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你不一定开过德国的奔驰,但不能不知道。你不一定看过德国的足球,但不能不知道。你不一定知道奔驰SL500、奔驰S500、奔驰S320……但它们都属于奔驰家族。你不一定知道戈麦斯、弗里茨、希策尔斯佩格……但他们都属于德国战队。德国奔驰,车世界的"超级男生"。德国足球,足球世界的"好男儿"。当德国足球驾驶德国的奔驰那就是(如下)车光球影,马达轰鸣狼烟四起,人车合一,绝配。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of qualification for the 2006 World Cup on football participation in Australia. Australia’s qualification for the 2006 World Cup created widespread media coverage across the country, and this was amplified by the fact that it was only the second time the nation had qualified for the event. Contrary to a number of studies that have examined sport participation legacy and major events, this research presents data that suggest an overall positive trend in Australian football participation post Australia’s successful World Cup qualification. Three of the four demographic categories examined in the study had witnessed increased football participation across the examined period.  相似文献   

令夕  姚杰 《足球俱乐部》2011,(20):26-29
过去的十年,是欧洲足坛风起云涌的岁月,单从代表着欧洲足坛的最高荣誉——冠军联赛冠军无卫冕这一现象来看,足见欧洲足坛豪门的此起彼伏。同时,这段时间镌刻了欧洲足坛潮流化和革命化的进步,也见证了"幼兽"成为巨星的艰辛。回顾过去的十个赛季里,欧陆豪门既享受到冠军的荣耀,也经历了重生的痛苦,然而,在这个过程中,总会有一些球员与球队共度风雨。  相似文献   

In recent years, Pop Warner, the world’s largest youth football organization, has seen its numbers decline. This decline is due to concerns about new research establishing a link between football and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. Hundreds of thousands of parents are now struggling with a difficult ethical issue: should kids play football? Since parents have an obligation to help children develop the capacities required for autonomous choice, the risks posed by football establish a strong presumption against allowing kids to play the game. I consider whether this presumption can be defeated by the arguments for allowing kids to play dangerous sports offered by John Russell in his papers ’The Value of Dangerous Sport’ and ‘Children and Dangerous Sport and Recreation’. While Russell does not argue that kids should be permitted to play football, and agrees that some sports may be too risky for children, he argues that kids should often be allowed to participate in extraordinarily risky sports. I contend that the reasons given in support of this position fail to defeat the presumption against allowing kids to play football. Thus, in the absence of further argument, or radical changes to the game, children should not play football.  相似文献   


This research is part of a larger phenomenon about the diffusion and transmission of football in various British colonies, particularly in Asia. After the British occupied the Straits Settlements of Penang, Malacca, and Singapore and enforced indirect rule in the Federated Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang and Unfederated Malay States of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, and Trengganu and Johore, they established sports clubs and played football. They also introduced the game to the Malay, Chinese, Eurasian, Indian, and Sikh communities. In 1921, the British donated the HMS Malaya Cup for football. The inaugural football league consisted of seven colony or state teams and players from the European and local communities. During the first decade (1921–1930), two outstanding European and six local players were highlighted. By the end of next 11 years (1931–1941), 10 teams took part in the competition. During this period, 10 outstanding players emerged from the local communities. Singapore appeared in all 21?Cup finals winning 12 times and drew twice. Selangor was 14 times finalists winning four times and drew twice. Perak won twice out of three final appearances. Kedah and Penang were losing finalists 1940 and 1941, respectively.  相似文献   

Lim Peng Han 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(12-13):1217-1237

