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语言是文化的载体,而文化的反映通过文学作品实现。德国土耳其裔作家在移民大背景下创作的跨文化文学作品不仅成为德国文学的一个重要分支,而且德国土耳其裔作家作品中所体现出来的文化认同能够极有成效的推动外国人与德国人相互融合。本文首先对德国土耳其移民背景进行概述,然后以德国移民文学中最具代表性的土耳其移民文学作品为视角,通过分析两位作家的两部作品,探讨土耳其移民德国出现的种种文化差异和文化认同。  相似文献   

本文旨在向中国读者介绍土耳其的普通教育与远程教育的现状,着重描述土耳其的远程教育在过去25年的发展状况。文章分为三部分:介绍、土耳其的教育体制以及土耳其的远程教育。  相似文献   

德国移民教育策略对我国城市新移民职业教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国一直以来是世界移民的目的地,除了因为德国经济发达,对外来劳动力的需求量大之外,更因为其推行的移民政策相对于欧洲其他国家,在政治、经济、文化、教育、生活等多个方面都能促进移民融入德国.文章从德国对移民的教育策略出发,分析德国移民种类和德国移民教育就业情况,以此深入探讨我国城市新移民职业教育面临的问题及德国教育策略对我国城市新移民职业教育的启示.  相似文献   

2000年9月26日至10月11日,笔者随江苏省镇江市教育卫生考察团出访了西欧七国,其中在德国逗留了6天,重点考察了德国的教育状况,先后参观了4所学校———汉诺威市第二职业学校、海尔雪中学、威廉———拉搏尔中学和一所大学,对德国的教育体制、升学制度、学生学业、课堂教学、职业教育和教师工作等作了全面的考察,留下了深刻的印象。一、教育体制———实行十二年义务教育,高中阶段双向分流由于德国是一个联邦制国家,各个邦、州在教育上各有一套,所以教育体制复杂,各种情况并存,但都实行十二年义务教育。学生从小学到中学,不但免…  相似文献   

德国的教育体制、升学制度、学生学业、课堂教学、职业教育和教师工作等,对我们的教育改革有一定的借鉴作用,现作一简短介绍。一、教育体制——实行12年义务教育,高中阶段双向分流。由于德国是一个联邦制国家,各个邦、州在教育上各有一套,所以教育体制复杂,各种情况并存,  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,德国为克服本国劳动力的不足大力吸引外籍劳工,但大量劳工的滞留造成了一系列的社会问题。为了解决这些问题,政府出台了一系列的社会整合措施,移民教育作为社会整合以及构建多元化社会的重要措施,有着重要的意义。移民教育在德国从理论到初步实践再到大范围的推广,经历了初创时期的分离式教育、后期的跨文化教育和现在的移民教育,理念更为全面。它的实践需要在政府的正确引导下,配合正确的教育和移民政策,调动各种社会资源,使全体国民主动、积极地配合移民整合的活动,参与到强调终身学习的教育体制中,这样才能顺应德国多元化社会发展的趋势,趋利避害,减轻移民压力,实现社会整合。  相似文献   

德国有1/5人口具有移民背景,移民教育对德国的政治、经济、文化有极其重要的作用。本文通过梳理德国移民教育在顶层设计上的努力与创新发现,在文化多元的教育背景下,德国移民教育的顶层设计保障了移民教育的均衡发展,促进了移民的融合。德国移民教育顶层设计的突出特点是联邦、州和地方政府形成三级责任体系,并在总体规划下按需设定各自目标;各学段在制订教育政策和方针时,把移民学生需要纳入其中;把语言教育放在突出位置,强调其知识与价值观双重作用;引入社会支持系统,鼓励父母参与移民融合教育,设立家长培育课程,使家长自身得到提升并更好支持子女的学业。德国在移民教育上的顶层设计使德国移民教育取得了很好的进展,为我国的多元文化教育、民族教育提供了启示。  相似文献   

本文旨在向中国读者介绍土耳其的普通教育与远程教育的现状,着重描述土耳其的远程教育在过去25年的发展状况.文章分为三部分:介绍、土耳其的教育体制以及土耳其的远程教育.  相似文献   

