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目的:探究考试焦虑不同程度个体的选择性注意抑制功能。方法:通过考试焦虑问卷,筛选出高、低考试焦虑大学生,以其为被试,采用改进的情绪负启动范式,控制刺激材料的相关度和效价,以语义判断的情绪负启动任务,考察高考试焦虑者的注意抑制能力。结果:高考试焦虑组在考试相关高、低威胁刺激和考试无关高威胁刺激条件下,负启动条件下的反应时间显著短于控制条件下,负启动量显著小于低考试焦虑组,且负启动量值为负;在考试无关低威胁刺激时,负启动条件下的反应时间显著长于控制条件下,负启动量为正,且与低考试焦组无差异。结论:高考试焦虑者对考试相关的特定刺激和一般性高威胁刺激均存在注意抑制困难。  相似文献   

使用《认知考试焦虑量表》从400名大学一年级学生中筛选出不同考试焦虑水平的学生85名,让他们完成"寻找对10任务",进行注意稳定性实验。实验一考察特质考试焦虑对学生注意稳定性的影响,实验二考察状态考试焦虑对学生注意稳定性的影响。结果显示:(1)中度考试焦虑者反应的正确率最高,注意稳定性高;(2)高考试焦虑者在中度唤醒水平下注意稳定性最佳,低唤醒者反应时最短,正确率也最低。结果表明,考试焦虑与注意稳定性的关系符合耶克斯-道德森定律,保持中度考试焦虑,有利于集中注意于任务上。  相似文献   

采用学习-再认的实验范式及Rugg等实验中的新/旧再认实验任务,考察海洛因成瘾者和正常被试对吸毒相关图片(毒品实物、吸毒场景、吸毒工具)的认知偏向。结果发现:(1)判断任务中,实验组对毒品实物、吸毒场景和吸毒工具图片的判断正确率显著高于中性图片,实验组对毒品实物图片和吸毒场景图片的反应时均显著长于对照组,且实验组对毒品实物图片、吸毒场景图片和吸毒工具图片判断的反应时都显著长于中性图片;(2)再认任务中,实验组对所有新/旧的毒品实物图片、吸毒场景图片和吸毒工具图片的再认正确率都显著高于中性图片,实验组对新/旧的毒品实物图片和旧的吸毒场景图片正确再认的反应时均显著长于对照组,且实验组对新/旧的毒品实物图片、吸毒场景图片和吸毒工具图片正确再认的反应时都显著长于中性图片,表明海洛因成瘾者对吸毒相关线索存在认知偏向。在戒毒工作中可以结合替代类药品的使用,对毒品成瘾者进行神经生理与心理相结合的干预,调节其注意功能和认知加工机制,可能有助于降低复吸率。  相似文献   

回溯线索范式在视觉工作记忆相关研究中被广泛用于提高工作记忆效能,前人研究已经证实了时间序列线索在工作记忆提取过程中的促进效应。然而,记忆负荷与时间序列线索的交互作用依然有待探索。当前研究采用工作记忆的变化检测任务结合回溯线索范式,考察记忆项目负荷变化对时间序列线索效应的影响。实验设计连续呈现两个记忆阵列,并使用序列线索提取指定的记忆阵列来考察线索对记忆表征的提取效应。结果表明:在高负荷与低负荷条件下都可以观测到序列线索效应,并且序列线索效应会随记忆负荷变化,记忆负荷的上升会减弱线索效应。该研究评估了不同负荷条件下序列线索对视觉工作记忆表征的加强,加深了对时间序列线索作用机制的理解,并拓展了时间序列线索在视觉工作记忆中的应用范围。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,学生获得有效知识量的多少与课堂学习效率问题有关.我国的高中生对于内在认知负荷低的学习材料的学习,原有知识水平低且工作记忆广度小的被试和原有知识水平高且工作记忆广度大的被试的得分没有显著性差异:对于内在认知负荷高的学习材料的学习,两组被试的得分存在非常显著的差异;教学方法和组别在低负荷材料学习上的得分的交互作用处于边缘水平,而在高负荷材料学习上的得分的交互作用非常显著.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了不同年级数学学习障碍儿童和普通儿童刷新能力的差异.研究选取障碍组与对照组被试共87名,采用活动记忆范式,分别对比了普通组与障碍组以及各年级组之间刷新功能的差异.结果发现:普通儿童在刷新任务中的正确率显著高于数学学习障碍儿童,反应时不存在显著差异;两组被试三次刷新任务的正确率低于一次和两次刷新任务的正确率,反应时不存在显著差异;三个年级的所有儿童的刷新正确率随年级升高呈递增趋势,反应时不存在显著差异.本研究认为,数学学习障碍儿童刷新能力发展迟缓是数学学习障碍产生的原因之一.  相似文献   

