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构建中国特色新闻传播自主性知识体系,必须有文化自觉、理论自觉、主体自觉。这里所说的文化自觉,就是在中西古今的面向中“重返有生机的传统”,深入挖掘中华民族新闻传播文化,并在将其与全球性新闻传播文化对照比较中实现“自知之明”,进而从中汲取宝贵的思想滋养。所谓理论自觉,是指要努力走出“价值中立”的迷思,弄清“理论建设背后的逻辑”,明确理论是什么,理论干什么,理论为什么,从而坚守理论建设的基本立场与价值取向。而所谓学科主体自觉,则是要在新文科建设中保持学科的独立性、主体性,防止新闻传播学科“迷失自我”。做到这三个自觉,构建中国特色新闻传播学自主知识体系才有明确的方向,可靠的基础。  相似文献   

“人民本位”的新闻思想是新中国新闻事业发展的思想基础和运转逻辑,本文从建国初期新闻事业的社会主义改造、新文艺路线的确立、典型人物报道这三方面回溯“人民本位”新闻思想确立的历史过程,阐述这一思想逻辑的作为历史结果的合理性.本文从人民价值立场、人民文化观念和人民主体性意识等三个维度诠释了“人民本位”的新闻思想体系.  相似文献   

沈燕萍 《声屏世界》2007,(10):57-58
新闻采访是一种思想活动,新闻舆论的文化含量和品位取决于新闻工作者的文化素养,新闻工作者的文化素养决定新闻价值的认识能力和反映能力。古人云,“腹有诗书气自华”,”书卷气”是对一个人的文化修养最完美、最直接的诠释,“书卷气”更是对一名从事新闻事业记者、编辑的肯定。作为一名工作在新闻第一线的记者要反映市井生活、人间百态,挖掘普通人的心理,折射老百姓的心路历程,在这里,书卷气和“市井气”并非一对矛盾,而是对一名新闻工作者同样重要的两个要求。  相似文献   

“含金量”这个词,近年来在新闻界使用频率比较高。认为某一件新闻作品很好或者能够创优获奖时.就常常说“含金量”比较高。那么,“含金量”到底是指什么?都“含”哪些“量”?笔者试从消息这个新闻的主体切入,作些探讨。所谓消息的“含金量”,是指这条消息中所蕴含的新闻价值和宣传价值的大小或高低。这是从内涵上来讲的。一般来说,具有“新闻”和“宣传”双重价值的消息,其“含金量”比较高;反之,则比较低。而从外延上来讲,消息的“含金量”,至少应包括以下几个方面:——“新闻合且”(这里的“新闻”特指新的信息)。一条消…  相似文献   

新闻照片里“人”的“主体地位”和“人”在新闻摄影中的“主体作用”,是新闻摄影领域的两个“主体”,是研究新闻摄影学的两个基本点。人,是社会的分子。如果说人类社会的基本活动是生产,人则是生产力当中最活跃的因素。因此,人是社会的主体。人,除了阶级的属性,还有民族与民族、群体与群体以及先进与落后、文明与粗野、善良与邪恶等差异。阶级的、民族的、经济的、文化的以及奋斗目标的差异,构成各种各样的社会人际关系,他们之间的对立统一,迸发出千姿百态、性质不同的新闻和新闻事件。因此,人,是大多数新闻和新闻事件的“创造”者。人在“创造”新闻和新闻事件的时候,有时是自觉的(如政治斗争、生产斗争和科学实验等),有时则是无意识的如毛孩(图一)、老人头上长角现象等。人类社会的矛盾和对立、斗争,不可能都是个别  相似文献   

基于“发生价值”的新闻我们通常称之为事件性新闻,基于“发现价值”的新闻我们通常称之为主题性新闻。从最初的关注新闻的“发生价值”,向挖掘新闻的深层价值方向迈进,整个过程即是一个“发现价值”的过程。由此可见,发生和发现构成新闻的“二重价值”,使新闻报道更具深度和厚度,折射出新闻事实更多的意义和价值  相似文献   

新闻媒体间的竞争日趋激烈,当大多数新闻媒体纷纷主动迎接时代的挑战,以改革和创新求得发展的同时,在新闻宣传中,也出现了一些误区和不和谐的音符,“泡沫新闻”便是其中之一。所谓“泡沫新闻”,是相对于“泡沫经济”、“泡沫文化”而挪用的一个概念。用一位业内人士的话说,是把一些缺少新闻价值和新闻时效的“垃圾”新闻,不负责任地反复炒作和重复传播,使之泛滥成灾。也有人称之为“复印式新闻”。“泡沫新闻”是个别新闻媒体和新闻从业者不思进取、缺少敬业精神和社会责任感、片面追求轰动效应、玩弄技巧以达到某些商业目的的产物。它的表现之一便是跟风,社  相似文献   

