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张婧 《兰台世界》2020,(4):149-151
鄯善乃西域古国之一,新疆出土的佉卢文书多涉及其国政治、经济、军事、文化和法律等诸多方面的问题,这批文书很好地反映了鄯善王的施政特点:鄯善王通过在全国建立严密的行政管理系统,使用严格细致的法律体系,再加上极力武装的胜兵体制、“专车”专用的交通制度以及事无巨细的统一管理使得鄯善逐渐富裕,成为西域城邦大国之一。  相似文献   

《汉书》卷九十六《西域传》"鄯善国"条载:楼兰国为匈奴反间,数次截杀汉使.元凤四年(公元前77年)汉遣平乐监傅介子刺杀楼兰王,立前已降汉之王弟尉屠者为王,更其国名为"鄯善"。自此,楼兰国不存,而为傅介子所刺杀者即成为末代楼兰王。对该王之名,《西域传》日:"介子遂斩王尝归首,驰传诣阙,悬首北阙下."颜师古注曰:"‘尝归’者,其王名也。《昭纪》作‘安归’.纪传不同,当有误者。"据此,末代楼兰王之名有"尝归"、"安归"二说,何者为确?兹作如下考证:  相似文献   

许娜  赵学东 《档案》2008,(2):61-62
我国古代西域诸国之一鄯善国时期出土的怯卢文文献档案中,有不少都涉及到古代鄯善国佛教,从中可以看出僧侣过的纯然是一种居家生活。这些僧人虽然在寺院挂籍,却常年居住在俗家,与家人共同生活,突出表现了守持佛理教戒与向往家庭生活的客观矛盾。前贤虽已注意到这一问题,并在有关著作中或多或少有所述及,本文依据西域出土的怯卢文、汉文文献档案资料的相关记载以及佛教戒律学有关内容,对古代鄯善国僧倡守持戒律的情况进行了考察,分别从其从事各种世俗事务、参与僧俗买卖、  相似文献   

1938年纳粹德国侵吞奥地利后,悍然掀起新一轮排犹浪潮。犹太人在欧洲面临生存的威胁,开始向世界各地流亡,而中国上海成为他们最重要的流亡地。1939年2月国民政府立法院院长孙科提议,在中国的西南边陲划定犹太人特区,安置逃亡来华的犹太难民。  相似文献   

本文从对中国档案事业史内容有重要补充、为研究西域及鄯善、于阗等古国与中原王朝的关系提供宝贵史料 ,为研究中外关系史提供了第一手史料等方面 ,对新疆尼雅遗址档案室的价值作了阐述  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是解决"三农问题"的重大战略举措,同时也是我国现代化进程中的重大任务。CCTV-7农业频道栏目的首要任务就是要及时、准确地传递国家政策。对于中国这个人口达13.5亿,农村人口占47.4%的农业大国来说,"以民为本"在某种意义上就是"以农为本"。"三农问题"被认为是关系到我国能否稳步发展的关键性问题。"三农"之于中国  相似文献   

<正>1938年纳粹德国侵吞奥地利后,悍然掀起新一轮排犹浪潮。犹太人在欧洲面临生存的威胁,开始向世界各地流亡,而中国上海成为他们最重要的流亡地。1939年2月,国民政府立法院院长孙科提议,在中国的西南边陲划定犹太人特区,安置逃亡来华的犹太难民。由于种种原因,这项计划最后没有全面实施,但其中闪耀的人性光辉却成为当时漫无边际的黑暗中弥足珍贵的一抹亮色。笔者最近从中国第二历史档案馆的馆藏  相似文献   

