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本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

传统上,受学术自由、大学自治以及联邦主义的影响,美国联邦政府较少干预高等教育事务。20世纪后半叶,在学术界和法律界之间关系发生革命性转变的背景下,基于开支权、税收权、贸易权以及公民权利执行权四种与教育相关的明示或默示的联邦宪法权力形态,联邦政府开始积极介入大学治理。至此,美国大学治理进入合规时代。联邦高等教育规制的强化在促进师生权利保障、增进公共利益的同时,也不可避免地滋生了“合规恐慌”与教师权利危机。近年来,在“螺旋式”合规文化的影响下,美国大学合规的压力来源持续增多。作为受规制最为广泛的机构类型之一,大学经常被拉入不同的、有时相互冲突的、有时不可调和的方向之中。当前,通过联邦高等教育规制的革新、大学合规职能的拓展以及大学法律顾问角色的重新定义等举措重塑联邦政府与大学之间的关系,构成了合规时代美国大学治理变革的最新动向。  相似文献   

Universities everywhere are being forced to carefully reconsider their role in society and to evaluate the relationships with their various constituencies, stakeholders, and communities. In this article, stakeholder analysis is put forward as a tool to assist universities in classifying stakeholders and determining stakeholder salience. Increasingly universities are expected to assume a third mission and to engage in interactions with industrial and regional partners. While incentive schemes and government programmes try to encourage universities to reach out more to external communities, some important barriers to such linkages still remain. To fulfil their obligation towards being a socially accountable institution and to prevent mission overload, universities will have to carefully select their stakeholders and identify the ‘right’ degree of differentiation. For the university, thinking in terms of partnerships with key stakeholders has important implications for its governance and accountability arrangements. For the future of the universities we foresee a change towards networked governance and arrangements to ensure accountability along the lines of corporate social responsibility. In order to further explore some of these concepts and to empirically investigate the tendencies suggested here, this article proposes an ambitious research agenda for tackling the emerging issues of governance, stakeholder management and higher education’s interaction with society.  相似文献   

现代大学提供公共教育、传承公共知识,已经从私人场所转变成为一个公共机构。大学行政部门公共性弱化,科层管理异化为行政力量的过于强势,其本质是大学管理公共性的缺失。大学管理公共性的缺失可以引起大学公共性基于现实问题和公共性的要求,我国现代大学治理的核心是要提升大学管理公共性。具体而言,就是要在公共利益、民主管理、多方参与的治理理念指导下,从政府管理和大学内部治理两个层面提供更好的高等教育基本公共服务。政府提供高等教育基本公共服务的模式包括培育专业教育中介机构、完善国家教育基本标准、发挥数据和信息服务作用、进行教育问责等;大学提供更好的基本公共服务则要从校长职业顶层设计起步,加强"校长"岗位的制度设计,包括明确任职要求、公开遴选程序、规范职责、制定任期和薪酬体系、形成制衡机制、设立校长卸任机制等。  相似文献   

Min Hong 《Higher Education》2018,76(4):717-733
There are several common trends and challenges in the higher education (HE) system around the world, like expansion and diversification of HE, fiscal pressure and orientation to markets, demand for greater accountability and great quality and efficiency (e.g. The financing and management of higher education: a status report on worldwide reforms, 1998; Internationalisation of higher education and global mobility 43-58, 2014; Global policy and policy-making in education, 2014; Higher Education Policy 21:5-27, 2008). These trends and changes have reshaped university governance as well. Public universities are the main institutions to carry out HE in Australia and China. The engagement between Australia and China in HE sector has become closer and closer in recent years. To conduct better and further cooperation and collaboration between Australian and Chinese universities, it is critical to understand and acknowledge the differences in two nations’ university governance. Moreover, by conducting this comparative study of two nations, it also helps us to figure out the changes in university governance over times under the global trends and the interactions between global and local factors. This comparative study focuses on the university level and attempts to identify the differences of university governance in Australian and Chinese public universities in three dimensions, state-university relation, university internal governance and university finance. This paper sketches the university governance in Australia and China and finds that the relationship between government and university is looser in Australia than that in China and Australian universities enjoy more autonomy and power than Chinese universities; as to university internal governance, Australian universities use a more business-oriented management mechanism; funding associated with full-fee paying international students has become very important for Australian HE while Chinese government funding has been decreasing as well but funds from international students play a minimal financial role.  相似文献   

