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目的:采用SMART DX三维动作捕捉分析系统测定男女老年人在不同步速下双侧下肢的步态变异情况。方法:采用对比实验法测量对比34名老年人,在常速行走(1.05 m/s)、快走(1.41 m/s)和急行(1.74 m/s)时双侧下肢的步态变化分数、步态剖面图分数和步态偏离指数。结果:(1)步速和下肢侧别优势、下肢侧别优势和性别对步态偏离指数有明显交互效应(P<0.05);(2)女性老年人步态偏离指数明显高于男性,足偏角的步态变化分数明显低于男性,优势侧骨盆左右倾斜和髋内收外展的步态变化分数明显高于非优势侧(P<0.05);(3)骨盆旋转的步态变化分数在步速1.41和1.74 m/s、髋旋转的步态变化分数和膝屈曲拉伸的步态变化分数在步速1.05和1.74 m/s以及踝背屈跖屈的步态变化分数在步速1.05、1.41和1.74 m/s均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:(1)相比女性老年人,男性行走时优势侧步态更容易发生偏差;(2)老年人步速越快时步态在矢状面和水平面的偏差程度越大,步态越不稳定,跌倒风险增加;(3)在进行跌倒干预时应考虑到下肢侧别优势、步速和性别差异。  相似文献   

使用Kistler三维测力平台、TM-6710CL高速摄像机和MONARK829型功率自行车在正常状态和相对疲劳状态下对从不同下落高度跳深的12名男性二级运动员进行了测试,测试结果表明:正常状态下,运动员跳深时,下肢髋、膝、踝关节之间髋关节的角度变化最小,膝关节次之,踝关节的角度变化幅度最大;正常状态下,运动员在各下落高度跳深时,其髋、膝、踝关节在缓冲期的动作顺序上是踝-膝-髋,在蹬伸期的动作顺序是髋-膝-踝;相对疲劳状态下,运动员跳深时,下肢髋、膝、踝关节在缓冲期的动作顺序是踝-髋-膝,在蹬伸期的动作顺序是髋-踝-膝.  相似文献   

为探求髋、踝部运动对速滑技术与滑行速度的影响,运用运动解剖学、运动生物力学理论,结合新冰刀技术性能、特点,对髋、踝部运动在速滑新技术中对提高滑跑速度作用进行理论分析。指出在速滑新技术中良好的送髋、展踝动作对滑行的滑步长、步频、蹬冰幅度及爆发力蹬冰效果有着重要作用,并结合新技术特点提出发展髋、踝关节柔韧性、灵活性及提高髋、踝部专门肌肉群力量的训练方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上、下楼梯时附加认知任务,年龄差异(组间)及任务难度(组内)对步态时空及下肢关节协调参数的影响。方法:18位健康老年人为老年组,18位健康大学生为年轻组,各组内均为9男9女,依次接受认知任务测试、上、下楼测试(单任务)及上、下楼合并认知任务测试(双任务)。结果:认知任务方面,两种任务情境下各年龄组上楼回答次数皆显著多于下楼。步态参数方面,两种任务情境下年轻组相对于老年组,以及各年龄组在单任务情境下相对于双任务,皆呈现较短步行时间、较快步行频率、速度及较大步行长度的情形。下肢协调性方面,年轻组上楼过渡时摆动期的膝‐踝协调稳定度在双任务下较单任务差,而处于双任务情境下,年轻组上楼过程中支撑期的膝‐踝协调稳定度比老年组差;年轻组下楼过程中摆动期的髋‐膝协调稳定度在ST 和DT 中都比老年组差,老年组膝‐踝协调稳定度比年轻组差,下楼过渡时,年轻组支撑期髋‐膝协调稳定度在两种任务情境下皆比老年组差。结论:老年人和年轻人会根据任务难度来选择是否专注于认知任务上,此外年轻人因有足够下肢肌力控制而采取较大胆动作策略,导致其上下楼梯时下肢协调稳定度较差,而老年人则趋向选择较保守的策略来维持下肢关节协调稳定度。  相似文献   

