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Since its introduction in 1983, the educational statutory licence has been revised and amended to take into account developments in copying practices within the Australian university sector, and in March 2000 a new educational licensing arrangement was entered into. The new licence sees the focus of educational copying shift away from reprographic copying to digital copying. The aim of this article is to examine briefly the current educational copying regime in Australia, looking at the licences entered into by the universities and the copyright owners, and comparing the way the new 2000 licensing agreement operates in contrast with the earlier licences. The impact of the recently enacted Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000 is also examined in light of the new 2000 statutory licence and how these changes may impact upon current copying practices within Australian universities.  相似文献   

数字化图书馆适应新著作权法分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新修订的著作权法使数字化图书馆适应新著作权法范围扩大,文章对与数字化图书馆关系密切的信息网络传播权、对技术措施和权利管理电子信息的保护、著作权集体管理制度、加大对网络侵权和盗版的打击力度四个方面进行了论述,进而指出网页没有明确列入新著作权法保护范围的潜在弊端.  相似文献   

电子图书版权问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨海平 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):239-242,258
电子图书版权问题已成为人们关注的焦点。文章首先概述了电子图书纠纷不断的现状;然后分析了形成的原因:主要是电子图书易于复制、下载,版权界限模糊,理论上有盲点和难点、认定困难等;接着提出了解决这一问题的三条思路:即完善版权保护的措施和法规,实施及时有效的版权管理和加密技术等。  相似文献   

Since the passage of the 1976 Copyright Law, library reserve services have had to define continuously the nature of their services within the context of copyright. Lacking professional guidance, librarians reacted to the 1976 Law with a largely conservative set of guidelines for reserve copying due, in large part, to a vacuum of guidelines from the library profession and despite the prevalence of progressive rhetoric. Court cases (NYU, Kinko's and Texaco) have reinforced a conservative approach. However, the environment for reserve remains fluid. Electronic reserves and a recent court decision (Michigan Document Services) offer the profession another opportunity to redefine the reserve/copyright dynamic. Librarians need to avoid past strategic failures and take full advantage of the current environment to press the expansion of reserves into the new electronic library paradigm.  相似文献   

王国柱 《编辑学报》2014,26(6):514-516
期刊版式设计权属于邻接权,期刊版式设计不需要"独创性",但可以体现"智力创造性",并且具有"从属性"和"相对独立性"。应当区分期刊版式设计与装帧设计,明确期刊版式设计的范围。期刊版式设计权控制的使用方式应当包括原样复制、实质性相似使用和独立使用,权利人对期刊版式设计享有信息网络传播权,但不享有转让权。正在修订的《著作权法》应当对期刊版式设计权制度加以完善。  相似文献   

随着计算机编目模式的进一步发展,套录编目已经成为当前图书馆编目工作的主要模式。文章介绍了福建中医大学图书馆套录数据的各种来源途径,提出了套录数据在该馆实际编目工作中出现的问题,对此进行了分析,并提出相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

授权影印版西文图书原则上作为西文文献编目,非专业性普及读物作为中文文献编目。本文结合MARC21和笔者的工作实践,探讨此类图书主要字段编目细则和注意事项,并就《CALIS联机合作编目手册例解(西文部分)》中的一些细则,提出修正意见和建议。  相似文献   

Extensive literature demonstrates how the copying of references (links) can lead to the emergence of various structural properties (e.g., power-law degree distribution and bipartite cores) in bibliographic and other similar directed networks. However, it is also well known that the copying process is incapable of mimicking the number of directed triangles in such networks; neither does it have the power to explain the obsolescence of older papers. In this paper, we propose RefOrCite, a new model that allows for copying of both the references from (i.e., out-neighbors of) as well as the citations to (i.e., in-neighbors of) an existing node. In contrast, the standard copying model (CP) only copies references. While retaining its spirit, RefOrCite differs from the Forest Fire (FF) model in ways that makes RefOrCite amenable to mean-field analysis for degree distribution, triangle count, and densification. Empirically, RefOrCite gives the best overall agreement with observed degree distribution, triangle count, diameter, h-index, and the growth of citations to newer papers.  相似文献   

通过对中文图书套录数据中出现质量差异的问题分析,提出提高套录数据质量的措施.  相似文献   

唐乐其 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):143-145
对于临时复制的性质已有三种不同的说法,文章从读者在互联网或图书馆浏览文献信息所产生的临时复制问题比较分析临时复制的性质问题及其对应办法。  相似文献   

