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在阐述生态翻译学的核心概念的基础上,论证了公示语翻译是涉及两种语言的语言结构、文化习惯和交际原则三个层面的转换过程。提出了公示语翻译需要译者置身于整个翻译生态系统中,在原语和目的语之间不断地进行三维转换与适应,才能选择适当的翻译策略,形成适应整合度最高的译文。  相似文献   

译者在原语和目标语之间寻求内容与风格上的对等,因为两种语言在措词、句法结构等方面不可能一致,所以翻译中必然会导致译文与原文的偏离.本文从词与短语,小句与句子,语篇三个层面对翻译中的偏离现象进行探索.文章还对译者采用的翻译策略和原因进行了具体分析.翻译中为了传达原文的思想风格很大程度上会导致偏离现象的产生.优秀的译者应该高度注意原语和目标语的差异,提供和原作在内容和风格上对等的翻译作品.  相似文献   

语境及语域理论对翻译有很大的指导作用,语境包括情景语境和文化语境。译者在语篇翻译时,应将翻译视点从语言形式上转移到语篇的交际意义上,充分考虑语篇的情景语境和文化语境,恰当地表达出原语的语域特征,充分发挥译者的主体意识,力求原语和目的语在形式、意义以及功能上的对等。  相似文献   

翻译是语际间语言符号的转换行为,其本质是在两种语言符号的"所指"间达成对等。这一语际转换行为涉及原语语码意义化和译语意义语码化两个主要环节。本文在讨论翻译的语际转换特征的基础上,根据认知语言学中的心理空间理论和概念合成理论对这两个重要的认知环节展开讨论,以揭示其认知理论基础和内在的运作机理。  相似文献   

翻译中的话语系统原理探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译中的话语是一种体现为语言转换的双重话语系统,由原语和译语话语按辩证对等的关系构成,其中原语和译语话语又由体现为原文和译文文本要素的语言、心理、社会、文学、审美、文化等若干方面的成分在形式、意义、功能等层面及音位、词素、词语、短语、句子、篇章等等级上按辩证互补的关系构成,受包括原语和译语语境在内的翻译环境制约并在环境中执行语言、心理、社会、文学、审美、文化等若干方面的功能,在时间上呈现为以原文理解和译文表达为核心的话语系统分析和生成过程,并在其总体、本体、环境、过程上分别呈现出以译语话语与原语话语之间的辩证对等为中心的辩证关联性、整体性、开放性、动态性等辩证系统特性。  相似文献   

由于语言及其文化之间的差异,隐喻作为一种文化的载体,其翻译还存在较大的研究空间.本文在借鉴前人隐喻研究的基础上,探讨了概念隐喻中的文化因素,并摘取《红楼梦》中几个典型隐喻的翻译为例,重点剖析了概念隐喻翻译的三种策略:直译即保留原语中的喻体;意译即以目标语文化为导向进行喻体转换;文化喻体直译并增加内涵解译.  相似文献   

文章从翻译目的,翻译文本,翻译策略的选择三个方面分析阐述了翻译的根本属性是翻译文化。首先,翻译的目的就是透过一种语言忠实、准确地再现另一种语言所反映的思想和文化,这一根本目的决定了翻译的任务就是实现原语和译入语在文化功能上的等值,完成文化传递。其次,拟翻译文本的选择是受文化影响和制约的,文本翻译本身就是对文化的翻译,文化又借文本得以体现。最后,归化和异化两种翻译策略之争实则为一场文化之争。  相似文献   

本文在实践调研的基础上,基于生态翻译学理论,译者在翻译工作中兼顾翻译生态环境的多种要素,进行多维度地选择性适应。尝试以"多维度适应与适应性选择"为理论指导,具体分析生态翻译学理论对公示语英译的实践指导作用。在翻译实践上注重语言信息的转换、在翻译内涵上注重文化的传递以及译文在语言中的交际作用方面,综合运用"三维"转换翻译法、生态翻译法中"依归于原语生态"翻译方法,最终实现"整合适应选择度"较高的译文,以期对乌兰察布市景区公示语的翻译起到有效的指导作用。  相似文献   

文化差异与翻译相对等值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同民族有着不同的文化,不同文化之间既有联系,又有区别;既有共性,也有各自的个性或特性。共性构成了翻译的可行性与可能性,而个性在构成翻译必要性的同时,也造成了翻译中的障碍。个性形成了两种文化之间的差异,从而形成了翻译中的不完全或无对应现象;翻译等值只能是相对而言。本文拟从英汉两种语言中的文化因素,即原语与目的语之间的文化差异来探讨翻译相对等值问题。  相似文献   

顺应理论对翻译研究的解释力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jef Verschueren的语言顺应论认为,语言使用的过程是语言使用者按照交际环境和交际对象不断地进行语言选择的过程。在顺应论的框架内,翻译是一个对原语的语境和语言结构之间作出动态的顺应过程。只有从语境关系、结构客体等诸方面对源语和目标语做出动态顺应,才能达到语用等值的翻译目标。因此,顺应理论对翻译研究具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

