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在"马拉松热"的背景下,对跑步参与过程中马拉松跑者的深度休闲特质进行探究。采用滚雪球抽样方式,对20名马拉松跑者进行半结构式访谈,通过质性分析软件NVivo 11.0对访谈资料进行分析。研究结果表明马拉松跑者具有深度休闲的6个特质:坚持不懈、生涯性、显著的个人努力、强烈的认同感、独特的文化、持久的收益。本研究进一步丰富了已有研究成果,其中坚持不懈中的"毅力"和"自我管理"两方面体现了马拉松项目的特点。对马拉松跑者来讲,经济回报和团队发展并不是明显的持久收益。本研究结果拓展了对我国"马拉松热"现象的理解,未来应采用定量方法进行深入研究。  相似文献   

参照休闲限制理论,编制马拉松参与行为问卷,对全国301位马拉松参与者进行问卷调查,并对所获得的数据进行结构方程分析,测试休闲限制协商模型在马拉松运动中的应用。研究探讨了动力、限制、协商因素和马拉松参与行为之间的关系,发现了动力对马拉松参与行为的重要影响及两条不同的影响路径,结果接受感知-限制-减少修正模型。进一步分析发现:人际限制、结构性限制是阻碍马拉松参与行为的主要因素;马拉松跑者在遭遇限制因素时,会在技术、时间、经济方面采取协商策略。  相似文献   

休闲体育行为变通策略的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱亚君 《体育科学》2011,31(7):8-16,42
基于休闲体育行为的特点,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,探索休闲体育行为的变通策略,研究由2个相对独立的调查组成。研究一对60名市民进行开放式结构访谈,对访谈所得信息进行编码整理、类属分析,归纳出人们在休闲体育行为过程中采用的变通策略。研究二运用问卷对408名普通市民进行调查,运用因子分析的方法,进一步探索休闲体育行为的变通策略。结果表明,个体在休闲体育行为过程中运用的变通策略有6类:意识提高策略、自我管理策略、帮助关系策略、时间调整策略、项目调整策略、环境支持策略;处于休闲体育行为各发展阶段的个体,会采取不同的变通策略。  相似文献   

通过探讨冰雪运动参与者休闲限制与变通策略的关系,分析个人、人际、结构3种限制对变通策略的影响,旨在为提高大众冰雪运动参与提供合理化路径。研究主要运用问卷调查法和数理统计法,通过回归分析发现:个人限制对变通策略有显著的负向影响,结构限制对变通策略有显著的正向影响,人际限制对变通策略影响不显著。由于个人限制对变通策略的运用具有很强抑制作用,因此提高大众冰雪运动参与最重要的途径是降低个人限制。  相似文献   

2013广汽丰田广州马拉松赛于11月23日成功举办.作为本届赛事的钻石赞助商及唯一指定运动装备赞助商,特步将继续倾情支持本届广州马拉松.除了为广大跑步爱好者提供专业跑步装备.更将以。乐跑”理念促使更多国人参与到跑步运动中来,让更多跑者尽情享受跑步乐趣。  相似文献   

爆炸案不能令马拉松精神受辱 作者 罗杰·罗宾逊(跑者兼学者,马拉松爱好者,曾为多家跑步杂志撰稿)媒体英国《卫报》 4月15日,波士顿马拉松终点线附近发生的爆炸案令3人死亡,数十人受伤。我感觉就像自己的家庭成员被侵犯。更糟糕的是,我这辈子都在写跑步是现代社会最激励人进步的力量之一,如今尤其伤感。  相似文献   

郑敏 《体育博览》2014,(9):38-39
人生中有些事,真是机缘巧合。 像我这样的人,以前是不大喜欢动的,却在一位跑过多年马拉松的兄长影响下,居然也开始跑步了。 记得那还是2003年,在北京跑步的人并不多见。过后,影响我跑步的兄长回国,我在京虽然也坚持跑,但基本上是一人在跑,身边的朋友大多觉得跑步是件很难的事,即使跑个一千米也要叫苦不堪。当然,那时我也从不认为自己会去跑马拉松,只是觉得跑步出出汗也挺好的。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、随机访谈、专家咨询等研究方法,建立了马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的跑者价值感知测评模型,运用样本数据对模型进行适配,进一步构建马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知与行为意向的结构方程模型。结果显示,马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知测评模型包含6个维度城市规划与建设影响维度、城市政府治理影响维度、城市经济发展影响维度、城市市民行为影响维度、城市对外宣传影响维度和城市文化发展影响维度。马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的跑者价值感知在不同性别群体、不同年龄群体、不同职业群体、不同文化程度群体、不同地域分布群体之间存在差异性,但其显著性的表现维度各具差异。关于马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的价值感知与行为意向的结构方程模型,其各项适配指数均达到优良水平,说明预设结构方程模型适配效果较好。5个潜变量对行为意向的标准化路径系数均通过了1‰的显著性水平检验,表明马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知对其行为意向产生了比较显著的干预效果,由此反映出马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象的影响是比较显著的,影响辐射面越来越广。  相似文献   