本研究实验一采用情绪自评量表,对从互联网上的图片情绪库进行筛选,选出适用于中国大学生的情绪图片作为诱发情绪的刺激材料.通过自评量表考察情绪图片诱发的男女差异.实验二采用n-back实验范式,使用情绪图片来诱发被试的不同情绪,通过考察不同情绪下,男女被试对于不同工作记忆任务的反应时和正确率来分析不同情绪对工作记忆的影响以及性别差异.  相似文献   

心智游移(mind-wandering,简称MW)是指个体将部分或全部注意转向了内部体验和感受,是一种注意分散状态。通过n-back任务以及go/no-go任务,考察工作记忆广度、工作记忆负载和目标出现概率等因素对MW的影响,借助Broadbent等人编制的认知失败问卷进行实验室情境下MW发生率与实际生活中的分心现象的相关性研究,结果发现:在高负载水平下,被试的MW报告率显著低于低负载水平,高广度组被试比低广度组被试报告更少的MW;目标呈现概率与工作记忆负载存在交互作用,二者共同影响MW报告率;在高负载水平下,目标呈现概率无论大小,MW报告率都较小,而在低负载水平下,目标呈现概率高时MW报告率更小;MW报告率与反应抑制正确率存在负相关,说明MW的发生对于任务反应存在消极影响;MW报告率与个体在CFQ问卷上的得分存在正相关。我们认为心智游移受工作记忆资源的影响,并且实验室情况下的MW与日常生活中的MW具有一定程度的相关。  相似文献   

本研究通过选取30名大学生对动、静态呈现的面孔表情图片进行性别判断,研究动、静态呈现的面孔表情对面孔性别加工的影响。研究发现:反应时结果出现了图片性别和图片情绪的交互作用。男性面孔在不同情绪下的反应时长短依次为:积极>中性>消极;女性面孔在不同情绪下的反应时长短依次为:积极>消极>中性。正确率结果中也出现了图片性别和图片情绪的交互作用。判断消极情绪时的男性面孔正确率比中性和积极情绪时的正确率高;判断中性情绪时的女性面孔正确率比积极和消极情绪时的正确率高。该结果说明:面孔表情信息影响性别信息的加工,且因男女性别信息而效果不同。  相似文献   

本研究考察了点探测注意训练对考试焦虑的干预效果。首先使用考试焦虑量表(TAS)在小学、中学和大学分别筛选60、38、60名被试,依据TAS得分将其分别划为高考试焦虑实验组、高考试焦虑控制组和低考试焦虑控制组;在三周内采用点探测注意训练对三组被试进行13次、总时长65min的干预。高考试焦虑实验组和低考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片位置的概率为98%,而高考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片和考试相关图片位置的概率均为50%。干预结束后比较三组被试各自干预前后TAS得分差异。结果发现,小学、中学和大学实验组被试TAS得分前后测差值均显著大于控制组。研究表明,点探测注意训练能有效降低小学、中学和大学高考试焦虑个体的考试焦虑水平,干预效果良好。  相似文献   

