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集体身份认同视域下中英足球球迷文化的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料和比较研究等方法对集体身份认同视域下的中英足球球迷文化进行比较,认为:集体认同是球迷产生自我区隔、群体效应以及球迷文化形成的基础;在集体认同视域下英国足球文化的表征主要集中在对骑士精神的继承、民族和国家的不同认同以及忠诚的球迷等方面;中国足球文化的表征主要集中在足球场上民族主义和战争隐喻的体现、功利性以及球迷认同的多元性等方面;球迷的情感个体与群体认同程度差异,足球文化的内涵与继承主体差异,球迷文化的倾向性差异,球迷构成的主体和认知差异是中英球迷文化的主要差异。研究进一步认为促进球迷文化的组织化、规范化、提高球迷的集体价值认同和整体素质,发展和繁荣足球文化,促使中国足球文化由过去的模仿、盲从走向自我回归和蜕变,繁荣足球文化产业提高足球文化赋值是未来中国足球文化建设的基本路径。  相似文献   

从"赛场管理"、"观众管理"的角度看待球迷暴力行为,更多的是怀着一种主流价值观的规范,或者责任伦理学的观点。而将球迷暴力行为看做一个特殊的社会现象,分析其社会意涵,发现:球迷的暴力行为既是球迷对自己的一种绝对而全面的自我肯定,也是对"对手"的否认,是球迷实现社会认同的一种方式;而之所以摆脱不开暴力的使用,是因为球迷暴力"自身具有目的"的一面,对球迷而言,暴力具有内生的吸引力和无法取代的情感意义。球迷暴力是一个有"意义"的社会行动,它不仅代表了一种从属于主文化下的球迷暴力亚文化,还能够构建产生社会意识与团结的集体记忆。管理部门首先要做的,是正视社会层面上球迷暴力行为存在的必然性和合理性,而绝不仅仅是简单的"镇压"。  相似文献   

顺应打造百年足球俱乐部的发展政策以及重点管理无形资产的发展转向,基于球迷视角探究中国职业足球俱乐部品牌资产的开发,以破解当前职业足球俱乐部的发展难题。通过文献分析法、访谈法、问卷调查法分析得出,基于球迷视角的职业足球俱乐部品牌资产由俱乐部形象、球迷认同和球迷忠诚3个维度构成,其中球队表现、观赛体验、历史底蕴、社会责任感、球迷关系、经营管理是构成俱乐部形象的重要驱动要素。实证结果显示,球迷关于俱乐部形象的认知对球迷忠诚、球迷认同产生了正向驱动作用,球迷认同在俱乐部形象和球迷忠诚之间起完全中介作用,三者之间的驱动关系通过“俱乐部形象—球迷认同—球迷忠诚”这一路径实现。同时,球迷个体差异对俱乐部形象感知产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

运用社会学理论对足球球迷骚乱的发生过程进行阐释。提出足球球迷骚乱的根源:从复杂社会生活中临时隔离出一个群体,这个群体围绕着单一的聚焦事件——足球,形成两个中间存在有一条主要断裂带的集群,在某一加强事件的诱发下两个对立集群发生集群骚乱。  相似文献   

足球消费作为足球运动的一部分,已逐渐进入大学生球迷的生活,形成了具有自己特色的球迷文化。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法,运用相关数理统计对武汉高校大学生足球球迷消费的现状进行调查分析,寻找出高校大学生球迷的消费特点及其规律,并分析这种消费现象中的积极因素,进而引导大学生健康的足球消费。  相似文献   

刘江宏  王晓芳 《体育科技》2022,(3):77-80+83
球迷协会参与足球治理是中国足球现代化治理的重要体现。1986年以来,我国球迷协会经历了形成阶段、市场化阶段和俱乐部归属三个阶段。在建设过程中球迷协会长期处于被动局面、服务定位过于狭隘、缺乏必要的发声平台。球迷协会无足轻重的地位与中国足球事业低迷有着必然的关联。职业足球与校园足球有机融合是中国足球改革发展的路径。在中国足球现代化治理过程中,球迷协会应当代表职业足球俱乐部的“消费球迷”以及校园足球“家庭球迷”的根本利益与诉求,介入到职业足球和校园足球治理体系中。球迷协会应从宏观、中观和微观三个层次参与到职业足球治理中,可借鉴英国球迷参与足球治理的方式,建立球迷基金会、社会企业参与到校园足球治理体系中。  相似文献   

