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在我国的传统价值观念下,女性承担着主要的家庭责任,高校女教师必然面临来自工作与家庭的冲突。研究结果表明,目前高校女教师面临较为严重的工作家庭冲突,不同婚姻与子女状况的女教师在工作家庭冲突上存在显著差异,已婚的女教师经历更为激烈的工作家庭冲突。当女教师在面临家庭干扰工作时,会对职业倦怠各维度都产生显著影响,而当女教师的学校工作对家庭生活造成干扰时,也会导致其产生情绪衰竭。因此,需从社会、学校与个人层面平衡高校女教师的工作与家庭冲突。  相似文献   

高校女教师面临越来越大的工作压力,加上自身身心方面的特殊性等原因,令许多高校女教师出现亚心理健康状况.通过对高校女教师亚心理健康特征及原因的分析,提出了增进高校女教师心理健康自我修复策略。  相似文献   

高校女教师以独特的魅力和风采,在教学、科研和管理中发挥着重大作用,体现了妇女"自尊、自信、自立、自强"的精神。在工作与生活中,她们承担着工作、家庭、生育和教育子女等多重任务,扮演多重角色,比普通职场女性面临更大的工作与社会的压力,她们的心理健康水平直接影响和谐校园的构建。通过分析高校女教师的心理健康状况,特别是具体分析高校女教师事业心理类型,分别从社会、家庭、个体等方面分析困扰高校女教师心理的诸因素,并提出改善对策。  相似文献   

论构建缓解高校女教师压力的学校支持环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育发展的现代化、国际化、信息化、大众化的不断推进,教师的职业压力成了一个带有全球性的普遍问题,而高校女教师由于其角色的转变,在教育教学生活中面临着更大的压力.近期的一些调查报告表明,我国高校女教师的压力呈上升趋势,由此给学校、社会以及个人带来的负面影响增多,这已成为我国高等教育可持续发展的一个隐患.本文从学校制度层面的建设与改革入手,力图提出为女教师营建一个宽松和谐的工作环境的策略,以达到缓解压力的目的.  相似文献   

在改革开放的今天,高职院校中年女教师面临着来自社会、家庭、事业、身体等各方面的压力和挑战,心理上极易产生压力而影响她们的工作和生活.重视与分析她们当前所面临的心理压力,避免和减轻她们的心理困扰,对高职院校中年女教师工作与生活水平的提高有着十分重要的意义  相似文献   

高校女教师作为一个特殊的职业群体,在社会转型和高等教育改革中,面临着巨大的职业压力,直接导致身心健康状况不佳.形成高校女教师职业压力的主要因素来自于教育改革、学校管理、工作负荷、工作时间、专业发展、人际关系等方面.切实缓解女教师压力,提高身心健康水平,可从社会、学校和个人角度分别进行相应的调适.  相似文献   

美国高校女教师在职业发展过程中,存在着许多障碍和挑战,这些障碍和挑战不仅妨碍女性自身的职业发展,影响她们身心健康,同时也对整个高等教育系统产生了不利的影响。通过压力过程理论的视角,探讨美国高校女教师在职业发展中面临的各种压力和障碍问题,包括性别偏见、工作与家庭冲突和微冒犯,并针对性提出应对策略,以期为我国高校女教师的职业发展提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

目前,高校青年女教师普遍面临教职与母职的结构性冲突,主要包括婚育期与职业起步期的时间冲突、职场工作与家庭生活的角色冲突、传统社会“刻板印象”中的性别冲突。在教职叠加母职的多维压力下,她们一般采取“时间下沉”的“教学+养家”的压力转移、“以退为进”的科研“减负”、“以变应变”的角色重构策略,久而久之造成她们身心焦虑,面临职业发展的困境。高校青年女教师走出教职与母职冲突的角色困境既需要宏观层面的制度规划,也需要中观层面的高校扶持,还需要微观层面的教师个体调整。  相似文献   

通过对高校女教师生活、工作、心理、价值实现与权益保护等方面的实证调查发现:高校女教师身心健康状况总体较好,但职业压力较大;婚姻满意度较高,对家庭较依赖,交往网络不宽泛;工作能力强和职业认同感较强,但对公共性活动的参与度不高。根据以上特征,高校应关注女教师的身心健康与权利保护,提升她们对学校公共事物的主动参与性;创造公正的工作环境,帮助女教师提升自身人力资本以实现其职业理想;成立各类自愿团体,拓展女教师的关系网络。  相似文献   

中青年教师是高校师资队伍的主体。通过对上海市5所高校555名中青年教师的调研发现:30-50岁年龄段的教师工作压力明显高于30岁以下教师;女教师在科研与个人发展方面的压力显著高于男教师;教龄6-10年的教师工作满意感显著低于其他教龄的教师;理科教师在工作量方面的压力显著高于文科教师,而文科教师在个人发展机会和自我评价方面的压力显著高于理科教师;有社会支持的教师总体工作压力和待遇方面的压力显著低于未利用社会支持的教师。对此,应以帮助中青年教师缓解压力、提升其工作满意度、促进其全面发展为工作着力点,通过增强对中青年教师发展的组织保障、改进教师培养中的工作作风、完善教师培养模式、建立教师减压机制等方式为中青年教师提供科学有效的发展支持体系,从而提升基层党组织在人才培养和和谐单位构建中的凝聚力、引导力、培养力和战斗力.  相似文献   