敦煌遗书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敦煌位于河西走廊最西端,是汉武帝攻取河西后所建四郡之一。据《汉书·地理志》和《元和郡县志》记载,敦煌户籍不多,人口稀少,但它南枕祁连,西控西域,是汉唐时代中西交通贸易南、北两道上的分合点,东西方文明荟萃的枢纽。司马彪《续汉书·郡国志》说,敦煌郡乃“华戎所交一都会”。《隋书·裴矩传》引《西域图记序》更明确地说:“发自敦煌,至于西域,凡为三道,各有襟带。……故知伊吾、高昌、鄯善并西域之门户也。总凑敦煌是其咽喉之地。” 汉魏之际,西域受印度佛教文化的影响很深。敦煌邻接西域,扼南北两道之门户,影响所及,便成为我国最早的佛教中心之一。《魏书·释老志》说:“敦煌村坞相属,多有塔寺。”敦煌的莫高窟、西千佛洞,安西的榆林窟,上起东晋元魏,下迄赵宋蒙元,前后千年左右,佛教信徒们开凿洞窟,塑造佛像,彩绘佛画,创造了绚烂多姿的敦煌佛教艺术,因而成为西陲佛教信仰者们的胜地。同时,敦煌乃至河西地区也是我国最早佛典翻译要地。竺法护、昙无谶、鸠摩罗什等著名的高僧,都曾乔居敦煌或河西从事讲经翻译工作。在他们的影响下,一大批信徒们不辞艰辛,跋涉于冰天雪地和荒漠沙碛之中,西行求经,瞻仰圣迹。又带回大量梵文和胡语佛经,或聚徒讲经,或翻译经典,或精心抄录,在敦煌留下了大量的以佛教  相似文献   

本文以历史文献为基础,对民国时期的移民实边人口迁移政策进行了梳理:丈量土地,实施积极的垦荒政策;合理规划移民布局,减轻移民的负担;针对难民,实施积极的安置政策和垦殖政策。民国时期东北地方政府推行的移民实边人口迁移政策,对于近代社会东北地区的发展产生了重大的积极影响,对于我国今天制定合理的人口流动政策也具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

许多国内政治局势不稳定的国家,领导人非常容易忽然之间被政变推翻而匆忙进入流亡。这时候一些邻近或者友好的国家就成了流亡者的天堂,比如法国就收留了马达加斯加、越南、伊朗、黎巴嫩、中非、海地等诸多国家的流亡政治家们。  相似文献   

This study examines the arrival of refugees from Burma, also known as Myanmar, to the Midwest of the United States and how the depiction of the refugees in online media often deploys contradictory messages about these new communities. Specifically, this analysis investigates the images and texts created by both U.S.-led refugee resettlement agencies and Burmese-led nonprofit organizations in Indiana. The project weaves together findings from the analysis of online media content along with interviews of twelve organisation leaders and staff members. The analysis reveals that the media created by the two types of organizations differ substantially. While the U.S.-led refugee resettlement agencies portray the refugees as “strangers” deserving of “the life ahead” and as worthwhile citizenship projects, the Burmese-led nonprofit organizations focus on the education of youth as future leaders and on its own members who serve as role models for the ethnic communities. This project underscores the broader implications for how refugees are portrayed in the West’s media during a period of massive exodus of refugees from nations with repressive governments and the need for more research about this topic that transcends national borders.  相似文献   


This thematic analysis of 510 news articles – spanning the leftist-rightist ideological spectrum – examines media rhetoric surrounding President Trump’s 27 January 2017 Executive Order (EO) 13769 barring immigrants and refugees from U.S. resettlement. In this article, I examine how both liberal and conservative news media rhetoric reinforce respectability politics that create a hierarchy of victimhood for those affected by the EO. Interrogating U.S. civil society’s discursive construction of the forced migrant, I expose expectations for appropriate roles for these communities seeking asylum, though these roles are often veiled by normative U.S. mythology. As this analysis illustrates, the news media articles’ discursive erasure of Syrian, Iranian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Libyan, Somali, and Yemeni immigrants and refugees elide forced migrant self-representation and neglect the political/historical reasons for fleeing from their nations of origin.  相似文献   

The migration crisis of 2015 and 2016 was a litmus test for EU solidarity, when increasing numbers of newly arriving refugees fueled its public contestation. Our overall assumption is that the “refugee crisis” contributed to a solidarity gap between inclusive liberal-cosmopolitan and exclusive communitarian attitudes in the EU. We investigate this assumption by contrasting positions regarding solidarity with refugees among state and societal actors. We base our analysis on a fresh dataset of solidarity claims in the largest print newspapers in Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy for the period of August 2015 – April 2016 coded in the TransSOL project. These four countries were affected differently by the “crisis” and differently attractive for refugees and asylum-seekers as arrival, destination or transit countries. Results suggest a solidarity gap between state actors and societal actors and a higher degree of solidarity contestation in countries with state actors strongly promoting exclusive notions of solidarity. Results speak to the discussion about media representations of migration as well as the contestation of solidarity as a fundamental value.  相似文献   

