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云南日前公布了该省第三批共21个省级风景名胜区名单。至此,云南省已拥有10个国家级风景名胜区、48个省级风景名胜区,并覆盖了全省17个地、州、市。新公布的省级风景名胜区包括:思茅茶马古道、景谷威远河、镇源千家寨、水德大雪山、耿马南汀河、剑川剑湖、洱源西湖、大姚县华  相似文献   

在火爆的杭州餐饮业内,如今又崛起一家园林式湖景餐厅——西湖杨公堤知味观·味庄。这家餐厅自2004年5月开张以来,日日顾客盈门,每逢节假日更是热闹非凡,来自海内外的游客摩肩接踵,中、晚就餐时可容纳近千人同时用餐的大厅和包间,常常是连翻几桌,这种火爆景象成了西湖西进项目中的一道亮丽风景。“此境只应天上有”西湖如诗如画、如梦如幻的山水、园林,千百年来赢得世人的赞誉,2002年的西湖西进工程,又将杨公堤一带打造得令人心驰神往,俨然成了西湖的“聚景中轴”和“揽胜长廊”。知味观·味庄就开设在这一“揽胜长廊”上。这家独一无二的园…  相似文献   

西湖:包容文化与展示美丽 2011年6月24日,随着第35届世界遗产委员会大会执行主席戴维森·赫本敲响手中的小槌,西湖文化景观列入了《世界文化遗产名录》,杭州西湖申遗成功. 申遗成功一年多来,生活在西湖边的我们,比别人更能感受到其中变化:以前向外国游客推介杭州,常常会说"上海以南150公里左右的一个城市";如今走出国门推介杭州,首个关键词便是世界"文化景观遗产西湖所在地"."世界遗产"的前缀,让西湖的国际定位变得更加清晰.  相似文献   

杭州西湖是中国古代著名城市公共园林,简述西湖随着杭州城市发展,从城郊风景游览地到城市公共园林的发展过程。考虑地域自然人文历史背景,综合文献记载和地图资料,还原近代以来杭州西湖的三次"公园化"历史进程,即民国时期的湖城融合,1949年以后的人民公园化改造和21世纪初的公园城市建设。讨论了时代思想对公园内容和样貌的影响,以及在此过程中所表达出的文化倾向。探索当代"公"园的根本属性,思考公园城市建设的历史语境和理论意义。  相似文献   

张科 《文化交流》2011,(9):46-49
西湖申遗成功后,楼外楼的掌门人常在思考一个问题:如何以此为契机,进一步保护西湖文化遗产,发掘西湖饮食文化。杭州西湖历史悠久,名胜景观丰富,文化含量厚重,被世人称为“东方文化名湖”。联合国教科文组织第35届世界遗产委员会会议上,西湖以“文化景观”之名申遗成功。而率先鲜明地提出并从理论上系统地阐述西湖这种文化属性的,是原浙江省文物局副局长陈文锦。  相似文献   

杭州西湖是一处以秀雅的湖光山色与璀璨的文物古迹和文化艺术交融一体的国家级风景名胜区,她以秀丽的西湖为中心,三面环山。环湖四周,绿荫环抱,山色葱茏,画桥烟柳,云树笼纱。群山之间,林泉秀美,溪涧幽深,90多处各具特色的公园、风景点点缀其中,著名的有三秋桂子、六桥烟柳、九里云松、十里荷  相似文献   

版画家陆放,1932年出生于江苏昆山,业后留校任教,着手西湖风景水印木刻系80年代以后曾举行多次个人画展,又曾出三次为美国明尼苏达大学(UNIVERSITY国巴尔的摩市市长特授陆放该市荣誉市民  相似文献   

一张 《文化交流》2017,(9):8-12
2017西湖国际纪录片大会近日在杭州落幕。近几年浙江纪录片如繁花般绽放,展示文化浙江的一派好风景。大型纪录片《西泠印社》成为浙江最重要的一张文化名片,《千岛湖》《南宋》《钱塘江》等都成为浙江纪录片的耀眼繁花。  相似文献   

6月2日,首届西泠印社国际艺术节新闻发布会在杭州西湖国宾馆隆重举行。作为第七届(2005)中国杭州西湖博览会的开场项目,首届西泠印社国际艺术节将奏响一曲“精致、大气、交融、和谐”的艺术之歌。  相似文献   

“毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。”在江南,六月又俗称“荷月”,这是荷花的节日。荷花生于碧波之中,香远溢清,亭亭净植。从清晨到黄昏,随着光影的转移,变换着无穷的色彩和姿态,因此自古即深受人们的喜爱。自从近千年前柳永吟出“三秋桂子,十里荷花”之后,荷花便占据了一城山色半城湖的杭州,也盛开在历代文人墨客的诗词里,成为西湖故事中永远不败的风景。  相似文献   

当下流行“街拍”。捕捉街头各种风格景象已成为当下最潮流之事。 由钱江晚报举办的2013杭州国际街头摄影节,于2013年4月27日在世界各地以举牌为形式标志揭幕:丹麦、德国、比利时、荷兰、法国、挪威、瑞典、泰国、马来西亚、柬埔寨、印度、阿联酋、肯尼亚、美国……中国的绍兴、济南、三亚、大连、西双版纳、宜宾、平遥、玉树、乌兰浩特、呼伦贝尔大草原……  相似文献   

仲潜 《文化交流》2014,(4):41-43
友城的友好 去年秋天,衢州市摄影师黄祖祥应邀赴衢州市友好城市美国雷德温市,进行了近一个月的艺术交流.黄祖祥在当地举办了个人作品展,与艺术家交流,给大学生上摄影课,但更多的时候是一个人骑着自行车到处拍摄.  相似文献   