自然景观的审美感受层次分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在旅游审美活动中,自然景观引起审美主体的审美愉悦大体上呈现逐层递进的流动的三个层次,即感官层次、心意层次、精神人格层次,按教育学的分类原则,又可称为“悦耳悦目”、“悦心悦意”和“悦志悦神”。在这三个层次中,精神人格层次(悦志悦神)是一种在崇高的基础上寻求超越与无限的最高审美层次。  相似文献   

基于语料库的词语搭配研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于语料库的词语搭配研究采用语料库证据,结合统计度量方法,对语言学诸多领域的研究起到了推动作用。该文立足于定义、界定标准、研究方法等几个方面,以研究方法为重点,从语义、语法、语用等语言学传统研究领域对现有的研究进行归类,论述基于语料库的词语搭配研究的研究现状,有利于读者对该领域的研究有比较全面的了解。  相似文献   


We hope to initiate a discussion about various methods for introducing Cauchy’s Theorem. Although Cauchy’s Theorem is the fundamental theorem upon which complex analysis is based, there is no “standard approach.” The appropriate choice depends upon the prerequisites for the course and the level of rigor intended. Common methods include Green’s Theorem, Goursat’s Lemma, Leibniz’ Rule, and homotopy theory, each of which has its positives and negatives.  相似文献   

转化医学:用多学科交叉策略推动医学发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近年来临床科研工作在诸多方面发生了根本性变化.科学研究从试验台旁的分子、细胞研究开始再转化到临床的实际应用中.但是,这种从实验台到床旁转移的努力受到来自基础研究和临床研究科学家的两方面的阻力.转化医学就是希望将生物医学研究的关注点放在如何将实验室的研究发现转化导向为有利病人诊断、治疗方法的提高上.实现这一战略的重要手段就是实践多学科交叉的新概念.  相似文献   

A key predictor of young people’s future outcomes is their level of academic achievement whilst at school. In England this is most commonly measured by achievement in GCSEs. However, not all pupils will have taken the same set of GCSE examinations as, for example, they may make different subject choices. For this reason, GCSE performance is often aggregated into a simple measure such as ‘mean GCSE grade’ before being used in statistical models. This paper investigates the merits of using an alternative method, based upon the relatively new technique of Generalised Boosting Models, which does not require for GCSE results in different subjects to be aggregated together. The importance of this research is that by evaluating the predictive performance of such a method we can ascertain how much useful information is lost in the process of GCSE aggregation. The results show that traditional predictions based upon simple aggregated measures of GCSE attainment are fairly similar to those based upon the more complex approach. This provides some confidence that, for the majority of outcomes, only a small amount of predictive information will be lost through the use of aggregated measures of GCSE performance.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, one of the demands upon public institutions, among which we find universities, has been for transparency and improvement of accountability. In this context, Colombian universities are introducing different methods of management and governance aimed at addressing the demands of society generally in relation to transparency and quality in the activities that they carry out. The objective of the present study is to analyze and evaluate factors which affect the level of transparency at Colombian universities based on the rectors’ perception of these universities. The results obtained indicate that the level of transparency depends on the type of governance which is adopted, the level of prestige and the level of delimitation of its identity. Other questions such as size, budget or the public or private nature of the university have not proved to be significant explanatory factors of the degree of transparency.  相似文献   

从认知机制谈高级阶段的快速阅读训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以阅读的认知机制理论为依据,讨论对外汉语教学高级阶段的快速阅读训练,针对学生中普遍存在的问题,提出了一些行之有效的应对措施。  相似文献   

The present experiment determined whether associative strength based upon 15 CS-US pairings at various interstimulus intervals (ISIs) could survive shifts of the ISI to influence the subsequent acquisition of the nictitating membrane (NM) CR. The choice of 15 preshift pairings was based upon previous work, which had shown that this training level produced substantial associative strength without NM CR acquisition. Consequently, this experiment, by shifting the ISI before the beginning of CR acquisition, served as an extension to traditional ISI-shift studies that have imposed the manipulation after CR acquisition. The findings of the experiment indicated that 15 preshift pairings in Stage 1 at ISIs from 250 to 4,000 msec were as effective as 15 pairings at a 500-msec ISI in determining the number of trials to the first NM CR in Stage 2 in which the training ISI was 500 msec. Moreover, 15 pairings in Stage 1 at ISIs from 250 to 2,000 msec were equivalent to 15 pairings at 500 msec in controlling the number of trials to 10 successive NM CRs in Stage 2. These outcomes demonstrate that, within a large ISI range, the associative strength based upon relatively few pairings is preserved despite various shifts of the ISI. Therefore, these results suggest that the reductions in CR performance, which have been consistently observed in traditional studies following ISI shifts, are not due to the loss of associative strength.  相似文献   

Cutoff scores based on absolute standards can be unacceptable in terms of the number of failures they produce. Cutoff scores based on relative standards, that is, cutoff scores set to achieve a fixed percentage of failures, can be unacceptable because an acceptable performance level for passed examinees cannot be guaranteed. In some situations one can improve upon an absolute standard using a compromise model, which draws on the information in the observed score distribution for a test to adjust the standard. Three compromise models are described and compared in this article.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel estimate of human capital stock in France from 1820 to the present based upon a reconstruction of enrollment rates by age and educational level, on the one hand, and of the population age structure. The long‐term series show that changes in the stock are slow and follow transitional periods during which access and duration of schooling increase. The effects of wars is also long‐term.  相似文献   

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