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以江苏省城市和农村居民体育消费为研究对象,运用文献资料法、田野调查法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对城市和农村居民体育消费现状进行比较研究与分析,结果表明:城乡居民在体育消费观念、体育消费水平、体育消费结构、体育消费动机等方面都存在显著性差异。针对这种差异性,提出一些有利于城乡体育消费协调发展的建议。同时为启动城乡体育消费市场,特别是启动农村体育消费市场,缩小城乡居民体育消费差距提供理论依据。  相似文献   

周笑妮  沈慧 《文教资料》2009,(2):170-171
城乡教育差异是城乡差异的一个重要内容,椎进教育的公平对于科学发展观的落实和社会主义和谐社会的构建具有重要意义.造成城乡高等教育不公平的原因很多,既有城乡二元体制上的原因,又有城乡经济发展水平不均衡和城乡文化差异的原因.本文对此进行了探讨.  相似文献   

导致我国教育消费市场的形成和家庭教育消费总量快速增长的原因是多方面的,既有来自社会发展的内在需求,也有来自体制、政策的改革所产生的影响,而且,我国幅员辽阔,地区差异性较大,城乡差异始终未能得到实质性的改善,城市之间和城乡之间的家庭教育消费状况亦有较大的差异。本文主要从市场的角度来浅议我国当前家庭子女教育消费增长的动因。  相似文献   

高职学生服装消费文化是高职院校校园行为文化的一个重要组成部分,高职学生的服装消费观念、服装消费心理、服装消费审美、服装消费行为均有其特点。总体来看,高职学生服装消费文化是良好的、健康向上的,但是也部分存在超前消费、攀比消费、名牌消费等问题。塑造和强化高职学生良好的消费文化意识、通过优秀传统文化教育帮助高职学生树立正确的消费观念、强化人文素养熏陶以提升高职学生审美情趣是加强高职学生服装消费文化教育的有效对策。  相似文献   

通过分析服装企业VIP顾客消费周期与一般消费者消费周期的差异,揭示出VIP顾客消费行为具有前瞻性,并能指导服装企业调整销售策略。  相似文献   

通过调查分析,当前河北农村居民服装消费方式呈现出消费支出增长较快、消费选择多元化、时尚化、城市化明显的趋势,但是又在很大程度上受到农村居民的年龄结构、社会观念、经济水平和文化层次的影响。因此,服装企业和服装从业者要有针对性的进行市场细分,设计开发符合农村居民服装消费的各个层次的服装产品,培育农村市场的服装消费质量品牌意识,形成统一的更加庞大的服装消费市场。  相似文献   

经过对南京三所高校城乡籍大学生的消费方式进行调查发现,作为同龄人,城乡籍大学生的消费方式在存在差异的同时,具备着较多的相似性。而这些差异及相似性的形成与城乡的消费文化以及大学生的心理特征有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

服装消费不仅仅是风格竞争,更是品牌的竞争.现代服装的风格差异非常大,不同风格的公司之间的差距在缩小.因此,确定分化的重要标志是品牌,品牌的服装,有各种各样的解释.服装风格可以模仿,品牌的精神内容不能复制.服装消费越来越多的将被人们理解为一种文化消费,而不是原来的单一的物质消费,成为消费者自我表达方式、生活方式和价值观的体现.因此,服装品牌的文化内涵已经逐渐成为消费者所关注的重要元素,在这种情况下,越来越多的服装品牌开始重视自己的品牌文化.  相似文献   

城乡籍大学生消费方式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过对南京三所高校城乡籍大学生的消费方式进行调查发现,作为同龄人,城乡籍大学生的消费方式在存在差异的同时,具备着较多的相似性.而这些差异及相似性的形成与城乡的消费文化以及大学生的心理特征有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

多年来,我国城乡居民消费差异长期存在且日益扩大,这种状况不仅影响我国城乡居民的生活质量的整体提高,制约内需的有效扩大,影响小康社会的建设进程,甚至对社会稳定安全造成负面影响。因此,分析我国城乡消费差异状况。分析其原因,寻找有效对策,意义深远,作用重大。  相似文献   

The following text is the result of our ongoing discussions about the notion of intersubjectivity and its significance for an understanding of the process of education.Rather than merging our sometimes diverging ideas into one single line of argument, we decided to try if we could make the movement of divergence and convergence of our thoughts visible in the text itself.
Although we definitely explore different pathways, these pathways lead to a similar insight.This is, that it is not the educator who educates, but that it is the educational 'situation'—a situation constituted though not determined by the interaction between the educator and the student—which educates.This educational situation, which one of us describes as an 'in between space', emerges from the interaction between the educator and the student.In this respect we can say that it results from the difference between the partners in education.The in-between space of education is an emerging reality, which not only comes into existence as a result of the difference between the partners in education but in fact only exists in this difference.
It is precisely in this respect that the form of the following article provides an example of what we want to say about the process of education.The point is, to put it briefly, that this article contains or expresses a meaning that results from the difference between the two texts, but this meaning is neither something that can be attributed to the two texts as such (in this sense this emerging meaning is constituted though not determined by the two texts), nor—and this is crucial—is it something that can be articulated in any positive way in a third text.The interaction between our two texts therefore creates a reality that results from the difference between the texts and only exists in this difference.The order of authorship expresses the fact that the first author wrote the left column and the second author the right column.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to problematise what is meant by ‘difference’ and consider what such a reinterpretation might mean for methodological interventions in sex education research. Our concern is the tendency for sex education research to treat difference as a set of categories to be ‘added-on’, such as religious difference, cultural difference and sexual plurality. The danger of this is that it leaves the normative unchallenged, confirming the hegemony of the heteronormative, unraced subject. Constructing difference as an ‘add-on’ fails to address how young people locate themselves in a world in which they negotiate their sexualities through complex ‘glocal’ routes in popular and youth culture. We argue that decentring methodological strategies are required which draw on critiques made by post-colonial and decolonising methodologies. In the first section of the paper, we review the problem of difference, and how it is considered within current debates in youth and sexualities research. This frames a reflection on rethinking our own methodological practices through a consideration of two research moments. In the conclusion, we propose a metaphorical framework to scaffold a reimagining of methodological approaches to ensure that the normative is always a question mark.  相似文献   

