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蹦床运动是由运动员借助蹦床的弹性力获得腾空高度来完成各种具有一定难度的翻腾动作,以运动员完成动作的难度、优美程度(质量)和稳定性来评定成绩。这三个方面的决定因素可最终归结为两个基础条件:动作高度和熟练的网性。在具备一定高度的前提下,运动员才能获得完成动作的时间和空间条件,才能完成高难度、高质量的动作。具备熟练的网性,可使运动员自如地驾驭身体,既能保证整套动作顺利地完成,  相似文献   

第九届健美操世锦赛女子单人比赛成绩内部结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要运用文献资料法、观察法,以第九界健美操世锦赛女子单人操决赛的8名运动员的成绩及其构成结构指标为主要研究对象,分析影响成绩的主要因素及其各结构指标之间的相关性,探讨运动员比赛成绩的内部结构特征.结果表明:①影响世界优秀女子竞技健美操运动员成绩的主要因素是难度动作、难度水平及完成质量.②运动员的难度动作的完成质量影响完成分,并间接影响运动员的艺术表现.③非难度的动作完成质量与艺术分呈现较高的相关态势.④中国运动员动作完成质量具有较高的水平,但在难度动作的质量与编排上尚需进一步改进.  相似文献   

我国男子跳马运动发展现状探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
男子竞技体操比赛的6个项目中,跳马是唯一不以成套动作进行比赛的项目,单个动作的难度代表了运动员在这个项目上的实力。在国际体操男子评分规则(2001—2004年)中,满分10分为动作的最高起评分。动作的难度与完成情况是运动员在比赛中获取高分的“两极”,即一方面运动员要跳出高难度动作,获取高起评分,另一方面则要使动作完成好,力求少失分。  相似文献   

竞技健美操是由艺术、完成、难度三个要素为依据进行评分的。竞技健美操比赛套路中难度动作的选择以及难度动作完成质量,直接影响比赛成绩。本文通过对国内外高水平运动员在竞技健美操比赛套路中,难度动作的编排、难度得分以及难度完成率三项指标的对比,进行评价其成套动作的难度价值。结果表明,目前我国运动员在难度选择与编排以及完成质量上,与国际水平存在着一定的差距。  相似文献   

以最近两届世锦赛的女运动员为研究对象,对北京奥运会女子跳马比赛形势和特点进行研究。结果显示:跳马是女子四项比赛中比较困难的一个项目,选手两次试跳的平均难度(A分)最低,约为6分,最高为6.5分;运动员发展动作难度的空间较小,而是在既定难度基础上,努力提高完成动作的质量;运动员主要选用第四和第五等两组动作,超过总数的八成以上,并有进一步集中的趋势。我国运动员程菲在动作难度、质量和组别等方面都领导着世界潮流,可望继续蝉联世界跳马冠军。  相似文献   

对全国健美操冠军赛男单项目前三名运动员的技术水平分析,结果表明’:我国运动员成套动作的难度编排价值具备了与国外优秀选手竞争的实力;难度动作的级别在成套动作中出现的顺序不够合理;成套动作编排的艺术性有了较大的提高,但缺乏高潮和亮点;运动员的个人风格不够突出,缺乏应有的表现力;完成成套动作时技术规格较高,动作准确、规范,但个别难度动作的完成质量还不够好。  相似文献   

以第39和40两届世界体操锦标赛的女运动员为研究对象,对北京奥运会女子自由体操比赛特点进行分析研究。结果显示:成套动作的难度(A分)平均为6.2分,最高为6.5分,继续发展动作难度的空间较小;每套动作平均包括4个高难度技巧(串)动作,其中单个技巧动作的难度略有增加,而技巧串动作难度接近持平;裁判对动作质量要求更加严格,只有提高完成动作的规格标准和稳定性,才能获得优异成绩。  相似文献   

艺术体操个人项目带操转体类身体难度动作完成质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析2006年艺术体操全国锦标赛、2006年艺术体操世界杯赛的个人单项带操前3名成套动作,对世界优秀艺术体操运动员和我国优秀艺术体操运动员的转体类身体难度动作完成质量进行分析。找出我国艺术体操运动员带操转体类身体难度动作与世界先进水平的差距,以及动作完成质量的优点与不足。  相似文献   