As a principal task of higher education in the German Democratic Republic is to create the conditions by which it will have a major impact upon development, a major aspect of these conditions refers to the relationship between university teachers and students. The totality of this relationship can be broken down into relationships of partnership, of authority, and of work. The third of these relationships, particularly collaboration in research projects, creates the best links between teachers and students and enables teachers to gain the fullest knowledge of their students and to have the most fruitful influence over them. The validity of this assertion has been corroborated by the results of the author's investigations of the stimulating and orientational effects of communicative and cooperative relations at Central Exhibitions of Achievements of Students and Young Scientists in the German Democratic Republic. In order to obtain the best pedagogical results through collaborative work, the teacher must understand and add to the student's motivations and be prepared to stimulate the learning process through constant evaluation of both specific achievements and of the development of the student's personality resulting from work on the project. The latter evaluation criterion is in turn best measured by the assessment of results achieved against objectives and by an analysis of the environment of the study process. As individual teachers can only know students in specific courses, the position of “seminar group advisor” has been created in the GDR to be filled by young academics who are assigned to groups of students from their matriculation to their graduation.  相似文献   

The requirement that all Local Educational Authorities in England and Wales produce plans for their provision for ‘pupils with problems’ has resulted in a wide range of responses. The data in this paper are drawn from a sample of Behaviour Support Plans and the responses of a group of individuals (teachers) closely affected by them. The plans are firstly analysed using an evaluation framework developed from Circular 1198, which announced the Behaviour Support initiative. The paper then draws on the evaluatory critiques of teachers who work in both mainstream and special (EBD) schools; these were obtained by interview. Data suggest that, BSPs generally follow the pattern of guidance provided in the Circular, although there are several notable omissions in some plans. There are wide variations in the way in which BSPs have been perceived by teachers working with children with behaviour problems; importantly, these views regard some BSPs as, in part, little more than reiterations of previously attempted initiatives.  相似文献   

采用问卷法和访谈法,对福建省某市多家儿童康复机构的教师进行调查与分析。对普通幼儿教育和特殊幼儿教育的教师工作压力进行了比较,继而对特殊幼儿教师的工作压力进行了人口学分析。结果显示:特殊幼儿教育教师在许多维度上的压力大于普通幼儿教育教师,人口学诸多因素也和工作压力密切相关。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine, within an integrative predictive model, the relative contributions of sociodemographic variables, personal resources, and work wellbeing to teacher burnout. The research was conducted with special education teachers at Italian preschools—a context in which few previous studies have been carried out—and primary schools. A cross‐sectional survey‐based study with a sample of 194 kindergarten and primary school teachers was conducted. The results indicated that teachers’ happiness at school and job satisfaction incrementally predicted variance in personal, work‐related, and student‐related burnout, even after controlling for the effects of sociodemographic factors and personal resources. Furthermore, the final integrative predictive model was similar for both kindergarten and primary teachers.  相似文献   

In the US, there is a significant number of learning-disabled high school students included in regular science classrooms. It has been argued that students with learning disabilities can succeed in science if they receive the kind of instruction they need. To facilitate such instruction, the special education teacher is often incorporated into the class along with the learning disabled students. We observed 53 high school science lessons from ten pairs of science and special-education teachers who were responsible for delivering instruction to groups of students, some of whom were learning-disabled. We analyzed narrative notes collected in these lessons reflecting the kinds of classroom activities, organization of work, and teachers’ roles. In addition, we interviewed the teachers individually to gain a better understanding of these inclusive classes. The underlying question of this research was whether inclusive classes with two teachers delivered the type of science education that is better than solo-teaching in addressing the needs of learning-disabled students. Our evidence indicates that even with a special-education teacher present in the class, learning-disabled students usually did not receive a science education that met their needs. We elaborate on the reasons for this problem and make suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

新课程背景下教师职业压力的调查研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究的目的在于探求基础教育新课程背景下中小学教师职业压力的状况及其主要压力来源,揭示中小学教师的职业压力特点、影响因素,分析教师职业压力的产生原因。研究结果表明:教师职业压力主要来源于教学工作、教学评价和学生因素;参加课改实验教师与未参加课改实验教师的职业压力不存在显著差异;教师职业压力发展趋势是先下降再缓慢上升,其中6~10年教龄阶段的教师表现出较低程度的职业压力,而后职业压力随着教龄的增长而升高;城市区域和学校类型等背景因素在教师职业压力总分上的主效应显著。  相似文献   

In 1970 teachers in 39 schools reported how they organized their classrooms. Seven years later teachers in these same schools were invited to take part in a follow‐up survey. The results showed that no dramatic shifts in classroom organizational policy had occurred. Overall there was no evidence of further innovation nor of a swing back to traditional methods. However, there were a number of small changes which hinted at various subtle shifts and counterbalances in teachers' organizational strategies.  相似文献   

黄培玲 《职业技术教育》2006,27(20):102-103
职校生的管理难度相对较大,管理部门如何以“人性化”的管理方法,促使班主任发挥最大潜力,身心舒畅、高效率地工作至关重要。要达到这些目标,必须创设宽松的工作氛围,使班主任变压力为动力,给班主任工作以空间和时间;必须理解、尊重班主任;必须充分肯定班主任所做的工作,正确分析学生对班主任的测评。  相似文献   

教师专业化是新世纪各国中小学教师队伍建设的逻辑起点.教师专业化,包含了专业知能和专业服务精神即师德两大方面.教师职业道德是教师职业最本质的体现,是教师专业发展的动力和灵魂.  相似文献   

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