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为了探讨跨栏运动员有效的拉伸练习方法,通过对45名跨栏运动员进行拉伸练习的比较试验研究,分析跨栏运动员在准备活动中分别进行两种不同的拉伸练习(静力拉伸练习和PFN法拉伸练习)后,其对跨栏运动员柔韧性的影响。结果表明PFN法拉伸练习更能有效提高跨栏运动员的柔韧性。  相似文献   

竞技体育的训练课都是从准备活动开始的,短跑训练也不例外。众所周知,准备活动的目的是,通过慢跑和一系列的身体练习,提高中枢神经系统的兴奋性,加强各系统器官的机能活动,克服生理隋性。为训练做好准备。就短跑项目训练课的准备活动而言,它一般包括慢跑、伸展练习和专门练习三个部份。现在,在优秀运动队的训练中,准备活动一般要化费训  相似文献   

介绍了业余短跑运动员的赛前准备活动的内容。研究认为,准备活动可提高体温和引起排汗;准备活动应包括伸展和放松练习,还应具有一些强度练习;应有模仿专项动作的练习。运动员在比赛前20min应减量,约在赛前10min结束准备活动。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对准备活动中肌肉拉伸练习效果进行分析,探讨运动前准备活动中的肌肉拉伸练习对随后的运动专项能力所产生的影响。  相似文献   

准备活动是使运动员在比赛中获得良好竞技状态,充分发挥体能,创造优异成绩的重要手段。目前采用的准备活动一般是在徒手状态下进行的,我们在多年运动训练和比赛实践中发现,适量力量练习后测试短跑和跳跃成绩,往往会获得非常好的结果。力量练习作为准备活动内容,会对力量、速度性项目的比赛起到明显的促进作用。为客观、科学地评价力量性准备活动内容的效果和应用价值,我们对传统徒手准备活动和力量组合型准备活动进行了对比研究。一、实验方法与对象1.测试者:22名男性田径运动员,平均年龄18.6±2.0岁。2.实验仪器:台阶无氧功率测试仪、标准…  相似文献   

通过调查、研究和分析,阐明了业余短跑运动员赛前准备活动的重大意义,并介绍了业余短跑运动员赛前准备活动的内容和注意事项。  相似文献   

无论是体育课还是运动训练都包含了三个不可分离的部分,即准备活功,基本部分和整理活动,拉伸练习是准备活动和整理活动中不可缺少的组成部分,但在实际体育教学和运动训练中,由于对拉伸的重要性意识不到,而导致准备活动拉伸不认真,整理活动很少拉伸甚至无拉伸,以及不正确的拉伸,造成很多严重的后果。  相似文献   

<正>一、明晰体能组合练习导向(一)体能组合练习的目标优化设计体能组合练习首先要考虑发展哪些体能,即体能发展目标。针对不同项目所需要的体能,进行组合优化是发展不同项目体能的关键。如短跑起跑阶段的核心控制能力,需要以核心控制下上下肢协同综合能力。在进行短跑改进起跑阶段的核心力量练习时,可选用俯撑成"一"字形的平板支撑,结合俯撑单脚支撑另外一脚做  相似文献   

现代短跑技术理论对短跑专门性练习的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料法对现代短跑技术理论中途中跑的动力来源、途中跑的屈蹬技术、途中跑的支撑阶段、心理调试在短跑技术训练中的运用、短跑的放松技术进行回顾,总结认为:途中跑中两大腿应以髋为轴进行剪绞—制动;曲蹬时重心应相对放低,着地时间要短;要系统地看待短跑专门性练习。由半高抬小步跑、折叠高摆腿、小车轮跑这三个练习手段按照其固定顺序组成跑的专门性练习组合是比较合理的。  相似文献   

在针对青少年短跑运动员进行的全面身体素质教学训练中,应该经常注意柔韧性的训练。因为柔韧性在短跑中是决定动作幅度的关键因素,再加之青少年时期是人体生长发育的最佳时期,肌健、韧带、肌肉和关节等可塑性大,如此时期忽视了柔韧性练习,无疑是失败之举。短跑运动员要增大步幅,很大程度上在于加大腾空时两腿的夹角。有研究证明,运动员在腾空时两腿的夹角加大5°~7°,步幅可增加10~12厘米。因此,加强青少年短跑运动员的柔韧性练习具有重要意义。 进行柔韧性的基本练习方法为拉伸法,从形式上分动力性拉伸和静力性拉伸。这两种拉…  相似文献   


Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a resurgence of vibration technology to enhance sport science especially for power and force development. However, vibration exercise has been trialled in other areas that are central to athlete performance such as warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. Therefore, the aim of this review was to attempt to gain a better understanding of how acute and short-term vibration exercise may impact on warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. The importance of warming up for sporting performance has been well documented and vibration exercise has the capability to be included or used as a standalone warm-up modality to increase intramuscular temperature at a faster rate compared to other conventional warm-up modalities. However, vibration exercise does not provide any additional neurogenic benefits compared to conventional dynamic and passive warm-up interventions. Vibration exercise appears to be a safe modality that does not produce any adverse affects causing injury or harm and could be used during interval and substitution breaks, as it would incur a low metabolic cost and be time-efficient compared to conventional warm-up modalities. Acute or short-term vibration exercise can enhance flexibility and range of motion without having a detrimental effect on muscle power, however it is less clear which mechanisms may be responsible for this enhancement. It appears that vibration exercise is not capable of improving sprint speed performance; this could be due to the complex and dynamic nature of sprinting where the purported increase in muscle power from vibration exercise is probably lost on repeated actions of high force generation. Vibration exercise is a safe modality that produces no adverse side effects for injury or harm. It has the time-efficient capability of providing coaches, trainers, and exercise specialists with an alternative modality that can be implemented for warm-up and flexibility either in isolation or in conjunction with other conventional training methods.  相似文献   

王军 《体育科技》2013,(5):155-158
通过文献资料和观察、访谈的研究方法,对普通高校乒乓球教学中准备活动的安排状况进行研究,结果发现在准备活动的安排上存在不合理现象,提出准备活动的科学化安排需要建立合理的内容体系,不断提高专项结合水平,同时要创新训练方法,还要提高师生对运动生物学理论的学习.  相似文献   


Thirty-three college men doing the toe-touch test were used as subjects to ascertain the relative contribution of the back and hamstring muscles to hip joint flexibility. The subjects, performing six tests over a 5-week period, were photographed during each of their tests. Anthropometric measurements were taken prior to testing to determine if there was any relationship to flexibility. Making use of concentric circles and marking reference points on the subject prior to testing, it was possible to ascertain the curvature of the back, the angle of straight back flexibility, and the angle of bent back flexibility.

Results indicate that the extensibility of the hamstring muscles appeared to be one of the main contributing factors to hip joint flexion, and since the warm-up did not affect the flexibility of the back, one might conclude that the back made no increased contribution to hip joint flexion, as measured in this study. There was no significant relationship to the angle of bent back flexibility.  相似文献   

对速滑运动员准备活动的方法与要求进行探讨,提出准备活动在实施过程中注意的几个问题,以便合理有效地指导运动员做好准备活动,保证训练计划的顺利实施和达到最佳训练效果。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an absence of a warm-up, a warm-up, and a warm-up with leg-elevation recovery techniques on repeated performances of three all-out trials in the 300-yd dash. The subjects were 15 male varsity high school runners who ran a total of nine 300-yd dashes consisting of three trials of each treatment with a 20-min rest period between trials on three different testing days. Approximately two months later the same pattern of nine 300-yd dashes was administered a second time. A randomized blocks factorial design (2 × 3 × 3) was used, followed by tests for simple main effects and Tukey's HSD test. Statistically significant differences at the .05 level were found between the overall means of the two administrations, among the means between the three methods, and among the means between the three trials. A significant interaction among methods and trials was also found. Tests for simple effects coupled with Tukey's HSD test revealed that by the time trial 3 comes about, the warm-up with recovery techniques demonstrated significant superiority of performance over no warm-up.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of concentric warm-up exercise on eccentrically induced changes in muscle strength, range of motion, and soreness of the elbow flexors. Ten resistance-exercise naive participants performed intermittent incremental eccentric actions (42 in total) of the elbow flexor muscles of each arm to induce muscle damage. The arms of each participant were randomly assigned either to a pre-eccentric exercise warm-up involving intermittent concentric exercise (warm-up) or no prior exercise (control). Strength, range of motion, and ratings of soreness were recorded before and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 days after exercise. Strength, range of motion, and soreness during muscular movements changed over time (P at most 0.01; Cohen's d at least 0.51, medium). There was an interaction (P?相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if warm-up with baseball bats of different moments of inertia has an effect on swing pattern and bat velocity. Ten experienced baseball players (ages 20-25 years) voluntarily participated in this study. Each participant was required to complete 10 dry swings (5 warm-up and 5 postwarm-up) at maximum effort within 3 different conditions. Post warm-up was always with a standard bat (I = .27 kgm2; 83.8 cm, 9.1 N). Warm-up for Condition 1 was with the standard bat. Condition 2 required participants to warm up with a standard bat plus a 6.1 N lead donut (I = .49 kgm2, 83.8 cm, 15.6 N). Condition 3 required participants to warm up with a hollow plastic bat (I = .08 kgm2; 83.8 cm, 3.34 N). Quantitative and qualitative analyses indicated that following warm-up with the weighted bat (largest moment of inertia), swing pattern was significantly altered, and post warm-up velocity was the lowest of the three conditions.  相似文献   