竞技健美操女子单人项目难度动作发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对第9届世界健美操锦标赛女单前3名运动员成套动作中难度动作的编排、类别、完成率以及根命名进行分析研究,结果表明:(1)世锦赛优秀女单运动员在难度动作编排分值、难度类别、完成率及根命名上一致性程度较高;大部分难度集中在0.5~O.7之间,高分值(≥0.8)难度已演变为优秀运动员难度分值提高的着眼点;难度动作以C类组别为主,均衡发展体能各子因素是运动员难度动作合理化的关键所在;高难度动作的掌握不够稳定,运动员专项体能有待加强;动作根命名较为集中,针对性体能训练已成为个性化难度发展的突破口;(2)优化运动员体能结构,使各体能因子能够达到最佳匹配是难度动作得以全面发展的关键。  相似文献   

武术套路难度动作是整套动作的主体。难度动作完成的好坏是反映运动员技术水平高低和整套动作技术价值的主要依据。运动员在参赛时,也特别注意难度动作的选择、完成的质量,并且力求合理地把它们布局在全套动作中。对2003年全国武术套路冠军赛(女子赛区)长拳难度动作完成质量进行分析、研究,并找出其影响因素,对提高长拳套路难度动作完成质量,促进武术运动科学化训练具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the impact of emotions on athletic performance within the frameworks of the Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model and the directional perception approach. Intensity, functional impact, and hedonic tone of trait and state anxiety, self-confidence, idiosyncratic emotions, and bodily symptoms were assessed in high-level Italian swimmers and track and field athletes (N = 56). Three standards of performance (poor, average, and good), derived from retrospective self-ratings across one to three competitions (a total of 90 observations), were used as independent variables in the analysis of variance of intensity, intra-individual, and direction scores of anxiety, self-confidence, idiosyncratic emotions, and bodily symptoms. Subsequently, intra-individual scores were categorized as near to or distant from optimal/dysfunctional zones and entered as the independent variable in the analysis of direction scores. The results provided support for the predictions stemming from both the IZOF model and the directional approach, as well as help in interpreting direction of anxiety and other idiosyncratic emotions within the IZOF framework. Athletes tended to perceive emotional levels approximating an individual's optimal zone as facilitative-pleasant, and emotional levels approximating an individual's dysfunctional zone as debilitative-unpleasant.  相似文献   

通过对第26-30届奥运会跳远项目成绩进行逻辑分析、数理统计,表明男子、女子的发展格局是一个反复的状况,并发现近五届奥运会跳远比赛呈现多极化格局.根据近五届奥运会跳远比赛男女前三名成绩及平均成绩,得出奥运会田径跳远项目成绩呈现出缓慢下降的发展规律,以此对我国跳远项目在以上规律中显现的不足提出建议.  相似文献   

以运动训练的需要和运动员的个体特点为切入点,运用心理测量、录像视频分析、行为观测、主观体验及实验等方法,对羽毛球运动员不同状态得失分的时间特征、行为表现及心理状态变化特征进行探讨。结果表明,比赛得失分是羽毛球运动员不同状态行为表现及时间特征形成的关键因素之一。其主动进攻失分时间间隔最长,对方失误得分时间间隔最短;在得分和失分时,发球时间间隔较长;运动员处于流畅状态得分后持续时间长,行为表现突出,情绪表现强烈;皮温、指端血容波幅和心率可作为监控运动员不同状态心理变化的客观指标。观看不同状态比赛视频能有效促进运动员心理控制水平的提高;结合不同状态的比赛视频进行心理监控训练,可以有效促进运动员比赛自信心的提高。这些研究成果能够在一定程度上为教练员提供决策参数,为运动员提供各种比赛的行为信息储备,从而提高运动员对比赛时各种信息的加工速度、准确性和应对困境的能力,增加运动员比赛战术运用的成功率。  相似文献   

The Feltz (1982) path analysis of the relationship between diving efficacy and performance showed that, over trials, past performance was a stronger predictor than self-efficacy of performance. Bandura (1997) criticized the study as statistically "overcontrolling" for past performance by using raw past performance scores along with self-efficacy as predictors of performance. He suggests residualizing past performance by regressing the raw scores on self-efficacy and entering them into the model to remove prior contributions of self-efficacy imbedded in past performance scores. To resolve this controversy, we reanalyzed the Feltz data using three statistical models: raw past performance, residual past performance, and a method that residualizes past performance and self-efficacy. Results revealed that self-efficacy was a stronger predictor of performance in both residualized models than in the raw past performance model. Furthermore, the influence of past performance on future performance was weaker when the residualized methods were conducted.  相似文献   


