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通过实验的方法来考察情绪、奖励对记忆的影响。结果表明:情绪和奖励对记忆成绩的主效应和交互效应都非常显著。在实验中,负性情绪的个体总体上比中性情绪的个体表现出更好的记忆成绩;有奖励条件的个体总体上比没有奖励条件的个体表现出更好的记忆成绩,奖励起到了强化物的作用。在负性情绪下,有奖励条件的个体总体上比没有强化条件的个体记忆成绩更好。  相似文献   

采用情绪图-词Stroop范式,探究考试焦虑个体在注意偏向上是否存在情绪干扰,以及不同程度考试焦虑个体对情绪信息的注意偏向差异.结果表明:(1)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,有对情绪词语更加突出的反应延迟特点,表现出了明显的情绪干扰;(2)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,存在更多的负性认知偏向;(3)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,在图词不一致的情况下有更多的反应延迟存在.  相似文献   

尴尬情绪是个体因处于公众注意焦点、失言或棘手情境时,而产生的一种别扭、紧张、懊恼、难为情、不知所措的情绪体验。目前有关尴尬情绪的研究,生理方面主要包括尴尬情绪的生理反应和面部表情;认知方面主要包括尴尬情绪的诱因、尴尬情绪识别及其影响因素;行为方面主要涉及尴尬情绪对个体行为的影响。但现有理论和研究仍不足以解释尴尬情绪的内在机制,未来可注重从生命全程观和特殊人群的角度研究个体尴尬情绪的发展,并关注探究个体对尴尬情绪的理解,同时进一步考察不同类型尴尬情绪在不同情境下对个体行为尤其是亲社会行为的影响等。  相似文献   

情绪调节方式作为应付方式的一种很重要的形式,对促进个体自身发展、控制个体在不同社会情境中的行为、提高个体的社会化程度都具有重要的作用。本文从从情绪调节的概念、情绪调节的过程、情绪调节的类型、情绪调节的策略、情绪调节的作用以及情绪调节研究现状六个方面分别对情绪调节作出了阐述.  相似文献   

儿童情绪障碍的主要原因及早期干预的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪障碍是个体想达到本身需求时遭到外界的阻碍或个体本身的心理冲突,使个体陷于一种挫折情境的情绪状态。儿童情绪障碍是儿童期常见的心理障碍之一,孤僻、回避症、有自闭倾向的儿童都属于情绪障碍儿童。伴随着独生子女、离异家庭增多等社会现象,近年来儿童情绪障碍发病率呈上升趋势。有研究表明,在儿童青少年中约有10%存在不同程度的情绪障碍。情绪障碍往往会影响儿童饮食、睡眠、玩乐的兴趣,学习态度及心智发展的进度。如不  相似文献   

情绪调节指个体对自己所产生情绪及怎样去体验和选择如何表达情绪施加影响的过程。成功的情绪调节能够使个体产生良好的生理唤醒,提高其应对生活的能力,而不合理的情绪调节则会影响个体的身心健康并危及其正常的社会功能。研究者通过对有关情绪调节的界定、策略、影响因素、研究方法等方面的分析,从而对情绪调节的性质进行了探讨。  相似文献   

个体决策是指个体对已有方案进行评估并做出选择的过程.决策时个体的情绪状态、环境因素、认知因素等都会影响个体做出的抉择.本文从个体决策的类型、决策时的情绪种类、情绪与决策的关系及情绪是如何影响决策等方面进行系统论述,以期对决策领域的研究有所帮助.  相似文献   

怎样关注托班宝宝的情绪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪状态对个体的活动有明显的影响,在不同的情绪下个体会有不同的表现。一般来说,积极的情绪状态能提高一个人的活动效率,消极的情绪状态则会降低一个人的活动效率。这在幼儿的认知中表现得尤为显著,良好的情绪状态能促进幼儿记忆、思维和创造力的发挥和发展。托班宝宝的情绪变化多端,因而关注托班宝宝的情绪,让幼儿保持积极的情绪,消除消极的情绪,在实际教养工作中十分重要。  相似文献   

情绪是指个体受到某种刺激后所产生的一种身心激动状态。刺激与个体需要之间的关系决定情绪的性质,情绪的性质不同,其对身心的影响也不相同。一般说来,正常情绪有助于个体行为的适应;而不良情绪如同腐蚀剂,会损害人  相似文献   

在教学心理学中探讨情绪在教学中的作用并且利用它以促进教学的效果,成为教育研究领域中的一个重要课题。情绪在教育教学中的作用开始得到教育界人士的关注主要有三个原因:一情绪是伴随教学过程始终的一个重要因素;二是心理学界对认知与情绪关系的相关研究成果证明了情绪与认知之间的密切关系;三是20世纪90年代后关于情绪智力研究热潮的出现,使人们对个体的情绪能力在个体发展历程中的作用有了一个更深的认识。本文拟对鲍尔(Bower)的情绪与认知联想加工理论进行阐释并探讨他的理论对情感教学的启示。  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine whether preschool children's emotion regulation, problem behaviors, and kindergarten behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were predictors of kindergarten achievement scores. The children (N = 122, 47% male and 63% European American) who were participating in an ongoing longitudinal study, were seen at both a preschool and kindergarten assessment. The present study examined the relation between parent report, teacher report, and laboratory measures of regulation and children's achievement test scores. Children's emotion regulation and behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were related to all measures of achievement. The relation between preschool emotion regulation and kindergarten achievement was mediated by behavioral self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. In addition, all measures of regulation were correlated, suggesting that some children who have difficulty regulating their behavior in one setting (such as home) may also have difficulty with regulation in other settings (such as school).  相似文献   

