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冬去春来,高考的脚步离我们越来越近,紧随其后的志愿填报也将走入考生紧张的高三学习生活中。专业选择作为志愿填报的重要一环,是所有考生和家长都绕不开的话题.专业的设置与国家发展对专业人才的需求息息相关,而专业选择则与个人将来的就业方向和职业定位密不可分,从一定程度上讲,这也是人生中一个重要的转折点。虽然志愿填报时的专业选择往往集合了学生、家长、亲友和中学老师等多方的意见,但每年仍然会有一些学生在大学学习一段时间以后,发现对所学  相似文献   

很多考生和家长在填报专业志愿时,总喜欢填报近年来的热门专业或者考生和家长个人认为比较好就业的专业,或者某些考生和家长认为只要确定了院校志愿,选专业就不成问题等等.由于很多考生和家长都是第一次接触志愿填报,在选择专业时,有一定的盲目性.因此,本文拟为考生和家长归纳出一些选择专业的方法,并且点明一些选择专业的误区,供考生和家长参考.  相似文献   

一要考虑考生的兴趣、特长。许多家长不顾儿女的兴趣、特长,急功近利,或以经济效益定向,把家长个人意志强加在儿女身上,最后成了家长的志愿,而不是考生的志愿。这样造成的结果是许多考生入学后,对专业没有学习兴趣,大学四年荒废学业。事实上,兴趣、特长要与专业相匹配,国外用人单位在选人时认为,性格比能力更重要。所以,在填报志愿时,家长应尽量考虑儿女的想法。 二要了解高考政策。包括教育部的高考改革新措施和高校  相似文献   

面对着成百上千的专业,你会怎么选择?是从兴趣出发,还是从就业着眼? 其实,兴趣和就业都重要!考生往往从自己的兴趣出发来关注专业:而家长往往显得较为现实,将来的就业前景与发展情况成了他们更为关注的重点。尤其在大学毕业生就业难的今天,越来越多的人密切关注就业。那么,从哪里入手才能将专业和就业的契合度结合得更紧密?这里,笔者支招一二。  相似文献   

知道怎么选择学校后,还得选专业.考生所学的专业与其未来从事的职业有很大关系.但选择专业有哪些忌讳,又有哪些窍门? 很多考生和冢长在填报专业志愿时,总喜欢填报近年来的热门专业或者考生和家长个人认为比较好就业的专业,或者某些考生和家长认为只要确定了院校志愿,选专业就不成问题等等.  相似文献   

“十年苦读。瞬间选择”。说的是高考志愿填报对考生人生走向的影响。高考志愿表中的每一个选项,都代表着考生对未来的一种设计。在高招咨询会上。我们经常听到家长这样问:学习这个专业。毕业之后好就业不?为什么有些考生大学四年毕业之后从容就业。而有些考生则要在就业市场上苦苦寻觅呢?2010年三位辽宁考生的案例,可以为不知如何处理志愿与就业之间关系的考生及家长。提供些许有益的指导。  相似文献   

把握大趋势,了解新专业,这是考生和家长们应该首先关注的焦点,然后根据考生的特长再进行认真的选择。因为,新专业的着良好和广阔的就业和发展前景。例如,四年前新开专业的毕业生,2006年的就业率是百分之百。[编者按]  相似文献   

每年志愿填报期间,考生和家长都心怀期待又心情复杂.于考生而言,这是一个关于未来的重要选择,他们总会担心专业选择的"好坏"会影响自身的发展和未来理想的实现.在纠结着如何填报志愿的万千考生中,有那么一群女同学,她们对工科相关专业怀着浓厚的学习兴趣,但总有一些声音告诉她们:"工科女生不好就业、工科女生工作压力大、工科相关专业...  相似文献   

