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儿童动作协调能力测量方法及指标体系的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究分析了动作协调能力结构和总体特征,运用问卷调查法、实验法、主成分和多元回归的分析法,对设计的多项测验指标在80名9岁儿童中进行了实验,结果表明:男子的投掷动作协调能力发展水平高于女子;精细动作协调能力的发展水平相反;动作协调能力整体水平在性别上无显著差异。本研究设计的成套测验与专家经验评分结果密切相关,能够作为儿童动作协调能力的有效性成套测验,较全面反映动作协调能力发展的真实水平。  相似文献   

7~12岁儿童动作协调能力性别差异的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在研究建立了儿童动作协调能力的理论框架和测量指标体系与方法的基础上 ,通过对 7~ 1 2岁总共 1 4 99名男、女儿童动作协调能力 9项指标的标准化测验 ,对所获数字信息进行数理统计的处理 ,并对男、女儿童测试成绩进行对比分析 ,从中发现不同性别儿童动作协调能力发展的变化规律。研究结果表明 ,7~ 1 2岁男、女儿童动作协调能力的发展不仅有其基本特征 ,而且存在性别差异  相似文献   

动作协调能力研究的现状与方法学问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
文献研究表明,当前动作协调问题的理论研究远远落后于人们对协调能力认识的实际需要,且因理论认识的不足造成运用上的困难。在方法学上,传统的“拆零”与实验室条件下的病理研究,其结果不能满足体育动作协调的系统属性和多因素特征,因此,动作协调性的测量与评价不仅应注意到测验项目的多样性和动作的完整性,还应尽量排除受试个体运动经验和身体素质差异对测量效果的影响,以保证研究结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、实验法、专家评定法和数理统计法,对设计的9项测验指标在14岁、15岁各40名男子篮球运动员中进行实验。结果表明:15岁的年龄段在完成跳跃动作时协调能力发展水平高于14岁年龄段,其它动作协调能力的发展水平接近,整体水平在14岁、15岁两个年龄段没有显著性差异。本研究设计的成套测验与专家经验评分相一致,能够作为少年男子篮球运动员动作协调能力的有效性成套测验,较全面反映动作协调能力发展的真实水平。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、实验法、主成分和多元回归的分析法,对筛选出的9项指标在120名13-15岁男子篮球运动员中进行了实验,结果表明:九项指标的成套测验能够反映13-15岁男子篮球运动员动作协调能力的总体水平。对成套测验九项指标进行主成分分析与逐步回归分析,最终确立了五项,建立了五元回归方程,经F检验,该回归方程效果非常显著。五项指标的简易测验基本反映了13-15岁男子篮球运动员动作协调能力的全部特征,可以在实践中作为测量13-15岁男子篮球运动员动作协调能力总体水平的方法。  相似文献   

通过专家访谈与问卷调查,确定了6组12项动作指标作为协调能力测试行为样本。运用生物力学方法与人体运动的动力学方法,以相同动作冗余自由度的控制与不控制作为刺激变量,以动作爆发力表现水平的差值为因变量,通过对两组不同水平被试测验成绩的比较,对跳跃专项动作协调能力进行了定性与定量评价。  相似文献   

为探索 7— 12岁儿童动作协调能力发展的规律 ,采用创编九项测试指标对 5 3 9名 7— 12岁男女儿童进行了试验研究 ,对测试获取的数据资料 ,运用多种统计方法 ,制定并检验了对儿童动作协调能力的评价标准 ,结果表明 ,本系统对 7— 12岁儿童动作协调能力的评价是切实可行的  相似文献   

正常儿童步态特征有助于人们了解人类动作发展的过程及影响步态成熟的因素,还能为异常或患病儿童步态研究、诊断以及治疗提供相关依据.从步态分析及儿童动作发展研究历史演进过程出发,探讨和分析儿童步态特征变化及研究影响儿童步态成熟因素的时-空参数;从运动学、动力学角度阐明了正常儿童步态的成熟过程基本特征的研究进展,指明不同学者研究结果的差异甚至相悖的观点;析出影响儿童动作发展的主要因素:肌肉力、平衡能力、协调与控制能力,并分析比较了近期的相关研究结果.  相似文献   