情感作为人类生存的必要条件,学生精神生活的主宰,是学生学习的催化剂,不容忽视。在高职英语教学中,情感因素起着重要作用,因此,教师必须注重情感教学。充分发挥情感教学的积极作用,才能更有效激发学生参与学习的积极性和兴趣,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine whether preschool children's emotion regulation, problem behaviors, and kindergarten behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were predictors of kindergarten achievement scores. The children (N = 122, 47% male and 63% European American) who were participating in an ongoing longitudinal study, were seen at both a preschool and kindergarten assessment. The present study examined the relation between parent report, teacher report, and laboratory measures of regulation and children's achievement test scores. Children's emotion regulation and behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were related to all measures of achievement. The relation between preschool emotion regulation and kindergarten achievement was mediated by behavioral self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. In addition, all measures of regulation were correlated, suggesting that some children who have difficulty regulating their behavior in one setting (such as home) may also have difficulty with regulation in other settings (such as school).  相似文献   

篮球教学是学生在学习过程中,身体与大脑参与的教学活动,它是学生运动能力与思维同步发展的过程。在篮球教学中进行情感教育,可以培养学生高尚的人格。使学生在道德、美德、理智等情感领域内得到发展与提高。因此,我们应该充分认识和重视情感在教学中的作用,在教学中利用一切激发学生情感,培养学生的情感品质,以达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying socioeconomic disparities in school readiness and health outcomes, particularly obesity, among preschool‐aged children are complex and poorly understood. Obesity can induce changes in proteins in the circulation that contribute to the negative impact of obesity on health; such changes may relate to cognitive and emotion regulation skills important for school readiness. We investigated obesity‐related hormones, body mass index (BMI), and school readiness in a pilot study of low‐income preschoolers attending Head Start (participating in a larger parent study). We found that the adipokine leptin was related to preschoolers' BMI z‐score, the appetite‐regulating hormones ghrelin and glucagon‐like peptide 1 (GLP‐1), and pro‐inflammatory cytokines typically associated with early life stress; and that some of these obesity‐related biomarkers were in turn related to emotion regulation. Future work should evaluate how obesity may affect multiple domains of development, and consider modeling common physiological pathways related to stress, health, and school readiness.  相似文献   

演奏曲目时,速度的难点不仅是手指机能的难点,更是心理的难点,在加快速度练习的阶段,就是练习稳定的心理过程阶段,技术固然重要,但还须与情感一体化。  相似文献   

通过阐述体育运动与心理健康的关系,说明体育锻炼能够改善大学生的情绪和人际关系,对大学生的心理健康产生积极的作用。希望高校在开展大学生心理健康教育的过程中加大体育锻炼的分量,培养大学生体育锻炼的兴趣,帮助他们建立自信心,提高他们的心理适应能力,使他们形成良好的意志品质。  相似文献   

Empirical research shows that poor emotional competence is an early risk factor for the development of psychopathology. Numerous school-based prevention programs have been developed with the goal of decreasing behavior problems. Several of these programs include a discrete emotions component, but none of them are solely or primarily guided by emotion theory for their design and implementation. The prevention program described in this paper, the emotions course (EC), is a theoretically-coherent program based on differential emotions theory and is designed to be implemented by teachers in Head Start classrooms. Children participating in a pilot implementation of EC showed larger increases in emotion knowledge and less growth in negative emotion expression than their peers in control classrooms. These findings provide initial support for EC. Future implementations of the program need increased monitoring of implementation fidelity as well as additional methods to assess the success of the program.  相似文献   

高职学生的情绪表现出明显的过度性和不稳定性,为负面情绪困扰,主要是自卑、焦虑、抑郁、易怒等。以某高职院校为例,通过特色课程与活动的开展以及教育工作者的引领作用,来培养情绪认知能力;接纳正常的情绪并调节自己的负面情绪;合理地表达情绪,发展人际交往能力;进一步陶冶情绪,培养管理情绪的能力。  相似文献   

通过问卷的形式调查女大学生自我身体意向与减体重行为和锻炼行为之间的关系,结果表明:锻炼不规律的女生更倾向于选择关注身体意向的运动;女生参与运动的主要目的为改善身体意向和促进健康;对体型和外貌的满意程度很大程度上取决于体重指数BMI,而非参与锻炼的行为;锻炼无规律的女生比锻炼有规律的女生具有更大的减体重意愿,同时她们都更倾向与选择较健康的减体重方式.  相似文献   

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