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全国妇联-李嘉诚基金会"启璞计划"——村"两委"女干部培训试点项目是典型的NGO大型培训项目,具有参与式培训、妇女赋权、发展持续性、项目周期管理以及制度化建设等特点。广西农业职业技术学院作为"启璞计划"试点项目承办高校中惟一的高职院校,依据项目理念与要求,积极探索与实践具有高职院校特点的项目管理理念、管理机构设置及运作、经费管理、师资配备、授课方式、课程安排、监测评估等管理措施,推动"启璞计划"顺利实施。  相似文献   

《红粉》消解了有关妓女改造的元叙事,书写了女性自身的悲剧。然而在表面温和的女性关怀中又显示了男性作家苏童潜意识的性别歧视,因为在《红粉》的隐形结构中,“男人压迫”改写成“女人压迫”,“红颜薄命”实际上是“红颜祸水”。这既是改写,又是还原。  相似文献   

<正>The comprehension of literary analysis is beneficial for English learners who are eager to appreciate English literature.As is following,one kind of literary analysis method is introduced,that is,feminism criticism.To begin with,what is feminism?According to The New Encyclopedia Britannica,"feminism",also called"feminist movement"or"women’s liberation movement",refers to the social movement that seeks equal rights for women,giving  相似文献   

中国古代常见的女性头饰簪、钗、胜、步摇、金钿、珠花、栉、勒子等八种首饰都是古代女子美化发髻的工具。这些首饰从不同的角度反应了不同时代的女子对于修饰、审美的情趣。而在这其中发簪的使用更具有代表性,更好的体现了女性首饰文化的发展。  相似文献   

文章以《浮生六记》和《京华烟云》中两位女主人公陈芸和姚木兰的命运遭际来揭示中晚清妇女的生存状态。在中国传统社会结构内,女性所负载的沉重枷锁绵延已久,在整个封建时代她们都被视为是男权主义的附庸而并未获得个体存在的价值。中晚清时期女性的社会地位虽然得到了一定改善,但她们仍然承受着身体和心灵的双重压迫,甚至沦为"三从四德"等封建旧思想的奴隶。即使是思想开明,追求自由性灵的先驱女性,也未能彻底摆脱这种思想的桎梏与迫害。  相似文献   

This article explores the importance of higher education to international women’s organisations such as the International Federation of University Women, the International Council of Women, the International Alliance of Women and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and asks how studying abroad contributed to the international cooperation and understanding promoted by these organisations in the interwar period. In particular, it assesses how the movement of ‘Eastern’ women, especially East Asian, to the West for educational purposes at the beginning of the twentieth century benefited the expansion of these organisations beyond Europe, North America and white settler countries such as Australia and New Zealand between the world wars, and to what extent the experiences of international students in the ‘West’ influenced their political activities back home and their involvement in international women’s organisations.  相似文献   

以成语大词典中收录的含"柳"的成语为基础,分析了"柳"所包含的意象,"柳"在成语中的意象有:借指离别、形容女子姿态美好、比喻春光明媚、暗指狎妓及妓院、比喻说话做事飘忽不定、表示人的心境凄凉等等,这些意象都是基于"柳"这一我国南北常见植物的形态及生长习性逐步演变而来的,并在现代书面语中广泛使用。  相似文献   

"女孩形象"是严歌苓小说中经常出现的一类人物,这与中国现代小说中的儿童形象有一定程度的重合。严歌苓笔下的女孩形象一方面折射了作家的创伤性童年经验,另一方面体现出作家细腻而又活泼的女性叙事视角。严歌苓塑造的女孩形象可以分为"文革"与"成长"两大类型,她们均体现出了女性特有的心灵世界和真实丰富的人性内涵。  相似文献   

王小波小说所描写的女性群体是个不同以往华语文学创作的另类存在,她们人格独立,精神畅达,厌恶枯燥乏味,追求人生乐趣———以一种非常规的姿态张扬着自身的生命之美。这些个性鲜明的女性形象不但是王小波笔下一道靓丽而独特的风景线,也为我国当代小说人物画廊增添了一抹充满活力的亮色,并在彰显作品文学魅力、反映作者女性观的同时,更进一步折射出王小波本人全部的审美趣味和艺术态度。  相似文献   

This article will examine Asian women’s experiences of financial support in higher education. The article is based on 30 in-depth interviews with Asian women who were studying at a ‘new’ (post-1992) university in the South East of England. Women identified themselves as Muslim, Hindu and Sikh. The findings reveal that women’s religious and cultural background affects their attitudes towards financial support whilst at university. Through their participation in higher education, women are able to use their social and ethnic capital to enable them to receive financial and other kinds of support necessary for their success in higher education.  相似文献   

Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt was the most important abortion case to come before the United States Supreme Court in 25 years. It was also the first time that three women were seated on the high court to hear a case that challenged the fundamental right to choose abortion. I investigate the questioning by Justices Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan at oral argument for Whole Women’s Health as a rhetorical enactment of feminist judging and argue that the rhetorical skepticism of the SCOTUS women—their persistent questioning, defiant expressions of doubt, and incredulous style—challenged the discursive boundaries of abortion jurisprudence and advanced a feminist demand that regulations to abortion rights receive heightened scrutiny from the courts. Importantly, Whole Women’s Health demonstrates how rhetorical skepticism may operate as a powerful mode of feminist legal invention—to disrupt the norms of legal reasoning and draw the traditions of legal discourse into doubt in order to authorize a discursive space for feminist legal judgment.  相似文献   