The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) trait anxiety questionnaire was administered to all sixth-grade boys at one school (N = 181). Based on results of the questionnaire, 40 high-anxious and 40 low-anxious subjects were identified for participation in the study. Stratified random assignments of these subjects in a counterbalanced manner resulted in the creation of eight experimental groups. The effects of an audience and task difficulty on learning and performance were considered in the experimental design. Two social conditions—learning in the presence of a single spectator or alone—and two conditions of task difficulty on the pursuit rotor—hard and easy—were employed. Each subject was tested on one day, under one condition of task difficulty, and under one social condition. Data were treated with a three-factor multivariate analysis of variance. Dependent variables were three STAIC anxiety scale scores used to evaluate within-task feelings of anxiety and three mean performance scores for each of three blocks of pursuit rotor trials. The results of the analyses indicated that significant main effects due to social situation were not apparent until the last block of trials, when subjects in the spectator condition did better. State anxiety scores for those who performed alone were significantly higher than for those who performed with a spectator present over all blocks of trials.

Although low-anxious subjects' overall mean performance scores were higher than high-anxious subjects' on the hard task, they were not significantly different from each other until the last block of trials. The overall mean performance scores for both groups for the easy task proved significantly higher for the low-anxious group. Though the results partially support the hypothesis that a spectator increases the learner's drive and facilitates performance, the majority of the results favor the theoretical hypotheses that a spectator reduces drive and serves to console or reassure the learner.  相似文献   

目标设置对篮球投篮成绩和努力程度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过困难目标和容易目标对篮球投篮成绩和努力程度的影响的实验研究。结果显示:不现实目标组、困难目标组、容易目标组和“尽力做好”组的投篮成绩随练习次数的增加而显著提高;不现实目标组、困难目标组和容易目标组在感知目标难度上有显著性差异;各目标组之间在努力程度上无显著性差异.  相似文献   

Abstract Scores in artistic gymnastics are subject to changes in the rules that occur each Olympic cycle as outlined in the Code of Points, because rules influence the composition of routines and therefore performance. The aim of this study was to identify the most important routine apparatus for success in a World competition. The data were the official results for the 478 gymnasts (262 men, 216 women) who competed in the 43rd Artistic Gymnastic World Championships in 2011 in Tokyo, Japan. The factors least influenced by the technical standard of competitors were performance scores on uneven bars and balance beam for women, and those on pommel horse for men. For uneven bars, balance beam, and pommel horse, scores were consistently good predictors of final standing. Our results suggest that high scores on these apparatus have a greater influence on overall performance than scores on the other apparatus, regardless of the competitors' standard.  相似文献   

高水平武术套路运动员比赛成绩影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法、录像分析和数理统计等研究方法,对高水平武术套路运动员比赛成绩进行分析。结果显示:运动员的竞争非常激烈,小的失误将左右比赛的胜负;运动员之间的竞争主要在动作难度和动作质量,但不同项目不同性别存在差别;演练水平得分存在较大的发展空间。  相似文献   


The issue of defining and measuring professional obsolescence among physical educators is examined through a comparison of the current knowledge base of graduating physical education seniors and physical education practitioners in Pennsylvania. In a previous study, the “Inventory of Recent Knowledge in Physical Education,” a 260-item sample of current knowledge as defined by content experts was developed by the authors and administered by mail to the population of 2,737 male professional members of the public school districts' departments of physical education in Pennsylvania. In the present study, results from the first study were compared with those from an administration of the same instrument to 462 female and male physical education majors graduating from nine Pennsylvania higher education institutions. Both studies employed multiple-matrix procedures for item-person sampling and data analysis. An analysis of the results for both groups showed essentially similar performance profiles on the Inventory. Average scores of the two groups tended to be low and neither met preestablished minimum standards for defining up-to-date or nonobsolete performance. These results point to a clear conflict between what experts think up-to-date persons in the field of physical education should know and the knowledge performance of practitioners and students.  相似文献   

Hale and Hale (1972) proposed an exponential model to deal with the tendency of change scores to be negatively correlated with initial scores. The Hale and Hale method is quite complicated and requires specification of a maximum score, which is fairly arbitrary in many cases. The model developed in this article assumes that the rate of change is inversely related to the difference between current performance and best possible performance, and therefore starts from assumptions that are similar to those of Hale and Hale. The new model implies an exponential relationship between change scores and time, but the relationship between change scores and initial score is shown to be linear, even though the underlying model is exponential. Thus, simple linear regression provides an effective basis for analysis. Applications of this model are therefore potentially much simpler than the Hale and Hale model. As an example, the model is applied to children's data on motor learning over repeated trials.  相似文献   

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