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研究对象:我国优秀女子乒乓球和羽毛球运动员。研究方法:文献资料法、数量统计法。研究结果与分析1.乒乓球、羽毛球两项目同属技能主导类隔网对抗性项群,但是两项目场地面积和网高的不同,导致两项目运动员身体指标有较大的差异。克托来指数是反映人体结实程度的指标。女子羽毛球运动员的克托来指数平均为360.9013,而女子乒乓球运动员的克托来指数平均为342.4170。女子羽毛球运动员的克托来指数大于女子乒乓球运动员的指数,T检验有非常显著的差异(P<0.01)。女子羽毛球运动员的身高指数平均为167.83cm,而女子乒乓球运动员的身高指数平均为162…  相似文献   

通过对十运会调研首次获得了我国女子举重运动员各级别的身高数据;与九运会、雅典奥运会和世界最佳成绩比较,十运会女子举重成绩居世界领先地位,但在某些级别仍然面临严峻挑战;比赛中名将发挥稳定,并涌现了一批有发展潜力的年轻运动员;参赛运动员的比赛成功率为51.5%。针对有关情况对我国女子举重运动的未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法,对山东省青少年女子举重现状进行研究.认为:目前山东省青年女子举重总体实力为国内第二集团,个别运动员具备较大发展潜力;少年女子举重运动整体基础有削弱趋势,个别地市已取消该队伍;现役运动员中有较多引进外省市运动员,但作用和效果还需进一步检验.对策:下一步各级主管部门应加大对该项目的扶持力度,如在省市综合性运动会中加计奖牌和总分,对获得优异成绩的运动员退役或大学毕业后给予择业优惠政策等;行业主管部门应和政府通力合作,再创山东省女子举重辉煌.  相似文献   

本文运用检测方法,对女子举重运动员比赛期间的心电图、尿蛋白及血红蛋白等变化进行测试与分析。结果表明,女子举重运动员在比赛期间,心室壁没有增厚;尿蛋白变化较大,其排出量有性别差异;血红蛋白浓度变化不大。  相似文献   

本研究通过《BTL-L-YZ2.0运动员意志品质量表》和《赛前情绪量表》探讨优秀举重运动员意志品质与赛前情绪关系。对重庆市优秀女子举重运动员展开测量,研究结果表明优秀女子举重运动员意志品质与赛前情绪显著相关,且优秀女子举重运动员意志品质不能有效预测赛前情绪。  相似文献   

山东省优秀女子举重运动员赛前竞赛动作强度训练研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山东省优秀女子举重运动员为调研重点,对山东女子举重运动员的赛前竞赛动作强度训练进行调研.研究表明:山东省优秀女子举重运动员大、中、小级别在赛前抓举训练强度上具有相似性,除第四周外,最高强度不低于95%,强度组数距比赛日越近,试举的强度与组教下减越明显;赛前挺举强度在95%以内;中、小级别优秀女子举重运动员耐强度优于大级别,耐强度组数也优于大级别运动员.  相似文献   

运用数理统计等方法,对第29届奥运会中国女子排球队与前8名的欧美女子排球队不同位置运动员的年龄、身高、体重、扣球高度、拦网高度和克托莱指数等非技术指标分别进行比较分析.结果显示,中、外女子排球队各个位置运动员的年龄均不存在显著性差异;中国女子排球队整体身高虽处于世界一流水平,但主攻手和接应运动员的身高并不存在优势;两者的主攻手和自由人的体重存在显著性差异;中国女子排球队各个位置运动员的扣球高度和拦网高度均处于世界领先水平;两者主攻、副攻和自由人位置运动员的克托莱指数存在显著性差异.  相似文献   

运用数理统计、资料分析和比较法,对参加2003年女子足球世界杯与2003年中国女子超级联赛的女足队员的年龄、身高、体重进行了统计分析与比较。研究表明:世界优秀女子足球运动员的年龄、身高和体重有其特点和规律;与我国女子运动员相比,两群体在年龄、体重方面差异存在显著性;而身高方面差异不具有显著性。两群体不同位置队员的年龄存在非常显著性差异;而在身高和体重方面不同位置运动员之间的差异不具有显著性。此结果可为女子足球运动员的选材、训练提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外学者对女运动员的月经功能障碍与运动的关系研究颇多,但对女子举重运动员的月经情况国内尚未见报导。笔者对214名女子举重运动员的月经情况进行了调查,旨在探讨举重训练对女子月经功能的影响。一、研究对象与方法研究对象:来自全国的214名女子举重运动员,年龄13~24岁,其中11~13岁的占  相似文献   