The Singapore Football Association (SFA) was founded in 1892. In 1904, the YMCA initiated the first football league with 12 teams from military and European clubs and School Old Boys’ teams. The first phase from 1904 to 1913 was restricted to European and Eurasian only. The military teams won six out of the nine tournaments. The second phase of the league began in 1917 and from 1921 to 1941. The Straits Chinese Football Association (SCFA) took part in the league and the rejuvenated SFA included a representative from the SCFA. The Singapore Football League started with two divisions 1921 and participating teams from the SCFA in the same year and the Malaya Football Association (MFA) in 1924. The SCFA won the league for the first time in 1925 and subsequently in 1930, 1937, and 1938. In 1929, the SFA was renamed the Singapore Amateur Football Association (SAFA). The MFA won the League for the first time in 1931, and the first local team to win three years in succession from 1931 to 1933. From 1931 to 1941 the local teams won seven league titles out of 11. By 1940 the League grew with 44 teams in three divisions.  相似文献   

Historians have almost universally seen association football in the north of Ireland as a divisive influence. The impacts of sectarian and political tensions on the game have been stressed, alongside the extent to which this sport supposedly feeds into existing divisions. Much of the work carried out has concentrated on the last four decades, though even studies outside this period of widespread civil disorder have highlighted these problems. This paper uses the surviving records of the Ballymena Football and Athletic Club, the local press, census returns and other records to consider aspects of one particular Northern Irish club in the 1920s and 1930s. This short consideration of the players, supporters and shareholders suggests that at least in this case football was successful in bringing together and developing cooperation between men of widely differing political and religious views. While the club was a not a financial success, it was a social and sporting one. The evidence available suggests there was little exhibition of sectarian tension at any level.

Le football en Irlande du Nord dans l'entre-deux-guerres: Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited - exclusivité religieuse et politique ou intégration civique

Les historiens ont presque universellement perçu le football en Irlande du Nord sous l'angle d'une influence séparative. L'impact des tensions sectaires et politiques sur le jeu a été souligné, en même temps que la manière dont ce sport est censée s'intégrer dans des divisions existantes. La plupart des travaux effectués se sont concentrés sur les quatre dernières décennies, bien que même les études sur d'autres périodes que celle des troubles civiles aient mis en évidence ces problèmes. Cet article utilise les archives du Ballymena Football and Athletic Club qui ont survécu, la presse locale, des rapports de recensement et d'autres rapports pour reconsidérer les dimensions d'un club particulier d'Irlande du Nord dans les années 1920 et 1930. Ce bref regard sur les joueurs, les supporters et les actionnaires suggère qu'au moins dans ce cas, le football est parvenu à réconcilier et développer la coopération entre des hommes d'origines politiques et religieuses largement différentes. Si le club ne fut pas un succès économique, il en fut un sur le plan social et sportif. Les sources disponibles suggèrent qu'il y a eu peu d'affichage de tensions communautaires à quelque niveau que ce soit.

El fútbol en la Irlanda del Norte de entreguerras. Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited: segregación religiosa y política o integración cívica

Casi todos los historiadores han considerado el fútbol en Irlanda del Norte como una influencia segregadora. Se ha subrayado el impacto sobre este deporte de las tensiones sectarias y políticas, así como el grado en que el fútbol se supone que ha alimentado las divisiones existentes. Gran parte de la investigación desarrollada se ha centrado en las últimas cuatro décadas, aunque otros estudios sobre periodos anteriores a esta época de desórdenes civiles generalizados han recalcado estos mismos problemas. El presente artículo utiliza los archivos conservados del Ballymena Football and Athletic Club, la prensa local, registros del censo y otros documentos para analizar aspectos de un club norirlandés en concreto en los años 20 y 30 del siglo XX. Este breve estudio de los jugadores, los seguidores y los accionistas sugiere que por lo menos en este caso el fútbol consiguió integrar y estimular la cooperación entre hombres con creencias políticas y religiosas muy diversas. Si bien el club no constituyó un éxito económico, sí lo fue desde el punto de vista social y deportivo. La información disponible indica que en su seno hubo pocas manifestaciones de tensiones sectarias de cualquier tipo.