The study was made to determine the effect that different warm-up exercises of varying intensities had on the speed of leg movement. The five warm-up exercises utilized were: related warm-ups of moderate and high intensities, unrelated warm-ups of moderate and high intensities, and a passive warm-up that consisted of a hot shower. The speed of leg movement was a score that was derived from three individual speed-of-leg-movement tests: one-foot tapping (measured horizontal abduction and adduction), two-foot tapping (measured flexion and extension), and leg circling (measured circumduction). The results of the study revealed that warming-up was significantly beneficial to the speed of leg movement. More specifically, the unrelated high intensity warm-up was the most beneficial to the speed of leg movement and the high intensity warm-up was more beneficial than the moderate intensity warm-up.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of a submaximal running warm-up on running performance in male endurance athletes (n = 16, Mage = 21 ± 2 years, MVO2max = 69.3 ± 5.1 mL/kg/min). Method: Endurance performance was determined by a 30-min distance trial after control and submaximal running warm-up conditions in a randomized crossover fashion. The warm-up began with 5 min of quiet sitting, followed by 6 min of submaximal running split into 2-min intervals at speeds corresponding to 45%, 55%, and 65% maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). A 2-min walk at 3.2 km/hr concluded the 13-min warm-up protocol. For the control condition, participants sat quietly for 13 min. VO2 and heart rate (HR) were determined at Minutes 0, 5, and 13 of the pre-exercise protocol in each condition. Results: At the end of 13 min prior to the distance trial, mean VO2 (warm-up = 14.1 ± 2.2 mL/kg/min vs. control = 5.5 ± 1.7 mL/kg/min) and mean HR (warm-up = 105 ± 11 bpm vs. control = 67 ± 11 bpm) were statistically greater (p < .001) in the warm-up condition compared with the control condition. The distance run did not statistically differ (p = .37) between the warm-up (7.8 ± 0.5 km) and control (7.7 ± 0.6 km) conditions; however, effect size calculation revealed a small effect (d = 0.2) in favor of the warm-up condition. Thus, the warm-up employed may have important and practical implications to determine placing among high-level athletes in close races. Conclusions: These findings suggest a submaximal running warm-up may have a small but critical effect on a 30-min distance trial in competitive endurance athletes. Further, the warm-up elicited increases in physiological variables VO2 and HR prior to performance; thus, a submaximal specific warm-up should warrant consideration.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether a passive warm-up or an active warm-up performed at an intensity based on lactate thresholds could improve prolonged intermittent-sprint performance either in thermoneutral or hot environmental conditions. To investigate this issue, 11 male athletes performed three trials that consisted of 80 min of intermittent-sprinting performed on a cycle ergometer, preceded by either an active or a passive warm-up. Active warm-up and intermittent-sprint performance were performed in both hot and thermoneutral environmental conditions, while passive warm-up and intermittent-sprint performance were performed in hot conditions only. First sprint performance was also assessed. Results showed no significant interaction effects between any of the trials for total work (J · kg(-1)), work decrement, and power decrement (P = 0.10, P = 0.42, P = 0.10, respectively). While there were no significant differences between trials for work done for first sprint performance (P = 0.22), peak power was significantly higher after passive warm-up compared with active warm-up performed in either thermoneutral (P = 0.03) or in hot conditions (P = 0.02). Results suggest that the main benefits of warm-up for first sprint performance are derived from temperature-related effects. Active warm-up did not impair prolonged intermittent-sprint performance in the heat compared with thermoneutral conditions.  相似文献   

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