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目的:观察世居高原自行车运动员在亚高原训练期间的机能变化.方法:以8名世居高原(海拔1910m)男子公路自行车运动员为研究对象,系统测试每名运动员在下亚高原前、亚高原(海拔1300m)训练第2天、第4天、第8天、第18天、第25天及第32天的红细胞(RBC)、红细胞压积(Hct)、血红蛋白(Hb)、血清睾酮(T)、皮质醇(C)、晨脉(HR)、脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)等血液生化指标及生理指标.结果:①世居高原运动员下到亚高原环境,大气氧分压增加了10mmHg,运动员Sp02上升了1%,晨脉下降了5次/分,均无统计学差异.②运动员RBC、Hct、Hb在亚高原训练的第2天开始下降,并在第4天降至最低,RBC下降明显(P<0.01),较高原下降了9.25%,Hb稍有下降;一周后各血象指标逐渐回升,并在第25天时升至最高水平,Hb升高了4.33%,且差异显著(P<0.05),RBC无变化.③运动员血清T在亚高原训练的前3周与高原相比无差异,3周后升高,并在第25天显著升高(P<0.05),较高原升高15.56%;C在第二天较高,随后下降,T/C比值变化甚微.结论:世居高原男子自行车运动员亚高原训练期间第1周身体机能状况较差,随后逐渐恢复,在3周后达到最好水平.提示世居高原男子自行车运动员到亚高原比赛时的最佳时间为下至亚高原3周后.  相似文献   

目的:通过测试高原训练前和高原训练后Rbc、Wbc、Hgb、Hct、Mcv、Mch、Mchc、Ck、Bun、Sf、T、C、T/C指标,分析高原训练对运动员生化指标的影响。方法:15名游泳运动员在昆明海埂训练基地进行5周的高原训练,出发高原前2天及高原训练第1周、第3周及回到平原1周后清晨空腹抽取静脉血,采用BC600全自动血液细胞分析仪检测血常规指标,Dimension RxL MaxTM全自动生化分析仪仪器检测Ck、Bun, ADVIA Centaur XP全自动化学发光免疫分析仪检测Sf、T、C的含量。结果:高原第1周、高原第3周和高原后1周的Rbc明显低于高原出发前,而Rbc含量显著高于高原出发前;高原第3周和高原后1周的Hgb显著高于高原前;高原第1周、第3周的Hct、Mcv、Mch显著低于高原前,而高原后1周的Hct、Hct、Mcv、Mch显著增加;高原第1周、第3周的Mchc显著高于高原前,而高原后1周的Mchc显著增加;高原后1周的Sf显著高于高原前;男运动员的T、T/C值高原训练第1周高于高原前,女运动员的T、T/C值高原第1周、第3周、高原后1周明显高于高原前。结论:...  相似文献   

通过对6名国家女子短道速滑队主力运动员1个月的高原备战前后与有氧运动能力相关指标的测量、分析以及变化规律的研究,为大赛前高原备战模式在短道速滑运动中应用提供理论与实践依据;方法:6名国家女子短道速滑队主力运动员进行为期1个月的高原备战训练,训练计划由国家队主教练统一制定,高原备战训练前、后1周内采用功率自行车递增负荷的实验方式进行测试,.VO2max采用.VO22000 Breeze Lite气体分析仪直接测试,血乳酸采用H2 L4550491测试仪利用分光光度法取即时耳血测试;结果:高原备战后运动员体重变化没有显著意义,.VO2max、最高心率、最大功率等相关指标显著性提高(P<0.05),无氧乳酸阈、乳酸阈功率显著性提高(P<0.05),运动后血乳酸显著下降(P<0.05);结论:高原备战可以有效地提高优秀女子短道速滑运动员的.VO2max和无氧乳酸阈值,从而能够明显提高其有氧运动能力。  相似文献   