太平天国妇女参军作战和从事军事防御工作,展现了太平女军的风采,为太平天国运动作出了卓越的贡献。女军建制全,规模大,数量多,为世罕见。从女军的来源,参军的原因看,太平天国主张妇女参军作战,还只是战争条件下的一种客观需要;是为了解决广大妇女、儿童随军的需要;是太平天国“别男行女行”政策的必然结果;是解决太平军兵力少,不够用的需要;是广西客家妇女尚武习俗在天国中的一种自然延续和反映;广大妇女还只是作为“宗教战士”参军作战,根本谈不上男女平等和妇女解放。  相似文献   

Jane Eyre is recognized as the representative work of early British female literature.The author,Charlotte Bronte,through her true female experience,described one new female figure with rebellious and revolutionary spirit——Jane Eyre.Her dignity is like the beautiful lily,holy and noble;her pure love is like the fragrant rose,intoxicating and sweet.This paper expands on the source of Jane Eyre’s dignity and her idea of equality in love and marriage through analyzing Jane Eyre’s living environment and her life experiences.Finally,it points out the importance of women’s striving for independence and freedom and maintaining personal dignity by self-struggle.  相似文献   

哈代在其作品《德伯家苔丝》中,以生动的笔触、真挚的情感塑造了一个天真纯朴、美丽善良的社会底层的少女苔丝的形象。本文通过对苔丝在短暂生命历程中不断追求自由爱情和婚姻、并与冷酷的社会和腐朽的道德进行着不懈抗争以及不可避免地遭遇悲惨结局的分析,探讨了资本主义社会对爱情的扼杀和对人性的摧残。  相似文献   

明治维新时期推行的"文明开化"使得日本女子教育获得合法性。女子接受中等教育,女子师范学校、教会女子学校、女子专门学校相继开办以及女子留学教育的开始,为日本女子教育提供了发展契机,它普及了女子教育思想、确立了女子教育制度、奠定了日本女子教育的发展模式,也为儒家文化圈其他国家效仿。  相似文献   

A Cohort Perspective on Gender Gaps in College Attendance and Completion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last 30 years, women experienced dramatic increases in college attendance and completion. Women now make up the majority of college attenders and completers, and their numbers continue to grow. Recent research shows that these gender differences are driven largely by changes among women in rates of college attendance. What is causing these dramatic increases in college attendance among women? Studying three distinct cohorts representing the high school graduating classes of 1972, 1982, and 1992, this article studies two possible mechanisms leading to women’s changing patterns of college attendance: changing academic achievement, and changing pathways into and through college. Results show that changes in the effects of achievement on college attendance decisions are driving women’s increasing college attendance. The expansion of higher education—particularly the route through 2-year college to 4-year college—increased opportunities for enrollment and women disproportionately took advantage of these opportunities. High-achieving women, who in the past did not attend college, are now attending and using these non-traditional paths to increase their rates of college attendance.  相似文献   

加拿大文学女王玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说或诗歌表现出三大侧重点:女权倾向、民族主义和生态环保意识。作为兼有女性作家以及女性学者的双重身份,阿特伍德一直关注着女性在男性社会的挣扎和斗争。通过她在小说中创造出的形形色色的女性形象,可以看出女性在男权社会所处的“他者”地位。在她们中间,既有屈服于传统角色要求,深受压迫和迫害的圈内女性;也有进行反抗、积极地进行自我身份确认,最后实现自我身份构建,走出男性桎梏的勇敢女性。文中选取了阿特伍德的四部长篇小说中的一些女性作为研究对象。通过对她们进行分类研究,更好地理解阿特伍德小说深刘的主题思想,同时,对女性反思自身命运。实现自身真正的解放也有着积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

国学的基本内容是经、史、子、集,国学的基本精神是民本意识、良知实践,国学实践的至境是真、善、美。国学教育的现代化就是引领"马克思"与"孔夫子"共存共荣的思想文化现象,当代语文课程完全具备了这些条件。国学教育的语文课程化,就是通过培养青少年的中华信仰,发展青少年的良知情感,塑造青少年的中华人格,崇尚承载国学文化的中文尊严,在有国学知识内涵、有思维建构过程、有审美体验活动、有言语产品生成的中文实践中,把中文道路延伸向五洲四海。  相似文献   

Today’s performance‐driven model of higher degree research has constructed student withdrawal and non‐completion as failure. This failure is often internalized by the student as their own failure. This paper draws on a longitudinal study that examined the experiences of four female Master’s by Research degree students—Anna, Carla, Grace and Lydia—who had either withdrawn, not completed or who had taken a very long time to complete their research. Their stories reveal that they experienced many of the factors recognized in the literature as likely to negatively affect a student’s chances of completion: isolation (social and intellectual); lack of resources; ‘absence’ of, or poor, supervision; and personal and/or professional crises; and additionally, in three cases, tensions arising from a mismatch between an individual’s understandings and institutional conceptions of postgraduate research. Rather than internalizing their experience as one of loss and failure, each of these women ‘wrote’ beyond this expected ending to reconstruct non‐completion of their postgraduate research as a beginning to a positive re‐storying of their lives.  相似文献   

木下顺二的<夕鹤>借用仙鹤报恩的故事,形象地表现了战后日本人民对纯洁真挚的爱情以及美满家庭生活的向往,阿通的飘然而逝折射了现实的残酷无情.美丽的姑娘、动人的故事、诗情画意的气氛,使<夕鹤>具有日本传统演剧艺术的幽玄之美的特征,很值得玩味.  相似文献   

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