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文章主要从美国公立中小学互联网的接入情况、学生利用网络学习的机会、阻拦网络不良信息的措施、教师专业发展培训以及教学资源提供这五个方面对互联网在美国公立中小学学校的应用现状做了整理和分析,旨在找出一些发展规律与经验,为我国中小学教育信息化提供一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

每学年美国公立中小学教师均会出现流动现象,适度的流动对教育教学有益,但大量的或急剧的流动则会对正常的教育教学工作造成影响,美国教育部门对此进行实际调查,提出解决的办法。本文依据美国教育部门的统计数据,对美国公立中小学教师流动的情况进行阐述,分析其特点,介绍其对策。  相似文献   

自1994年以来,美国公立中小学的计算机和互联网应用状况每年都有较大的改善。美国教育部国家教育统计中心(NCES)于1999年对公立中小学教师使用计算机和互联网的状况做了一项调查,其统计调查结果摘要如下。  相似文献   

美国公立中小学不合格教师解聘严格遵守法律的要求。解聘不合格教师一般需经过告知评定结果、实施强化帮助、总结性评价、解聘等程序。从解聘过程中可以总结以下特点:学生权益的至上性、教师权益的保障性、给教师第二次机会、校方负责举证、不得已而解聘。美国公立中小学不合格教师的解聘对我国教师解聘有一定的启示。  相似文献   

农村中小学特岗教师退出机制是确保农村特岗教师合理流动的重要举措。然而,当前我国特岗教师退出机制存在退出管理主体模糊、退出方式单一、退出程序欠规范等问题。因此,完善农村中小学特岗教师退出机制,需要明确退出机制的管理主体;拓宽特岗教师退出渠道;规范退出程序,完善退出监督体系;建立退出特岗教师社会保障制度和解聘制度。  相似文献   

我国中小学当前正在推行教师人事制度改革,推进教师聘任制,在这一过程中,教师解聘是一个不容回避的棘手问题。美国公立中小学教师的解聘已经制度化了,无论是解聘理由还是解聘程序,各州法律都有明确规定,而我国目前的法律只规定了教师被解聘的三种状况,因此有必要借鉴美国的经验,逐步完善我国的教师解聘制度,依法维护教师的权益。  相似文献   

公立中小学教师是否应拥有兼职权,是世界许多国家要探讨的课题.本文重点梳理和分析了允许兼职与禁止兼职的几种类型及其法律与政策依据,对我国处理公立中小学教师兼职问题将有所启示.  相似文献   

一、中小学教师退出机制现状在聘用体制环境下,中小学教师的聘用和退出应该是常态工作,教师的退出机制开始形成。但是由于教师聘任制并未得到真正有效的实施,目前并未形成完善的教师退出机制,教育法律法规对教师退出方式、实施条件和法律后果只有一些零散的规定。教师退出的方式主要有退职、解聘、辞职和转岗。  相似文献   

美国中小学教师队伍正在向高龄化方向发展,在今后的6年时间里,美国全国中小学教师的1/3将达到退休年龄。研究表明,在过去的20年里,美国公立和私立中小学教师的平均年龄已从33岁上升到42岁。在生育高峰年代招  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,美国公立教育的质量问题引起全国性的关注。美国国内出现要求改革公立中小学教育的呼声。社会各界纷纷就如何提高教育质量问题发表意见,提出建议。联邦政府也逐步加强了对中小学教育的干预力度,联邦的教育政策也从原来重点资助经济上或学习上落后的学生转向要求全体学生提高学习成绩,并制订了一套以提高学术标准、改善评估体系、加强各部门责任为主要内容的教育改革措施,其重点是要求各州制订更加明确的课程标准,并对学生进行更加严格的考试。  相似文献   

Districts are increasingly making personnel decisions based on teachers’ impact on student-achievement gains and classroom observations. In some schools, however, a teacher’s practices and their students’ achievement may reflect not just individual but collaborative efforts. In other settings, teachers’ instruction benefits less from the insights and support of their colleagues. This article analyzes multiple measures of teacher and teaching quality for 24 language arts teachers in New York City who teach in different types of school environments. Teachers in different value-added quartiles were observed and scored using two protocols, PLATO and CLASS. Schools were categorized as more and less functional using Department of Education environment grades. To compare the practices of higher and lower value-added teachers in more and less functional schools, we conduct MANOVAs of observation scores and use qualitative coding of field notes. We find value-added measures and observation protocols provide confirmatory information in less functional schools but provide contradictory information about teacher quality in more functional schools. Implications for teacher education, policy, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

对村校微观问题样态的描述和分析具有重要的政策参考价值。通过对一位从教36年村小高级教师的访谈发现:农村教育政策过程存在"微观障碍";村校布局调整的直接受益主体是学校和政府而非家庭;村校留人机制表现出明显的"社会性"而非"经济性";教师管理存在授权自主和加强干预的选择性困境;村校教师存在"45岁退休"现象;村校教师收入的参照系是同村村民而非城镇教师。针对以上问题可以从以下四个方面给予管理上的主动回应:第一,利用重要科研平台为农村教育管理提供专业支持;第二,建立中国农村教育综合数据库为农村教育决策提供基础数据支持;第三,注重农村教育政策生成的"自下而上"逻辑,建立村校管理信息上报制度;第四,努力实现教师队伍由"人事管理"向"人力资源管理"转变。  相似文献   