One essential approach in preserving architectural heritage is the documentation of 3D geometries and surface textures of historic buildings. For example, precise colour information, excluding lighting effects, is an intrinsic property of the surface materials of building interiors and exteriors. However, while colour information has been recorded for small sample areas, it has not been accurately documented on the scale of entire building surfaces. This is critical, because building materials decay and their colours fade with time. The goal of this project is to develop a method to assist in recording and documenting the chromatic information of interiors and exteriors of historic buildings with low cost and high efficiency. The method takes advantage of emerging high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) technology, which can store rich information about colour and illumination through digital photography. By recording the colour information, in addition to the geometry and texture information obtained through other existing technologies, we can achieve more complete documentation for architectural heritage. In this paper, we discuss an overview of the problem and present our algorithms for utilizing computer vision techniques to retrieve chromatic information of historic buildings. We also present and discuss our experiments and results of applying our method to studies of lab objects and the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing.  相似文献   

Very often traces of paint and pigment have been found on medieval sculpture. Presently, little is known about the effects of laser radiation on polychromy. It is important to protect and preserve these traces during any cleaning or restoration process. The absorption properties of polychrome materials are likely to be different from those of the underlying stone or substrate and as a result special care must be taken to avoid any damaging or discolouring phenomena associated with laser cleaning. Spectroscopic methods (XPS, AES, reflectance spectroscopy) together with optical microscopy, digital photography and X-ray diffraction analysis have been used in a series of experiments on simulated samples of common medieval pigments (vermilion, red and white lead and ochres in linseed oil) on limestone plates, in order to study the reaction of these materials to infrared laser radiation.  相似文献   

Nicéphore Niépce carried out a lot of meticulous experiments that led him to the invention of photography. In particular, in the 1820s, he obtained heliographs by coating a substrate with a light-sensitive substance, which was then exposed to light under a paper print made translucent with the help of varnish. The objective of the work described here is to determine how Niépce made these paper prints transparent. Did he use his experimental knowledge on photosensitive resins, or did he apply commonly used recipes of his time to make paper transparent? To date, no studies have been carried out on the varnish used by Nicéphore Niépce and no previous research has undertaken analytical investigations on Nicéphore's prints, using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). In this paper, we identify the varnishes used by Nicéphore Niépce on four transparent prints, now belonging to the Nicéphore Niépce museum in Chalon-sur-Saône, France. The varnish he used was based on a diterpenic Pinaceae sp. resin (most probably colophony). The finding is supported by historical knowledge about varnishes.  相似文献   

The sculptural polychromy in the Zhongshan Grottoes, sited in northwest China, has been investigated in terms of chemical composition of employed materials and pigments, state of conservation and painting technique. Raman analysis, Fourier-transform infrared analysis, analysis through energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry coupled to scanning electron microscopy and pyrolysis coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were applied. Six analyzed samples showed silicates and kaolin as main components of the ground layers. Also lead white has been found in these layers. Minium, red-earth and mercury sulfide are the red pigments detected in the polychromy. A mixed use of malachite and atacamite has been detected in three green samples. Optical characteristics of atacamite and malachite found in the samples indicate a synthetic origin. The presence of a synthetic organic pigment such as phthalocyanine chlorinated pigment was also revealed. Ultramarine blue pigment, obtained by purification of lapis lazuli, has been detected in the blue sample. As for the binders used, fatty materials and siccative oil were found.  相似文献   

赵永亮 《职业圈》2008,(12):99-100
在日常生活中,人们对摩擦这种现象并不陌生。由于摩擦力与人的生活息息相关,所以有关摩擦力的研究和探索也一直在进行着。文章对常见的干摩擦与温摩擦进行了叙述,描述了他们的基本定义。  相似文献   

Twenty lead finds, unearthed in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age levels at the Santa Barbara nuraghe situated at Bauladu in Sardinia (Italy), have been examined. Their chemical composition has been determined using the ICP-MS plasma-mass technique (Cu, Fe, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, Bi, Zn, Cs, Tl, Mo, Cd, In, Te, W, Th, U, Li, Se). Lead isotope ratios (208/206, 207/206, 206/204) have also been determined. The results are discussed in relation to the mineral source and some aspects of the metal extraction processes. The finds are composed of high purity lead obtained using a smelting at low temperature. Based on the isotope ratios it has been possible to establish that the metal originated from Sardinian ore deposits type.  相似文献   

This paper contends that political economy may profit from an understanding of money that is both able to account for its systemic importance as well as money’s specific role for the contemporary distribution of wealth. ‘Money-ness’ is a strategic factor in profit-making and capital accumulation. If we accord moneyness to all those instruments that make the repackaging of credit and other financial assets and liabilities and their capitalization possible, we arrive at an understanding of money that underscores the Marxian analysis of the structural importance of the money relation for capital accumulation that is up to speed with current financial innovations. As a social structure and process, moneymaking through capital permeates society. As a public-private deal between the state, rentiers, banks, and taxpayers that has existed since the foundation of the Bank of England in 1694, it binds these actors together in shifting relations of dependence. Under financial capitalism today, what counts as money and how far moneyness stretches into the realms of financial innovation has been a core object of struggle in the public-private deal of money creation.  相似文献   

Conclusions This paper has demonstrated that visitors to professional theatre companies located in towns and villages of southern Ontario contribute to the economic well-being of the local economy. Furthermore, it has been documented that while all communities receive some monetary benefits, spatial variations are found to exist. These discrepancies are a function of differences in the average expenditures of non-local residents and the total number of visitors attending the theatre event. As expected, average expenditures appear to be highest in communities supporting a large commercial sector which are capable of sustaining a touris market. Moreover, the number of visitors attending a theatre event appears to be greatest in small communities supporting an established theratre company.  相似文献   

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