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经过三次基础教育改革,美国基本形成了比较完整的游戏取向课程模式。回顾美国游戏取向课程模式的发展轨迹,我们发现,游戏取向课程模式经历了非游戏课程模式、非干预性游戏课程模式、干预性游戏课程模式三个重要的发展时期。游戏取向课程模式的演变体现了游戏与课程关系的变化、对游戏功能与课程价值认识的变化及教师在游戏中作用的变化。这种发展趋势充分表明:课程需要游戏,游戏需要干预,干预时要尊重儿童。  相似文献   

邱枫 《河南教育》2023,(5):93-96
游戏化学习理念在高校学前教育专业课程中的实践,为学前实训课程提供了新的模式和思路。本研究以沉浸理论为基础,从完善团队机制、明确教学目标,设置学习任务、分层教学内容,迁移学习场域、创设教学情境,设定激励机制、及时评价反馈四个方面进行教学设计,在学前实训课程与游戏化学习的适配性及可行性中寻求两者的融合发展,从而帮助学生提高学习成效。  相似文献   

我们到底应如何来设计与开发网络课程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过分析网络课程设计与开发的现状,在现有的“呈现”式学习模式的基础上,提出了一种全新的网络学习模式———游戏式网络学习模式,进而提出了游戏式网络课程的概念。按此学习模式开发出的游戏式网络课程能持续激发起学习者的学习兴趣。游戏式学习模式把自主学习、真实情境、协作学习自然流畅地集成在一起,比“呈现”式更接近建构主义学习理论所要求的学习模式。文章最后进一步讨论了设计和开发新型网络课程所涉及到的理论、开发工具、平台以及软件工程等相关内容。  相似文献   

引发学习动力的游戏式网络课程的设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过分析当前网络课程设计与开发存在的不足之处,提出了一种新型网络课程设计模式-游戏式网络课程,以期能引发学习者的学习动力,使其能在寓教于乐的过程中学习文化知识。文章最后进一步阐述了游戏式网络课程的功能性价值、游戏融入校本课程的途径和方法及其游戏学习平台的构建。  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前网络课程设计与开发存在的不足之处,提出了一种新型网络课程设计模式-游戏式网络课程,以期能引发学习者的学习动力,使其能在寓教于乐的过程中学习文化知识.文章最后进一步阐述了游戏式网络课程的功能性价值、游戏融入校本课程的途径和方法及其游戏学习平台的构建.  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿园的基本活动.角色游戏是幼儿期典型的游戏形式.角色区材料作为其载体,是推动角色区开展的基础.高瞻课程模式是以幼儿主动学习为价值导向,该主动学习包括材料、操作、选择、幼儿的语言和思维、成人鹰架五个要素,材料是幼儿主动学习的关键要素之一.当前角色区游戏中发现存在材料投放失当的现象问题.本研究基于高瞻课程主动学习模...  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,创客教育作为培养创新能力的新型教育模式备受关注。游戏化学习具有激发学习动机、增强学习成就感的特点,采用游戏化的思路设计创客课程具备趣味性高、目的性强的优势。本文依托佛山市南海区的创客教育实践,基于游戏化理念设计了小学创意电子校本课程,以期解决创客教育实施过程中的问题,达到培养学生计算思维和创新能力的效果。  相似文献   

王颖 《教育技术导刊》2013,12(8):162-164
针对网络课程设计中出现的问题,将游戏化学习和体验学习理论引入课程设计中,将游戏思维和游戏机制运用到网络课程整体设计中,发挥游戏的动机激发、多重交互、及时反馈等优势,在富有趣味性和高度参与性、互动性的学习环境中自主建构知识。通过对南京大学基于此课程设计开设的课程案例介绍和分析,探讨了游戏化网络课程的学习成效。  相似文献   

江群 《早期教育》2006,(4):38-39
我区在多年研究幼儿园游戏活动的基础上.开展了“区域性多元游戏课程开发的实践研究”。目的是对游戏在幼儿成长中的作用及游戏指导手段、游戏开展方法进行深入研究,扩大幼儿游戏活动的内涵.努力让幼儿通过游戏活动获得感悟、体验、成长。我们用多元游戏来设计幼儿园课程内容,体现游戏是快乐的学习,学习是求知的游戏。  相似文献   

幼儿园课程是促进儿童学习与发展的过程,因此,游戏作为最适宜学前儿童发展的方式,必然居于课程中的基础地位。游戏不断进入并居于课程中心位置的过程,即游戏课程化。游戏课程化是为了儿童获得更好的学习与发展,获得适应未来社会的素养的过程。这一过程会对幼儿园教育实践的模式和幼儿教师培养的模式带来巨大的变革。  相似文献   

使幼儿从事的活动游戏化,是顺应幼儿喜好游戏之天性的必然要求,能够给幼儿带来浸润放松性警觉感的情境体验,并为幼儿创建最近发展区,激活其经验联结。所谓教学游戏化,就是"化"教学为游戏,是陈鹤琴提出的幼稚教育的原则之一,与杜威的"做中学"教育思想相呼应,是中国幼儿教育的本土化创举。课程游戏化既是对教学游戏化的传承,也是对教学游戏化的超越。实施课程游戏化就是要保证幼儿有充足的游戏活动时间,保障幼儿的游戏权利;就是要赋予幼儿园一日活动以游戏的性质,让幼儿感受到心智的自由,产生丰富的"游戏性"体验;就是要聚焦幼儿生活,帮助幼儿在生活化、游戏化的活动情景中逐步养成良好的学习品质。课程游戏化的持续推进,既需要政府的规范引导与幼儿园的努力实践,也需要家园加强合作,共同建构和谐共育的社会生态。  相似文献   