Fußball in Nordirland zwischen den Weltkriegen: Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited – religiöse und politische Exklusivität oder bürgerliches Mitwirken

Historiker haben Fußball in Nordirland fast übereinstimmend als trennenden Einfluss wahrgenommen. Neben dem Umfang, in dem sich dieser Sport vermutlich auf die bereits vorhandene Spaltung auswirkt, wurde das Einwirken von konfessionsgebundenen und politischen Spannungen auf das Spiel untersucht. Ein großer Teil der durchgeführten Forschung konzentrierte sich auf die letzten vier Jahrzehnte, obwohl auch Studien außerhalb dieser Periode des weitverbreiteten bürgerlichen Widerstands diese Probleme hervorgehoben haben. Diese Abhandlung verwendet noch existierende Aufzeichnungen des Ballymena Football and Athletic Clubs, der lokalen Presse, Volkszählungsberichte und weitere Aufzeichnungen, um die Erscheinung eines ausgewählten nordirischen Klubs in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren nachzuvollziehen. Diese kurze Betrachtung der Spieler, Unterstützer und Anteilseigner lässt vermuten, dass Fußball, zumindest in diesem Fall, erfolgreich darin war, Männer mit äußerst unterschiedlichen politischen und religiösen Ansichten zusammenzubringen und ihre Kooperation zu fördern. Während der Klub kein finanzieller Erfolg war, so war er es doch in sozialer und sportlicher Hinsicht. Das verfügbare Material deutet darauf hin, dass konfessionelle Spannungen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen kaum sichtbar wurden.


Roy Hay 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(9):1047-1061
Though the focus of this article is Australia, it is intended as a contribution to the debate about what was happening in the UK and elsewhere before football was codified by the Football Association in 1863. There is mounting evidence that a football culture existed far beyond the public schools and universities and that small-sided predominantly kicking games, often for monetary or other rewards, were being played by migrants to Australia who drew on their British heritage. Not only that but the game was being presented and encouraged by public authorities who would not have countenanced doing so had there been a risk of a breakdown in public order or violence accompanying the games. The article provides support for the arguments developed by Adrian Harvey in the UK.  相似文献   

Rob Steen 《Sport in Society》2016,19(2):267-279
In the course of researching the Heysel tragedy and its coverage by the media, I pored over dozens of valuable dissections of football hooliganism by renowned sociologists, almost all of whom charged journalists with both exaggerating and exacerbating the problem. Interviews with the accused, unaccountably, were conspicuous by their absence. These scholarly explorations were also accompanied, in my reading, by a widespread tendency to diminish the havoc wrought by criminal and profoundly antisocial behaviour. Many contributory factors were commonly cited, such as ‘frustrated maleness’, high unemployment, Margaret Thatcher’s declaration that ‘there is no such thing as society’ and the excesses of a small, entirely unrepresentative minority. The prime scapegoats, instead, have been the media – especially the space-starved, time-pressed daily newspapers, as ever, the most inviting of open goals. Their alleged crimes were wilful, irresponsible hyperbole; in short, sensationalism. Written by a sports journalist and journalism lecturer, this paper addresses whether such stereotyping is justified.  相似文献   

Guy Podoler 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1819-1834

While seeking to establish their respective international positions following their foundation, Israel and Malaysia also interacted with each other. However, in light of the Israeli–Arab conflict, and mainly due to Malaysia’s domestic considerations and geo-political interests, the interactions remained limited and official relations were not established. This study relies on the notion that sport is potentially an important tool for engagement between states. It examines contemporaneous Israeli and Singapore press and brings together the various episodes and voices pertinent to the way Israel–Malaysia relations unfolded through football until the 1970s. The paper offers an historical perspective on the relations by focusing on a game that was highly popular in both countries. I argue that, while considering the various limitations that were involved, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and President of the Asian Football Confederation, Tunku Abdul Rahman, cautiously maintained the football channel with Israel open. Accordingly, in light of the significantly low-level of other means of contact, football functioned as a carefully managed yet meaningful line of communication by involving a prime minister, senior sports administrators, athletes, football fans, journalists, and sports readers. The essay thus contributes a case study to the emerging body of literature on football relations between states.  相似文献   

