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传控打法是足球中最常见的技术环节和战术体系,其具有密集性、速度感、复杂性特点,是构成足球赛事的基本动力。现代足球中的传切配合追求的是对空间的分割感以及人与球的流动性存在状态,它再现了群居动物性猎食者的狩猎范式。传控打法追求团队协作的极致形态,既蕴含一种反英雄主义元素,也高度宽容英雄主义式的表演。传控打法的核心是短传渗透,衍生形态是长传疾攻,最高境界是全攻全守,精华在于节奏之变化,因此具备了很强的观赏性,并展示出自然界中所有可移动物体的流动律则。传控打法演示的是人类的史前性生活范式,展示出自然世界自身的和谐性,足球由此而构建出相对独立的美学体系。  相似文献   

一、提高快速推进打法的认识任何一个篮球队要想加快进攻速度必须具备一定的条件。快速推进的打法,需要快速的起动和奔跑能力,快速行进间的切、传,运、投技术和充沛的体力。除此之外还要依靠队员的主观能动性,提高快速意识,培养顽强的快速战斗风格,积极争取而来的。所以我们首先认识到:要建立一套快速推进  相似文献   

刘藏之  朱子 《垂钓》2002,2(1):50-51
可以想像,人类与鱼的感情是极其深厚的。从童年时代起,以采集狩猎为生的人们就开始打着鱼的主意。因为除了野果子,鱼类的确是一种好欺负的动物。在距今四五十万年的猿人遗物中,考古学家发现了各种鱼骨,这就是人类与鱼儿感情的证明。在距今六七千年的浙江河姆渡遗址,人们发现并鉴定出61种动物的遗骨,其中就有鲫、鲤、鲟、鳙、鲇等。  相似文献   

本文基于社会学、人类学、叙事学研究视角,将足球置于一种文明演进与自然进化的角度来考察,认为足球与狩猎文明的关系很紧密,足球是对早期人类乃至猎食类动物狩猎的戏仿现象,以高风险为表征,所以一直男性为主体成员。球类运动皆与狩猎行为相关。狩猎行为有动物学内涵,而足球自身有发达的仿生学内涵,其主体功能体现在对人类乃至其他猎食类生物狩猎行为的戏仿层面。狩猎的主体特征体现在高风险、小概率以及偶然性层面,而农耕文明则高度强调安全、大概率以及必然性内涵。这也是英式足球与东亚蹴鞠的深层次文化定义的差异之处。狩猎文明滋生了法理秩序,农耕文明则派生出道德体系。足球弘扬的是一种竞争的自然性,而蹴鞠展示是一种妥协的自然性。两者足球范式展示出了两种截然不同的文化原型意义。  相似文献   

传中战术是当今足球比赛中的主要进攻手段之一,也是我国球队传统的打法。但单调的打法,简单的线路,不足以反映此战术的实质。传中战术发展到今天有着更加丰富的内涵。 根据统计,进入前场的传中线路为32条,左、右路各16条。运用次数较多的6条线路均为外围性传中,这或许就形成了我们所认识的传中战术。其实这只是传中行为中的一种。外围的防守相对薄弱,为传中创造了较多的机会,但这种传中实效性较差,容易被中路防守队员破坏。运用成功率较高的6条线路也是外围性传  相似文献   

最近我们发展了一种打法。在这一打法中,每个队员都有他(她)特定的移动路线,并且个人都承担一定的职责。在运用此种打法过程中,如果有哪个队员没有按照要求在他特定的路线上移动,那么他必须回答我为什么? 通过我们多次的比赛证明,这是一种非常有效的打法,尤其是在我们的快攻战术中。我们的基本防守阵形是2—1—2区域防守(如图1所示)。这种防守阵形使得快攻的发动变得更为容易。如同各种快攻打法一样! 快攻的发动取决于篮板球的获得,这种2—1—2防守阵形,已经使得我们在比赛中获得了大量的篮板球。D、E、C三个队员在禁区篮下站成一个三角形,这样,它可以阻挡住对手试想切入篮下抢夺篮板球的企图(图2)。  相似文献   

削球打法有削攻结合和以削为主配合反攻两种打法。削球虽然是防守性技术,但却不等于消极、被动。因为它可以利用旋转、落点来遏制对方,诱使对方进攻失误或为自己反攻制造机会。一名削球打法的运动员首先必须掌握过硬的削球技术。不仅要以削球来与对方的拉、冲、突击、扣杀等进攻性技术相抗衡,还要削得低、转、有落点变化,伺机进行反攻。  相似文献   

游戏背景:狩猎意为捕捉猎物。狩猎是满族传统体育游戏,是满族人民在狩猎过程中总结出来的一种民间体育游戏项目。目的:锻炼学生相互配合、团结协作以及奔跑、躲闪、投准的能力。意义:有较强的刺激性、挑战性,能培养学生的反应能力和集体协作意识。方法:两队人数相等,双方队员各  相似文献   

“快速多变”是一种既强调快速度,同时又注重多变化的进攻打法,中国男排正在失去这一特长和优势。阐述了影响中国男排“快速多变”打法的影响因素,并提出了对策和建议:提高一传、防守起球到位率;加强培养高水平的快攻队员;尽快利用和发展后排快攻技术;扩大“快速多变”的组织区域。  相似文献   