受诸多社会和个人因素的影响,高考考生/家长常出现志愿选择上的失误。为了解和改变这一现状,南开大学高等教育研究所组织了对2003年应届考生及其家长的问卷调查。结果显示,高考考生/家长由于缺乏对大学,尤其是对专业的了解,相当一部分考生得不到科学的升学指导;从亲子比较来看,子女对个人事务拥有一定的自主权和决策权;道德教育作为家庭教育的首要任务被大多数家长所忽视,这直接影响到子女价值观的形成。  相似文献   

<正>学生和家长对选择学校、专业处于一知半解的状态,对各中职学校的特色,对专业主要课程设置、就业方向、就业前景不甚了了,造成盲目跟风。这就要求中职学校加强职业教育的宣传。一是精心设计招生宣传资料,多涉及家长、学生密切关心的问题,如专业设置、就业前景、岗位、薪酬待遇、个人发展空间、毕业生就业创业案例、毕业生对学校的评价和建议、企业和家长对学校的评价等等。二是在全员招生的基础上加大对专业课教师宣传招生的激励,专业  相似文献   

This research examines two images of teachers as seen by students of education: the ideal teacher and their own self‐image as teachers. The research compares the students’ perceptions of these two images using two sub‐groups of students of education: students at an academic teachers’ college who will be referred to as student teachers and beginning teachers, who, while teaching, are completing their academic degrees at teachers’ colleges or regional academic colleges. Data were collected from 89 students at the two colleges by means of a questionnaire that included open‐ended questions which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of the research indicate that there are two major categories that comprise perceptions of the ideal teacher: first, personal qualities; and second, knowledge of the subject taught as well as didactic knowledge. Both groups of students similarly attributed great importance to the personal qualities of the ideal teacher, but there is a difference in their perception of the importance of knowledge: the beginning teachers attributed great importance to knowledge and perceived it as a quality similar in importance to personal characteristics, while the student teachers, who had not begun their teaching careers, attributed less importance to knowledge as a characteristic of the ideal teacher. A quality which was less prominent when profiling the ideal teacher is general education and wide perspectives. The teacher as a socializing agent, a person who promotes social goals, was not mentioned at all. Students maintained that, during their studies, they had improved their qualities as ‘empathetic and attentive’ teachers, ‘knowledgeable in teaching methods’, and in ‘leadership’. But they had hardly improved their knowledge of the subject they taught or their level of general knowledge. The discussion of knowledge and the desirable personal qualities of a teacher is relevant to the current debate regarding the relative merits of disciplinary education in contrast to pedagogical education in preparation for teaching as a profession. The clear preference for disciplinary education by policy makers in Israel and elsewhere in the field of teacher education is contradictory to the emphasis placed on the personal development of future teachers and their pedagogical education by the students of education who participated in this research.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯在《给教师的建议》中详细地阐述了有关劳动教育的思想,说明了劳动的重要性,指出了劳动教育与智育、德育、学生个性发展的关系,这些思想对当今职业教育仍有很大启发,如要用劳动美引导学生热爱劳动、热爱自己的职业;教师用自己的爱好激发学生的劳动兴趣,使学生发现自己;通过劳动使差生建立自信;在技能训练中要采用研究性学习等。  相似文献   

浅谈“高职”选修课   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选修课在培养学生的专业知识能力和学生的实践动手能力方面起着非常重要的做用,选修课的设置要有利于引导学生发展个性,发挥特长和优势,适应学生不同的兴趣与业余爱好,选修课的设置要根据学校和学生的实际,广选题目,精选内容,通过选修课来增强学生的自主意识和实践动手能力,增强学生的就业和创业能力。  相似文献   

学生领导能力培养,具有推动人力资源强国建设的国家战略意义,有利于学生未来生活与就业。在综合实践活动课程中培养学生的领导能力,是促进学生全面而有个性发展的一种尝试,有助于推动新课程的深入实施。上海市七宝中学的实践探索表明,实践活动与教师指导对有效发展学生的领导能力同等重要。要积极转变学科教师、班主任和家长的传统观念,尽可能将学生领导能力培养渗透到学科教学活动之中;要设计系列主题,形成实践活动与理论反思相互交替的课程模式;要混合运用多种教学方法,重视教学效果的综合评估。  相似文献   