职业篮球球迷暴力具有典型的社会学意义,不具有个体病理学特征,是球迷带有强力感情依附,与他人进行互动和沟通的交流方式,可分为球迷与球迷、球迷与裁判员、球迷与运动员、球迷与教练员、球迷与保安等五种类型。尽管从"赛场管理"和"职业管理"的角度对规制职业篮球球迷暴力的发生具有显著的成效,但缺少对其实践逻辑的阐释。根据布迪厄社会实践理论的"惯习—场域"论对我国职业篮球球迷暴力的成因进行分析认为,传统惯习是球迷暴力形成的内化图式、篮球场域内构建了球迷暴力的集群行为、篮球场域间提供了球迷暴力的实践空间,建议通过摆脱消极惯习,培养球迷正确的竞争观和得失观;加大法律干预,加强篮球场域的反球迷暴力立法;净化社会环境,实现社会对体育场域的良性影响三个策略来规制我国职业篮球球迷暴力行为。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析等方法,对江西省足球主场看台球迷现象进行研究,结果表明:江西省主场看台球迷群体呈现出职业多样性、队伍年轻化等特点,球迷对主场门票价格认同度较高,对南昌队忠诚度较高,形成了较为稳定的球迷群体,但球迷在整体素质上、对自身权利与义务认识上偏低,赛场不文明行为时有发生,并针对所存在问题,提出构建江西省足球良好主场看台球迷氛围的对策与建议,为促进和发展江西省足球运动提供参考。  相似文献   

球队认同是球迷研究领域中一个较为成熟的议题,对理解球迷行为具有重要作用。梳理球队认同的研究成果,主要集中在球队认同与球迷生理唤醒、球迷心理健康、球迷忠诚和球迷暴力等方面。其中有研究证实了球队认同与球迷生理唤醒的相关关系;球队认同与球迷心理健康的研究主要对球迷应对球队成败的策略进行了探索,包括与球队战略性的联结、偏倚的归因、偏倚的回忆和预测,此外球队认同—社会心理健康模型促进了该领域的发展;球队认同与球迷忠诚、球迷暴力的正相关得到证实,但由于研究立意不同,两方面的研究结果存在着矛盾性。未来研究应明确球队认同的建构方式并与球迷动机的研究紧密结合,考虑球队认同与其它变量对球迷行为的协同影响,改进研究方法以及在研究对象的选取方面更加科学和合理。最后,在反思国外研究成果的基础之上对球队认同本土化研究进行了思考。  相似文献   

球类运动赛事在整个历史中给人们带来了强大的娱乐性,但与之伴随的球迷非理性乃至暴力行为一直存在且层出不穷。球迷非理性局面如果失控,就有可能导致"流氓化"甚至违法犯罪的产生。近期发生的"四川球迷与辽宁球员斗殴"事件就是其中典型的例子。从法社会学层面来说,球迷可能基于支持球队的的认知机制,形成笃信和偏执的情感依附;这也说明球迷群体的亚文化属性,以及球员和球迷情绪共鸣和渲染的可能性空间。从法哲学层面来说,球迷非理性行为与球类比赛内在强烈的"竞技性"相关联。在法治理念引导下,有效协调多部门法律的规制和约束作用,并深度剖析规范层面中球迷在明确其规范性定位的前提下,协调对于足球运动赛事中多重细节的情绪依附,有助于从根本上推进球类赛事安全管理的法治化。  相似文献   

Material objects and football fandom are intimately linked. As a repository of emotion, memorabilia holds value as a marker of identity. For many football fans, the conception of ‘home’ is integral to their identity. Despite its centrality to football fans’ construction of identity, the notion of ‘home’ has received little attention from sports scholars. Drawing on recent work in cultural geography, this paper employs concepts of home to explore the ways in which materiality holds identity for football fans. Evidence from New Zealand-based fans of European teams displays how material objects are able to collapse distance between fans and their club, acting as palimpsests for memory and narratives for significant emotional experiences. Embedded in the New Zealand home of the fan, memorabilia resides as an emotional bridge to their football home locality, stadia and supporters.  相似文献   

Football hooliganism is a subculture in which ‘us-them’ boundaries are constructed, sharpened and contested both within and between participating groups. Applying Charles Tilly's concept of collective violence, I argue that a historical analysis of violence surrounding football in Britain between 1863 and 1989 indicates that football hooliganism is best viewed as a violent ritual triggered by similar processes to the coordinated destruction of international conflict. I then pose two questions that often plague students of collective violence: what causes variations in the level and form of violence over time, and how and why do participants vacillate between peaceful and violent social interactions? Adopting a relational approach, I argue that a small number of causal mechanisms such as nationalism have served to activate us-them boundaries which create, escalate and sustain variations in violence. By refocusing on the social interactions of hooligans rather than their identity, this paper seeks to renew opportunities for inter-disciplinary research into the social significance of violence at football matches.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):236-258
This survey of beer advertising in football programmes illuminates how the rationalisation of the British brewing industry in the 1960s severed the links between beer and football in local identity. The supremacy of national brands is considered against the parochial allegiances of football supporters, and wider trends in an increasingly cosmopolitan society.  相似文献   


The world of radical football fans across Europe is dominated by anti-system groups. While their sympathies in the west of the continent are mostly leftist, the ultras in the east tend to display right-wing attitudes. Poland makes a particularly interesting case in point, as the most intensive and emotional ideological criticism of the processes of ‘transformation’ and ‘modernisation’ is to be observed at the stadiums. As a result of historical developments, opposition against the system in the country can only be expressed using Catholic–patriotic symbolism, which in the case of collective actions of radical football supporters has produced sociocultural and aesthetic effects not to be found anywhere else in Europe.  相似文献   

