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视觉营销是以商品为基础核心,以陈列为技术手段,将商品的价值放大并诉诸于视觉化,从而说服顾客购买的一种有效的卖场规划营销策略。品牌(或商家)通过其标志、色彩、图片、广告、店堂、橱窗、陈列等等一系列的视觉展现,向顾客传达产品信息、服务理念和品牌文化,达到促进商品销售、树立品牌形象之目的。  相似文献   

色彩符号作为视觉符号,能更准确、快速的传达信息与思想感情,为品牌建设树立视觉文化的基础.本文从色彩符号的理论出发,探讨视觉传达设计,以及企业品牌形象色彩的符号化特征.从符号学的角度解读企业品牌色彩的效应和作用,可以更广泛的探求它的社会价值.  相似文献   

商业橱窗是通过造型进行视觉传达的一种立体广告形式,其大量的广告资讯,必须通过色彩诉诸顾客。明快的橱窗色彩是引人驻足观赏的第一步,能使无意中的游客成为有意的观赏者,在感受物体美感的同时有效地认识商品,进而引发兴趣,产生购买的欲望。橱窗的色彩效果由商品固有的色彩、商品与商品之间色彩的互映、道具装饰等色  相似文献   

现代消费市场商品种类繁多,如何更好地设计、区别出各类商品,以吸引消费者,并能使消费者一眼望之就能了解商品的大概特点和功效,色彩的心理语言愈显重要。 人体的有感知觉是由视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉五感组成。科学表明,视觉的认知  相似文献   

电子商务是近些年来新兴起的一种经济形态,其通过运用信息技术和网络资源来从事商业活动。在这个"互联网+"的大数据时代,越来越多的网商、电商从事电子商务。很多网购爱好者在网上购买商品时多是参考图片来进行商品的购买,顾客看不到实物,因而视觉营销就显得格外重要。本文主要研究电子商务时代下视觉营销的实际运用,通过丰富的色彩调和和视觉冲击,不断吸引广大网购爱好者,刺激顾客的购买欲,给予网购客户更好的购物体验,从而不断提高网商、电商的销售额,也促进电子商务能够更好更快的发展。  相似文献   

作为网页设计视觉要素的色彩是调适用户视觉心理和吸引用户的重要手段.充分认识色彩的情感规律,了解色彩的表现特征和应用原则,掌握色彩对人们心理的影响作用,从而使网页设计的表现效果得到充分的显现和表达.  相似文献   

大自然中,色彩丰富多彩、千变万化,色彩在日常生活中也给人多重视觉感受.色彩是艺术的要素之一,它在艺术中向人们传达着一种情感的体验,是艺术和人类沟通的语言.因此,在艺术设计中,把握好色彩的运用,可以增添设计作品的艺术性,同时增添艺术作品的灵魂,给我们最大程度的视觉冲击.  相似文献   

任何一个平面设计作品,都要通过字体、色彩和图形三种视觉传达元素,经构图的编排,形成一个完整的画面.那么,在平面设计中怎样使图文阅读顺畅,在有限的视觉空间里,使字体、图形、色彩产生互动的有效的视觉传达,其中视觉流程对整个平面设计来说起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

色彩作为影视动画的视觉元素,是动画造型的重要表现手段之一.文章以日本动画电影大师宫崎骏动画作品《千与千寻》为例,通过对片中的色彩元素进行归纳和解读,与读者共同探讨该片色彩运用所产生的视觉上、风格样式上、观众心理以及动画主题的影响,让读者对宫崎骏《千与千寻》色彩世界有更全面的了解.  相似文献   

我们生活在五彩缤纷的大千世界里,到处充满着色彩,所以,我们在学习写作中,要以敏锐的眼光去捕获生活中的色彩.准确地运用色彩词,能更好地表明作文的特定环境,加强读者的视觉印象,产生丰富的视觉联想,更完美地表达出作者的特殊感情.  相似文献   

色彩是期刊设计中最为直观也最具想象力的因素 ,它以其自身的机能和内在规律 ,在现代期刊装帧设计中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用 ,尤其体现在市场效应上 ,色彩的意义是其他形式不可替代的 .以几种杂志的装帧设计为例 ,具体阐述了色彩在期刊设计中的市场效应  相似文献   

色彩教学是设计专业的先导和基础,在教学内容中应强化多元文化与知识,这样不仅能够深化教学效果,帮助学生拓展学科知识广度,更有利于培养学生的审美素养,真正实现学科领域里色彩应用能力的提高.  相似文献   

