当前初中英语家庭作业的布置现状,发现问题,及时加以改进,利用多样化的作业设计提高家庭作业的有效性。基于此,本文将对此展开论述。  相似文献   

家长参与学生家庭作业的类型及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭作业是学校教师布置给学生,让他们在课外时间完成的任务。家庭作业作为学生学习的重要任务,其完成的质与量是检验学习效果、衡量教学质量的重要指标。家长参与学生的家庭作业具有不同的类型及表现形式,对学生的学习会产生不同的影响。通过探讨家长参与学生家庭作业的类型,以期为学校教育和家庭教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国中小学都有自己的家庭作业政策。其家庭作业政策一般包括家庭作业目的;教师、学生、家长的责任;家庭作业时间;家庭作业内容以及家庭作业帮助方式及内容的介绍等。我国之所以家庭作业泛滥、学生负担沉重,其中主要原因之一就是缺乏相关的政策引导。因此应根据我国的国情,制定切实可行的家庭作业政策以规范、引导教师、学生、家长等的家庭作业活动。  相似文献   

以英国布默希中学八年级多门课程家庭作业为样本分析发现,该校家庭作业的内容体现了从易到难的三个层次;家庭作业量适度且可控;家庭作业的目的体现了学为生活的理念;家庭作业的效果既有激发学生的内生兴趣、发挥作业的教育功能等可取之处,也有家长的学业支持存在困难等有待改进的地方。布默希中学的家庭作业个案,在具体的操作层面和更深层次的教育理念层面上对国内中小学作业改进研究具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

家庭作业是学生学习过程中十分常见的任务,也是除了课堂作业之外的一种特殊作业,要求学生自己在家中完成,从而检验学生的学习效果。小学高年级数学家庭作业也是教师教学过程中的重要部分,本文主要对小学高年级数学家庭作业批改过程中存在的问题进行分析,并且提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

家庭作业是学校课程的有机组成部分,素质教育的实施离不开家庭作业。但现代家庭作业与传统家庭作业有着本质的不同。现代家庭作业应该注重学生的全面发展,应具有个性化,要有计划,应强调家长的配合。  相似文献   

车晓丹  王健 《辽宁教育》2013,(11):75-77
家庭作业是由学校教师布置的、要求学生在非教学时间完成的任务。家庭作业是整个学校教学活动中不可或缺的重要组成部分。家长参与家庭作业具有不同的类型和表现方式,对学生的发展产生不同的影响,同时也存在着一定的现实问题。本文对家庭作业和家长参与家庭作业进行研究,以期为学校、教师和家长提供可行性建议和启示。  相似文献   

家庭作业观之反思与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的家庭作业观,特别是凯洛夫的家庭作业观所强调的是对单一的知识技能的巩固与完善以及学生独立学习能力的培养,这种家庭作业观导致学生的片面和畸形发展,对我国的教育理论与实践产生了深远的影响。与当代教育理论相一致的家庭作业具有活动的目的性、活动内容的多样性、活动时间与地点的特殊性、活动方式的灵活性、指导主体的多元性以及学生在活动中的主体性等本质特征,是学生在课外时间所从事的,旨在促进其身心完满发展的一切活动,其与课外作业是同义词,与课内作业和课外活动之间既有内在联系,又有本质不同。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断进步,人们的物质生活水平不断提高,很多孩子是吃得多,参加体育活动少,导致他们的身体素质在某些方面呈下降的状态。体育家庭作业是体育教师巩固知识技能和检验学生学习效果的重要方式,也是学生与父母间沟通、交流的重要方式。在完成体育家庭作业过程中,既增强了学生的体质,又丰富了他们的校外生活,增加了与家长们交流的机会,使亲子关系更融洽。给小学生布置适当体育家庭作业,这是学校体育向家庭体育延伸的重要途径。  相似文献   

从家庭作业的设计谈减负   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生课业负担过重一直是社会与教育界普遍关注的问题,教育部门的文件也一再强调减轻学生课业负担。然而,现实情况仍然不容乐观,多项调查显示,学生的课业负担不仅没减下来,反而有加重的趋势。笔者认为除了应试的压力外,理论界与实践领域对"作业"这一最常见的事物缺乏深入、细致的研究也是重要的原因。鉴于此,笔者试图在已有研究的基础上就"家庭作业的设计"问题作出一定的梳理与回答,如家庭作业的价值何在?作业设计的形式有哪些?对学生的作业应该如何评价等等。只有将作业与课程标准、评价、教学与学习一体化思考,设计出科学而合理的家庭作业,才能切实减轻学生的课业负担。  相似文献   