田径技术动作协调能力的特征及其分类模式的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田径技术动作协调能力的研究是一个薄弱环节。通过对田径技术与动作协调能力的发展关系 ,田径技术动作协调能力的特征与分类模式的探讨 ,认为动作协调能力是运动技能的构成成分 ,田径技术动作协调能力具有体能—躯体复杂动作协调的特征 ,并对其进行了五种模式划分 ,为今后对少年儿童田径技术动作协调能力发展规律研究指标体系的设计 ,提供了理论依据  相似文献   

【目的】通过对成都市城郊两地的DCD儿童进行运动干预,探析运动干预手段对两地儿童动作协调能力的改善与效用。【方法】采用MABC-2工具进行筛查,将符合条件的27名儿童实施8周的运动干预,最后在统计软件中对实验数据进行检验。【结果】城郊小学儿童DCD的发病率较城区小学要低,但是城区小学的DCD儿童整体表现较城郊儿童更好,且在经历了8周的运动干预后,城郊两地DCD儿童的整体表现均有所提升。【结论】运动干预手段对两地儿童动作能力的提升均有较好的效果,而且城郊儿童更为明显,集中体现在手部精细动作与定位与抓取这两个大项目上。  相似文献   

7-10岁男子少年武术运动员动作协调能力发展特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用问卷调查法、实验法、专家评定法、数据统计法,对设计的五项测试动作协调能力指标,在120名7-10岁少年武术运动员和普通学生中进行对比实验分析,研究结果表明:7-10岁少年武术运动员组协调能力发展水平整体高于普通学生组;7-9岁年龄段少年儿童动作协调能力增长速度比较快,9-10岁年龄段是协调能力发展平缓期;7-8岁年龄段是武术运动员听觉肢体协调能力和上下肢体协调能力的突增期,平均增长率在30%以上。  相似文献   

运动协调层次及属性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于运动协调内在机制相对复杂,其本质属性一直存在较大争议。以认知发展的观点将运动协调分为本能运动协调、感知运动协调和操作运动协调三个层次,竞技运动协调归属于专业操作运动协调,并论证了运动协调具有技能的属性。  相似文献   

运动协调的定量方法以及在专项技术分析领域的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人体的运动协调问题一直受到多个研究领域的关注。Bernstein运动协调观与运动协调的动态系统理论被广泛应用于解释运动协调的形成、发展、特征中,成为研究运动协调的主要理论基础。依据这些理论基础,针对不同类型研究的需要,设计了多种运动协调的定量方法来客观展现人体的协调运动,这些方法都具有各自的优缺点。目前,在专项技术分析领域中,对专项技术中肢体协调层面的研究较多,在多种专项技术中都发现了一些高效的运动协调方式。尽管这些运动协调方式各有不同,但是展现出一些共性的特征。此外,在优秀运动员的技术中,具有较大的肢体协调变异性,这些变异性是肌肉-骨骼复杂系统灵活性的体现,有利于运动任务的实现。在关节动力学、肌肉活动等层面中运动协调的研究相对较少。专项技术中运动协调的研究趋势有:1)由于运动技术种类繁多,各自特征不同,对运动协调的研究将会涉及到更多的运动项目中;2)应用动态系统理论,进一步探索优秀运动员技术中运动协调变异性对专项技术的作用;3)应用动态系统理论,拓展对专项技术中运动协调控制变量的研究;4)拓展在优秀运动员专项技术中关节动力学、肌肉活动等更深层面中运动协调特征的研究。  相似文献   

对运动协调的研究是运动控制学科的重要组成部分,其主要目的在于探索中枢神经系统等元素对机体运动控制的作用及其机制。基于运动协调的概念,矩阵分解方法被长期应用于运动协调的量化中。然而,一些量化运动协调常用的矩阵分解方法中存在的问题也日益显露。在这些矩阵分解方法中,将运动自由度表示为一个向量,作为一个具有间断特征的数据集合进行处理,是不符合实际的。这使与中枢神经运动指令有关的参数也具有间断属性,与实际由其激活的具有连续性的运动自由度状态是有矛盾的。此外,它们的量化结果与一些运动协调相关的概念不相匹配,或者是未能展现出更加丰富的运动协调相关信息。这些对量化结果的理论解释有一定程度的影响。在这此运动协调的量化问题上,函数型主成分分析技术具有特有的优势。  相似文献   