步态对称性是反映人们对步行控制能力的重要标志之一,了解老年人步态对称性特征及其影响因素,对减少老年人运动损伤,增进健康体质,提高生活质量有重要意义。主要采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,收集文献并进行整理分析。研究结论:步态对称性有多种计算方法,多数研究是通过有限的步态特征进行评估。健康人老年人出现的步态不对称并不是一种病理步态,而是肢体对动作控制差异造成的。影响老年人步态对称性的因素有很多,但未能确定某一种因素占主导地位,之后可以深入研究和探讨,有助于更全面了解步态不对称产生的原因和机制。  相似文献   

目的:观察3个月综合锻炼对社区老年人步态的影响.方法:研究对象为自愿参加本次测试的控江社区60~80岁老年女性16名.志愿者参加每周3次、每次1.5小时、为期3个月的针对性综合锻炼干预,步态指标由VICON系统与KISTLER测力台进行数据同步采集,并使用VISUAL3D软件进行分析.结果:经过运动干预后,志愿者步态指标发生显著变化,表现为步长增加(0.54 ±0.07m VS 0.60±0.06 m,P<0.01)、步速加快(1.10±0.18 VS1.29±0.22 m/s,P<0.01)、双支撑时相缩短(24.10%±5.10% VS 21.08%±3.99%,P<0.01)、步态各周期中髋、膝、踝关节活动幅显著加大.结论:简易的综合性锻炼计划对老年人步态有显著的改善效果,建议可作为预防老年人跌倒的运动干预手段.  相似文献   

目的研究排球运动扣球起跳和落地动作时髋、膝、踝的动力学特征。方法采用VICON红外三维动作分析系统、AMTI测力台对9名排球运动员的扣球起跳和落地动作进行拍摄,并对不同方式扣球起跳和落地动作的髋、膝、踝进行动力学分析。结果与结论在不同方式扣球起跳过程中左侧关节受力均大于右侧关节。在起跳和落地过程中,踝关节在X轴方向起主要作用,髋关节在Y轴上起主要作用,膝关节在Z轴上起主要作用。排球扣球起跳时,右脚先着地—重心最低点—左脚着地,属于排球起跳动作特有特征。在排球动作起跳中,右腿主要负责将水平速度转化到垂直方向而后伴随蹬地辅助起跳,左腿则主要负责垂直方向发力起跳。  相似文献   

采用德国ISOMED 2000等速肌力测试系统对里约奥运会场地自行车冠军宫金杰下肢髋、膝、踝三关节、屈伸两过程的最大力量、快速力量和肌肉耐力进行测试与分析,以此了解女子场地自行车运动员下肢力量训练的效果,旨在为我国女子场地自行车科学化训练提供参考。结果表明:宫金杰髋、膝、踝等速肌力测试结果与其他自行车运动员对比存在差异,宫金杰右髋、左膝、左踝等速肌力数据表现出更合理的肌力特征;三关节的肌肉耐力较差;关节发力角度不在专项角度内。结论:宫金杰下肢三关节屈曲肌群、左髋及右膝伸展肌群、右踝跖屈肌群为薄弱肌群;肌肉耐力较差导致后程降速明显;关节发力角度与场地自行车专项技术动作角度相差较大。  相似文献   

一、最后用力过程中左腿工作的意义 优秀运动员左脚落地大都是以指内侧着地,并很快的过渡到全脚掌着地。落地后左脚与投掷方向成40度左右角度。这样不仅能保证左膝左髋的方向,而且控制了髋、漆、踝三个关节的活动范围。限制了髋、膝、踝三个关节沿横轴运动,如果沿着横轴运动,使左腿造成过大的弯曲,不能快速蹬伸和配合推球动作,就影响了右腿的转蹬动作,并使压紧的肌群过早的打开而影响最后用力的效果。通过人体解剖学分析认为,这种方法有很大的优越性,因为左脚落地与投掷方向形成与左脚尖站在一条线上。  相似文献   

为了探讨在速滑的弯道技术中髋、膝、踝三关节角度的大小是否影响蹬冰技术质量、成绩的提高和动作的效果等,特对我国健将级运动员杨忠杰和世界优秀运动员海登的侧面弯道滑跑电影技术图片进行对比分析。根据解剖学部位,找出肩髋膝踝四关节的中心点,将所有的这些点用钢针刺一小孔,然后用直线段把这些点连接起来,分别构成F肢各关节角。肩、髋与膝三关节两直线间向前的夹角为髋关节屈角;髋、膝与踝三关节两直线间向后的夹角为膝关节角;膝踝间直线垂直于足横线(从足跟到  相似文献   