不同性别游泳运动员高原训练生理生化的监控研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对不同性别优秀游泳运动员在高原训练期间生理机能变化特点的研究,总结各生理指标变化规律,制定出运动员生理机能的评定方法,监控运动员高原训练期间的身体机能状况,保证教练员在高原训练期间训练计划的顺利实施。方法:通过血液分析仪、半自动生化分析仪、全自动微粒子化学发光免疫分析仪等,对运动员的基本生理、生化指标进行监控。每周测定一次运动员安静时红细胞计数、血球压积、血红蛋白、肌酸激酶、尿素氮和睾酮值。结果:高原训练期间血液成分RBC、Hb、Hct明显升高,女性增高幅度大于男性;下高原后与上高原前相比,血液成分男性无显著性差异,女性明显高于上高原前;男性在整个高原训练期肌酸激酶(CK)和睾酮(T)均无显著性差异,尿素氮(BUN)仅在高原训练第4周和下高原后有差异;女性CK值在高原训练第3周、第4周和下高原后存在差异,BUN均存在显著性差异,T下高原后存在差异。结论:高原训练对提高血液成分RBC、Hb、Hct效果显著,且对女性的持续效应要高于男性。BUN可作为高原训练期间评价女性机能状态和训练负荷的敏感指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨"能力主导型"高原训练期间运动员机能指标变化规律.方法:以12名国家男子划艇运动员为研究对象,在高原训练期间各阶段进行身体机能测试与分析.结果:(1)高原上各周WBC值都在正常范围内处在较低水平;(2)高原上训练Hb先呈显著性升高后下降,Hct一直高于高原前;(3)高原第2周EPO显著性升高之后下降;(4)CK、BUN随力量课和跑步总量变化;高原第1周运动员的T/C值显著升高.结论:(1)"能力主导型"高原训练应密切监控WBC水平;(2)"能力主导型"高原训练没有提高运动员血液携氧能力;(3)BUN、CK值与陆上训练量的变化关系密切,可以用这两项指标反映运动员对陆上训练总量的适应情况.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察世居高原中长跑运动员在高原—亚高原交替训练后各项指标及机能的变化情况,探讨不同海拔的交替训练对耐力性运动项目运动员有氧运动能力的影响.方法:甘孜州体校世居高原的中长跑运动队队员共28名,将运动员随机分为两个组:实验组和对照组,每组14人.实验组采用高原—亚高原交替训练方法,在海拔高度变化的条件下进行训练.对照组采用传统的高住高练模式进行训练.训练结束后进行12min跑测试,并记录在规定12min内跑出的距离,然后对运动后即刻的心率、最大摄氧量、血氧饱和度、血乳酸以及血液指标(红细胞RBC、血红蛋白HB)进行检测.结果:(1)高原—亚高原交替训练后,运动员RBC数目增加,HGB显著增加,高原训练4周后相比,RBC增加更加明显,但HGB数量低于亚高原训练后;(2)交替到亚高原训练2周后12min跑成绩提高了12.2%,连续高原训练4周后成绩降低了2.6%,P<0.05;(3)高原—亚高原交替训练后心率变化不明显,但高原训练4周后心率有所增加,运动后即刻血乳酸水平显著降低,且低于连续高原训练4周后血乳酸值,P<0.05.最大摄氧量和氧饱和度显著提高,P<0.01,与高原训练4周后相比,高原—亚高原训练后最大摄氧量和氧饱和度升高更加明显.结论:(1)高原—亚高原交替训练后,运动员专项有氧运动能力得到提高,而连续高原训练后运动员专项运动成绩反而降低,可能是长时间低氧环境下运动突破了机体对低氧的耐受极限所致.(2)高原—亚高原交替训练能够给予机体一定的缺氧刺激,又能避免高原训练中的不利因素,能够保证有一定的训练强度,从而提高中长跑运动员的专项有氧运动能力.建议:高原—亚高原交替训练能够有效提高中长跑运动员的有氧运动能力,平原地区的运动员到高原进行训练时很难在缺氧环境下保持一定的运动强度,可以让运动员先在高原居住一段时间,等到机体出现高原习服时,对低氧有一定的耐受后再进行小负荷训练,然后再到亚高原进行大负荷训练,从而提高高原训练的成功率.  相似文献   