从清代苏州万卷藏书家形成的社会背景、历史源流着手,指出抄书仍是历代藏书家增加藏书的重要手段之一;针对精抄精校泽被后世和楼名典雅用纸讲究等方面,阐述清代苏州万卷藏书家抄书活动与一些典型特点及其不朽功绩,并著录其流传及现存状态、藏地。  相似文献   

陆素芹 《图书馆》2006,(4):117-119
本文从藏书家概况及其刻苦自抄、精抄影写、抄校成就元明杂剧宝库等方面,阐述了明代苏州万卷藏书家以抄书保存流传典籍的功绩。  相似文献   

While libraries of all kinds in Nigeria have many problems, some medical libraries are well established and are giving the services expected of such libraries anywhere. In current conditions of restricted finance and distance from metropolitan countries, consultation and cooperation in serials acquisitions together with union catalogs of serials would be of great value. Modern copying methods make this practical. Union catalogs of monographs would also be valuable. Two new major medical libraries are projected-one half-built, the other still at the planning stage. Each must be planned to give area services rather than purely local and internal services.  相似文献   

The digitization of works renders them not only easy to copy and distribute. It makes them easy to transform from one medium to another. Many of the same fair use questions posed by the copying or use of computer programs recur when other kinds of digital data are copied or manipulated. There are some situations in which digital copying would almost certainly be permitted as fair use, and some in which fair use defenses would be futile. This article was adapted from a column that first appeared inACM Communications. Published by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery.  相似文献   

文渊阁本<四库全书>存在着严重的文字抄写之误,治学者宜须慎用之.对于抄写中出现的舛误,乾隆有所察觉,颁布"圣谕",责令馆臣"痛加猛省,悉心校勘",但并未收到应有的效果.  相似文献   

The plagiarism detection service CrossCheck has been used since October 2008 as part of the paper reviewing process for the Journal of Zhejiang University – Science (A & B). Between October 2008 and May 2009 662 papers were CrossChecked; 151 of these (around 22.8% of submitted papers) were found to contain apparently unreasonable levels of copying or self‐plagiarism, and 25.8% of these cases (39 papers) gave rise to serious suspicions of plagiarism and copyright infringement. Four types of copying or plagiarism were identified, in an attempt to reach a consensus on this type of academic misconduct.  相似文献   

网络环境下盗版传播的便捷化、普遍化,对在线教育视频版权保护提出了新挑战。基于网络服务提供者责任规范不合理,惩罚性赔偿制度不健全,缺乏私人复制网络盗版行为的立法规制,作品类型界定不统一,维权举证难、成本高等因素,著作权人在打击在线教育视频网络盗版中处于不利境地,盗版泛滥难以有效遏制。建议通过明确在线教育视频为录音录像制品、细化平台责任要件、明确私人复制盗版在线视频构成侵权、疏通惩罚性赔偿制度实施路径等举措,从多方面遏制在线教育视频网络盗版行为。  相似文献   

A clear definition of plagiarism and the ability to classify it into more or less serious forms would help editors and publishers to devise policies to handle this problem. Text‐matching software is a useful tool for measuring the extent of text copying but it cannot detect plagiarized tables or figures, plagiarism of ideas, or plagiarism in translation. Furthermore, a working definition of plagiarism in relation to research reports needs to take into account factors such as the originality of the copied material, its position in the report, the adequacy of referencing, and the intention of the authors as well as the extent of the copying. This article considers all these factors and proposes possible definitions of major and minor plagiarism in relation to scholarly publications which might be used as the basis for anti‐plagiarism policies in conjunction with resources such as the COPE flowcharts.  相似文献   

本文介绍自行开发的利用计算机进行文献过刊阅读及复印量统计的程序设计方法。其特点是统计数据以图形方式显示, 并可绘制成图表保存。  相似文献   

The rise of digital media has created a number of problems for copyright, in large part by removing the physical constraints of copying associated with older media forms. The concept of digital rights management (DRM) has been pushed as one solution, restoring technological constraints on copying. There are, however, other issues associated with DRM approaches; they are costly and can be used to restrict access and use of content beyond the specific rights granted by copyright policy. These costs and additional restrictions reduce the value of content, affecting its demand and use, with repercussions for the creation of both private and social value. This paper will examine several proposed digital rights management approaches from a social economics perspective—an approach that emphasizes recognition of indirect and social sources of value, and the implications of policy for such value.  相似文献   

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