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基于对莱恩·内尔森的女性主义自然主义科学哲学作一些梳理与阐释,聚焦于内尔森的女性主义自然主义经验论、女性主义社会认识论两方面,以期阐明内尔森关于女性主义自然主义科学哲学的内涵,进而深入认识自然主义科学哲学理论。  相似文献   

面对数学实在论的认识论挑战,数学哲学中出现了三种不同的自然主义规划,即蒯因的科学自然主义、麦蒂的数学自然主义和叶峰的物理主义的自然主义。这三种规划都试图对传统的数学本体论和认识论问题进行自然化,都涉及探究数学、科学、哲学与实在世界之间的关系,以及传统哲学探究的方式受到现代科学方法的冲击时会面临怎样的命运。文章试图勾勒出数学哲学中自然主义的发展脉络,提出对自然主义的质疑以及由自然主义引起的一系列重要的哲学追问。  相似文献   

库恩的《科学革命的结构》以自然主义的行文风格将科学发展中的心理、社会、历史因素的重要性展现在世人面前。为了克服相对主义的困难,后期的库恩转向了先验的语言学研究,试图在其中寻找科学的坚实的基础。受库恩影响而蓬勃发展的女性主义科学论研究在面对与库恩类似的难题时,选择了不同的解决方案。女性主义科学论从女性主义一贯关注的生理/社会性别的探讨中汲取养分,强调物质因素的重要性,近年来,出现了自然主义及本体论转向。  相似文献   

哲学中的自然主义是一种关于自然实在本体论标准和认识论前提的理论。古希腊哲学中的理性自然主义是其最早形式,近代哲学从笛卡尔直至奎因,科学自然主义发展成为哲学中居于主导地位的理论纲领。当代心灵哲学诞生之初,即奉科学自然主义为圭臬,以查默斯为代表的心灵哲学家力图通过自然主义的方案来解决心灵这一困难问题,但又因坚持心灵具有内在性、主观性、第一人称性等特征,导致当代心灵哲学中的自然主义面临着重新陷入二元论、神秘主义的困境。  相似文献   

当代英美分析哲学中的"自然主义转向"是自然主义兴起的一个标志,科学自然主义曾在其中占据主导地位,它主张的还原论使自身陷入困境,特别是无法对规范性现象做出合理的说明。自由自然主义是当代自然主义的新出路,它在批判科学自然主义还原论的基础上,试图通过重新定义自然来为规范性现象在自然中找到位置,这种努力直接回应了心灵与世界的关系问题,并把一些哲学的传统问题与当代的焦点问题连接在一起,这使它成为当代哲学发展的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

女性主义哲学家将性别议题放入哲学思想史中,指出哲学具有厌女症和排斥女性的阳刚特质.而当代女性主义哲学的挑战,首先关注的是女性哲学家的缺失,然后必须要做的便是对传统哲学进行彻底的批判,包括对科学哲学、伦理学和政治哲学等的批判;紧接着是建构和发展女性主义哲学的观点.女性主义哲学家在确立女性主义哲学价值的同时,也正视女性主义哲学发展所面临的困境,尝试探索出女性哲学发言的环境,并改变女性主义哲学研究边缘化的现状.  相似文献   

女性主义科学哲学从其特殊的政治视角重构了知识与政治的关系,反思了科学实践的多元研究范式与价值承诺,进而指出科学民主化的重要性。对于科学民主是否以及如何有效地解决科学中的女性主义问题,女性主义内部异议纷呈。科学作为一种独特的理性事业,女性主义价值进入其中需要获得更大范围内科学共同体的认同,只有借助于科学民主的理性评议才能摆脱边缘化,具有合理性。  相似文献   

基于科学的先验实在论观点,巴斯卡将自然科学的先验实在论哲学应用于社会科学中,建构了一种有限的、批判的、非还原论的自然主义即批判自然主义。批判自然主义通过对自然主义的辩护和重建,试图为社会科学中自然主义与反自然主义、个人主义与整体主义、结构与行动等一系列二元论问题提供一种新的研究视角,具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   

将自然科学的方法范式引入社会科学的自然主义进路,由于坚持了自然科学的公共性、可重复性和价值中立原则,保证了社会科学可以以一门科学的形式发展,因而成了当今社会科学哲学的主流,这一进路的合法性也得到了越来越多的实践证明和学者的认可。但与此同时,以诠释学和实用主义为代表的非自然主义进路则认为社会科学和自然科学之间存在着本体论层面的张力,社会科学的复杂性和独特性使其难以采取自然科学的方法范式,据此自然主义进路发出挑战。塞尔在吸收这些批判的基础上,坚持自然主义原则,从集体意向性出发,建构了一种旨在中和社会科学的独特性和自然主义方法论之间的矛盾的社会实在论。塞尔的这一思路可以作为自然主义社会科学哲学的一种出路。  相似文献   

一些典型的自然主义者自相矛盾地赞成抽象对象的存在,卡茨将这种现象归咎于作为第一哲学的科学概念其核心存在着冲突。就此,他提出了新自然主义谬误概念,并论证自然主义者犯了不同于摩尔旧自然主义谬误的新自然主义谬误。文章对卡茨的论证作了重构和关键细节的加强。  相似文献   

A short review of current feminist philosophy on the relationship between women and science is followed by a survey of recent work in the history of women's involvement in the sciences. The reasons for the late development of this sub‐field are explained, and the most recent work in it summarized. It is emphasized that women's history in science challenges received wisdom in both the history of science as ‘professionalization’ and current feminist philosophy, which, it is argued, proceeds from an insufficient concern with the historical diversity and complexity of women's relations with science.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between situated cognition theory in science education, and feminist standpoint theory in philosophy of science. It shows that situated cognition is an idea borrowed from a long since discredited philosophy of science. It argues that feminist standpoint theory ought not be indulged as it is a failed challenge to traditional philosophy of science. Standpoint theory diverts attention away from the abiding educational and career needs of women in science. In the interest of women in science, and in the interest of science, science educators would do best for their constituencies by a return to feminist philosophy understood as the demand for equal access and a level playing field for women in science and society.
Cassandra L. PinnickEmail:

