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民办高职院校升本后,面临提高人才培养质量的问题.而民办高职院校的实验室存在实验技术队伍结构不合理、实验资源配置单调、管理不完善等问题.因此,民办高职院校只有在实验技术队伍的管理、实验室建设和运行经费管理、实验室的开放和共享管理等方面作出努力,才能更好地培养应用型人才  相似文献   

民办高职院校升本后,仍然面临人才培养的问题。多维思考学校未来发展,凝心聚力地致力于内涵建设,坚持特色办学、创新办学、开放式办学理念,加大人才培养和引进力度是厦门南洋职业学院升本后应当亟待重视的工作命题。  相似文献   

民办本科院校竞争力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
民办高校"升本"之后进入了一个崭新的竞争平台,竞争对手的增加、竞争实力的上升,都迫使民办本科院校需要重新评估所处的竞争环境。本文借鉴波特的竞争模型,通过分析民办本科院校与竞争者之间的竞争态势,促进民办本科院校形成竞争优势。  相似文献   

我国民办院校自20世纪80年代成立以来,经历了从事非学历教育、专科学历教育、本科学历教育以及研究生教育的发展历程。在其发展过程中,民办院校常常在获得本科学历教育资格后丢掉了获得本科教育资格的立身之"本",从而影响了其后续的发展。也就是说,升"本"忘"本",往往成为影响我国民办院校发展的魔咒。除了外在制度因素外,我国民办高校只有明确定位,发挥优势;依托地方,稳步发展;质量为本,限制数量,才有望走出这一魔咒,取得真正的发展。  相似文献   

梁玉洁  丁新国 《文教资料》2008,(29):219-221
民办高职院校由于生源等多方面的原因,学生在学习行为上存在动力不足、态度随意、行为涣散等问题,严重影响了教育质量的提高.本研究试图根据认知心理学的理论,结合民办高等职业院校学生的特点,通过体验活动改进学生的学习行为习惯,探索一套适应民办高职院校学生的学习行为改进方法与途径.  相似文献   

本文整理出对陕西民办高等教育具有重大影响的十件大事,这十件大事是培华女大成立、南巡讲话鼓舞、协作会议影响、高教学历试点、设立高职院校、七校连续升本、独立学院成立、开展教学评估、加快地方立法、公共财政资助等。  相似文献   

通过对全国349所新建本科院校的网络调研可以发现,新建本科院校普遍比较重视战略规划,其战略规划机构的总体设置率较高。从区域分布看,西部新建本科院校设置率最高;从院校类型看,综合类院校设置率最高;从院校性质看,民办新建本科院校设置率明显低于公办新建本科院校;从升本时间看,战略规划机构设置与否与升本时间关系不大。需要进一步加强新建本科院校的战略规划工作,充分发挥校长(书记)在新建本科院校战略管理中的关键作用。  相似文献   

羿羽  小雪 《教育与职业》2007,(22):77-79
20世纪90年代以来,江西省民办高校在办学空间和学生人数等各方面都有了大幅增长,各类设施逐步完善.而伴随着南昌理工学院升本成功,江西省民办本科院校更是实现了零的突破,并揭开了江西省民办教育的新篇章.  相似文献   

根据应用型民办高校的性质,创新专业设置、加强专业设置的创新是应用型民办本科院校实现内涵升本、提升外部竞争力的重要途径。民办应用型本科院校要坚持应用性和特色化发展原则,做好顶层设计,以学校的发展为定位,科学规划,做好调研,建立产教融合和协同创新机制,对接区域产业链创新专业,发挥专业集群优势,打造学科专业群特色。  相似文献   

我国民办高职院校发展的问题与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对民办高职院校发展现状的分析,充分认识到我国民办高职院校的作用及其发展特点:针对民办高职院校存在的问题,提出要提高社会对民办高职教育的认识、增加资金投入、完善法规体制、加强师资队伍建设、充分发挥行业组织的作用等问题的思考。  相似文献   

从促进民办高校科学发展的角度看,加强学生思想政治工作,有利于坚持社会主义办学方向、更新办学理念、提升学校核心竞争力、促进办学特色形成、促进学生全面发展和提高竞争能力。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of private education on the academic achievement of low-income students in Chile. To deal with selection bias, we use propensity score matching to compare the test scores of reduced-fee paying, low-income students in fee-charging private voucher schools to those of similar students in public schools and free private voucher schools. Our results reveal that students in fee-charging private voucher schools score slightly higher than students in public schools. The difference in standardized test scores is approximately 10 points, a test score gain of 0.2 standard deviations. We find no difference in the academic achievement of students in the fee-charging private voucher treatment group relative to their counterparts in free private voucher schools.  相似文献   

