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建构主义学习理论与汉语教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为“当代教育心理学中的一场革命”的建构主义,是学习理论中行为主义到认知主义以后的进一步发展。它强调学生的主动学习,要求学生由外部刺激的被动接受和知识的灌输对象转变为信息加工的主体和知识意义的主动建构,同时也重视教师在学生建构知识的过程中提供一定的帮助和支持。这无疑为我们建立一种面向建构主义的第二语言教学论提供了一个观照的视角,同时促使我们完善汉语教学,贯彻以“逐步扩展,从句子向话语发展”为基本内容的汉语知识教学。  相似文献   

探究式学习的内容分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一轮基础教育课程改革大力倡导在各学科中,面向全体学生,开展多样化的探究式学习。很多的教育专家、一线教师对探究式学习进行了积极的探索研究。探究式学习在我国研究、实施的现状究竟如何?又有怎样的变化、发展趋势?还存在哪些主要的问题?怎样解决这些问题?针对这些疑惑,作者使用内容分析法对教育技术领域具有代表性的三种杂志近几年来关于探究式学习的论文进行了认真的分析、研究,并尝试着给出了解决问题的答案和策略。  相似文献   

检索式学习:意义、方式与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字化环境和信息网络技术影响并改变着人类传统的学习方式,面对浩瀚的信息海洋,人们应该充分借助于先进的技术去查寻并汲取有用的知识.检索式学习正是人们不断更新自我以适应时代发展的重要途径,它为人类的学习构建了一个新型的平台,为现代教育的发展提供了一个重要的引擎,为个人的发展提供了一个高效的工具.随着技术的发展,检索式学习的方式也在不断地发生着变化:从图书馆书刊借阅到使用联机信息检索,从网络信息的浏览到利用学术搜索引擎,从一般的文献信息检索到知识检索与研究性问题的分析,从知识检索到知识发现.检索式学习强调人机交互与主体参与,突出知识创新与能力发展,注重知识建构与问题解决.开展检索式学习要注意明确目标、防止迷航,善于分析、沙里淘金,不断积累、勇于探索.  相似文献   

The article presents ten theoretically substantiated ‘theses’ on future education and learning, highlighting emerging trends that will shape educational systems. The focus is on the impact of innovation economy and knowledge society on learning. Specifically, the article elaborates the changing dynamics of production models since the first industrial revolution, arguing that in the last few years we have been in the midst of a globalisation process that is qualitatively different from the earlier ones. This new model has consequences, for example, for skill demands and their regional distribution. More fundamentally, this ‘third globalisation’ makes innovation the key source of economic value, pushing educational systems from adaptive towards creative learning models. In implementing such creative pedagogies, traditional models of innovation become inadequate. The article therefore describes recent developments in innovation research and outlines a new theoretical view on innovation which connects innovation with social change and learning. This ‘downstream’ innovation model highlights the active and creative role of user communities in making innovations real. As the economic and social importance of ‘downstream’ innovation is becoming increasingly visible, educational institutions and learning activity will change. Policymakers will have to answer the question: Why will we need education in the future?  相似文献   


Preparing students to be effective citizens is a longstanding goal of public education. Historical content provides illustrative opportunities for civic learning. Teaching about the Holocaust exemplifies this approach. Employing an experimental research design with 865 secondary school students, we analyze effects on civic outcomes from learning about the Holocaust through a school-sponsored trip to a Holocaust museum. We find that lessons about the Holocaust increase students’ support for civil liberties and deepen historical content knowledge, but decrease religious tolerance. High school students and those from college-educated households drive increases in support for civil liberties, and these students are more likely to donate to human rights causes as a result of the intervention. Middle school students and those from less-educated households drive the negative religious tolerance effect. These findings suggest that history lessons can produce meaningful impacts on civic educational outcomes. However, a stronger educational foundation that comes with engaging with challenging political issues may be a vital prerequisite to avoid undesirable consequences.  相似文献   

基于教育问题的“实践性学习”强调教育实践在教师教育过程中的作用,是培养师范生教育胜任力的一种新型模式。在教育理念上,“实践性学习“强调“知行合一”,侧重“做中学”,认为职前教师教育仅仅传授教育知识是远远不够的,还必须提供教育实践机会,在“实践场景”下让他们尽早进入专业领域,参与教育实践活动,才能掌握了教育的程序和方法,获得教育胜任力。  相似文献   