低氧预适应结合高原训练对游泳运动员身体机能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将2周低氧适应性训练与4周高原训练相结合,以上海游泳队6名女子游泳运动员为研究对象,探讨该训练模式对运动员身体机能的影响.研究结果表明,与纯粹高原训练模式不同,高原训练第3、4周红细胞计数、血红蛋白仍维持在较高水平且高于实验前,HCT较高原第1、2周降幅较大,同时,血清铁蛋白均在一定范围内波动并无大幅下降,提示高原训练阶段机体氧运输能力得到提高、血液浓缩趋势缓解且铁代谢基本稳定.低氧第1周白细胞计数升高,低氧第2周至高原第2周持续下降,高原第3、4周有所回升,3个白细胞亚群对低氧及高原训练的反应并不同步.这一结果与其他仅高原训练研究结果近似.血睾水平在高原第3周即大幅回升,高原第4周下降但仍高于高原前水平,这一结果与仅高原训练的研究结果有较大不同.血浆皮质醇高原前3周持续升高,但第4周大幅下降且低于高原前,同时T/C为6周以来的最大值.结论:2周模拟低氧训练与4周高原训练相结合这一训练模式对机体的刺激与常规的高原训练有所不同,具体表现在高原训练后2周血睾、血红蛋白均上升至较高水平,白细胞数目回升,而皮质醇在高原第4周下降.以上结果表明,2周模拟低氧训练这一预适应过程,加速了运动员对高原训练阶段的适应,提示,该训练模式对于提高运动员高原训练阶段身体机能状态具有积极作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨6周高原训练期间优秀男子赛艇运动员肱二头肌无创微循环相关指标变化特点。方法以10名国家赛艇队优秀男子赛艇运动员为研究对象,分别于高原训练前、高原训练期间、高原训练后3个阶段的每周休息日、晨空腹状态下,采用Peri Flux System 5000激光多普勒血流监测仪对10名运动员肱二头肌进行9次微循环相关指标测试,测试指标包括微循环血流灌注量(MBP)、运动血细胞浓度(CMBC)、运动血细胞平均速度(AVBC)等,测试值包括基础值与加热后值(44℃)。结果 6周高原训练期间运动员的MBP、CMBC和AVBC呈现波浪形变化特点,MBP和CMBC无论是基础值或是加热后值都在第3周上升至最高;AVBC基础值在第3周上升至最高,但第3周AVBC加热后值显著低于第2周和第4周(P<0.05)。结论高原训练中无创微循环指标呈现出波浪形的变化特点,MBP、CMBC变化特点主要与高原缺氧及运动负荷的变化有关,尤其是运动负荷的变化,而AVBC则主要与CMBC变化相关;下高原后MBP、CMBC储备能力大小对于运动员运动能力有着重要影响,其可作为检验高原训练是否达到效果的一种方法,且简便、无创。  相似文献   

樊云彩  盛蕾 《体育科学》2006,26(5):53-55
目的:确定高原训练对游泳运动员网织红细胞及其参数的影响,进一步探讨高原训练对于游泳运动员骨髓造血系统的影响。方法:用Bayer Adia 120血液分析仪检测14名(实验组和对照组各7人)男子游泳运动员在训练前后网织红细胞厦其参数,并对数据进行统计学处理。结果:运动员网织红细胞厦其参数在平原训练前后无显著性差异(P〉0.05),在高原训练前后只有MCVr有显著性差异,P〈0.05。而在下高原训练2周后,MCVr、CHCMr、%RETIC与上高原前相比,均有了显著性差异,P〈0.01。结论:高原训练对于游泳运动员的骨髓造血有一定的刺激作用,但这种作用需在下高原2~3周方能表现出来。  相似文献   

目的探讨10 d低氧预适应训练结合8周亚高原训练对赛艇运动员有氧运动能力的影响,为新的训练方法在赛艇项目上的应用提供理论与实践依据。方法以16名优秀男子赛艇运动员为研究对象,低氧模拟海拔高度为1 200~1 500 m,采用HiLo训练。高原训练高度为1 500 m。分别于低氧训练前、亚高原训练中、下高原后进行测功仪6 km和6级递增负荷测试,记录测试中的总成绩、血乳酸、心率等指标。训练全程每周进行Hb、RBC等指标测试。结果 (1)红细胞系指标变化:与传统高原训练模式不同,和低氧训练前相比,低氧训练3 d,Hb下降(P<0.05),RBC和Hct保持稳定(P<0.05),三者在高原训练3 d即升高,并保持到高原训练3周(P<0.01),提示,10 d模拟低氧训练加快了运动员对高原阶段训练的适应。之后Hb在高原训练6周和下高原后2、3周出现两次峰值(P<0.01),RBC、Hct一直保持较高状态到下高原后3周(P<0.01),提示机体氧运输能力得到提高。(2)专项运动能力变化:与低氧训练前相比,下高原后测功仪6 km成绩提高2.34%(P<0.01),即刻心率下降2.66%(P<0.05)。6级测试后发现,与低氧训练前相比,高原训练后运动员无氧阈水平下的运动强度增大,乳酸-运动强度曲线发生明显右移。结论(1)10 d低氧预适应干预加快了运动员高原适应;(2)10 d低氧预适应结合8周亚高原训练这一训练模式提高了男子赛艇运动员机体氧运输能力和有氧运动能力。  相似文献   