Relationships between skeletal maturation and fundamental motor skills and gross motor coordination were evaluated in 429 children (213 boys and 216 girls) 7–10 years. Skeletal age was assessed (Tanner-Whitehouse 2 method), and stature, body mass, motor coordination (Körperkoordinations Test für Kinder, KTK) and fundamental motor skills (Test of Gross Motor Development, TGMD-2) were measured. Relationships among chronological age, skeletal age (expressed as the standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age) and body size and fundamental motor skills and motor coordination were analysed with hierarchical multiple regression. Standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age interacting with stature and body mass explained a maximum of 7.0% of the variance in fundamental motor skills and motor coordination over that attributed to body size per se. Standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age alone accounted for a maximum of 9.0% of variance in fundamental motor skills, and motor coordination over that attributed to body size per se and interactions between standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age and body size. In conclusion, skeletal age alone or interacting with body size has a negligible influence on fundamental motor skills and motor coordination in children 7–10 years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of stress on a previously acquired motor coordination. Following a longitudinal learning experiment, four participants performed oscillations on a ski simulator, either in normal or stressful conditions. The results showed that the amplitude of the oscillations decreased under stress, but no significant effect was seen regarding coordination, suggesting the strong resistance to stress of overlearned behaviour. Nevertheless, for one participant, a transient regression towards a former stage of learning was observed. This result was consistent with the regression hypothesis formulated by Fuchs ().  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of stress on a previously acquired motor coordination. Following a longitudinal learning experiment, four participants performed oscillations on a ski simulator, either in normal or stressful conditions. The results showed that the amplitude of the oscillations decreased under stress, but no significant effect was seen regarding coordination, suggesting the strong resistance to stress of overlearned behaviour. Nevertheless, for one participant, a transient regression towards a former stage of learning was observed. This result was consistent with the regression hypothesis formulated by Fuchs (1962).  相似文献   

This review presents a conceptual framework and supporting evidence that links impaired motor control after sport-related concussion (SRC) to increased risk for musculoskeletal injury. Multiple studies have found that athletes who are post-SRC have higher risk for musculoskeletal injury compared to their counterparts. A small body of research suggests that impairments in motor control are associated with musculoskeletal injury risk. Motor control involves the perception and processing of sensory information and subsequent coordination of motor output within the central nervous system to perform a motor task. Motor control is inclusive of motor planning and motor learning. If sensory information is not accurately perceived or there is interference with sensory information processing and cognition, motor function will be altered, and an athlete may become vulnerable to injury during sport participation. Athletes with SRC show neuroanatomic and neurophysiological changes relevant to motor control even after meeting return to sport criteria, including a normal neurological examination, resolution of symptoms, and return to baseline function on traditional concussion testing. In conjunction, altered motor function is demonstrated after SRC in muscle activation and force production, movement patterns, balance/postural stability, and motor task performance, especially performance of a motor task paired with a cognitive task (i.e., dual-task condition). The clinical implications of this conceptual framework include a need to intentionally address motor control impairments after SRC to mitigate musculoskeletal injury risk and to monitor motor control as the athlete progresses through the return to sport continuum.  相似文献   


The purpose was to identify classes of different developmental trajectories of BMI and testing them for differences in motor competence (MC) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), in children and adolescents (4 to 13 years of age). This was a 5 years’ longitudinal study with six cohorts. One hundred and forty-seven children (69 girls) divided into six cohorts participated. At baseline, the youngest and the oldest cohorts had 4 and 11 years of age, respectively. Height and weight were assessed, and BMI was calculated. MC was assessed with KTK and TGMD-2, and CRF was assessed with one-mile run/walk. Developmental trajectories of BMI were identified using latent class linear-mixed modelling. Latent class membership was explained according to covariates of MC and CRF. Two meaningful classes were identified. Class 1 (78.92% of the participants) showed lower initial BMI and a lower slope compared to class 2 (21.08% of the participants) (all ps < 0.001). Class membership only predicted trajectories in motor coordination, with children in class 1 having a better development.

In conclusion, this study identified two meaningful trajectories for children based on their BMI development across five time points. In line with previous research, children with slower increasing BMI showed better motor coordination improvements.  相似文献   

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