Social media are increasingly being used for educational purposes. The first part of this article briefly reviews literature that reports on educational applications of social media tools. The second part discusses theories that may provide a basis for analyzing the processes that are relevant for individual learning and collective knowledge construction. We argue that a systems-theoretical constructivist approach is appropriate to examine the processes of educational social media use, namely, self-organization, the internalization of information, the externalization of knowledge, and the interplay of externalization and internalization providing the basis of a co-evolution of cognitive and social systems. In the third part we present research findings that illustrate and support this systems-theoretical framework. Concluding, we discuss the implications for educational design and for future research on learning and collective knowledge construction with social media.  相似文献   

There have been many practical obstacles for teachers to implement evidence-based educational technology, especially in STEM classrooms. By implementing learning principles related to Cognitive Load Theory, we developed an innovative Technology-Assisted Guided Learning (TAGL) approach and its web-based instructional tool, combining expertise from educational research and best teaching practices to enhance guided student-centered learning in chemistry. A total of 185 community college students were randomly assigned to learn stoichiometry through either TAGL or one of two active control interventions, traditional direct instruction and Khan Academy, a widely used web learning platform. We found that the TAGL group significantly outperformed both active control groups immediately after instruction, and furthermore, despite the fact that all groups received additional instruction in stoichiometry, the beneficial effects of TAGL compared to the control groups were maintained a month later. Notably, TAGL was able to eliminate the achievement gap between students with low prior knowledge and students with high prior knowledge. Furthermore, prior-knowledge activation was found to be especially beneficial for students with low prior knowledge. Our work contributes to existing research in learning theories and provides new insight toward the development of more effective and adaptive instructional designs. By translating research into practice, this study demonstrates the great potential of using innovative computer-based technology to improve student learning for all.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT At the heart of any successful cross‐cultural knowledge transfer effort lies an individual or group of individuals with the skills to manage a complex, ambiguous and often stressful process. The ability to manage the knowledge transfer process depends as much on learning in real time as it does on rational planning. Yet, few approaches to knowledge transfer have considered learning as a primary driver of success. In this article, we draw on new insights on how adults learn from experience in cross‐cultural settings to understand the cross‐cultural knowledge transfer process. We conceive cross‐cultural knowledge transfer as a seven‐stage process of learning and describe the essential competencies necessary for managing each of the seven stages. We draw on work with cross‐cultural knowledge transfer efforts in a variety of industries and cultures to illustrate this process.  相似文献   

辛艾桐  张智 《现代教育技术》2009,19(11):118-122
网络技术的发展和现代教育理论的研究使网络化学习平台在远程开放教育教学中起到举足轻重的作用,在保证良好教学效果的同时,绝不能忽视远教学员的学习消化,只有做到有授有得才能保证知识的连续性。基于知识推理的在线导学测试平台用实时反馈和指导学习的方式找出知识的断点,教会学生如何学习,有效地评价学习过程,促进学生的自主学习和个性化发展。  相似文献   

参与式学习和网络教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对新学习机会的需求持续增长以及新的信息系统和通讯技术不断涌现,使得在线学习成为了教育实践中的中心话题。我们有必要建立一个框架,使那些有着不同文化、语言背景的远程学生产生有意义参与学习的经验。我们使用新术语“Cybergogy“来描述建立在线参与式学习所采用的策略,描述了为不同背景的远程学生创设认知、社会和情感三方面的学习经验。Cybergogy的核心是参与式学习,在参与式学习中学生自己确立学习目标、探索适当的资源、与其他人进行小组协作并以有意义的方式建构知识。我们所建立的“参与式学习的cybergogy模型“包括三个相互重叠/交叉的域:认知域、情感域和社会域。这一模型综合了当前的思想、观念和理论框架,它们是关于学生参与在线学习的这三个域上的程度和性质的。教师可以利用这一模型来描述每个学习者,然后设计针对每个人的策略,我们称这一过程为“customized engagement“。这样,学生不仅有机会实现自己的学习目标,而且将积极地参与学习过程。  相似文献   