研究肥胖儿童正常行走时的步态特征,对了解其运动方式和肥胖引起儿童足部结构的变化特点具有重要意义。采用三维摄像,对30名7岁肥胖男童与30名正常男童行走时步态进行比较研究。结论:肥胖儿童与正常儿童相比,行走时一个步态周期时间的绝对值上显著性增大;肥胖儿童单步长、步频以及步速均低于正常儿童,而步宽值比正常儿童宽;下肢关节角度活动范围表明肥胖儿童蹬伸不充分;足步向角度,表明肥胖组为典型的外八字步态。  相似文献   

Joint moments can be used as an indicator of joint loading and have potential application for sports performance and injury prevention. The effects of changing walking and running speeds on joint moments for the different planes of motion still are debatable. Here, we compared knee and ankle moments during walking and running at different speeds. Data were collected from 11 recreational male runners to determine knee and ankle joint moments during different conditions. Conditions include walking at a comfortable speed (self-selected pacing), fast walking (fastest speed possible), slow running (speed corresponding to 30% slower than running) and running (at 4 m · s?1 ± 10%). A different joint moment pattern was observed between walking and running. We observed a general increase in joint load for sagittal and frontal planes as speed increased, while the effects of speed were not clear in the transverse plane moments. Although differences tend to be more pronounced when gait changed from walking to running, the peak moments, in general, increased when speed increased from comfortable walking to fast walking and from slow running to running mainly in the sagittal and frontal planes. Knee flexion moment was higher in walking than in running due to larger knee extension. Results suggest caution when recommending walking over running in an attempt to reduce knee joint loading. The different effects of speed increments during walking and running should be considered with regard to the prevention of injuries and for rehabilitation purposes.  相似文献   

Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a condition resulting from a lateral ankle sprain. Shank-rearfoot joint-coupling variability differences have been found in CAI patients; however, joint-coupling variability (VCV) of the ankle and proximal joints has not been explored. Our purpose was to analyse VCV in adults with and without CAI during gait. Four joint-coupling pairs were analysed: knee sagittal-ankle sagittal, knee sagittal-ankle frontal, hip frontal-ankle sagittal and hip frontal-ankle frontal. Twenty-seven adults participated (CAI:n = 13, Control:n = 14). Lower extremity kinematics were collected during walking (4.83 km/h) and jogging (9.66 km/h). Vector-coding was used to assess the stride-to-stride variability of four coupling pairs. During walking, CAI patients exhibited higher VCV than healthy controls for knee sagittal-ankle frontal in latter parts of stance thru mid-swing. When jogging, CAI patients demonstrated lower VCV with specific differences occurring across various intervals of gait. The increased knee sagittal-ankle frontal VCV in CAI patients during walking may indicate an adaptation to deal with the previously identified decrease in variability in transverse plane shank and frontal plane rearfoot coupling during walking; while the decreased ankle-knee and ankle-hip VCV identified in CAI patients during jogging may represent a more rigid, less adaptable sensorimotor system ambulating at a faster speed.  相似文献   


Previously, gait had been considered an automatic and rhythmical movement that uses minimal attentional resources. The relationship between attention and gait has been revealed in recent research. However, in young adults in particular, the influence of using a cell phone – which is used frequently in daily life and considered to require high attentional demands – on gait has not been demonstrated. In this study, we examined the influence of mobile phone use on gait. Thirty healthy college students (15 males, 15 females) walked through a normal straight course with or without an obstacle under two different walking conditions while either using the email function of the cell phone or walking without a cell phone. The participants walked at a normal speed on a 10-m walkway. In walking conditions with an obstacle, an obstacle (17 cm in height) was set at the mid-point of the walkway. The following gait parameters were calculated: velocity, stride length, stride width (cm), and stance phase of one foot (just before an obstacle, one and two steps before the obstacle). Velocity and stride width decreased and the stance phase increased during walking while operating a cell phone. The stance phase just before an obstacle and stride length increased while operating a cell phone with an obstacle in the way. Gaze fixations and the high attention required to use the email function of the device may result in greatly disturbed gait.  相似文献   