不同专项运动员骨骼肌弹性能利用率的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对24名专业队田径运动员、30名业余体校田径运动员、12名专业队举重运动员和30名中学生进行了反向跳和不同高度的下落跳测试,比较弹性能利用率。结果表明,弹性能利用率存在性别差异,男性受试者弹性能利用率高于女性;弹性能利用率存在专项差异,男子跳高运动员的弹性能利用率高于男子中长跑运动员,女子举重运动员的弹性能利用率高于女子跳跃和短跑运动员。女子跳远、女子跳高运动员的弹性能利用率与身体素质水平和专项成绩呈显著性的相关。  相似文献   

This paper explores the growth and development of the ‘art of swimming’ amongst Victorian female professional natationists when the common belief was that ‘ladies’ were not physiologically or emotionally equipped to withstand the rigours of physical exertion. The question is posed as to whether ornamental swimming was a ‘respectable’ form of entertainment for females to undertake or was it just another manifestation of the passion for freak-shows much loved by all social classes in late-Victorian England. Media coverage of this popular form of entertainment often described its female exponents as ‘nymphs’ and ‘naiads’, terms taken from Greek mythology in order to legitimise an activity that had strong sexual overtones. In so doing, the consumption of recreational activities, as opposed to sport, by females provided a course of less resistance from the sporting proselytisers throughout the period, 1870-c1910. Thus, the female pioneers of natation were able to promote their various ornamental swimming activities through their efforts in a variety of aquatic venues throughout the country. Their popularity resulted in a whole phalanx of nymphs and naiads being encouraged to demonstrate their mystical feats for the gratification of predominantly male-dominated audiences. But more significantly, they served to promote swimming amongst the female population for their own edification as a respectable recreational pursuit.  相似文献   

The subjects were 31 successful schoolboy rugby players and 25 successful schoolboy hurlers; 34 non-team members acted as controls. Thirty-one anthropometric measurements were taken on each subject: height, weight, sitting height, five skeletal lengths, six skeletal diameters, 13 muscle circumferences and four skinfolds. The non-players were significantly smaller than both the rugby players and the hurlers in weight, biacromial diameter, bideltoid, neck, chest, flexed arm, upper and lower thigh and calf circumferences. The non-players were significantly smaller than the rugby players in arm length, femur diameter and waist, hip and relaxed arm circumferences. The non-players were significantly smaller than the hurlers in femur length, biiliac and ankle diameters. There were no statistically significant differences between the rugby players and hurlers. Discriminant analysis produced a function containing terms for height, weight, fat free weight, humerus diameter and neck, bideltoid, forearm and calf circumferences which correctly assigned 83 (92%) of the subjects to 'player' and 'non-player' categories. When the function was applied to the 15 members of the rugby team of a different school, 14 were placed in the 'player' category and one subject was given a borderline classification. It is concluded that there were differences in physique between the team members and non-members and that the techniques used in the study were effective in quantifying them.  相似文献   

通过对中外100m短跑优秀运动员的运动指标进行差异比较、偏相关分析及有关研究的综述发现:运动指标对100m跑成绩影响程度依次排序:相对步幅—相对步频—步幅—步频—身高;中国优秀运动员与国外优秀运动员成绩有显著性差异,步频和相对步频比国外优秀运动员快但无显著差异,身高比无差异,国外优秀运动员的步幅和相对步幅比国内的大并有显著性差异。  相似文献   

The subjects were 31 successful schoolboy rugby players and 25 successful schoolboy hurlers; 34 non‐team members acted as controls. Thirty‐one anthropometric measurements were taken on each subject: height, weight, sitting height, five skeletal lengths, six skeletal diameters, 13 muscle circumferences and four skinfolds. The non‐players were significantly smaller than both the rugby players and the hurlers in weight, biacromial diameter, bideltoid, neck, chest, flexed arm, upper and lower thigh and calf circumferences. The non‐players were significantly smaller than the rugby players in arm length, femur diameter and waist, hip and relaxed arm circumferences. The non‐players were significantly smaller than the hurlers in femur length, biiliac and ankle diameters. There were no statistically significant differences between the rugby players and hurlers. Discriminant analysis produced a function containing terms for height, weight, fat free weight, humerus diameter and neck, bideltoid, forearm and calf circumferences which correctly assigned 83 (92%) of the subjects to ‘player’ and ‘non‐player’ categories. When the function was applied to the 15 members of the rugby team of a different school, 14 were placed in the ‘player’ category and one subject was given a borderline classification. It is concluded that there were differences in physique between the team members and non‐members and that the techniques used in the study were effective in quantifying them.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed allometric exponents for scaling Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) power data that are effective in controlling for body mass (BM) and lean body mass (LBM) and established a normative WAnT data set for college-age women. One hundred women completed a standard WAnT Allometric exponents and percentile ranks for peak (PP) and mean power (MP) were established. Allometric exponents were applied to WAnT scores for an independent sample (n=31) to assess external validity. PP and MP were 477.0 W (SD = 80.0) and 372.6 W (SD = 61.5), respectively. Allometrice exponents for PP and MP scaled for BM were b = 0.92 and b = 0.76, respectively, and for LBM they were b = 0.93 and b = 0.91, respectively. In the independent sample, these exponents produced correlations between allometrically scaled PP and MP and BM of r = -.02 and r = .02, respectively. Correlations between allometrically scaled PP and MP and LBM were r = .004 and r = -.02, respectively. The allometric exponents were effective in partialing out the effect of BM for PP and MP and demonstrated acceptable levels of external validity when applied to an independent sample. The allometric exponents and normative values provide a useful tool for comparing WAnT scores in college-age women without the confounding effects of BM or LBM.  相似文献   