The effect of test anxiety on learning superficial and deep level tasks was examined. Ninety college students classified as either high or low test-anxious learned a paired-associate word list using either a superficial level or a deep level processing strategy. The results indicated that on the superficial level processing task, the performance of the low test-anxious students was not significantly different from that of the high test-anxious students, while on the deep level processing task the performance of the low test-anxious students was significantly better than the performance of the high test-anxious students. The results are discussed in the context of a cognitive-attentional theory of test anxiety and the mechanisms by which test anxiety may disrupt performance.  相似文献   

The term ‘modality effect’ in multimedia learning means that students learn better from pictures combined with spoken rather than written text. The most prominent explanations refer to the split attention between visual text reading and picture observation which could affect transfer of information into working memory, maintenance of information in working memory or the effective size of working memory. The assumption of a continuous need for split attention is questionable, however. Learners can keep pictorial information in working memory, when they have seen the picture before, especially if they have higher prior knowledge. Instead of suffering from a permanent split attention, learners frequently show tendencies to simply ignore pictures. This suggests guiding learners towards picture analysis by picture-related text paragraphs. We assume that these paragraphs are associated with stronger modality effects than content-related paragraphs, especially if the pictures are new to learners. These assumptions were tested in an experiment with 120 students learning about volcanism from illustrated text consisting of segments each including a content-related paragraph followed by a picture-related paragraph describing the accompanying visualization. Content-related and picture-related paragraphs were presented as visual or auditory texts leading to 2x2 conditions of text presentation. Picture novelty was manipulated by presenting a picture throughout the whole segment or only when the picture-related paragraph was read. As expected, picture-related paragraphs were associated with stronger modality effects than content-related paragraphs if picture novelty is high. The distinction between different kinds of paragraphs seems to be important for the prediction of modality effects.  相似文献   

The authors’ aim was to examine the relations among mental multiplication, working memory load (WML), and automaticity by alternating the difficulty level of task characteristics. In Experiment 1, involving 30 fifth-grade students with mixed abilities, a 2 (WML) × 2 (automaticity) design was utilized. In Experiment 2, involving 21 high-achieving mathematics learners and 21 low-achieving mathematics learners in Grade 4, a 2 (WML) × 2 (automaticity) × 2 (achievement) design was utilized. Regardless of level of automaticity, individuals under low-WML conditions performed more accurately and faster. Regardless of level of WML, individuals under high automaticity conditions performed more accurately and faster. Group difference was significant. The simple effect of WML was bigger under the conditions with low automaticity, in comparison to the conditions with high automaticity. Alternating difficulty level simultaneously in 2 dimensions of testing conditions posed an amplified impact on the low-achieving group.  相似文献   

We investigated processes underlying performance decrements of highly test-anxious persons. Three experiments contrasted conditions that differed in the degree of activation of concepts related to failure. Participants memorized a list of words either containing words related to failure or containing no words related to failure in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, all participants initially memorized words related to failure, but one experimental condition subsequently required the intentional forgetting of these words, thereby, decreasing the words’ activation in memory. The performance of highly test-anxious participants in unannounced cognitive ability tests following the memorizing phase profited from the activation of failure-related concepts. Experiment 3 replicated this finding by contrasting a condition priming failure–related concepts with a neutral control condition. The results point to a mechanism of suppressing worrying thoughts that is detrimental to test performances of highly test-anxious persons. Bringing the feared threat of failure to their awareness prevents that suppression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess aspects of college students' organization of concepts related to emotions and their regulation during test taking. The authors also evaluated whether students who report having problems with test anxiety hold a different conceptual organization about test taking compared with students who do not report having such problems. Concepts relevant to emotions and their regulation during test taking were sampled from the emotion and emotional regulation literature. Participants rated how similar these concepts were during test taking. These ratings were then submitted to multidimensional scaling analyses (MDS). The resulting arrangement of concepts provides insight into the underlying organizational conceptions held by low, moderate, and high test-anxious participants. Students' organizational schemes surrounded 2 dimensions: (a) task-focus and (b) pleasantness. High test-anxious participants had differing conceptual organizations about test taking than moderate and low test-anxious participants with regard to pleasantness. In addition, the high test-anxious participants saw task-focused processes such as reading directions during test taking as more highly related to unpleasant emotions like anxiety than moderate and low test-anxious participants.  相似文献   