针对国家和地方科技成果转化政策执行效率不同的问题,采用内容分析法,从政策结构、政策内容、政策目标、政策工具手段及政策实施效果方面分析国家和江苏省成果转化政策。结果表明,国家和地方科技成果转化政策在结构内容上相互对应,在战略目标确定、政策着力点及政策实施效果检查上有所区别。最后,对国家和地方相关政府部门进行科技成果政策制定实施提出参考建议。  相似文献   

War, political persecution, and human rights abuses all drive millions from their homes. Some qualify for asylum as refugees, often after spending years in camps and intermediary locations before attaining asylum. The United States has been criticized for taking in relatively few refugees as well as for playing a role in the conditions that lead people to seek asylum. Once in the United States, though, how are refugees constructed in community discourses? Is an international or local frame more prominent? The United Nations established World Refugee Day to bring attention to the problems refugees face. This study tracks US coverage of World Refugee Day, analyzing it both quantitatively and qualitatively, to determine how refugees as people and as a political issue are constructed in the US press. Discursive features and measures of framing are discussed as indicators of journalistic practices of newsmaking and localization.  相似文献   

This study presents a first look at the diffusion of electronic campaign finance laws, or e-disclosure policies, across the 50 states. Fifty state data and multivariate regression analysis test the influence of state professional networks and interest groups on the extent of e-disclosure implementation across the states. Findings demonstrate that certian types of interest groups are influential in expanding or retarding the growth of e-disclosure policies when controlling for other factors. Findings also demonstrate that greater levels of legislative professionalism, education, and state resources support greater levels of implementation of e-disclosure policies. Greater levels of state infrastructure capacity for e-government are also significant predictor of more extensive e-disclosure implementation. Findings have implications for emerging research at the intersection of technology and democracy.  相似文献   


The National Library of Australia and the state libraries of New South Wales and Victoria each maintain separate collections of printed ephemera. The role of these collections and the policies used in the acquisition and selection of items for them are described, analysed and compared. The role of the public library local studies collections in helping to create a cooperative, nationwide approach to the acquisition of this material in Australia is discussed in relation to this national and state activity. The value of an understanding of the Australian situation is related to a research project to develop guidelines for collection policies for printed ephemera at the national and local levels in Wales.  相似文献   

Health education for Somali Bantu refugees via home visits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Background: Somali Bantu refugees, with unique health information needs, created challenges for health and social service providers. Objectives: A service innovation was developed (i) to raise awareness, especially among local health and social service providers, about the Bantu refugees’ presence in the community, their culture, and their information needs and (ii) to deliver needed health information, emphasizing child health, to the Bantu mothers in their homes. Methods: The project consisted of: (i) a community conference targeting local health and social service providers, describing the refugees’ presence in the community, their culture, and information needs. (ii) Focus groups conducted with members of the Bantu population elicited additional information needs. (iii) Curriculum was developed based on identified needs, and (iv) the curriculum was delivered to the refugees in their homes. A clinical informationist and MP3 technology enhanced the project. Findings: Conference attendees’ evaluation responses indicated improved understanding of Bantu culture. Focus groups’ identification of health information needs provided a framework for the health education curriculum. A project website made educational materials available to other healthcare providers. Conclusions: The project raised awareness of the Bantus’ presence, culture, and information needs. Identification of other unmet needs demonstrated that additional support for refugees is required.  相似文献   

This study investigates English-speaking media’s legitimation of smartphone uses by Syrian refugees to explore how “otherness” is negotiated through technologies. Qualitatively examining the media coverage of the Syrian refugees’ use of smartphones between early 2015 and early 2017, we identified rhetorical devices and narrative strategies. The findings indicated a gradual shift in mediated legitimation strategies. In this process, two major themes emerged: (1) strategies to legitimate uses of technology and (2) demystifying refugees. The first theme identified that media articles focused on refugees’ instrumental uses of smartphones over the emotional uses as a legitimation strategy, utilizing metaphors and referencing third parties. The second theme showed media coverage further debunked conflation over poverty and precarity while negotiating otherness. Over time, the media coverage started to fall into the “humanitarian imaginary” of refugees by keeping them at the margins as people who need aid, largely limiting their legitimated mobile phone use to pragmatic uses. The findings contribute to understanding how media coverage can shape the way people make sense of the refugee population at a moment in time of technological appropriation amid ongoing political crises.  相似文献   

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