University autonomy and public policies: A system theory perspective   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article addresses problems facing universities because of external pressures for changes in their teaching, research, and governance and management policies and practices to align them with public policies. The view is put that governments are introducing public policies in times of economic recession to achieve rationalisation of human, physical and financial resources in higher education and to foster initiatives that shape university teaching and research to serve the needs of society and assist in national economic recovery. Examples of these external pressures, which have resulted in intrusions into the autonomy of university governance and management, are provided in the context of general system theory. It is assumed that the pressure of public policies on universities will continue and that each university should have a development plan for its present and future teaching and research activities, which has the endorsement of the government higher education advisory agency so that university management can function on a secure basis. The effectiveness and efficiency of functioning at the various levels of the university system should be assessed by periodic evaluative reviews. The quality of management by academic leaders should be fostered by the establishment of national centres for the study of higher education management and policy. The relationship between government higher education advisory agencies and universities should be renegotiated so that, as interdependent and interrelated parts of the higher education system, they work in joint co-operation to ensure the most effective and appropriate development of each institution. Nevertheless, a state of equilibrium between the university system and the supra (social) system within which it exists will never fully be achieved. The fundamental role and functions of a university require that it be concerned with teaching and researching both ageless and current phenomena. Hence, a perfect equilibrium state cannot exist if external social pressures are for the main weight of university activities to be shifted to providing service for the current needs of society.  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命与全球变局交织,推动人类社会进入数字智能时代,导致大学教育越来越被整合在全球科技产业竞争的浪潮中,大学通识教育理念遭受数字智能时代的技术主义与全球主义的巨大冲击和挑战。全球化强化了世界公民的普适价值并削弱了多元文明的基础,而数字智能社会强化了优绩主义的治理逻辑,强化了大学教育的技术化倾向,二者共同对大学通识教育构成了冲击。本文认为,通识教育所张扬的人本主义和人文主义是应对数字智能时代技术主义与全球主义下可能到来的文明危机的最宝贵资源,数字智能时代的大学通识教育应当超越古典文明和工业社会早期的教育范式,充分利用数字智能技术,推动建构科技和知识传播的全球化与文化传承和公民教育的本土化相结合的二元结构,引导学生理解人类在数字智能时代所扮演的角色与承担的使命责任,从培养对共同体的公共责任着手,培养学生对人类未来命运的责任担当。  相似文献   

This paper scrutinises organisational change in Japanese and UK universities which are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The study focuses on recent changes in governance, management, leadership, and funding in these universities. The paper argues there are convergent trends between Japanese and UK universities in terms of increasing entrepreneurial activities, a review of institutional strategies, a review of the organisation, the application of market-oriented institutional policy, links with the industrial sector, the notion of a public financial crisis and changing external environment, strong leadership of the university President or Vice-Chancellor, and the notion of the accountability of the university to society as a whole. However, the application of particular institutional strategies, entrepreneurial culture, and the way in which an institution relates itself to the private sector significantly differs among institutions. The paper suggests that those differences are related to different institutional history and characteristics – including those between national and private universities in Japan, and old and new universities in the UK – as well as different government policies between Japan and the UK. The paper first proposes a theoretical model for the five types of entrepreneurial culture of the institutions. It then examines the model by using case studies: Nottingham Trent University (UK), University of Surrey (UK), University of Tokyo (Japan), and Waseda University (Japan).  相似文献   

从英国城市学院发展看大学的内在逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在英国近代历史上出现了一场城市学院运动,作为一种重视技术教育的新型学校,这无疑给一向注重人文教育的英国高等教育带来了一股新鲜空气,同时也对英国传统大学提出了挑战。但是在城市学院发展过程中出现了向以牛津、剑桥为代表的传统大学靠拢的现象,城市学院逐渐走上传统大学之路。是什么力量驱使它们这样发展呢?这是大学自身内在逻辑的结果,大学内在逻辑实际上就是大学为知识而知识,为学术而学术的办学理念,这也是大学在社会上存在的理由。  相似文献   

Major issues of university education policy in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University education is believed to be one of the most controversial public policies in Hong Kong. Numerous changes have also occurred in the university education sector since the 1990s when the rapid expansion of university places was put into force. The most notable changes may include the institutionalization of quality assurance mechanisms, the reform of university governance and staff remuneration systems, the adoption of role differentiation among the universities, the potential emergence of private universities and community colleges, and the trend of internationalizing university education. This article identifies major issues of university education policy and examines those factors that are affecting the development of university education, in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

New challenges for higher education: global and Asia-Pacific perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With rapid socio-economic changes, twenty-first century higher education is facing major challenges to its governance systems, curriculum, mission focus, external relations, research, and financing. A theoretical framework to analyze these post-massification challenges is suggested, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region as well as global issues. Five main topic areas provide the basis for the theoretical framework: massification, privatization, accountability and governance, internationalization, and ranking and world-class universities. Some discussion of the possible effects of the financial crisis that commenced in 2008 is provided.  相似文献   

H. J. Mosha 《Higher Education》1986,15(1-2):113-134
The role of the university in national development is the subject of much discussion in Africa today. Attention and interest in the role of the university in national development has increased because of continuing concern that universities address problems caused by the technological changes that have affected the political and social-economic order in African society. Failure to cope effectively with such changes has led to a general disenchantment among students, parents, legislators, the client system and the general populace about the quality and relevance of university education today (Group for Human Development in Higher Education, 1984; Gaff et al., 1978; and Stordahl, 1981). Hence all three groups have demanded greater accountability: efficiency in the economic sense in the way universities deliver their programmes, as well as effectiveness in the educational sense (Miller, 1974).History shows that most African nations strove to establish at least one national university immediately after independence. The major purpose for establishing universities in these countries was, and still is, for the institutions to play a pioneering role in addressing problems of poverty, social disorganization, low production, unemployment, hunger, illiteracy, diseases, that is, the problems of underdevelopment, which appeared to be common on the African continent. Insurmountable political, social, economic, legal, ethnic, demographic and technological problems have continued to threaten the very existence of most new African nations and their people. Yet, governments have continued to invest heavily in the education of a selected few, whose direct contribution in solving these problems has not been objectively established.The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to synthesize the body of literature on the subject; to inject some critical analysis of positions taken by previous writers and pave the way for a more informed conceptualization of what the role of African Universities on national development ought to be, and must be, in the light of existing literature and personal reflection on the subject.The paper is divided into four sections. Section one defines a university and development. Section two presents and discusses problems that African universities face in a transitional era. Section three delineates the role areas of universities in national development. Section four provides analysis and discussion of contemporary problems that hinder universities from realizing their roles and contains suggestions on how to overcome them. A brief conclusion is then provided. A detailed development of each of the five components is provided in the ensuing sections of the paper.  相似文献   