校本作业在实践教学过程中,因为各种配套作业的出现,而被忽视,数学学科也是这样。这种情况下产生了一系列的教学问题,本文通过"关注学生生活,设计多元作业","关注学生差异,设计分层作业","关注学生习惯,设计养成作业"等方面来解决校本作业所遇到的困境,从而帮助提高学生的数学核心素养。  相似文献   

丁铭蕃 《成才之路》2021,(14):48-49
作业设计要符合学情,不符合学情的作业是无效的作业。语文作业是为学生思维发展服务的,更是为学生素养提升服务的。语文作业的设计,要切实发挥出实效。教师要设计分层性作业,让每个学生参与其中;设计趣味性作业,让每次作业行之有效;设计实践类作业,让语文作业绽放异彩;布置观看类作业,让语文学习无限延伸。  相似文献   

作业是数学教学中的关键环节,通过作业能够检验学生的课堂学习效果,但当前学生数学作业的完成效率不高。数学教师只有在作业中体现趣味性、层次性和差异性,与生活相结合,并在数学作业批改时坚持及时性、启发性原则,做到多种批改、分项评价、一题多改,采用多样化作业批改方式,才能引导学生在完成作业的过程中提高数学素养。  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ views about and practices in homework in primary schools, based on questionnaire data from 235 primary teachers and 19 in-depth interviews. Findings suggest that teachers prioritise contradictory goals and act in ways that support only some of these. Reading with parents is a universal form of homework and other homework focuses either on English or mathematics or takes a project-led approach. Integration of homework into class learning is problematic. Teachers are concerned about the possible effects of homework on educational inequality and questions are raised about teachers’ perceptions of homework as a signifier of good parenting.  相似文献   

The study examined the preferred and actual homework styles of 272 seventh graders (134 males and 138 females) who were characterized by (1) three levels of selfperceived homework achievement, (2) three levels of academic achievement, and (3) three levels of homework achievement. Consistencies and differences in the distinguishing components were found within and between the different types of achievement. Although different patterns of distinguishing components emerged between preferred and actual homework styles, there were remarkable consistencies between them that distinguished the achievement levels. In general, high achievers were more self, parent, and teachermotivated and persistent, organized their homework in some order, preferred or did homework in a bright home environment and by themselves, and did better with specific instructions, when compared with low achievers. However, neither preferred nor actual perceptual preferences distinguished the levels of achievement. In both preferred and actual situations, students in the high homework achievement group were more parent-motivated than those in the low homework achievement group, demonstrating the importance of parental involvement in the home learning environment.  相似文献   

One component of the curriculum reform in Hong Kong focuses on the use of homework in consolidating learning, deepening understanding and constructing knowledge. This study examines the profile of Hong Kong primary school students' homework involvement, and investigates the relationships between time involvement and academic attributes, namely interest in homework, interest in academic subjects, academic efficacy, and efficacy for self-regulated learning. The sample comprised 2,361 primary school students representing all six grade levels in Hong Kong. Data was collected using questionnaires and homework diaries. Results showed heavy homework involvement among primary school students in Hong Kong, especially at the senior primary level. Differential patterns across levels were observed for the relationship between homework involvement and academic attributes. Specifically, junior primary students' study-related interests and efficacies were found to decline with increasing time involvement, whereas inverted U-shape relationships were observed among senior primary students. There was concern for students with high time involvement as they received more homework and they worked slower. They were less likely to perceive the positive functions of homework, and showed poorer study-related interests and efficacy beliefs. The findings of this study provide crucial information for school personnel and educators in Hong Kong in developing homework strategies and policies that enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions of Chinese students and parents in Hong Kong on homework involvement, assignment type and homework functions. The relationships of homework perceptions to student and parent attributes are also assessed. The sample includes 1393 pairs of students and their parents from 36 primary schools in Hong Kong. Findings of this study show similarities in preference for assignment type across students and parents. Between‐group discrepancies are observed in preference for homework involvement and endorsement of homework functions. Moreover, homework perceptions are found to relate to students’ and parents’ efficacy attributes and involvement behaviour. Findings of this study are discussed in light of the Chinese sociocultural context in Hong Kong. Suggestions are made on the design and use of homework in primary schools by incorporating the views of different stakeholders.  相似文献   

有效的家庭作业策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家庭作业是学生在课外进行的学习,由于它可以起到促进学生学习的作用,因此学生要花大量时间去完成。对广大教师来说,在教学中了解和运用有效的家庭作业策略十分必要。教师要了解和运用的有效家庭作业策略大致有十个方面,这些是有效教学策略的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

小学高年级英语课外实践性作业也是课外作业的一种形式。设计小学英语高年级课外实践性作业应当注重查阅性、调查性、延伸性、应用性、操作性和探索性,尽可能使学生通过课外作业巩固、深化课堂知识,激发学习英语的兴趣,发展综合语言运用的能力。  相似文献   

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