研究目的:对12名备战北京奥运会的国家射箭队运动员脑电信号的最大李雅普诺夫指数、近似熵与复杂度等3个非线性特征参数进行分析,为研究大脑的高级功能提供了一条新的途径.结果表明:国家射箭队运动员的脑电最大李雅普诺夫指数、复杂度和近似熵等3个非线性特征参数不存在显著男、女性别差异;L-Z复杂度可敏感地反映出运动员是否处于中枢疲劳状态,近似熵可较敏感地反映出国家射箭队优秀运动员在不同的两个阶段中训练负荷的变化.虽然被试运动员的数量有限,但脑电最大李雅普诺夫指数、近似熵和复杂度等3个非线性特征参数与中枢神经疲劳程度之间存在着一定相关关系,对于分析和监测射箭运动员中枢神经系统疲劳程度是一种非常有效的方法,可作为反映其中枢神经系统机能的定性指标.  相似文献   

优秀女子400m栏运动员的全程跑特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对6名中、外优秀运动员全程跑特点的研究表明,世界优秀运动员速度耐力好,全程跑速度分配合理,栏间跑步幅较大且步数稳定,我国运动员在这些方面存在差距。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法以及数理统计法,探讨瑜伽对肥胖女大学生的身体素质、身体机能、身体形态、生活方式以及心理健康的影响。结果表明,瑜伽能有效地提高肥胖女大学生的身体机能和身体素质,降低体脂比和身体各部分围度,改善身体形态,优化生活方式,促进心理健康,提高生活质量。为肥胖女大学生的身心健康提供适宜的锻炼方法,同时也为国内外瑜伽对女性身心健康的影响研究提供实证参考。  相似文献   

A total of 36 non-elite male body builders were observed at the time of competition. Their mean physical characteristics (+/- S.D.) were: age, 24.6 +/- 4.8 years; height, 174.4 +/- 6.7 cm; bodyweight, 80.3 +/- 11.0 kg. Their body composition values were: percentage body fat, 9.3 +/- 1.6%; fat-free mass, 72.8 +/- 9.8 kg. The mean somatotype for all subjects was: endomorphy, 2.3 +/- 0.6; mesomorphy, 6.2 +/- 0.9; ectomorphy, 1.2 +/- 0.6. The body proportions (cm) included: biacromial diameter/bi-iliac diameter, 1.463 +/- 0.132; torso length/height, 0.468 +/- 0.018; chest circumference/abdominal circumference, 1.345 +/- 0.059. The body builders in the present study were younger, had lower bodyweights, lower fat-free mass, lower mesomorphy ratings, smaller circumferences, and smaller skeletal dimensions than elite body builders reported in the scientific literature. When the body builders in the present study were divided into successful and unsuccessful groups based on actual competition results, a multiple-discriminant analysis found that biacromial diameter/bi-iliac diameter, torso length/height, chest circumference/abdominal circumference, percentage body fat, height, and bodyweight accounted for 80.6% of the explained variance. These data indicate that the success of a body builder can be accounted for in large part by easily obtained physical variables.  相似文献   

宁波市大学生双休日体育活动情况调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过运用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等方法 ,对当前大学生双休日体育活动情况进行了调研分析。结果发现 :大部分大学生喜欢或非常喜欢在双休日参加体育活动 ;他们参加活动的动机是多层次的 ;活动项目的选择主要以球类运动为主 ;活动的时段多选择在双休日的下午 ;运动场所不足是影响他们参加双休日体育活动的最主要的因素。  相似文献   

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