Dr. Cassandra L. Pinnick’s   research interests focus on formal rationality and the epistemological weight of evidence, evidence in law and science, and anti scientific Realism. Her publications that concern women, science, and the philosophy of science, include essays in the journals Philosophy of Science, Metascience, Social Epistemology, a contributed chapter to the Routledge Companion for Philosophy of Science, and co-editorship of the anthology Scrutinizing Feminist Epistemology of Science (Rutgers).  相似文献   

In this essay, I argue that Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality creates the middle way to theorize emancipation in critical science education: between empiricism and idealism on the one hand, and naïve realism and relativism, on the other hand. This theorization offers possibilities to transcend the usual dichotomies and dualisms that are often perpetuated in some feminist and multiculturalist accounts of critical science education. Further, meta‐Reality suggests a radically new way to re‐visit the suspect notion of emancipation. The implications for critical science education are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代之后,女性主义学术和科学元勘领域最重要的进展莫过于女性主义对女性身份差异性的认知以及科学元勘领域对科学文化多元性的强调。女性身份差异性与科学文化多元性这两种观念虽分别发端于不同的学术领域,却具有内在的一致性,并最终在女性主义科学元勘这一交叉点上实现融合。对女性身份差异性与科学文化多元性的认知与强调,为女性主义科技史研究提供了新的理论基础和编史方向。  相似文献   


Michel Foucault showed by his genealogical method that history is random. It comprises sites of disarray and dispersal. In those sites, Simone de Beauvoir wrote philosophy through lived experience of woman as Other in relation to man as the Absolute. Here lies a fecund site for revisionist analysis of female cultural production and its relevance to a philosophy of education. The paper works with a feminist approach to the politics of knowledge, examining textual and political strategies in the recording of history and the ‘othering’ of women through dominant cultural discourses. Infusing this discussion is a feminist politics of interrogation on cultural change for women. The paper investigates contributions of women to fields of art, politics, education and philosophy, and to the ways their contributions have been considered, received, positioned. Different approaches to feminism become apparent in the different conditions of knowledge under discussion. This leads to a final consideration of feminist challenges in context of the politics of neoliberalism as it seeks to identify a feminist potential for ‘a cleansing fire’. The interventions in this paper trace political strategies and challenges for a philosophy of education to keep the momentum of feminist histories and issues to the forefront of scholarly enquiry and political/social action.  相似文献   

从女性主义和科学史领域的发展背景出发,初步探讨了西方女性主义科学史研究的理论基础,认为坚持性别的社会建构和科学的社会建构是女性主义科学史研究的两大理论前提,它们表达了女性主义将性别与科学关联起来的深层内涵,性别与科学的相互建构构成了女性主义科学史研究的编史基础和研究内容.  相似文献   

Problematic emotional dynamics in progressive adult learning environments, particularly those between teachers and students, have been the subject of some discussion in adult education literature. In this paper, I eschew psychological explanations in favour of one which locates the genesis of many of the problems we experience as adult educators in the contradictions inherent in radical humanist and feminist educational philosophy. I offer an initial analysis, based on a feminist critique of the dualistic construction of traditional Western philosophy, and propose a starting point for problem‐solving and further thought on the issues raised. The paper points to an urgent need to rethink radical humanist and feminist teaching practice and philosophy in light of these problematic experiences.  相似文献   

杜威哲学缺失辩证法,其历史原因是杜威在学习黑格尔哲学的时期深受春德林堡影响,而后者结合了亚里士多德的思想,持自然化的黑格尔主义。杜威拒斥辩证法为一种方法,但同时接受辩证法中的相反的存在.他有着朴素辩证法思想,只是没有成熟的辩证法表述,而这只是导致其哲学受到指责的一个根本原因,因为辩证法对于处理确定性一相对性问题是必不可少的,也是避免走向相对主义或者虚伪主义的精神武器。  相似文献   

Despite volumes written in the name of the new and fundamental feminist project in philosophy of science, and conclusions drawn on the strength of the hypothesis that the feminist project will boost progress toward cognitive aims associated with science and rationality (and, one might add, policy decisions enacted in the name of these aims), the whole rationale for the project remains (after 20 years, plus) wholly unsubstantiated. We must remain agnostic about its evidentiary merits or demerits. This is because we are without evidence to test the hypothesis: certainly, we have no data that would test the strength of the hypothesis as asserting a causal relationship between women and cognitive ends. Thus, any self-respecting epistemologist who places a premium on evidence-driven belief and justification ought not to accept the hypothesis. By extension, there is no reasoned basis to draw any definitive conclusion about the project itself. No matter how self-evidently correct.This article originated as a lecture for the Fifth International Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy and is published by MENTIS in the GAP.5 Volume (2004).  相似文献   

女性主义者认为,科学并不是价值中立和性别无涉的,科学史中蕴含着性别密码,近现代科学负载着男性价值和男性品质,这导致了千百年来女性在科学中的相对缺席。科学史是一部充满男性中心主义的历史,必须通过勘误与修正,重构科学史和科学发展的真实图景。女性主义的这种观点丰富了科学史,为科学史的研究开辟了新的理论视角,但是,由于过于强调其特有的女性主义立场和原则而忽视了自然科学自身的规律性,女性主义科学史观也受到了学界的批评与诘问。  相似文献   

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