中国和德国的教育理念和教育体制不尽相同,各有特点。从形式上看中德教育都包括初等教育、中等教育和高等教育的基本构成,但在内涵与外延方面互有差异,各有利弊。本文通过对中德教育体制进行对比和分析,提出了在汉语国际教育中对来自接受德国教育和文化思想的德国学生进行汉语教学时的教学思想及教学方法方面的几点建议。  相似文献   

<正>德国教育行动委员会日前在最新的年度评估报告中呼吁,德国应建设更多真正意义的全日制学校。该报告指出,尽管过去10年间德国对全日制学校进行了大量投入,但传统的半日制学校仍占主流。该报告称,2011年26%的小学生入读全日制学校,但只有5%的学生有下午的课程,享受到真正意义的全日制辅导。从全德范围看,图  相似文献   

The article reconstructs the image of Turkey and the Turks that German education portrayed between 1820 and 1930. The analysis is based on educational periodicals and reference works from the historical eras of the German Confederation, the German Empire and the First World War, tracing the way old stereotypes persisted and new stereotypes arose. The study especially focuses on the opinions of German educationalists about schools in Turkey, Turkish women, Islam, the question of whether Turkey was part of Europe, and last not least on whether Ottoman educational policies were appropriate. Closely following the historical sources, the article shows how the opinions of German educationists changed according to the shift of Germany’s geopolitical interests, how their outlook went hand in hand with the views of the general press, and how they gradually came to a professional self-concept that contrasted ‘their’ educational system with what they believed was a ‘backward’ system in Turkey. At the same time they began to develop an interest in doing professional work in Turkey. The article can also be regarded as a contribution to the history of educational thinking in Germany in the course of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Teacher autonomy has become an increasingly popular research topic over the past decade, reflecting wider national and global education trends. In this light, this article investigates and compares the perceptions of German and Swedish teachers concerning their professional autonomy. We analyse teachers’ perceptions using a grid, and view teacher autonomy as a multidimensional phenomenon taking place in different domains (educational, social, developmental and administrative) and at different levels (classroom, school, profession). The findings show that the teachers interviewed in Germany and Sweden value autonomy in various domains and dimensions differently, even if there also are many similarities. In instruction, that is, the educational autonomy domain, they perceive themselves to be very autonomous, in particular in relation to choices of content and method. Autonomous work in the classroom arena is also seen as the very core of the teaching profession. Overall, German teachers perceive themselves to be significantly involved in more areas of their work, and they refer much more to decisions which are to be made, whereas their Swedish colleagues are more concerned about control. Finally, we discuss the findings in relation to different nation-specific forms of extended or restricted autonomy teacher autonomy.  相似文献   

In the past, distance education was used as a method to meet the educational needs of citizens with limited options to attend an institution of higher education. Nowadays, it has become irreplaceable in higher education thanks to developments in instructional technology. But the question of why students choose distance education is still important. The purpose of this study was to determine Turkish students’ reasons for choosing distance education and to investigate how these reasons differ depending on their financial circumstances. The author used a Chi squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) analysis to determine 18,856 Turkish students’ reasons for choosing distance education. Results of the research revealed that Turkish students chose distance education not because of geographical limitations, family-related problems or economic difficulties, but for such reasons as already being engaged in their profession, increasing their knowledge, and seeking promotion to a better position.  相似文献   

The modern Turkish state and society have been greatly influenced by reforms of the education system. Second Constitutional Period reforms can be viewed as the preparatory stage of Republican reforms and a time when many of the later reforms were planned and given limited application. In this way both periods contributed to the foundation of modern Turkey. The innovations pioneered by Late Ottoman intellectuals stemmed from various origins, mostly European positivists and materialist philosophers. American pragmatism was added as an ideological source during the foundation of the Republic. It can be observed that ideological trends took root from Ottoman times according to the degree that intellectuals were affected by them. In this paper, the ideological origins of educational reforms during the Second Constitution Period have been studied in relation to the influence of European philosophers on Ottoman intellectuals of the time and their ideological environments. Late Ottoman intellectuals were found to have been largely affected by France’s positivism, German’s materialism and Comte, Durkheim, Büchner and Spencer. The paper reveals how modern Turkey’s educational philosophy parameters have been shaped by these intellectuals’ ideas.  相似文献   

