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采访工作是一门话语艺术,但是这种艺术在进行时通常会遇到开端困难的问题,如何为采访打造一个完美的开始,是每一个记者都极为关注的话题。而就采访政府部门的记者而言,其采访对象具有一定的特殊性,在进行采访工作之前,更是要努力为自己的采访构建一个适当的开端。本文主要从政府工作人员接受不同采访的心理及行为的角度出发,谈论了记者如何解决采访政府工作人员"开头难"问题的几点措施,希望能够帮助记者更好地开展采访工作。  相似文献   

《福建新闻界》2006年第1期发表马永凯的文章《“身份对等浮动心理”技巧在采访中的运用》。文章指出,所谓记者的“身份对等浮动心理”,是指记者在采访时,会接触到多种类型的不同人物对象,这些不同级别、不同身份、不同地位的采访对象,对记者来说会产生一种“地位心理”,记者要随着被采访对象的身份地位,进行对位变化浮动。这就是记者“身份对等浮动心理”。  相似文献   

采访对象的类型当记者的,如何掌握好采访艺术,说起来容易,做起来难。其原因主要反映在两个方面。一方面被采访对象的不同心态,直接制约着记者正常的采访活动。另一个方面,记者自身的心态,也常常受到客观上诸多因素的左右。记者不但要随时调节采访对象的心态,还要正确地把握控制自身的心理变化,使双方的不正常心态趋于正常化,这样才能保证采访活动顺利地进行,采访到事实准确的新闻。笔者结合自己的采访实践,把采访对象归纳成五种类型。  相似文献   

一条新闻写得如何,很大程度上取决于采访工作,而能否把握采访对象心理,是记者采访成败的关键.采访对象为残疾人时,向对方收集材料、访问的过程,既是彼此交流思想感情、挖掘内心世界的心理交流过程,也体现了人道关怀.为了顺利地完成采访工作,记者除了要把握好自己的心理状态,还要掌握不同采访对象的心理活动规律,注重方法和技巧,获取对方的信任与合作,打开采访对象的心扉,从而使采访取得最佳效果,并在精神或物质层面为残疾人提供实质性帮助.  相似文献   

新闻采访的主要对象是人。人的行动都受到心理的支配。记者在不同时间不同地点的采访活动中,必然会遇到不同采访对象的不同心理。记者怎样摸清人的心理规律来指导新闻采访呢?这是一个重要课题。有人说,我没有学过心理学,没有研究过采访对象心理,也采访到不少新闻素材,写出了较有分量的稿子。是的,有的人没有专门研究过采访心理学,在长期的生活实践中,积累了一些观察人物心理的经验,自觉或不自觉地加以应用,取得一些成功。在采访中,由于不了解采访对象心理,没有达到预期目的的也不乏其例。下面是一位记者采访一名有创造发明的科技人员的一段对话:  相似文献   

记者作为新闻的“采撷者”,每天奔忙在新闻采访的第一线.和不同的采访对象接触,采集着不同的新闻.尽最大努力为读者提供丰富的资讯。这其中,一个很重要的工作就是和受访者即被采访对象打交道,对记者来说,研究采访对象的心理、把握好采访时的进度,以使自己的采访顺利进行非常重要,它是一篇稿件是否出彩的关键。这里就对如何搞好与采访对象的关系作些探讨。  相似文献   

当记者的,如何掌握好采访艺术,说起来容易,做起来难。其原因主要反映在两个方面。一方面被采访对象的不同心态,直接制约着记者正常的采访活动。另一个方面,记者自身的心态,也常常受到客观上诸多因素的左右。记者不但要随时调节采访对象的心态,还要正确地把握控制自身的心理变化,使双方的不正党心态趋于正常化,  相似文献   

所谓“人上一百,形形色色”。成为记者采访对象的个体面对访问时所表现出的心理状态也是千差万别的。这就要求我们记者在多方面提高自己的综合素质,在查探采访对象的心理上多做功夫,尤其是要在采访过程中对采访对象的心理进行控制,在新闻采访过程中,记者无权、也不可能强制采访对象接受采访,  相似文献   

任丽 《青年记者》2009,(12):53-53
在采访活动中,现场情景和采访对象是千变万化的,不同的地点和采访对象的态度、谈话内容往往影响到采访的成败。记者必须不断学习探索,运用哲学、心理学、社会学、伦理学、语言学等各方面知识,在采访实践中积累经验,提高对采访对象的心理分析和控制能力,使采访获得成功。电视记者在采访活动中如何掌握引导权呢?  相似文献   

采访对象心理在自己、记者与双方关系这三种因素的影响下,在新闻事实利害关系的基础上展开。但是,它的具体反应却又必须要表现在采访这一过程中,换句话来说就是采访对象心理是以整个采访过程为反应过程的。在这个过程中,从记者进门(甚至从约会谈话)时起直到采访结束,它的开始、中期、后期都有不同的心理反应。这些反应不仅有心理过程的规律,也有心理活动内容以及记者与采访对象双方心理互相感应的规律。  相似文献   

