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3 本质识别模式 3.1以工程问题为例——抓住反比例函数关系 从例1的“工程问题”提炼出反比例函数模式(A)之后,再遇到新的问题,只要变化过程满足反比例函数关系,就都可以用模式(A)的方法来解决.此时,我们对“工程问题”的判别就不依赖于题目中是否有“工程”、“行程”等字眼或情境,而是根据本质结构:反比例函数关系.“工程问题”只是反比例函数模式的代号或一个现实原型.这正是初级认知模式与高级认知模式的一个重大区别.  相似文献   

关于比喻的研究与运用,有许多问题还需深入探讨。本文只打算讨论三个问题:(一)本喻与喻体的判别;(二)本体与喻体的强迫对应与自觉对应;(三)比喻要求的层次性。一、本体与喻体的判别在抽象意义上讲什么是本体、喻体,一般没有异议,而一旦涉及到具体例句就会有不同的看法。黄汉生先生在(修辞漫议)中分析过下面三个句子:(1)而脸上却绝不显哀乐之状,但蒙蒙如烟然。(鲁迅《野草》)(2)他的衣服像黑泥一样乌暗。(《艾青诗选》)(3)一个战士结实得像小炮弹。(杨朔《三千里江山》)黄先生认为,例(1)中的"(脸上)蒙蒙"该…  相似文献   

数学规则也称为数学命题(数学定理),反映的是若干个数学概念间的关系.数学规则学习和掌握的关键是获得数学概念之间关系的理解,而数学概念之间关系的理解又依赖于新规则与原有认知结构中相关知识的联系.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用web搜索引擎如Google自动完成本体映射的方法.该方法通过构造句法模式,利用web搜索引擎获得异构本体概念间的上下义关系,产生由本体概念对组成的初始候选映射集.根据本体的概念层次建立一个产生式规则集,从初始候选映射集中去除不符合本体语义的概念对,同时加入符合本体语义但未被初始候选映射集包含的概念对.最后,按照基于互信息的映射选取规则从候选集映射集中自动产生本体映射.实验结果表明,该方法的F-measure可达到75%~100%,能有效地完成本体之间的映射.  相似文献   

在九宫格内填入1~9的数字。规则是在9×9的任意一条横、纵数列上1~9这9个数字只能出现一次而不重复,其中被分为3×3的九宫格中同样要遵守1~9这个9个数字不重复的规则。难度:入门完成时间()分钟难度:初级完成时间( )分钟  相似文献   

《数学通报》1991年4月号数学问题(707)为:证明:在△ABC中,A、B、C两两不相等时,有原证明较繁,本文给出这一不等式的简单证明,同时也得出了改进的结果.证明令不等式(l)的左边为M(A,B,C).由正弦定理知:边,所以由此即得:不等式(2)改进了不等式(1).更进一步地,不等式(2)可改进为:由余弦定理得:当且仅当A=B=C=60°时取等号.这样2<N(a,b,c)≤3,当且仅当a=b=c时取等号.由此得0≤M(A,B,C)<1.但由条件:A、C、C两两不相等,知不能取等号,所以不等式(3)得证.一个不等式的改进@田正平$杭州师范…  相似文献   

为了消除出现在本体与一般规则整合过程中产生的不一致或冲突, 引入优先和更新技术. 首先, 通过给信息赋予权值的方法得到一个带偏序的知识库. 再根据"废旧迎新"原则, 设定所有规则的权值大于本体中信息的权值. 当本体与一致规则发生不一致或冲突时, 权值大的规则将更新替换本体中权值小的信息, 从而得到一个没有冲突的知识库. 然后, 调用现有逻辑程序求解器与描述逻辑推理机来实现查询等推理任务. 与采用非标准的语义表示信息来处理不一致方法相比, 基于偏序的更新技术更适合于动态进化的知识库. 同时, 通过赋值可以使新来的信息替换已经过时的信息,从而使得知识库在动态进化过程中保持一致性. 最后, 通过实例说明该处理不一致方法是切实可行的.  相似文献   