近些年来,“新闻弱化”即真正意义上的新闻在报纸版面上的地位减弱,成了报纸采编工作中的一个突出问题。 按照传统新闻学的观点,新闻是对新近发生的、具有新闻价值的事实所进行的迅速及时、简洁明了的报道。毫无疑问,消息应该在各种新闻文体中占据首要位置。然而在“新闻弱化”的情况下,消息的主体地位显著地动摇了。这具体地表现在报纸上消息特别是时效性强、可读性强“短、新、活”消息数量的减少和地位的减弱。人们看到,现在版面上叫得响的消息少,而且在版面处理上,优秀  相似文献   

依据新闻传播的实际展开过程,可以将新闻价值活动一分为二:传播主体的价值创造过程和接受主体的价值实现过程,与此相对应,我们把发生在价值创造阶段的新闻价值评价界定为“传播主体的评价”,亦可按照新闻评价发生的先后称之为“前评价”;而把新闻价值实现阶段的评价界定为“接受主体的评价”,亦可按照新闻评价发生的先后称之为“后评价”。一、前评价———传播主体的新闻评价传播主体的新闻评价,是指传播主体根据一定评价标准衡量一定客体有无传播价值和传播价值大小的活动,一般情况下,其中的核心工作是用新闻评价标准衡量一定客…  相似文献   

杨曼 《中国广播》2005,(6):43-45
新闻类节日是各电台电视台的主体节目。时至今日,随着新闻节目的改革与发展,其播音创作主体——播音员、主持人也细化为新闻播音员、新闻评论员、新闻专题节目主持人等。“主播制”(新闻主播)已渐在各台新闻类节目中推行开来。随之而来的新闻类节目的播报方式也在逐渐发生着变革。为此,就播音界沿用多年的“播”新闻与近年来日渐时尚的“说”新闻这两种风格的播报方式,以及新闻类节目本身对此提出的要求做以下阐释:  相似文献   

Existing research has widely accounted the influence of microblogs on traditional news production, but less attention has been paid to how microblogs are socially constructed in newsrooms. Taking the social constructivist approach, this study explored the professional and organizational construction of journalistic use of microblogs. We conducted 33 in-depth interviews with news workers at two local newspapers in China and a textual analysis of their microblog posts. We found that Chinese news workers heavily stressed professional values and journalistic authority, which set limits to information appropriation and self-expression on microblogs. Production culture, organization policy, and organization culture were also found to shape journalistic use of microblogs. The highly censored press environment restricted both organizational and individual use of microblogs, but sometimes motivated news workers to seek extra value on microblogs.  相似文献   

This critical analysis of U.S. journalism textbooks from 1894 to 2016 shows how texts across decades have (re)constructed a discourse of damage through news values emphasizing and rationalizing conflict and bad news. Findings are reported in the context of literature suggesting that negative news values foster a distorted sense of social relations, increase fear, and depress civic participation. Literature also indicates that non-journalists often view news through less conflict-oriented, and more value-laden, frames, suggesting that journalistic values are not natural or inevitable but subject to change. The discourse in journalism textbooks can be a key site for understanding and influencing journalism culture. Constructive alternatives to the dominant discourse are suggested.  相似文献   

Considered by many to be the first war of the Information Age, the 2003 War in Iraq provided a unique opportunity for observing how the American mainstream press defined the Web's journalistic value and how it reacted to the competition from alternative online news sources. In an attempt to exert control over the Web as a journalistic space, the mainstream press used rhetorics of “professionalism” to discipline online news seekers into conforming to the definition of “news” favored by the mainstream press. This essay analyzes these tactics and their implications for the Web's journalistic potential, and concludes with a call for a more collaborative online journalism that maintains journalistic credibility while also incorporating a wider variety of perspectives.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):159-174
This study examines 10 recent high-profile cases of journalistic deceptions at major American news organizations, and analyzes deceptive news and authentic news in a comparative perspective. Applying disaster incubation theory and normal accident theory to newsrooms, it focuses on how newsroom organizational culture contributes to journalistic deceptions. Results suggest that prior to the final revelation of a reporter's deception, an incubation period occurs during which a “first flag”—an initial warning signal often related to the reporter's earliest work that gives rise to suspicion of authenticity—is overlooked. The study also identifies patterns in deceptive news that distinguish it from authentic news. Deceptive news stories are more likely than authentic news stories to be filed from a remote location, to be on a story topic conducive to source secrecy, to be on the front page (or magazine cover), to contain more sources, more “diverse” sources and more hard-to-trace sources. It is suggested that editors might use these recognizable patterns to help prevent journalistic deceptions.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):190-207
What goes on in editorial conferences and how do news journalists decide what is newsworthy? The journalistic “gut feeling” is an important part of the professional self-understanding of journalists and editors expressing how news judgements seem self-evident and self-explaining to the practitioners. This article presents an analysis of everyday news work drawing on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu and using ethnographic material from observations of editorial practices in a Danish television newsroom as a case study. The analytical concepts “journalistic doxa”, “news habitus” and “editorial capital” are put to empirical work on close-up observations of journalistic practices in editorial conferences and two types of news values are identified as part of the journalistic “gut feeling”: the explicit orthodox/heterodox news values which are part of the sphere of journalistic judgement, and the implicit, silent doxic news values which are part of the sphere of journalistic doxa. An important task for future studies of journalistic practice is to investigate the seemingly self-evident orthodox news values as well as making visible the doxic news values imbedded in journalistic practice.  相似文献   