北京冬奥会带动了我国冰雪运动的开展,通过对北京市冰雪运动参与者的问卷调查,分析影响大众冰雪运动持续参与的机制,构建了休闲限制对持续参与的影响机制模型。研究发现,在大众冰雪运动参与前与参与后,休闲限制对实际参与,休闲限制对变通策略以及变通策略对实际参与等3个方面都有不同的影响,验证了冰雪运动休闲限制与持续参与存在着"休闲限制→变通策略→实际参与→满意度→持续参与"的影响路径。故应降低参与冰雪运动的限制因素,提高参与冰雪运动的满意度;对大众而言,采用不同的变通策略以克服各种休闲限制,对持续参与冰雪运动具有重要作用。  相似文献   

随着我国马拉松赛事的增多,参赛跑者出现了一些不文明不规范的现象。本文通过文献综述法对跑者的特征进行分析,针对跑者目前出现的问题,寻找可行的跑者发展措施。以期为马拉松赛事良性发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

The pacing behaviors used by elite athletes differ among individual sports, necessitating the study of sport-specific pacing profiles. Additionally, pacing behaviors adopted by elite runners differ depending on race distance. An “all-out” strategy, characterized by initial rapid acceleration and reduction in speed in the later stages, is observed during 100 m and 200 m events; 400 m runners also display positive pacing patterns, which is characterized by a reduction in speed throughout the race. Similarly, 800 m runners typically adopt a positive pacing strategy during paced “meet” races. However, during championship races, depending on the tactical approaches used by dominant athletes, pacing can be either positive or negative (characterized by an increase in speed throughout). A U-shaped pacing strategy (characterized by a faster start and end than during the middle part of the race) is evident during world record performances at meet races in 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m events. Although a parabolic J-shaped pacing profile (in which the start is faster than the middle part of the race but is slower than the endspurt) can be observed during championship 1500 m races, a negative pacing strategy with microvariations of pace is adopted by 5000 m and 10,000 m runners in championship races. Major cross country and marathon championship races are characterized by a positive pacing strategy; whereas a U-shaped pacing strategy, which is the result of a fast endspurt, is adopted by 3000 m steeplechasers and half marathoners. In contrast, recent world record marathon performances have been characterized by even pacing, which emphasizes the differences between championship and meet races at distances longer than 800 m. Studies reviewed suggest further recommendations for athletes. Throughout the whole race, 800 m runners should avoid running wide on the bends. In turn, during major championship events, 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m runners should try to run close to the inside of the track as much as possible during the decisive stages of the race when the speed is high. Staying within the leading positions during the last lap is recommended to optimize finishing position during 1500 m and 5000 m major championship races. Athletes with more modest aims than winning a medal at major championships are advised to adopt a realistic pace during the initial stages of long-distance races and stay within a pack of runners. Coaches of elite athletes should take into account the observed difference in pacing profiles adopted in meet races vs. those used in championship races: fast times achieved during races with the help of one or more pacemakers are not necessarily replicated in winner-takes-all championship races, where pace varies substantially. Although existing studies examining pacing characteristics in elite runners through an observational approach provide highly ecologically valid performance data, they provide little information regarding the underpinning mechanisms that explain the behaviors shown. Therefore, further research is needed in order to make a meaningful impact on the discipline. Researchers should design and conduct interventions that enable athletes to carefully choose strategies that are not influenced by poor decisions made by other competitors, allowing these athletes to develop more optimal and successful behaviors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the pacing strategy adopted by elite marathon runners when setting every marathon world record in the last 50 years. We divided former marathon record holders into two groups: classic athletes (record holders between 1967 and 1988) and contemporaneous athletes (record holders between 1988 and 2018). The total distance of the marathon was divided into 8 sections of 5?km and 1 last section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. On average athletes were slightly faster in the first half-marathon than in the second one, where they slowed down progressively (ES?=?0.28, small effect). However, when comparing classic vs. contemporaneous athletes, we observed that classic athletes started significantly faster (p?相似文献   