一、本研究的两个基础性概念本课题研究中涉及两个基础性概念:学习策略、创新素质。(一)关于学习策略所谓学习策略是指学习者在学习活动中有效学习的规则、方法、技巧及调控方式。它既可以是内隐的规则系统,也可以是外显的操作程序与步骤。(二)关于创新素质创新素质是指个体根据一定目的运用一切已知信息,产生出某种新颖、独特且有意义的产品的心理品质。它由创新精神与创新能力两部分构成。二、学习策略的获得与改造影响中小学生创新素质的形成(一)学习策略的获得与改造有助于培养学生的创新精神当代认知心理学把知识分为三类:陈…  相似文献   

GB/T 3259—1992《中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法》拼写规则为:(1)中文书刊名称拼写基本上以词为书写单位。每个词第一个字母要大写。因设计需要,也可以全用大写。(2)结合紧密的双音节和三音节的结构(不论词或词组)连写。(3)四音节以上的表示一个整体概念的名称按词(或语节)分开写,不能按词或语节划分的,全部连写。  相似文献   

2006年浙江省高考理科数学最后一道选择题为: 函数f:{1,2,3}→{1,2,3},满足f[f(x)]=f(x),则这样的函数个数共有( ) A,1个 B,4个 C,8个 D,10个  相似文献   

Display Rules for Anger and Aggression in School-Age Children   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2 related studies addressed the development of display rules for anger and the relation between use of display rules for anger and aggressiveness as rated by school peers. Third, fifth, and seventh graders (ages 8.4, 10.9, and 12.8, respectively) gave hypothetical responses to videotaped, anger provoking vignettes. Overall, regardless of how display rules were defined, subjects reported display rules more often with teachers than with peers for both facial expressions and actions. Reported masking of facial expressions of anger increased with age, but only with teachers. Girls reported masking of facial expressions of anger more than boys. There was a trend for aggressive subjects to invoke display rules for anger less than nonaggressive subjects. The phenomenon of display rules for anger is complex and dependent on the way display rules are defined and the age and gender of the subjects. Most of all, whether children say they would behave angrily seems to be determined by the social context for revealing angry feelings; children say they would express anger genuinely much more often with peers than with teachers.  相似文献   

传统著作者对于诗词格律的介绍,都将近体诗的不同体式作为基本元素,就首句平仄起收不同分别作以介绍,并将其中格律的变化部分称之为"拗救"。这类著作让读者陷入格律的重峦叠嶂中,反而阻碍了格律的普及和推广。罗辉先生在其著作《诗词格律与创作》中将律诗的四种句型作为基本元素简约地介绍其变化。由于律诗实际上只是这四种句型的轮转,这就使得爱好者掌握了格律的法门。同时作者在诗词创作技法上提出了"有形、有则、有魂"的"三有"原则,从而在创作的形式和内容两方面为诗词爱好者指明了学习和努力的具体方向。  相似文献   

工作过程系统化课程的设计,将工作过程作为知识序化的一种新的参照系,突显了高等职业教育教学的规律和特征.这一方案在课程体系设计的系统化、课程设计方法的系统化和课程栽体设计的系统化三个层面.已经基本上形成了一套完整的设计路线和设计方法.特别是,由于融入了中国的哲学思想,在关于"定界与跨界"、关于"加法与积分"和关于"隐性与显性"这三个方面,为工作过程系统化课程提供了理论支撑.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore strategies used by high-achieving 6th grade students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to solve basic arithmetic problems involving number sense. The sample for the study consisted of 15 high-achieving boys and 15 high-achieving girls in grade 6 from 2 schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. Data for the study were collected through individual interviews in which students were presented with 10 basic problems. The results showed that a low percentage of solutions involved aspects of number sense such as appropriate use of benchmarks; using numbers flexibly when mentally computing, estimating, and judging reasonableness of results; understanding relative effect of operations; and decomposing or recomposing numbers to solve problems. It was also found that students were highly dependent on school-taught rules. In many cases, these rules were confused and misused.  相似文献   