本文首先提出了一类新的区组设计一几乎差集偶的概念,研究了几乎差集偶的性质,给出了几乎最佳自相关二元序列偶存在的一些必要条件,并证明了几乎差集偶与几乎最佳自相关二元序列偶的等价关系,为应用几乎差集偶这种拳的区组设计方法研究几乎最佳自相关二元序列偶提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   

Reliability coefficients of linear combinations of observed scores have anomalous properties which have led to persistent difficulties in the investigation of difference scores and gain scores in test theory. Interpretation of these test scores is further complicated by effects of correlated errors of measurement which are likely to appear in difference scores and gain scores in practice. In this paper the discrepancies between classical results and correct results obtained from more general formulas, which allow for correlated errors, are examined systematically. These discrepancies depend strongly on the reliability coefficients of the respective tests and are smallest when the influence of the variables related by the formulas is least. A vector representation of difference scores reveals that these anomalies arise from simple geometric relations among observed scores, true scores, and error scores inherent in the test-theory model. In this context, doubts as to the usefulness of difference scores and gain scores in testing practice expressed by previous authors appear to be justified.  相似文献   

杜威经典的的教育哲学思想,“学校即社会”、“教育即生活”、“儿童中心论”以及“从做中学”是基础教育改革需借鉴的宝贵财富。文章在阐述杜威教育哲学思想的基础上,作者认为当代差异教学思想的核心内涵是学生之间的不同差异,即作为教学活动起点的学生之间的基础性差异,作为教学活动终点或目标的学生之间的目标性差异,以及作为学生发展主要推动力量的学生之间的课堂活动性差异。同时,提出“自主选择、差异共享、动态生成性”是当前差异教学的主要特征。  相似文献   

The paper considers models of the core curriculum, which it argues are inadequate as their understanding of social difference is truncated. Although these models recognise difference this is located within a pluralist framework and is implicitly viewed as an impediment that hinders equal opportunities. The effect is to normalise the white, male middle class subject and to ignore social antagonism. Skill in the core curriculum becomes technicised, and a differentiated and segmented curriculum is left in place.  相似文献   

The objective of the following consideration is the concise systemization and explanation of scientific statements on the didactic organization of further education measures. In order to achieve this objective, physiological and psychological findings on adults as learners will be examined for their influence on this field. The following can be kept in mind as a result of our considerations: with regard to learning capability, there is not such a great difference between adult and young people in the structures which determine learning as had hitherto been assumed, but there is a great difference in the shape of the individual structural dimensions of learning capability.  相似文献   

In this paper I show how pupils become visible as pedagogic subjects in the art curriculum. With reference to the work of Foucault and Lacan I theorise how pupils’ subjectivities, or identities, are formed within discursive practices which constitute the art curriculum. A critical reading of practice is presented as it is conceived in the English National Curriculum for Art orders and the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s document, Exemplification of Standards, in order to show how pupils’ abilities are constructed and regulated. I argue that these documents are underpinned by an inadequate understanding of practice and assessment, which fails to acknowledge the difference and legitimacy of pupils’ semiotic/representational strategies. I proceed to offer some thoughts for reconceptualising the art curriculum by employing the term ‘difference’. My purpose is to highlight the need to develop a curriculum which offers a more inclusive space for practice, a space which is not driven by normative assessment frameworks, but which celebrates difference in practice and vigorous enquiry.  相似文献   

《二十四诗品》以四言诗的形式探讨了中国古典诗歌中二十四种不同形态的风格之美。其中的《沉著》品从人物行动及周围环境的描写中表达出一种深沉执着的思念之情,并且阐述了这种情感在诗中的表达技巧。《沉著》继承了贯穿《二十四诗品》超越世俗的倾向,但它的独特之处在于它最终指向的是属于现实人生的思念之情。对世俗的超越和对人间情感的执着相互交织,形成了《沉著》品独特的风貌。  相似文献   

The article looks at three approaches to analysing the relationship between education, citizenship and difference that have been evident in the transition to democracy in South Africa. First, it examines the position that education moulds good citizens and overcomes discriminatory differences, which is evident in the South African Education Policy Act. (This position is similar to that expounded in the Crick Report.) Second, it looks at the view that education is an enactment of citizenship and a celebration of difference. This is articulated in the new South African Curriculum 2005, which celebrates the school as just one of a number of learning spaces, but which is only slowly being implemented with considerable difficulty in overcoming deeply entrenched and multifaceted discriminatory views. Third, it looks at the view, articulated in the South African Constitution of 1996, that education is a relatively autonomous space and that in this particular institutional space education, difference and citizenship are in tension. While there is potential for a creative dialogue to emerge in this historically formed space, preliminary research findings indicate how difficult and diffuse the process of transformation is likely to be.  相似文献   

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