This article explores how achievement motivation is framed by the larger context of the devaluation of educational capital that is currently underway in urban centers in Europe. The article elucidates the shared cultural meaning working-class German Turkish youths living in urban marginalized zones in Berlin, Germany create about the decreasing educational and professional opportunities available in their neighborhoods, and the different ways in which they adapt their goals for what to achieve in their lives according to the meaning they make about their circumstances. The article suggests a de-emphasis of ethnocultural group membership in understanding the educational orientations and goals of minoritized youths, and for increased attention to meaning-making processes at the intersection of minoritization, class status, and highly specific ecocultural context conditions. Attention to the new meanings emerging in the local context shifts our understanding of the educational goals and decision-making from paradoxical to rational, congruent, and adaptive.  相似文献   

In 1924, John Dewey travelled to Turkey to make recommendations on the Turkish educational system. According to many existing accounts, Dewey brought a sorely needed progressive educational perspective to a nation emerging from centuries of despair. On the whole, these accounts dismiss the Ottoman legacy and overlook how Dewey’s historical thinking coloured his view of Turkish democracy. This article draws on these considerations to offer a critical re-reading of Dewey’s trip, arguing that the visit, rather than supporting the expansion of a bottom-up democratic perspective in the Turkish educational system, actually helped advance top-down Turkish nation-building. In so doing, it explores the connections between history and democracy in Dewey’s thinking, reclaims the significance of the Ottoman legacy, examines the role of education in radically remaking the Turkish public, and points to the need for studying places and times where schooling is used to expunge history in the name of exporting democracy.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the role of students’ home and school variables in producing the achievement gap between second-generation Turkish students and their native peers in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Using the data from PISA 2006, this study supports past findings that both home and school resources affect the educational outcomes of immigrant students in their host society's school system. Specifically, the findings reveal that in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, second-generation Turkish students had significant disadvantages in terms of allocated resources at home and in school. More often than not, these disadvantages were found to have significantly negative effects in terms of second-generation Turkish students’ test outcomes relative to their native peers. In all three countries, however, the differences between the second-generation Turkish students and their native peers in terms of their family/home resources were found to explain more of the achievement gap than the differences in their schooling resources.  相似文献   

This article examines the cultural construction of the school in Turkey in relation to the construction of Turkish nation-ness. By looking at how the modern school was fit together with a network of interrelated discourses available in early twentieth-century Turkey, the article investigates the ways in which the school became an object of thought in support of narrating and imagining Turkish nation-ness. In the article, I argue that the school was pivotal in the imagination and institution of Turkey not only literally but also symbolically. Juxtaposed with a radically contrasting image of the traditional educational establishment of the Ottoman dynastic past called mahalle mektebi, the school was appropriated by the Republican elite as a statement of modernity, national character and a total break from the Ottoman past. Giving a visual expression to the new regime’s aspirations for the society, the school, with its very architecture, layout and disciplinary and hierarchical organisation, functioned as a clear symbol of enlightenment, civility, order and progress.  相似文献   

A recent study illustrated that the educational attainment of Latina/o students has been dismal during the past decade and that many Latinas/os continue to “fall through the cracks” of the educational pipeline. Through storytelling, I juxtapose my educational trajectory as a high school graduate with that of my third-oldest brother, who “fell through the cracks” of the educational pipeline as an underclassman in high school. I provide examples of how being reprimanded for minimal misconduct negatively impacted my older brother’s overall school experiences, which ultimately prevented him from finishing high school despite his potential to succeed.  相似文献   

Key terms and concepts are crucial tools in teaching and learning in the disciplines. Different linguistic traditions approach such tools in diverse ways. This paper offers an initial contribution by a monolingual Anglophone history educator in dialogue with German history educators. It presents three different scenarios for the potential of translation between German and Anglophone research communities. In the case of Geschichtsbewußtsein or ‘historical consciousness’, the Anglophone field has already been enriched by the introduction of a new concept over the past decade. In the case of the fundamental group of concepts – ‘source’, ‘evidence’, ‘trace’ and ‘account’ – the Anglophone field is shown to be in surprising disarray, but clarification is within reach. German history education researchers may have a similar need; if so, perhaps they can benefit from the English language discussion. In the third case, that of Triftigkeit or ‘plausibility’, the German field is poised, again to make a significant contribution to a gaping hole in the theory, research and practice of Anglophone history education.  相似文献   

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