Football might not be as popular as basketball in the Philippines, but it has a loyal following. In 2012, broadcaster Arnold Clavio claimed that members of the Men’s National Team, the Azkals, were not true Filipinos. Most of the Azkals are children of Filipinos and foreign nationals, and spent their childhood abroad. Clavio’s statement prompted an online writing storm, which the researcher analyzed to examine how Filipinos constructed their identity. Analysis showed that Azkals supporters constructed the Filipino as a ‘citizen of the world’, with a dynamic identity defined by individual emotions. Clavio supporters tended to construct the Filipino as a ‘citizen of the country only’, with an identity fixed by location and acted out in culture. The debate centred on whether Filipino identity could be inherited but changed, or was fixed and immutable. These struggles raise interesting questions on national identity and unity, whether or not football is involved.  相似文献   

The introduction of decision-aid technology in sport, such as goal-line technology (GLT) in football, has generated minimal literature on supporters’ perspectives. This paper aims to investigate Scottish football supporters’ perceptions towards GLT. Two hundred and seventy Scottish supporters completed a questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with GLT and factors that influence their level of satisfaction. The majority of Scottish supporters trust the technology applied in football and favours its use. However, they are dissatisfied with GLT in part because GLT is considered to detract from the atmosphere resulting from contentious goals which supporters appreciate and lessen the debate around crucial decisions. Findings also showed that football supporters are against GLT viewing in the stadium and do not welcome future decision-aid technology in football.  相似文献   


Hapoel Katamon Jerusalem, a fan owned club in Israel, was established in 2007 by fans of Hapoel Jerusalem, in protest against the management of the original club. The fans have adopted anti-racism, opposition to violence and inclusiveness as markers of their identity, while stressing their links with the surrounding community. The paper emphasizes the role of reflexivity and agency, as the fans built the new club to embody their aspirations. The emphasis on reflexivity is required to integrate in the analysis, both macro-social elements, and processes linked with ‘everyday life’. The paper stresses the unintended consequences of the fans’ success, in creating a football club owned by them. The performance of HKJ fandom forged, over a short time, an inclusive ‘protected space’, wherein norms of solidarity and trust were developed. Such a space attracted several thousand persons – many of them coming to football for the first time – and cultivated a sense of ‘community’ that has become of growing importance in the fans’ collective identity.  相似文献   

In order to identify factors associated with on-field moral functioning among student athletes within the unique context of football, we examined masculine gender role conflict, moral atmosphere, and athletic identity. Using structural equation modeling to assess survey data from 204 high school football players, results demonstrated that moral atmosphere (i.e., the influence of coaches and teammates) was significantly associated with participants' process of on-field moral functioning across the levels of judgment, intention, and behavior. Neither masculine gender role conflict nor athletic identity significantly predicted moral functioning, but the results indicated that participants' identification with the athlete role significantly predicted conflict with socialized gender roles. Results suggest that in the aggressive and violent sport of football, coaches can have a direct influence on players' moral functioning process. Coaches can also have an indirect effect by influencing all the players so that a culture of ethical play can be cultivated among teammates and spread from the top down.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of football supporters as magicians based on the theory of magic developed by Marcel Mauss. The research was conducted in co-operation with a local football club from Sweden called Malmö FF. Taking into consideration how the supporters see their position in the club and their contribution, it is possible to explain their behaviour and involvement in terms of a collective phenomenon that requires a clearly stated objective and is achieved through technical elements. The extensive usage of props, language and symbols is supposed to influence the reality according to the wishes of the user. This article follows previous research of modern phenomena in terms of magic as presented by Thomas O’Dell (O’Dell, Spas and the Cultural Economy) and Peter Pels (Pels, Magic and Modernity, 18399). Such approach can explain how the engagement and the unique relationship are still possible in a highly commercialized and commoditized world of modern football.  相似文献   

研究以品牌关系质量理论和消费行为理论作为逻辑起点,通过社会网络分析法(SNA)发现男性球迷和女性球迷在参与职业足球赛事品牌消费时的消费行为存在意向差异,在沿着女性球迷社会角色和文化特征为主线的情况下,整理女性球迷参与下的品牌关系质量特征,将职业足球赛事品牌关系质量划分为满意、信任、承诺3个方面,并运用路径分析构建并验证女性球迷参与下的职业足球赛事品牌关系质量与口碑传播意向间的路径关系,以探究女性球迷参与职业足球赛事品牌消费的行为意向特点。结果表明,女性球迷更倾向于通过口碑接收和传播来表达她们对赛事品牌的参与意向,并且女性球迷在职业足球赛事品牌关系中的品牌满意是影响女性球迷口碑传播意愿的关键因素。  相似文献   

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