A growing body of academic and popular literature considers the history of South African football. These and existing publications pay little or no attention to the emergence of white professional football in apartheid South Africa. The National Football League (NFL) challenged the amateur game and introduced professional football to the country. During its 17-year existence, the NFL grew each season with large attendances until its demise in 1977. In addition, the NFL imported a range of international players, invited foreign teams and actively engaged in the political debates in South African sport at the time. The NFL was instrumental in popularising the game across the country for all South Africans. The NFL became the most popular sports entertainment of choice for South Africans during this period. Finally, the NFL actively engaged in a campaign of destroying rival non-racial anti-apartheid leagues while simultaneously co-opting less progressive organisations.  相似文献   

In today’s leading football training centres, state-of-the-art performance diagnostic systems such as the “Footbonaut” allow controlled and standardized assessments of physical and mental components of agility, e.g. speed of action and ball control, that are considered to be decisive for talent identification and development. However, effects of induced physical and mental strain on performing football-specific practice patterns remain to be elucidated, particularly in youth players, and, thus, characterize the purpose of this study. 33 randomly assigned competitive football players (U14 to U16) performed a standardized Footbonaut practice pattern (i.e. 20 balls randomly drawn at 50?km/h each), prior to and immediately after either mentally demanding tasks (MDT; n?=?11; continuous Vienna Test System’s Stroop task and determination test), physically demanding tasks (PDT; n?=?11; consisted of 4?×?4?min of football-specific high-intensity intervals with 3?min of active recovery in between) or a control condition (CON; n?=?11). Continuous heart rates (HR) as well as self-perceptions of fatigue were assessed. Main findings revealed performances for speed of action (p?=?0.44; f?=?0.01) and ball control (p?=?0.15; f?=?0.03) that were not modulated in the face of induced physical and mental strain as indicated by increased HR following PDT (p?<?0.001; d?>?0.8), or in the face of increased self-perceptions of fatigue following PDT and MDT (both p?<?0.001; both d?>?0.8) compared to CON. This is in line with a suggested talent factor and previous reports on motivational trade-off aspects in youth players. However, the present study’s short-timed practice patterns make it difficult to reliably compare a measuring sensitivity to complex football-specific movement behavioural and technical proficiencies with respect to mental and physical strain of longer-lasting football games and, thus, need further investigation in favour of improving talent identification and development using the Footbonaut.  相似文献   

This essay presents the evolution of European governance in a parallel symbiosis with football. It describes the EU, this sui generis ‘team’, giving examples, images, dates and events from the world of football. It seeks to contribute to the debate on the changing profile of EU institutions through the looking glass of football ones, as a ‘team’ in the framework of governance and international relations. In particular, it uses the specific institutional example of the Champions League as a source of analogies and regularities for the on-going European experiment. It examines how far EU and football continue to encompass the same joy of accomplishment after the dramatic change in their institutional and political rules of play in an age ruled by the relentless and insatiable pursuit of profit. The paper argues that European governance needs to redefine its integration’s priorities, restoring dedication to and passion for the European project.  相似文献   

J.A. Mangan and Colm Hickey, in articles in 1999 and 2008, argued that the motivation of teachers promoting elementary-school football in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was mainly athleticism. In 2000, 2005 and 2009, I expressed my reservations about their claims. Most recently, articles by Gerry P.T. Finn in Soccer & Society in 2010 and by Hickey and Finn separately in the International Journal of the History of Sport in 2011 have argued against my reservations and offered what they consider further evidence for athleticism in elementary-school football. In response, the present article examines the evidence for the claims of athleticism in elementary-school football and concludes that it was only through failing to engage with the vast majority of sources of this kind of football, in particular the records of Schoolboy Football Associations and the sporting and local press, that the claims of Mangan, Hickey and Finn for the extent of the influence of athleticism in elementary-school football could be sustained.  相似文献   