采用实地问卷调查法,收集马拉松参赛者在运动参与行为、实物购买行为和人口特征方面的统计数据,使用k-means聚类分析将马拉松消费者细分为资深马拉松追求者、普通马拉松爱好者和社交者三个集群。研究表明,马拉松消费将面临以下挑战:泛娱乐性大于竞技性造成资深消费群体流失,赛事体系层级不清晰造成消费者混淆,赛事运营服务不专业拉低消费意愿,其他户外运动兴起导致消费份额分化,马拉松消费者非理性消费观念广泛存在。预测未来马拉松消费行为发展的六大趋势:以重点人群为目标扩大马拉松消费;科学跑马服务助力消费者持续参与赛事;沉浸体验式消费不断升级;建设马拉松产业载体拓展消费空间;社交媒体互动式消费发挥中介作用;5G开启智能马拉松消费时代。  相似文献   

The effects of running with or without shoes on injury prevention have been extensively studied, and several investigations have assessed biomechanical differences between them. However, findings are not consensual and further insights on biomechanical load associated with differently shod or barefoot conditions may be needed. This study aimed to observe if habitually shod marathon runners show acute alterations when running barefoot or with minimalist shoes, and to determine whether the running kinematical adaptations of wearing minimalist shoes were similar to barefoot running. Twelve male marathon runners ran on the treadmill at their average marathon pace in different footwear conditions: habitual running shoes, minimalist shoes, and barefoot. High-resolution infrared cameras and visual 3D software were used to assess kinematic data. The following parameters were studied: foot strike angle, cycle time, stance time, normalized stride length, hip, knee, and ankle angular position at initial contact, and their respective range-of-motion (ROM) during stance phase. Contrary to the expectations, it was found that highly trained habitually shod elite marathon runners changed their lower limb kinematic pattern both when running barefoot or wearing minimalist shoes. Minimalist shoes showed a trend towards intermediate biomechanical effects between running with and without shoes.  相似文献   

Twenty specialist marathon runners and 23 specialist ultra-marathon runners underwent maximal exercise testing to determine the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), peak treadmill running velocity, running velocity at the lactate turnpoint, VO2 at 16 km h-1, % VO2max at 16 km h-1, and running time in other races, for predicting performance in races of 10-90 km. Race time at 10 or 21.1 km was the best predictor of performance at 42.2 km in specialist marathon runners and at 42.2 and 90 km in specialist ultra-marathon runners (r = 0.91-0.97). Peak treadmill running velocity was the best laboratory-measured predictor of performance (r = -0.88(-)-0.94) at all distances in ultra-marathon specialists and at all distances except 42.2 km in marathon specialists. Other predictive variables were running velocity at the lactate turnpoint (r = -0.80(-)-0.92); % VO2max at 16 km h-1 (r = 0.76-0.90) and VO2max (r = 0.55(-)-0.86). Peak blood lactate concentrations (r = 0.68-0.71) and VO2 at 16 km h-1 (r = 0.10-0.61) were less good predictors. These data indicate: (i) that in groups of trained long distance runners, the physiological factors that determine success in races of 10-90 km are the same; thus there may not be variables that predict success uniquely in either 10 km, marathon or ultra-marathon runners, and (ii) that peak treadmill running velocity is at least as good a predictor of running performance as is the lactate turnpoint. Factors that determine the peak treadmill running velocity are not known but are not likely to be related to maximum rates of muscle oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

Field tests of speed and endurance may be used to evaluate the probability of success and to create efficient training strategies for sports. Currently, both invasive and non-invasive methods are used for this purpose. While invasive methods cause some discomfort to subjects, non-invasive methods may employ practices associated with the sport itself. One such method employs the linear relationship between exercise intensity or running speed and distance covered running at that speed represented on a semi-logarithmic scale. The separation of endurance runners into three different groups can be confirmed by different values for the slope coefficient (b) of this linear relation. According to findings among top Czechoslovak endurance runners, supplemented by the data of other authors, the values of coefficient b in middle-distance runners are in the range -2.166 to -1.700, in long-distance runners -1.520 to -1.050 and in marathon runners -0.836 to -0.436. Similarly, a separation of young endurance runners into groups of middle-distance and long-distance runners must be within the range -2.158 to -1.800 and for young long-distance runners -1.700 to -1.300. Based on these findings, the optimum competitive distance for adult athletes can be established in relation to current training status. In young athletes, it is possible to select gifted runners with predispositions for middle-distance and long-distance running. For both groups of athletes, more efficient training methods can be selected to optimize their predispositions for maximal performance.  相似文献   


Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

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