周倩 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):34-34,36
目的:本实验通过测量在赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋3种条件下,女性步态的特征,分析不同鞋子对足部及步态的影响。方法:使用G-WALK三维步态分析系统进行赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋条件下的行走转身实验,测量其不同鞋子下步速、步长及步态周期。结果:本实验得出穿10cm高跟鞋时行走的步态特征是步速慢,步长变短,周期长。结论:因此长期穿高跟鞋对女性下肢及步态影响较大,会对身体造成伤害,建议少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

Wireless sensing solutions that provide accurate long-term monitoring of walking and running gait characteristics in a real-world environment would be an excellent tool for sport scientist researchers and practitioners. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a body-worn wireless gyroscope-based gait analysis application to a marker-based motion capture system for the detection of heel-strike and toe-off and subsequent calculation of gait parameters during walking and running. The gait application consists of a set of wireless inertial sensors and an adaptive algorithm for the calculation of temporal gait parameters. Five healthy subjects were asked to walk and run on a treadmill at two different walking speeds (2 and 4?kph) and at a jogging (8?kph) and running (12?kph) speed. Data were simultaneously acquired from both systems. True error, percentage error and ICC scores indicate that the adaptive algorithm successfully calculated strides times across all speeds. However, results showed poor to moderate agreement for stance and swing times. We conclude that this gait analysis platform is valid for determining stride times in both walking and running. This is a useful application, particularly in the sporting arena, where long-term monitoring of running gait characteristics outside of the laboratory is of interest.  相似文献   

通过对温州师范学院普通系80名艺术体操选修班女大学生进行为期两年的艺术体操训练,探索艺术体操对女大学生步态的影响.与实验前相比,实验后学生行走时步速增大,步宽减小,髋关节在矢状面和额状面上关节活动的范围增大,踝关节落地角减小.这就表明,经过系统的艺术体操训练,学生行走时重心移动的速度加快、更加平稳,行走时平衡能力也得到相应的提高.  相似文献   

The impact of Nordic walking training on the gait of the elderly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the current study was to define the impact of regular practice of Nordic walking on the gait of the elderly. Thereby, we aimed to determine whether the gait characteristics of active elderly persons practicing Nordic walking are more similar to healthy adults than that of the sedentary elderly. Comparison was made based on parameters computed from three inertial sensors during walking at a freely chosen velocity. Results showed differences in gait pattern in terms of the amplitude computed from acceleration and angular velocity at the lumbar region (root mean square), the distribution (Skewness) quantified from the vertical and Euclidean norm of the lumbar acceleration, the complexity (Sample Entropy) of the mediolateral component of lumbar angular velocity and the Euclidean norm of the shank acceleration and angular velocity, the regularity of the lower limbs, the spatiotemporal parameters and the variability (standard deviation) of stance and stride durations. These findings reveal that the pattern of active elderly differs significantly from sedentary elderly of the same age while similarity was observed between the active elderly and healthy adults. These results advance that regular physical activity such as Nordic walking may counteract the deterioration of gait quality that occurs with aging.  相似文献   

Lower extremity joint loading during walking is strongly affected by the steepness of the slope and might cause pain and injuries in lower extremity joint structures. One feasible measure to reduce joint loading is the reduction of walking speed. Positive effects have been shown for level walking, but not for graded walking or hiking conditions. The aim of the study was to quantify the effect of walking speed (separated into the two components, step length and cadence) on the joint power of the hip, knee and ankle and to determine the knee joint forces in uphill and downhill walking. Ten participants walked up and down a ramp with step lengths of 0.46, 0.575 and 0.69 m and cadences of 80, 100 and 120 steps per minute. The ramp was equipped with a force platform and the locomotion was filmed with a 60 Hz video camera. Loading of the lower extremity joints was determined using inverse dynamics. A two-dimensional knee model was used to calculate forces in the knee structures during the stance phase. Walking speed affected lower extremity joint loading substantially and significantly. Change of step length caused much greater loading changes for all joints compared with change of cadence; the effects were more distinct in downhill than in uphill walking. The results indicate that lower extremity joint loading can be effectively controlled by varying step length and cadence during graded uphill and downhill walking. Hikers can avoid or reduce pain and injuries by reducing walking speed, particularly in downhill walking.  相似文献   

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