民办学校财产归属是影响民办学校发展的关键,许多专家学者对民办学校财产归属有论述。《民办教育促进法》维护民办学校财产归属的困难是难以维护民办学校的法律权利、难以界定民办学校的合理回报、难以明晰民办学校的产权关系、难以促进独立学院的发展。为了促进民办学校的发展我们应该有选择性地做下列工作:对于义务教育阶段的学校,全部采用"学票制"(Voucher mechanism),学生可以自主选择经政府认可的任何学校,包括民办学校和公办学校;对于非义务教育阶段的教育,要严格区分民办与公办;逐步对民办学校的财产实行股份制改造,以利于清查办学财产,保证国有资产的保值和增值;推行民办学校的所有权与经营权相分离的治理机制,克服资本的寻利性和教育的公益性之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to evaluate the access to Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools by examining their geographic distribution and the factors that predict whether a child enrolls in a public, PPP, or private school in Punjab, Pakistan using multiple micro data sets. The analysis shows that PPP schools are located in districts where high shares of children are out-of-school, unlike public and private schools. The results indicate that while private school students are the most likely to belong to more affluent households and receive private tuition, there is no evidence that students enrolled in PPP schools come from more advantaged households than public school students. Girls are more likely to be enrolled in PPP schools than in public schools, while students enrolled in the New School Program seem to be the most disadvantaged amongst all PPP students.  相似文献   

中国民间办学历史悠久,发展曲折。私学在古代,或是处于办学的非主流地位,或是逐渐被官办学校体系所兼并.始终没有形成独立的体系。晚清时期开始的革新活动,促使新式教育体系形成,民办学校也开始走上发展之路。但旧中国的人祸天灾,阻碍了民办学校前进的脚步。建国以后,很长一段时间没有民办教育的立足之地。改革开放以来,民办教育呈现蓬勃发展的势头.成为教育大军中不可或缺的新兴力量。  相似文献   

营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇的廓清不仅关乎差异化财税扶持政策的落实,还攸关民办学校分类管理的实效。然而,充满歧义的民办教育立法、杂乱无章的税法以及它们在分类优惠上的理念分歧使得营利性民办学校的税收优惠待遇处于悬而未决的状态。衡诸受教育权保障关联性、税种属性以及教育公共服务供需状况等因素对营利性民办学校享受税收优惠待遇的影响,营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇的边界有望廓清。为此,须秉持法际整合的立场,在综合权衡教育公益性与资本逐利性的关系以及融贯税法与教育法的价值理念的基础上,从增强民办教育立法税收优惠条款的指向性、完善税法中涉及学校的优惠条款表达以及部门联合出台营利性民办学校专项税收优惠政策等不同层面破解营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇难题。  相似文献   

A large number of developing nations are in the process of decentralizing basic education, with the aim of diversifying revenue sources and introducing greater accountability and efficiency. This is especially true in Latin America, where Chile introduced the first significant reform in 1981. This reform kept most of the responsibility for educational finance with the Ministry of Education but transferred the responsibility for delivering services to municipalities and non-profit, private schools. In response to this reform, municipalities increased their finance of public schools, and the supply of subsidized private education increased dramatically. By 1990, enrollment in subsidized private schools represented about one-third of total primary-secondary school enrollments. This paper examines the effects of the reform. Municipal finance, which is closely tied to municipal fiscal capacity, has created inequities in school expenditures even though it represents only 10% of total revenues. Variations in the private school market share across municipalities are principally explained by the ease of market entry, family socioeconomic status, and the relative performance of public and private schools; this model does not offer a satisfactory explanation of the growth in private school enrollments in Chile over time. The effect of the reform on cost-effectiveness is ambiguous. Ministry of Education non-teacher employment declined by over half, while cognitive tests also declined. There is some evidence that the growth in private school enrollments may have improved overall efficiency since private schools are found to be slightly more cost-effective than public schools.  相似文献   

The post-communist Czech Republic provides a laboratory in which to investigate possible responses to the adoption of universal education vouchers. Private schools appear to have arisen in response to distinct market incentives. They are more common in fields where public school inertia has resulted in an under-supply of available slots. They are also more common where the public schools appear to be doing a worse job in their primary educational mission, as demonstrated by the success rate of academic secondary schools in obtaining university admission for their graduates. Public schools facing private competition improve their performance. They spend a larger fraction of their resources on classroom instruction and significantly reduce class sizes. Furthermore, Czech public academic secondary schools facing significant private competition by 1996 substantially improved their relative success in obtaining university admissions for their graduates between 1996 and 1998. The rise of private schools, however, also spurred maneuvering by the administrations of public schools to preserve these schools’ entrenched position, pointing out how important it is that any voucher system be simple and leave as little opportunity as possible for discretionary actions on the part of implementing officials.  相似文献   

A census and survey of schools in selected poor areas of Lagos State explored the nature and extent of private education, and compared inputs to public and private schooling. Of all schools (71%) were found to be private, with more unregistered private than government and registered private schools. It was estimated that 33% of school children were enrolled in private unregistered schools, and 75% in private schools in general. Teaching activity was found to be considerably higher in private than government schools, and teacher absenteeism was lowest in private schools. Most school inputs showed either comparable levels of provision in government and private schools, or superiority in private schools.  相似文献   

Private individuals opening schools and private schools have currently become a hot topic in educational circles and have aroused the public's interest. What is the public's view on the development of private schools, and what is their financial ability in regard to such schools? Clarification of this issue is of major realistic significance to educational workers in accurately resolving the theoretical and practical problems in the development of private schools, and to government agencies in forming relevant policies and doing ideological work among the public. We conducted a survey of some parents of school students in three types of regions in Tianjin: the city area, the nearby suburbs, and outlying rural areas, in order to uncover their views on this question.  相似文献   

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