Singapore and Hong Kong are vying to be the principal educational hub for the Asia-Pacific region and have begun to compete with Australia, Britain, Canada and the USA in providing cross-border education. Although these four Anglo-American countries still dominate cross-border education, Singapore and Hong Kong hope to make inroads into this export market and compete on the global stage. To create “world-class” universities, Singapore and Hong Kong have introduced quality assurance mechanisms, diversified funding sources, and restructured their university governance systems. This article compares the accountability measures introduced into Hong Kong and Singapore universities, and the responses of academics and administrators to these measures. The results indicate that both countries introduced greater autonomy as they augmented accountability for their universities, and the term “decentralised centralism” describes the kind of government control exerted in these Asian universities in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

每年数以万计的学子通过拼搏升入高等学校继续深造。步入大学,是人生的重大转折,大学生活是其社会化的重要过程。大学期间专业知识学习情况怎样,综合素质如何,直接关系到学生个人的发展以及国家的前途和命运。因此,引导大学生调整自我,规范行为,掌握良好的学习和生活方式,学会做人,学会学习,学会生活,利用各种途径全面构筑自身的综合素质,无疑是十分迫切和重要的。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, one of the demands upon public institutions, among which we find universities, has been for transparency and improvement of accountability. In this context, Colombian universities are introducing different methods of management and governance aimed at addressing the demands of society generally in relation to transparency and quality in the activities that they carry out. The objective of the present study is to analyze and evaluate factors which affect the level of transparency at Colombian universities based on the rectors’ perception of these universities. The results obtained indicate that the level of transparency depends on the type of governance which is adopted, the level of prestige and the level of delimitation of its identity. Other questions such as size, budget or the public or private nature of the university have not proved to be significant explanatory factors of the degree of transparency.  相似文献   

University governance in Turkey has undergone drastic changes throughout its history. At times, all policy‐making and planning were left to the universities, with no accountability to any outside body, even though these were state‐funded institutions. In 1981, a Council of Higher Education was established to serve as a planning and coordinating body. It also sets minimum requirements for curricula, which otherwise are designed by the individual university. Turkey has thus been able to achieve academic autonomy combined with the accountability of the universities to the community.  相似文献   

绩效责任是美国高校为了提高管理效率和教学质量而提出来的。绩效责任是高校利益相关者之间的一种整体问责。绩效责任加深了学术自由和学术自治之间的张力,迫使大学努力寻找责任与自由之间的平衡。绩效责任指标体系难以评定,评价日益复杂,明确定位大学发展目标有利于绩效责任的实现。同时,绩效责任也改变了大学的管理模式,通过大学文化的塑造,整合协调大学内部各种人员的利益关系,从而达到共同治理的目的。  相似文献   

The prospect of the mass education society has brought with it new problems and has placed heavy demands on university organization. As the role of higher education in society has expanded, demands have repeatedly been made for smoother interaction between universities and the community at large. The traditional university structure has come to be seen as a potential obstacle to necessary changes in education and research. These are the concerns of a study being carried out at the Department of Business Administration of the University of Göteborg the conception of which is described below.  相似文献   

知识是组织高等教育活动的基本材料和学术生活的基础。传统上作为公共产品的知识正在发生转向,其商品属性和交换价值趋于增强,成为兼具公共产品与私人产品性质的一种混合型产品。在高等教育领域,知识商品化具有多种表征形式,侵蚀了高等教育的公共性。本文结合哈贝马斯和布迪厄的理论框架,阐述了以下观点:知识的公共产品性质是高等教育的公益性、高校的公共形象和学术人的公共身份的基础,也是基础研究的核心价值观之一。坚持知识的公共产品性质,抵制知识商品化的消极影响,既是知识的内在要求也是高等教育的内在要求。  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,大学、“象牙塔”和社会之间的关系愈加复杂。作为哈佛校长和享誉世界的高等教育专家德里克·博克对现代大学有着极其深刻的认识。博克眼中的现代大学是巨型和多元的;大学既要保持象牙塔内的学风,也要满足社会需求;但最重要的是要寻找到最合理的方式服务社会,同时养育大学自身。新时代的社会责任内容在变化,结合最新世界高等教育大会公报中的观点来看,博克的思想仍显示着勃勃生机,具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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