During the interval of July 1990 to January 1991, Yu-Mei Wang from Beijing Medical University, visited the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Wang's activities while in the United States were to study and observe our medical library. This paper attempts to acquaint the reader with the Beijing Medical University and its library, as well as activities provided by this library's staff for her training. Cross-cultural observations are made in respect to automation, professional education, and materials used.  相似文献   

The reference interview is integral to the success of the reference transaction. Thus, learning to conduct an effective reference interview is essential for library and information science students. Despite abundant literature on how to conduct the interview, little research exists on how well library and information science students are applying competencies associated with the reference interview, and how successful their reference interactions are. Through a survey reflection on a course-embedded assignment, this study examines reference success from the point of view of the library and information science student and their patrons. The results of the study have implications for library faculty and employers and reference managers.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of a questionnaire and interview for a study into the use of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library (ATBU), Bauchi, by international students. Areas studied include problems faced by students, services that are new or different from their home countries and services from which they have benefited. The study concludes by proffering solutions to problems identified.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of a questionnaire and interview for a study into the use of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library (ATBU), Bauchi, by international students. Areas studied include problems faced by students, services that are new or different from their home countries and services from which they have benefited. The study concludes by proffering solutions to problems identified.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):478-491
This paper examines the reporter–source interview in television news production. The starting point is that the interview as part of news production is largely ignored as a subject of research, especially considering its central importance in journalism. The interview is usually looked at as a method to gain information from interviewees. This study looks at the interview in a more constructivist way. The central claim is that the interview functions as a “news-generating machine” that compels replies from interviewees that can be used as raw material for news stories. The article brings forth the importance of the “pre-interview”, it examines and exemplifies standard question strategies, such as negative questions, and how the interviewee replies are edited and represented as news. In doing so, the article also shows how certain questions’ strategies are linked with the making of such common news frames as “the problem frame”, “the attraction” and “psychological news narratives”.  相似文献   

The study introduces the pedagogy of listening-based questioning training (LBJQ) for journalism students and journalists. The approach provides basic training and is somewhat different from the usual interview training as LBJQ focuses on training in basic skills: listening and reflective responding skills, as well as the ability to use different types of questions efficiently. The aim of the exercises is to help the journalist to get the most precise information possible from people with various social skills and styles. The article explains theoretical approaches and provides sample exercises for trainers and journalists.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):476-491
This study focuses on how interviewees' utterances are used as resources in news production processes. We examine how these communicative units, here labelled “interview bites”, are integrated in every major aspect of the news production process as well as in the presentation of news reports. Basically, we argue that an interview bite operates in three distinct ways, as (1) a format, (2) a mental representation, and (3) an artefact. Although we claim that it has these different functions, the three dimensions interact and collectively work as powerful motivations for the choices made by reporters throughout the news production process. The data are gathered from field observations of Swedish reporters' work at a major news desk and from in-depth reporter interviews. Theoretically, the study re-visits Clayman's (1995) considerations for enhancing quotability: narrative relevance, conspicuousness and extractability. While maintaining these three basic cornerstones of what makes certain statements quote-worthy, a re-definition of the rationale behind each consideration is needed in order to make them relevant for our understanding of everyday news production practices.  相似文献   

妈祖信俗口述档案访谈中,受访者的选择要根据妈祖信俗的特点进行。应考虑受访者的代表性、受访者所知晓信俗的独特性、受访者的可靠性,要根据受访者背景资料调研设计出妈祖信俗受访者背景资料表。接着,访谈提纲的设计要基于不同的目的、针对不同对象进行,要为宫庙负责人、非物质文化遗产传承人和其他民众准备具有不同侧重点的访谈提纲。  相似文献   

Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data: The Discourse Analytic Method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article presents discourse analysis as a method of analyzing qualitative interview data. Using examples from a study of users' library conceptions, it is argued that participants' interpretations are much more context dependent and variable than normally recognized, and that this has important implications for the use of interview data. Instead of producing definitive versions of participants' action or beliefs, interview data may be used to reveal regular interpretative practices through which participants construct versions of actions, cognitive processes, and other phenomena. This method does not take the individual as the principal unit of analysis, but strives to recognize cultural regularities in participants' accounts to examine the phenomena studied at a macrosociologic level.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):208-214

This study focused on patterns of verbal behavior embedded in the interview process rather than on externalfactors as predictors of outcome. A Markov model was used to map the relationships between interviewer styles, time, and patterns of communication. Each interview was conceptualized as a system, and the categories of verbal behavior were treated as the finite number of states the system could ocupy. Thirteen‐state and three‐state models of the interview systems were constructed which displayed both state probabilities and transition probabilities of the system's states. The basic finding was that although each interview system had different probability structures, the structure of any one system was quite stable over time.  相似文献   

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