Reading is a language art! In acquiring competence in reading we build on proficiencies already available in the primary (spoken) language system. Language is made up of three primary components that impact on reading—phonology, or the sound structure of language including syllables and phonemes; syntax, or the rules governing the sequential ordering of words in phrases and sentences; and semantics, or the meaning system that is attached to words and phrases as a consequence of experiences in a variety of contexts. All three depend upon adequate short- and long-term memory capacities and functioning for their growth and refinement. Additionally, the bridging of speech to print, or the task of establishing sound/symbol correspondences in beginning reading draws not only upon phonological competencies and memory, it is also dependent upon the discovery that words are made up of smaller and isolable parts. This knowledge is often referred to as auditory segmenting which is one aspect of metalinguistic awareness. This paper will discuss these five language roots of reading. The authors will report on research that demonstrates that children, upon school entrance, do not all possess equal levels of competencies in these five critical language areas. Since success in beginning reading is dependent upon the adequate development and functioning of each of the five language areas noted above, early school experiences should be directed toward language development, as well as reading instruction, if we are to reduce the incidence of reading difficulties in our schools. Finally, we will offer suggestions for enhancing language competencies that will support and promote the acquisition of reading.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of three modes of feedback on the seriousness of error types committed on a post-test. The measure of seriousness of error types, or wrong rules, indicates to what extent the wrong rules deviate from the right rule. An on-line, free-response, six-item pre-test covering addition of signed numbers was administered to 263 eighth graders. Upon completion of the pre-test, the students were randomly assigned to receive one of the following kinds of feedback to responses to a second six-item test: (a) information about whether or not the response was correct, (b) the correct answer, or (c) the correct rule for solving the problem. The effect of the feedback mode on the seriousness of errors committed on a third six-item test, the post-test, was found to be differential and dependent upon the seriousness of errors committed on the pre-test.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental evaluation of a change in assessment practice in one comprehensive secondary school. The school divided 104 Year 7 pupils into four mixed-ability teaching groups. One of these was given enhanced formative feedback on their work for one year, but no marks or grades. The other three groups were given marks and grades with minimal comments, which was the usual prior practice in this school (and many others). Using data derived from assessment, prior attainment, pupil attitudes and background information, we conducted a contextualized analysis of progress in the four teaching groups for all subjects. This showed that progress in the treatment group (formative feedback only) was substantially inferior to that of the other three groups. In this paper, we also use data from observation of the process and from group interviews with the students involved, to help explain these results. Our findings are relevant to a consideration of the often lessened impact of research findings when 'rolled' out into wider practice, and what may be done about this.  相似文献   

提出了两状态流约束通讯网络可靠度计算的一个组合路算法 ,算法在 S.Rai和 S.Soh[6] 的 CPE算法基础上 ,重新将极小路分类 ,定义了新的路的组合规则 ,减少了组合路数 .  相似文献   

Considerable controversy has existed concerning the utility of experimental design in educational evaluation. The polar positions are that experimental design has no utility in educational evaluation and that experimental design is the only valid evaluation strategy. This article examines these positions in terms of conceptualizations of evaluation according to the'LCIPP Evaluation Model "and of experimental design according to the "true comparative experiment." An alternative position including three main points is developed: (a) The methodology of educational evaluation includes much more than the methodology of experimental design; (b) Experimental design does have potential utility in the areas of input and product evaluation, but not within the areas of context and process evaluation; (c) The utility of experimental design can be increased by following a set of procedures that do not require the use of common criterion instruments and uniform decision rules for all students in an experiment; this allows judgment of a program in terms of the number of students for whom it was successful.  相似文献   

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