新闻频道的诞生与新闻观念的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
央视新闻频道的诞生使人们看到了中国新闻事业改革的新希望 ,体现了中国新闻概念变革的倾向———受众观念的进一步强化 ,民主观念的进一步深入 ,市场观念的进一步强化以及变革观念的确立等等。文章批评了目前存在于电视新闻报道中的不足 ,分析产生这些不足的原因所在 ,针对政府和媒体提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):49-64
Emerging business models for news have the potential to affect the nature of democracy. As the economic foundations of mainstream journalism become increasingly shaky, a new economic model is emerging in the form of news organizations operating as nonprofits. These are mostly run by former newspaper journalists bringing with them traditional journalistic norms they worked under previously; now they are operating under a vastly different economic framework. These organizations are producing a growing amount of public affairs news while mainstream news production shrinks. The research question examined here is whether this emergent form (1) changes but maintains core norms and practices of the journalistic culture from which it arose, or (2) transforms norms and practices into something new. I briefly review norms and practices of traditional journalism to create a framework against which to compare behaviors at one nonprofit news organization, MinnPost, through ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews. My findings indicate that MinnPost values some traditional norms (e.g. loyalty to citizens); other norms are valued but not fulfilled in a traditional way (e.g. comprehensiveness of news coverage); yet others are largely eschewed (e.g. forum provision). This suggests a set of evolving journalistic tenets, which observations indicate are linked to MinnPost's economic structure. It points toward how emerging business models are changing journalism, and by extension could be affecting American democracy. This paper is part of a larger project investigating how nonprofit news organizations are changing the information available in local news environments.  相似文献   

以新闻事实为本位,新闻文本为对象,从整体质态上层递性地观照新闻文本的不同品质,用理论的逻辑厘定新闻文体的特性,通过理论抽象以丰富内涵深化理解,增强新闻文本实践的前瞻性、自觉性、主动性、鲜活性。以新闻事实为视域,新闻文本建构为主线,新闻事实信息传播为旨归,从静态与动态的互塑中,考察整体与部分、客体与主体、结构与关系、要素与功能、显在与潜在的信息呈现状态,探究新闻文体体类、体相与体性的内在统一性。  相似文献   

刘坚 《传媒观察》2020,(5):5-11,F0002
在新闻智能化传播的环境下,传统媒介的新闻信息资源理念发生变化,智能算法成为新闻信息资源获取和开发的重要手段。智能化传播的新闻信息价值判断,建构了新闻事实信息-社会数据信息-用户需求信息三位一体的新闻信息价值确认系统,体现了智能化新闻信息价值理念的特殊追求。新闻信息生产流程中人工智能系统与新闻传播者形成特殊的生产关系,新闻信息生产理念强调人机协作与共处,由此产生新闻报道视野和新闻产品形态的变化。智能化的新闻发布机制,促进了新闻信息的多渠道推送和分散化传播,也有力推动了传统媒介新闻信息传播理念的智能化转变。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):390-406
South Korea's OhmyNews reports unique consequences of citizen reporting and participation. While many citizen news operations have come and gone, OhmyNews has been remarkably successful and has become one of the most powerful news sites in its country. This case study explores the concept of journalistic professionalism among OhmyNews citizen journalists and assesses whether perceptions of their journalistic work align with Singer's dimensions of professionalism (i.e., cognitive, normative and evaluative dimensions). We then compare these perceptions to those of professional journalists within the organization and integrate them into journalistic role conceptions. Findings show that both groups work through collaboration, checks and balances, and a negotiation of autonomy. Both benefit from the partnership and share similarities, rather than differences, in their effort to remain sustainable in contemporary media culture.  相似文献   

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