A critical analysis of policy on teacher evaluation in Cyprus identifies some weaknesses in current practice. It is argued that findings from teacher and school effectiveness studies could be a foundation upon which a more valid teacher evaluation system in Cyprus could be built. It is further argued that limitations in teacher and school effectiveness studies conducted discretely suggest that joint teacher/school effectiveness research should be conducted. Two complementary approaches to improving teacher evaluation in Cyprus are explored. The first is focused on the use of research findings and methodology to improve the existing policy. The second is to complement such an improved system with a school-based self-evaluation approach. Finally, the potential of a self-evaluation approach for locating some power and control over defining effectiveness in the schools and teachers, rather than exclusively in the government is discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育课程改革的不断深入,国家课程、地方课程和学校课程三级课程管理体制进一步健全,校本课程开发使得教师的专业地位得到进一步提升,与此同时,校本课程开发中教师权力问题引发人们的进一步关注。本文主要探讨校本课程开发的教师权力诠释、校本课程开发的教师权力分配、校本课程开发的教师权力表达和校本课程开发的教师权力管理。  相似文献   

A fundamental issue inherent to education policy is whether teacher qualifications such as certification status, degree level, preparation, and experience predict student achievement. While existing research provides some direction regarding the potential importance of these qualifications for productivity in secondary schools, less is known about their importance for productivity in elementary schools. This study draws on data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) to analyze the relationship between elementary school teacher qualifications and first-grade achievement in reading and mathematics. While we find no effects for certification status, we report positive effects for teachers’ degree type and experience on reading achievement. We also discover potential contextual effects of teachers’ qualifications on student achievement, with first-graders demonstrating higher levels of reading and mathematics achievement in schools where teachers report higher levels of coursework emphasis in these subject areas. We discuss the implications of these findings for policy and future research.  相似文献   


This paper explores how six English primary school teachers enact assessment and attainment-focused policy and asks what this performative policy work does and whether it shapes or requires a new kind of primary teacher subjectivity. The paper draws on a small study of policy enactments in two primary schools in Greater London in order to discuss two dimensions of policy enactment that emerged from our data: first, shifting assessment regimes in primary schools which create an enactment environment of second-guessing policy; second, a shift in focus from the individual child to targeted groups that raises questions about more traditional primary school values. The paper concludes with a reflection on the effects of contradictory values and practices and how this policy context creates a form of ‘doing without believing’ in the English primary school.  相似文献   

地方中小学教师轮岗制政策失真问题管窥   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
教师轮岗制是一些地方促进教育均衡的一个新举措,其在缩小不同区域、不同学校间师资差距等方面取得了一些成绩。然而,由于地方政策本身原因以及外部多种因素的影响,其在实施过程中存在政策失真问题。针对出现的政策失真现象进行原因分析,最终提出解决政策失真问题的对策,有利于这项政策的完善,有助于政策目标的最终实现。  相似文献   

Gaps between the educational attainment of pupils from higher and lower income families are widespread and persistent. Teacher quality is amongst the most important school-based determinants of pupil attainment, making the allocation of teachers to pupils a potentially important reason for this attainment gap. We use a range of well-evidenced indicators of teacher quality from the School Workforce Census and the Teaching and Learning International Survey to investigate the extent of social inequalities in access to teacher quality in England. Looking at the allocation of teachers between schools, we find that disadvantaged pupils are more likely to have unqualified, inexperienced or out-of-subject teachers. We present evidence that this reflects both demand from early-career teachers to work in such schools and a greater supply of vacant positions in these schools, due to poor staff retention. We find some evidence of an inequitable allocation of teacher quality to classes within schools, though this is limited to our teacher experience indicator. This is in part due to teachers with more experience at a specific school being better able to influence their allocation to less disadvantaged classes. Implications for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article draws on Bourdieu’s field theory and related concepts of habitus and capitals, to explore policy implementation in relation to a particular case of teacher professional development in Queensland, Australia. This implementation process is described as an effect of the interplay between what is called the policy field and the field of teachers’ work. The policy field demonstrates intra‐field tensions between the federal Quality Teacher Programme (QTP) and a raft of state policies, particularly those associated with the Queensland meta‐policy, Queensland State Education 2010 (QSE2010). To investigate the effects of this complex policy ensemble, the article draws upon the experiences of principals and a group of teachers engaged in professional development across a cluster of six schools in south‐east Queensland, Australia. The specific focus is on the ‘Curriculum Board’, a cross‐school body created by the principals in the participating schools, and its mediated work in policy implementation and teacher learning. The article analyses the effects of the involvement of the principals in the creation of the board, the limiting impact of QTP requirements to involve consultants rather than support for teacher release, and the limited influence of the board on teacher learning and policy implementation in the individual schools. By doing so, the analysis shows the disjunctions between the logics of practice of the policy field and that of teachers’ work, and the ways in which the differing habitus of principals and teachers and teacher members of the board affected teacher learning and policy implementation. It is argued that effective implementation requires learning within and across fields, and more reflexive habitus of policy makers, principals and teachers.  相似文献   

On-going curriculum reform in China demands that teachers and principals shift their norms of practice to facilitate student learning. Principals are expected to take a more hands-on approach and work more collaboratively with teachers towards curriculum change. This paper presents case studies of how principals in three different schools in Shanghai shaped teacher development activities which built teacher understanding and capacity to meet the requirements of the curriculum reform. The analysis provides insights into how principals proactively promoted teacher development and identifies some of possible gaps in their strategies. Implications are drawn about the relationships between curriculum reform, school leadership and teacher development.  相似文献   

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