高校教师课程设计能力之研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了给社会提供更多、更好的高等教育 ,高校教师需要成为成功的课程设计者。本文从讨论当前高校教学的状况入手 ,分析了课程设计的要素体系 ,评述了三种不同类型的课程设计模式 :经典的Dick模式、针对网络教学的Kuan模式及易于为大学教师使用的Fink整合模式  相似文献   

This study examines the practical and conceptual dimensions of children’s play in German and Hong Kong Chinese kindergartens. German (n?=?24) and Chinese (n?=?24) children (3–6 years) were randomly selected and videotaped during their free play for 5?min continuously on five consecutive days. Play behavior was analyzed by adopting the Parten-Smilansky play scale. Ten teachers were interviewed to elicit their views on play, learning, and play arrangements. The findings indicate that a significant difference was found between all the play categories of Hong Kong and German children. The most frequent behavior in both contexts is non-playing behavior (Non-Play), which includes completing assignments and onlooker behavior. German children show a slightly higher level in the social and cognitive dimensions of play, compared with their Chinese counterparts. Moreover, there is an association between children’s play and teachers’ views on play and, to some degree, the curriculum foci. This comparative study has implications for the curricula currently under reform, based on consideration of whether play should be applied to or removed from the curriculum.  相似文献   


The benefits of play in the learning and development of young children has long been recognized by researchers and early childhood educators. As new teachers face the challenges of increasingly diverse classrooms, in an increasingly demanding political climate, the potential of play has implications for teacher educators who prepare those new teachers. This study investigated literacy use during play in the researcher's culturally diverse first grade classroom, finding that children applied various functions of print, practiced skills, and explored concepts that had been introduced in the formal curriculum. These observations reinforce the notion that play encompasses many of the conditions necessary for literacy development and is a useful means of extending and supporting the formal literacy curriculum. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study sought to gain insight into how Ontario teachers define play-based learning, and how their perspectives affect its implementation in kindergarten classrooms. Using survey data from kindergarten teachers from around the province of Ontario, two definitions of play were developed: one focused on social development through play and the other on academic and social development in play. Results revealed inconsistencies in participants’ definitions and implementations of play-based learning in kindergarten classrooms. Several participants described the enactment of play that was entirely separate from learning, yet still indicated some belief in the ability to learn through play. While all participants described positive perspectives of play-based learning, more than half described the implementation of kindergarten programmes that did not fully integrate play-based learning as it is described in the Ontario curriculum. Participants were also asked to identify challenges they experienced in their implementation of play-based pedagogy. Participants in all enactment groups indicated experiencing challenges to their play implementation. These results support the need for a clear and consistent definition of play-based learning that will help determine how best to integrate play and the learning of academic skills.  相似文献   

建构的课程知识观在当前的教育研究中已经成为共识."游戏精神"的引入,将为这种新的课程知识观开辟一条现实的路径.秉承游戏精神的教师和学生不再是游戏中受控的兵卒,而是游戏中自主的玩家,这将对课程知识的存在方式以及课程知识的构成产生重要影响.  相似文献   

In Scotland in recent years there has been growing interest in a more play‐based pedagogy commonly described as Active Learning. The research reported in this article is an exploration of moves towards creating an active play‐based learning environment in six Primary 1 classrooms in Scotland and is concerned with (i) the children’s experiences in such a play‐based active learning environment in school and (ii) their teachers’ perspectives on this pedagogical innovation and their roles in supporting the learners. This study examined experiences and perspectives within and across each of the six child‐centred and play‐focused classes. The main findings suggest that the role of the teacher varies between what could be considered as teacher‐intensive and teacher‐initiated activities. ‘Active’ or ‘play‐based’ learning was interpreted differently by teachers; play in some classrooms was peripheral rather than integral to the learning process and curriculum‐embedded.  相似文献   

Higher education policies are increasingly focused on graduate learning outcomes, which infer an emphasis on, and deep understanding of, curriculum development across degree programs. As disciplinary influences are known to shape teaching and learning activities, research situated in disciplinary contexts is useful to further an understanding of curriculum development. In the life sciences, several graduate learning outcomes are underpinned by quantitative skills or an ability to apply mathematical and statistical thinking and reasoning. Drawing on data from a national teaching project in Australia that explored quantitative skills in the implemented curricula of 13 life sciences degree programs, this article presents four program-level curricular models that emerged from the analysis. The findings are interpreted through the lens of discipline-specific research and general curriculum design theories to further our understanding of curriculum development for graduate learning outcomes. Implications for future research and to guide curriculum development practices in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

国内研究性学习课程实施十年深度反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何顺利地、有效能地开展研究性学习课程,这是我国普通高中实施新课改中面临的重大难题。自研究性学习课程成为高中新课程的必修课以来,我国学者对其理论与实践的研究如雨后春笋般涌现。从研究内容来说,学者们多集中于对研究性学习课程的本质分析与案例展示,而对研究性学习课程的实施与评价研究相对较少。为了促进研究性学习课程的顺利实施,需要更多地关注研究性学习课程实施和评价中的困难与问题。  相似文献   

Across cultures and eras, children have engaged in play as part of the process of growing and maturing into adulthood. Play has been recognized as an effective form of pedagogy to promote learning in the early years. However, beliefs about what play is and how it should be practiced vary across Hong Kong and in other countries. Because Chinese culture places a heavy emphasis on academic achievement, a play-based curriculum has not been widely implemented in the region. Through classroom observations and interviews with key stakeholders in early childhood education, namely parents, teachers, and principals, this study reveals the complexity of views on this matter and uncovers the root cause of the difficulties in supporting play in the Hong Kong kindergartens. These findings may help promote the play-based curriculum in Hong Kong and other countries where play is in crisis.  相似文献   

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