本文从高职英语教学所存在的问题入手,阐述了高职英语教学与实际应用的关系。并提出了具体的建议:更新教学观念、改革教学模式、加强英语教师的队伍建设等。以培养具有实际应用能力的专业人才,走特色的办学之路。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The present study explored the relationships of preservice teachers’ levels of commitment to teaching and their beliefs and perceptions of teaching as a career. Participants were undergraduate students enrolled in a teacher education program at a major university in the southeast. Sixty‐seven preservice teachers completed a survey in which they rated the importance of 20 factors for influencing their choice of career. Additionally, among the survey respondents, nine students were selected from three groups of preservice teachers for in‐depth interviews: (1) students who were currently considering teaching as a career choice, (2) students who were undecided about their future teaching career, and (3) students who were no longer considering teaching as a career. Overall, findings from this study revealed that preservice teachers’ understanding of their goal of becoming teachers and interpretations of their motivation for teaching were unique, yet the types of influences on their career choices were similar across participants’ stories.  相似文献   

师德师风建设是社会主义精神文明建设的内容之一,在当前高校的师德师风建设中部分教师教书育人的观念、爱岗敬业的意识淡薄,教师与学生接触沟通交流不够,教师对理论学习的主动性不强。其原因主要是受市场经济的负面影响,教师师德培训、理论学习的不充分。高校要发扬教师的奉献精神、乐业精神,增强教师热爱学生的自觉性,努力提高教师专业教学能力,提升教师的教学道德水平,加强高校教师的理论学习,以此加强师德师风建设。  相似文献   

Gaining and saving face are very important in Vietnam as a mechanism of social control, including the professional behaviour of teachers. Interviews with 15 lecturers (aged 24–37) at a teacher training college in a Central Coast province of Vietnam illustrated the relationship between their concepts of face and their beliefs about good teaching. Most were still strongly influenced by traditional Confucian beliefs about the role and position of teachers, the nature of teachers’ knowledge and the relationship between teachers and students. On the other hand, some teachers also were aware of, and to a limited extent open to, more modern ideas that seemed to be related to broad social changes and reforms in approaches to teaching and learning in recent decades in Vietnam. The findings suggest that some teacher educators are uncertain about the value of traditional professional wisdom in the context of critical changes in society and in education. The research also suggests that the concepts of face and saving face are important for teachers’ sense of agency, and that Vietnamese educational authorities could increase the effectiveness of innovations in teacher education by paying attention to the influence of concepts of face on the teachers’ beliefs and behaviours.  相似文献   

The basic argument of this paper is that, in the wake of austerity measures against public education accumulating since the early 1980s, professional teachers at all levels may have been losing control of their jobs and faced decreasing opportunities for continuing their own learning. Empirical evidence is drawn mainly from a unique time series of Canadian national surveys which provide data on the working conditions and continuing learning practices of both teachers and the entire labour force in Canada between 1982 and 2016. The main findings are that there have been major reductions in teachers’ participation in organisational decision-making, sharply declining recent incidence of participation in both continuing further education and job-related informal learning, as well as a strong association between decreasing job control and declining continuing learning trends. The major implication is that teachers’ work and learning may be reaching a tipping point after which established forms of effective teaching may no longer be sustainable. Further studies to confirm these findings and assess their potentially very serious implications are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Students’ presentation is a research-based in-class activity to present views, supporting details or research results on a given topic. Undoubtedly, teachers play important roles in presentations and teachers’ roles are quite different from students’ roles in this activity due to the different role expectations between them. However, in most cases, neither teachers nor students are very clear about the differences between teachers’ role expectations and students’ role expectations, which results in problems such as misunderstandings, low efficiency, information asymmetry, etc. This article intends to explore these differences by conducting a questionnaire survey. The research was carried out among 60 postgraduates who major in English and 10 teachers from a normal university. Research results show great differences between teachers’ and students’ role expectations and suggestions for narrowing the gaps are also addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

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