Capoeira could be defined as a Brazilian martial art and game to be played. This research explored how capoeira play might be considered to facilitate connectedness amongst newly-recruited persons, plus any other ramifications of capoeira involvement. A beginners’ course of capoeira was provided to participants, free of charge, in an English city in the West Midlands—new capoeiristas in a new venue for capoeira. Researchers attended classes to collect/construct overt non-participant observation data. In addition, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with the new capoeiristas post-course. This article explores researchers’ observation fieldnotes and interviewees’ narratives. These qualitative data-driven debates include the concepts: self, identity, escapism, multiparty endeavour, community, temporality, enjoyment, and transcending boundaries. Capoeira is theorised in a fresh manner that highlights social benefits of capoeira—for example as an enjoyable and supportive group endeavour which includes elements of social play and community-building—plus benefits for self that can transcend the boundaries of the class. Findings highlight how capoeira can be considered an inherently multiparty endeavour whereby social actors form, and experience, a community in order to embrace capoeira play. Data suggest capoeira can facilitate group playfulness, joviality, and laughter. Further, capoeiristas can enact and experience—some mode of—escapism via capoeira, whereby new place and pursuit can facilitate hedonistic diversion from the mundane. Capoeira appears to provide adventure and liberation into a relatively unburdened part of, or place in, social life. Corporeal and discursive boundary-empowerment can also be experienced by capoeiristas, fostering positive identity work in the wider world. Capoeira can be argued to facilitate mutuality (e.g. community experience and group work) and egoism (e.g. an individual's identity work) concurrently. This research suggests that modified capoeira for beginners can be beneficial for both the new capoeiristas themselves and for positive community action during and beyond class.  相似文献   

运用理论分析的方法,阐述队员冲抢篮板球的重要作用。技术是冲抢篮板球能力的核心:配合是冲抢篮板球能力的保障。基本功训练是冲抢篮板球能力的重要基础。  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify whether post-resistance exercise (REx) blood flow restriction (BFR) can elicit a similar acute training stimulus to that offered by either heavy REx or traditional low-load BFR REx. Method: Ten men completed trials with 30% one-repetition maximum (1RM) for 5 sets of 15 repetitions without BFR (30%), with BFR during exercise (30% RD), and with postexercise BFR (30% RP) and at 75% 1RM for 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Lactate and cortisol were measured before and up to 60 min after exercise. Thigh circumference, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and pain were measured before and after exercise. Surface electromyography was measured during exercise. Results: All conditions had a large effect (effect size [ES] > 0.8) on lactate, with the largest effects observed with the 75% condition; no differences were observed between the 30% conditions. All conditions had a moderate effect (ES > 0.25 ≤ 0.4) on increasing thigh circumference. This effect was maintained (ES = 0.35) with the application of BFR after REx (30% RP). Change in RPE, from the first to last set, was significantly greater with 30% RD compared with other conditions (all p < .05). Electromyography amplitude was higher and percentage change was greater for the 75% condition compared with the other conditions (both p < .05). Conclusions: The application of BFR immediately post-REx altered several of the responses associated with REx that is aimed at inducing muscular hypertrophy. Additionally, these changes occurred with less pain and perceived exertion suggesting that this form of REx may offer an alternative, tolerable method of REx.  相似文献   


Utilizing canonical correlation analysis, the multivariate relationship between selected measures of motor performance and intellectual achievement was studied on 91 high school pupils. The students involved in the study were culturally deprived students who had been achieving well below their expected capacity. A significant relationship was found between the intellectual achievement domain and the motor performance domain. Also, significant relationships were found between the intellectual achievement domain and both of the sub-domains of fitness and coordination. The results in the present investigation were compared with the univariate analyses in a previous study. It was concluded that when the degree of relationship between two domains is desired, canonical correlation analysis may be of more value than the usual univariate procedures.  相似文献   