“逼迫式”打法,首先是一种积极的、争取主动的比赛打法。是在上个世纪90年代出现,并在90年代中期成形的一种比以往“全攻全守”打法更加队形紧密和快节奏的先进战术打法。逼迫式打法的进攻,是在执行“制造宽度和加大纵深”进攻原则的前提下,更加突出体现“突破渗透和敢于向前”的思想,只要有机会,就一定以简练、直接的方式把球打向对方身后和门前,给对方防守施加压力,更加体现进攻的大胆和果断。当然,逼迫式打法更突出的特点是在防守上,防守时,一般是整体阵型不向后退或回收,而是在丢球地点就地展开积极的反抢,是在防守“协防密集和人数占优”的原则下,前后队员之间更加紧密的压缩,在有球的一侧更多地采取挟抢和围抢,全队阵型呈前压的态势,球到哪里,哪里就必须形成防守的人数优势,形成挟抢和围抢之势,目的是使对方不适应本方的节奏,处于紧张和被动,直至造成对方失误,转守为攻。逼迫式打法并没有突破和超越“全攻全守”的思想,也没有违背进攻与防守的一般原则,只是比通常的比赛更加强调进攻的向前性和防守的向前逼压,具体体现几个方面的特点:[第一段]  相似文献   

对篮球运动中传球技术运用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球比赛是在同场贴身对抗、相互制约、多人协调配合情况下进行地一项集体运动项目.在篮球比赛过程中,进攻运动员之间有目的、有威胁的主动传球是组织进攻的纽带,是发挥全队进攻综合实力的有效手段,是完成进攻得分的基础.有目的主动进行传球、恰当把握传球时机、正确运用传球方法以及有效控制球的运行路线是运用传球技术的重要环节,也是取得篮球比赛主动的有效保证.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、逻辑分析法,从传球时间和速度的视角研究足球比赛中“快传球”和“传快球”技术对比赛的影响。认为:“快传球”和“传快球”是创造有利进攻时间和空间的基础,是足球比赛中战术的灵魂,对赢得比赛胜利有重要影响。旨在为我国足球教学训练和比赛提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2-15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height x body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P = 0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13-15 years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2?–?15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height × body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P?=?0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13?–?15 years.  相似文献   


This study investigated compound spatial and temporal measures of interpersonal interactions purported to constrain the emergence of affordances for passing direction in the team sport of futsal. For this purpose, attacker–defender interactions in 37 sequences of play from a futsal competition in which 24 male professional players participated (M=30.04 years, SD=4.10) were filmed and analysed using TACTO software. Relative angle data were used as measures to study coordination tendencies that emerged between players during performance. Results showed that the direction for a pass emerged from relative angles between: (1) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to the nearest defender (70°) (p<0.01) and (2) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to a ball receiver's nearest defender (31°) (p < 0.01). Furthermore, passing direction was also constrained by temporal information from the emergence of both angles, since the pass was performed to attacker–defender dyads with the highest velocities of these angles (p < 0.05). Results suggested that decisions on selecting the direction of a pass in the team sport of futsal emerged at critical values of these key compound motion measures.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of eight different small-sided games (SSG) on physical, technical, and decision-making demands of training environments in U14 field hockey. Methods: A total of 13 participants played eight different training games consisting of two 7.5-minute halves, where number of players (three per side or six per side) and/or field characteristics (normal game, cage hockey game, possession game, and two-goals game) was manipulated. Match performance was determined by using notational analysis, and physical demands were determined by using GPS analyses. Results: Findings revealed that lowering the number of players increased the number of technical actions performed per player and the physical demands of the SSG. Findings of the field characteristics manipulation revealed that the possession game forced players to control the ball more as a team, which resulted in more passes (+4.82 passes) and fewer dribbles (?1.48 dribbles) and tackles (?0.69 tackles) compared to the normal game. The two-goals game led to players scoring more goals (+0.61 goals) compared to the normal game, while the cage hockey game increased passing (+1.46 passes) and physical demands (+7.32 meters per minute) compared to the normal game. Conclusion: It can be concluded from these findings that coaches and trainers are able to promote a change in playing behavior, and in turn the development of skills, by manipulating specific constraints of the training environment.  相似文献   

穆涛 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(4):433-434
传球技术主要用于二传,在比赛中多数是将同伴垫来的球传起组织进攻,传球时往往需要改变球的方向和速度。提出了在教学中提高学生传垫球技术运用能力的教学方法,主要包括强化技术规格、增强场上意识、加强观察判断能力、提高运动感知能力、增强学生合理选用技术能力等几个方面,提高了学生传垫球技术动作的熟练性和实际运用能力。  相似文献   

青少年手球传球动作是手球技术的重要组成部分,针对青少年手球运动员传球技术训练中出现的突出问题进行逐一分析,并就其自信心的培养、生理条件、心理素质以及应变观察能力的培养进行了探讨,提出了青少年手球传球技能训练中应注意的问题和解决此类问题的方法,并给出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

要打好乒乓球,从理论上来说,必须达到两个要求:一是根据规则规定,将球回击对方台面上去,即进行有效回击,它要求打球时要有合适的弧线和准确的落点;二是打过去的球要有质量,也就是说击球必须有速度、力量、旋转、落点变化与弧线变化。没有击球的准确性,根本谈不上击球质量,文章就此进行研究,以期为相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

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