In 2012, five Qatari women participated in a qualitative research study, which aimed to explore the negotiation of opportunity to be members of Qatar's first national women's football team. Qatar is a conservative Islamic country which is experiencing rapid modernisation. Part of this modernisation includes the increasing visibility of sport, for example the successful bid for the 2022 men's Football World Cup. In response to this bid, the first Qatari women's national football team was established in 2011. The project was positioned within a social constructivist framework. Five out of 12 squad members, over the age of 18, volunteered to participate in semi-structured interviews. Interview questions probed the women's experiences and influences on their opportunities and journey to membership in the national team. From a thematic analysis, issues such as the management of gender norms and the influence of significant others dominated the data. This research indicated that the women's agency enabled them to manage their situation with a range of strategies and to change attitudes towards women footballers. The winning of the bid to host the men's World Cup has been a catalyst for change in making spaces for Qatari sportswomen.  相似文献   

During the late twentieth century, the United Kingdom’s football infrastructure and spectatorship underwent transformation as successive stadia disasters heightened political and public scrutiny of the game and prompted industry change. Central to this process was the government’s formation of an independent charitable organization to oversee subsequent policy implementation and grant-aid provision to clubs for safety, crowd, and spectator requirements. This entity, which began in 1975 focusing on ground improvement, developed into the Football Trust. The Trust was funded directly by the football pools companies who ran popular low-stakes football betting enterprises. Working in association with the Pools Promoters Association (PPA), and demonstrating their social responsibility towards the game’s constituents, the pools resourced a wide array of Trust activities. Yet irrespective of government mandate, the PPA and Trust were continually confronted by political and economic obstacles that threatened the effectiveness of their arrangements. In this paper the history of the Football Trust is investigated, along with its partnership with the PPA, and its relationship with the government within the context of broader political shifts, stadia catastrophes, official inquiries, and commercial threats. It is contended that while the Trust/PPA partnership had a respectable legacy, their history afforded little protection against adverse contemporary conditions.  相似文献   

Sporting leagues are generally based on collectivist principles, as the members need one another to produce their product. For much of its existence, the Football League has functioned as a cartel, operating income-sharing arrangements and controlling its membership. In the period from 1959 to 1986, a limited number of clubs left the League through the re-election process, in modest recognition of geographical logic, as clubs from growth areas to the south typically replaced clubs from more traditional economic areas that were often over-represented in the Football League. Clubs are widely seen to be utility-maximisers seeking success. Success in a sporting league is defined in a precise and relativist way and this article focuses on two of the least successful clubs to have played in the Football League, Barrow AFC and Workington FC, whose failure to obtain repeated re-election in the 1970s removed the only Football League clubs in a distinct economic zone, the north-west coastal steel district. This article examines the re-election mechanism and the particular economic factors that affected these two clubs, ranging from the decline of their main local industry to changes in the levels of and responsibilities attaching to rising cross-subsidy payments in the Football League.  相似文献   

Given the uncertainty of outcome in sport, predicting the outcome of sporting contests is a major topic in sport sciences. This study examines the accuracy of expert predictions in the German Bundesliga and compares their predictions to those of sports economists. Prior to the start of each season, a set of distinguished experts (head coaches and players) express their subjective evaluations of the teams in school grades. While experts may be driven by irrational sentiments and may therefore systematically over- or underestimate specific teams, sports economists use observable characteristics to predict season outcomes. The latter typically use team wage bills given the positive pay–performance relationship as well as other factors (average team age, tenure, appearances on national team, and attendance). Using data from 15 consecutive Bundesliga seasons, the predictive accuracy of expert evaluations and sports economists is analysed. The results of separate estimations show that relative grade and relative wage bill significantly affect relative points, while age, tenure, appearances, and attendance are insignificant. In a joint model, relative grade and relative wage bill are still statistically significant, suggesting that the two types of predictions are complements rather than substitutes. Consequently, football experts and sports economists seem to rely on completely different sources of information when making their predictions.  相似文献   

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