Throwers, jumpers, and combined events athletes require speed, strength, power, and a wide variety of technical skills to be successful in their events. Only a handful of studies have assessed the nutritional needs of such athletes. Because of this, recommendations for nutritional requirements to support and enhance training and competition performances for these athletes are made using research findings from sports and exercise protocols similar to their training and competitive events. The goals of the preparation cycle of nutrition periodization for these athletes include attaining desirable body weight, a high ratio of lean body mass to body height, and improving muscular power. Nutritional recommendations for training and competition periods include: (1) meeting energy needs; (2) timing consumption of adequate fluid and electrolyte intakes before, during, and after exercise to promote adequate hydration; (3) timing consumption of carbohydrate intake to provide adequate fuel for energy demands and to spare protein for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance; (4) timing consumption of adequate protein intake to meet protein synthesis and turnover needs; and (5) consuming effective nutritional and dietary supplements. Translating these nutrient and dietary recommendations into guidelines these athletes can apply during training and competition is important for enhancing performance.  相似文献   

Fluids and electrolytes (sodium) are consumed by athletes, or recommended to athletes, for a number of reasons, before, during, and after exercise. These reasons are generally to sustain total body water, as deficits (hypohydration) will increase cardiovascular and thermal strain and degrade aerobic performance. Vigorous exercise and warm/hot weather induce sweat production, which contains both water and electrolytes. Daily water (4-10 L) and sodium (3500-7000 mg) losses in active athletes during hot weather exposure can induce water and electrolyte deficits. Both water and sodium need to be replaced to re-establish "normal" total body water (euhydration). This replacement can be by normal eating and drinking practices if there is no urgency for recovery. But if rapid recovery (<24 h) is desired or severe hypohydration (>5% body mass) is encountered, aggressive drinking of fluids and consuming electrolytes should be encouraged to facilitate recovery for subsequent competition.  相似文献   

Strength and power athletes are primarily interested in enhancing power relative to body weight and thus almost all undertake some form of resistance training. While athletes may periodically attempt to promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy, key nutritional issues are broader than those pertinent to hypertrophy and include an appreciation of the sports supplement industry, the strategic timing of nutrient intake to maximize fuelling and recovery objectives, plus achievement of pre-competition body mass requirements. Total energy and macronutrient intakes of strength-power athletes are generally high but intakes tend to be unremarkable when expressed relative to body mass. Greater insight into optimization of dietary intake to achieve nutrition-related goals would be achieved from assessment of nutrient distribution over the day, especially intake before, during, and after exercise. This information is not readily available on strength-power athletes and research is warranted. There is a general void of scientific investigation relating specifically to this unique group of athletes. Until this is resolved, sports nutrition recommendations for strength-power athletes should be directed at the individual athlete, focusing on their specific nutrition-related goals, with an emphasis on the nutritional support of training.  相似文献   


The ageing neuromuscular system is affected by structural and functional changes that lead to a general slowing down of neuromuscular performance and an increased risk of falling. As a consequence, the process of ageing results in a reduced ability to develop maximal and explosive force, as well as in deficits in static and dynamic postural control. A decrease in the number and size of type II fibres in particular accounts for the age-related decline in muscle mass (sarcopaenia) and strength performance. Multiple denervation and re-innervation processes of muscle fibres seem to be responsible for the reduced number of muscle fibres. Recently, it has been suggested that it is not the decline in motoneurons that accounts for the loss in number of muscle fibres but the disturbed potential of fibre regeneration and re-innervation. Furthermore, an age-related reduction in the number of satellite cells has also been associated with sarcopaenia. The ability to compensate for platform and gait perturbations deteriorates with ageing as reflected in longer onset latencies and inefficient postural responses. All sites within the somatosensory system are affected by ageing and therefore contribute to postural instability. However, morphological changes of muscle spindles appear primarily to be responsible for the impaired ability to compensate for balance threats in old age. Given these neuromuscular limitations in old age, it is important to apply adequate training interventions that delay or even reverse the onset of these constraints. Strength training has the potential to enhance maximal as well as explosive force production capacity. This is accomplished by neural factors, including an improved recruitment pattern, discharge rate, and synchronization of motor units. Furthermore, an increase in number of satellite cells most likely accounts for training-induced muscle hypertrophy. Recent studies have investigated the impact of balance training in old age on the ability to develop maximal and explosive force. In addition, the effects of balance training on reflex activity during gait perturbations were also examined. Increases in maximal and explosive force production capacity and an improved ability to compensate for gait perturbations were observed. It is evident from the literature that researchers are increasingly studying the effects of more specifically designed training programmes on performance in populations of older adults. Thus, in the near future, strength training could be replaced by high-velocity forms of power training and balance training by perturbation-based training programmes. It is hypothesized that this new approach is more efficient in terms of fall prevention than the traditional approach.  相似文献   

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