This paper is divided into three major sections: Color as Seen—Physiological; Color as Seen—Psychological; and Color and Learning. The first section deals with color adaptations and the effects of color on acuity and relates these to the design of instructional materials. The second section covers color meanings and preferences, as well as color harmony and the relationships of these factors to the design of instructional materials. The third section provides an overview of research on color and learning. It includes the effects of color on attention, search tasks, other objective and non-objective measures of learning, and the use of color for cathode ray tube (CRT) displays. Although the measurable effects of color may be slight, colored materials are preferred and they are used almost universally. Therefore, designers of instructional materials need to use color wisely by paying attention to the physiological and psychological effects of color and the effect of color on learning.  相似文献   

在进行人脸检测过程中,自然光源光照条件和取景设备对图像原本色彩存在干扰影响,这样很难满足人脸识别系统的要求。从图像进行光照补偿处理的方法和效果的研究出发,实验证明:在图像背景相当简单的情况下,采用参考白光线补偿方法可以很好地对色温差图像进行光照补偿处理,消除了光照的影响力,使后续的处理更适合进行人脸识别性能。  相似文献   

This study utilized a national longitudinal data set of college students to examine the educational relevance of cross-racial interaction and how campuses can best structure such opportunities. The general pattern of findings suggests that cross-racial interaction has positive effects on students' intellectual, social, and civic development. The results show that institutions could enhance such experiences by enrolling larger proportions of students of color and by offering students more opportunities to live and work part-time on campus. While these findings apply uniformly to white students, the frequency of cross-racial interaction does not always follow an expected path of steady gains for students of color as the student body becomes increasingly more diverse. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

在印象派的音乐中,富有色彩效果的和声远比旋律重要,而钢琴兼有和声以及音色精致变化的功能,因此,精湛的钢琴演奏技巧起着关键性的作用,尤其是对触键控制的技巧以及对作品整体色彩的把握,能更好地描述音乐主题形象和反映整体音响效果。文章以印象派代表作曲家拉威尔最具独创和美感的代表作品集《镜子》中的《山谷钟声》为范例,结合作曲家本人创作背景风格,分析他在钢琴演奏中的触键技巧和对音乐色彩的理解及艺术价值。  相似文献   

流行色在童装设计中越来越重要,本从流行色与童装流行色分析;童装设计中运用流行色需考虑的因素;童装设计中流行色的运用形式等三个方面探讨了流行色在童装设计中的重要性。  相似文献   

随着对外开放的日益扩大,国际交往越来越频繁,人们对色彩的效果有了刻意追求和需要。这种时代背景反映在平面设计中,就使色彩对消费心理的影响,比以往任何一个历史时期都能显出其重要的意义和价值。从色彩情感、色彩意象、色彩调节、色彩与生活等几个方面研究人们不同类型的消费心理,探究平面设计中用色彩表达消费心理、用色彩刺激消费的一系列心理影响,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Disorientation and confusion have been identified as significant problems for older persons newly admitted to nursing homes and other institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine which of two orientating systems might be best for helping older people become accustomed to a strange environment. Middle‐aged and elderly residents of a nursing home were dichotomized by performance on three memory tests and then were given two paired‐associate learning tasks. In one task colors and a place in the nursing home were to be associated; in the other symbols and a place in the nursing home were to be associated. The results indicated that the symbol‐place paired‐associate task was learned more rapidly than the color‐place task by both high and low memory ability groups, and that the lower memory ability group showed slower learning of the color‐place task compared to the higher memory ability group. In addition, learning was slower on both tasks when the color‐place task was the first presented. These results indicated that symbol‐place codes may be more useful than color‐place codes as orientation markers and suggested that evaluation of learning performance should include examination of order effects.  相似文献   

Children''s Sex-related Stereotyping of Colors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
4 studies addressed children's sex-related stereotyping of colors. Study 1 examined preschoolers' awareness of color stereotypes. Children were presented with 6 toy animals, identical except for color, and were asked to identify the sex of each animal and to select a favorite. Both sex identifications and toy preferences were highly consistent with adult color stereotypes. Study 2 demonstrated that clothing color influences preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade children's impressions of other children whose sex is known. Studies 3 and 4 indicated that the effects of stereotyping based on color are modest in comparison to the effects of stereotyping based directly on sex. In addition, color stereotyping did not show the regular age-related increase that is characteristic of sex-role stereotyping.  相似文献   

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