研究性学习是学生在教师的指导下,从自然、社会和生活中选择和确定专题进行研究,并在研究过程中主动地获取知识,应用知识,解决问题的学习活动。这是对传统教学的一种颠覆,是全新的教学模式,它强调要以学生为中心,激发学生的学习积极性,变被动为主动,最大程度地开发学生的学习潜能,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。这正是培养新型人才的方向和要求。文章对高师钢琴教学中如何实施研究性教学。使学生获得独立学习的能力作了初步尝试。  相似文献   

作为“互联网+”时代全新的教育理念和学习方式变革,深度学习成为地方本科院校学生学习质量的重要表征。深度学习是高阶思维的认知重构过程,是深度参与的交往互动过程,也是积极投入的主体成长过程。地方本科院校学生从浅层学习到深度学习的演进经历了接受学习、参与学习和创造学习三个阶段。从认知内容、学习动机和社会互动三个维度来看,地方本科院校学生深度学习的实现机制和发展价值是:从原理记忆到项目实践的认知内容高阶化,促进学生文化性发展;从被动接受到主动创新的学习动机内化,促进学生自主性发展;从主客体互动到实践共同体的社会交往深化,促进学生社会性发展。基于此,促进地方本科院校学生深度学习的实践策略为:重视价值观引导和生涯规划、重构充满“获得感”的课程体系、创建学习实践共同体、打造智慧学习生态。  相似文献   

人类的学习是在社会活动中,以言语为中介,通过积极思维,主动掌握人类社会历史经验和积累个体经验的过程。对于学生来说,学习外语,不仅要掌握外语知识,而且要在掌握必要的语言知识的同时,熟练掌握运用外语进行交际的各种技能。也就是说,我们掌握一门外语,就是要掌握有关的知识和技能,使其平衡发展。  相似文献   

思维导图根据发散性思考的特征,以直观形象的表达方式呈现思考的过程及知识间的关联。脑科学以及教育心理学中的有意义学习理论和多元智力理论表明,运用思维导图能够促进学生的有效学习。在学习中运用思维导图,不仅有助于形成知识网络,提高学习效率,还有助于提高学生的思维能力和视觉素养。绘制思维导图时,要注重规则与技巧,抓好整体风格与关键词尤为重要。  相似文献   

探究性学习是近年来我国教育界极力倡导的一种学习方式,目的在于帮助学生从被动的接受式学习向主动的探索性学习转化,增强学生综合运用所学知识、技能,解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

初中(7~9年级)数学课题学习是学生在教师的引导下,在已有知识基础上,从所熟悉的现实生活中发现、选择和确定数学或跨学科领域的问题,主动应用知识解决问题的学习活动。当前农村初中数学课题学习面临传统教学评价观、班额大、师生经验有限、资源缺乏等因素的困扰,并没有充分实现数学课题学习的教育价值。笔者提出了相应的对策,以促进数学课题学习的有效开展。  相似文献   

Students with mathematics learning disabilities (LD) exhibit difficulties with retrieval and cognitive skills that impede their ability to perform basic mathematical skills. Instruction in mathematical procedures (i.e., procedural knowledge) is necessary to help students learn and apply skills such as basic facts and whole-number computation. Division is a skill that is identified in curriculum across the grade levels; yet, it is a skill that is often taught last in instructional sequences because of its complexity and prerequisite knowledge. Reviews of research have revealed that students with LD benefit from a combined model of academic instruction that includes both explicit and strategic instructional procedures. This article presents an overview of division instruction and a sample of interventions for teaching division that include explicit and strategic instructional procedures, which are found in the combined model of teaching.  相似文献   


Given the growing interest in retrieval practice among educators, it is valuable to know when retrieval practice does and does not improve student learning—particularly for educators who have limited classroom time and resources. In this literature review, we developed a narrow operational definition for “classroom research” compared to previous reviews of the literature. We screened nearly 2000 abstracts and systematically coded 50 experiments to establish a clearer picture of benefits from retrieval practice in real world educational settings. Our review yielded 49 effect sizes and a total n?=?5374, the majority of which (57%) revealed medium or large benefits from retrieval practice. We found that retrieval practice improved learning for a variety of education levels, content areas, experimental designs, final test delays, retrieval and final test formats, and timing of retrieval practice and feedback; however, only 6% of experiments were conducted in non-WEIRD countries. Based on our review of the literature, we make eight recommendations for future research and provide educators with a better understanding of the robust benefits of retrieval practice across a range of school and classroom settings.


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