The motor control of 49 unmedicated boys clinically diagnosed with ADHD, case‐matched with 49 non‐ADHD boys, was assessed while playing Crash Bandicoot I, a SonyTM Playstation platform computer video game. In Crash Bandicoot participants control the movements of a small‐animated figure through a hazardous jungle environment. Operationally defined measures of motor control were designated by (1) the stage of the game completed (ie, the number of obstacles successfully passed) before losing the figure's ‘life’, (2) the level of complexity that the stage represented and (3) the time taken to get to that point during the video game play. These measures were assessed under contrasting conditions of low or high working memory and distracter loads. Four tasks were administered (totalling 12 trials), incorporating both with and without distracter conditions. For those trials with the distracter, a segment of the television show The Simpsons was simultaneously played on a television screen adjacent to the computer game monitor. A 5‐way MANOVA revealed that ADHD boys took less time to complete their trials under the direct condition (ie, no working memory load) on Crash Bandicoot, compared to their matched non‐ADHD peers. When the task required additional working memory, however, the ADHD boys took significantly longer. Cumulative frequency plots of game performance revealed that in terms of the number of obstacles completed, the control participants successfully navigated more obstacles on the low working memory load task than the ADHD participants, but that the performance of the two groups was less distinguishable on the high working memory load task. The findings have implications for assessment and management of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

时空信息和工作记忆广度对情境模型更新的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:时空信息和工作记忆广度对语篇理解中情境模型更新的影响。方法:采用2×2×3混合实验设计,以探测词的反应时为指标,以故事短文为实验材料,采用词汇再认的方法进行实验。结果:时间表征的主效应显著,F(2,86)=17.298,P<0.001;角色行为和探测物体之间的一致性的主效应显著,F(1,43)=8.614,P<0.01;工作记忆广度的主效应接近显著,F(1,43)=4.045,P=0.051。结论:时间信息以隐含的形式给出时,时空信息影响情境模型的更新,空间的转换对情境模型的更新起主要作用。工作记忆广度影响情境模型空间维度的加工,高工作记忆广度读者比低工作记忆广度读者更容易产生情境模型的更新。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence supporting the importance of executive functions, and specifically working memory updating (WMU), for children’s academic achievement. This study aimed to assess the specific contribution of updating to the prediction of academic performance. Two updating tasks, which included different updating components, were administered to 97 fourth-grade children. The keeping track task involves retrieval and substitution of information, while the numerical updating task also includes a transformation component. Academic attainment was assessed through standardised tests of verbal comprehension, arithmetic operations, mathematical problems and an assessment made by the teacher. The relative contribution to academic attainment, of the updating measures and measures related to intelligence, was compared. Results showed that both updating tasks are predictive measures of academic attainment, although the numerical updating task appeared to be a more consistent predictor of children’s performance. The relationship between updating and academic attainment is discussed, and possible educational implications are considered. The role of the transformation component of WMU is highlighted. This component could make a distinct and independent contribution to performance and, by extension, could be particularly relevant to the prediction of academic achievement.  相似文献   

陈春燕 《天津教育》2021,(6):81-82,85
高中是学生学习生涯中重要的阶段,读图是高中学生必备的地理学习能力之一,引导学生读图、认图、画图,可以在有限的课堂教学中尽可能地强化学生对地理知识的理解力和记忆力。本文从核心素养的角度出发,结合高中地理学科对学生提出的学科素养要求,着重探讨了高中学生地理读图能力的培养策略,希望能够对广大地理教育工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

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