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Located in the Vancouver apartment of gay liberation activist and retired professional librarian Ron Dutton, the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives continues to be a major repository of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) historical materials in British Columbia, Canada, after 40 years of activity. This paper draws on ethnographic fieldwork to examine the motivations behind, perceptions of and activities associated with maintaining the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives as a “semipublic” organization that provides archival services for the public in a private home. By creating a textured account of the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives as a home-based organization, this paper articulates an LGBT, community-based approach to archiving. The findings demonstrate that locating an archives in a private home involves a constant negotiation between issues of the public/private divide of what is considered accessible and inaccessible, sustainable and unsustainable, safe and unsafe. This article also articulates how home-based archiving more broadly challenges the divide between personal and institutional archives and contributes to scholarship pertaining to personal, autonomous, grassroots and social movement archives.  相似文献   

This article analyses the formation of the queer archives in Finland. In Finland, the close links between the civil society and the state affect the archiving of social movements’ history. One of the publicly funded private central archives, the Labour Archives (Työväen Arkisto), has taken responsibility of preserving the documents of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) past. This includes documents of activism and associations as well as personal archives and narratives. The article presents the position of the Finnish LGBT collection within the Finnish archival sector and evaluates it in the light of archival theory. The Finnish model of queer archives offers an example of preserving queer pasts in a social history archive that is neither strictly a mainstream archival institution nor an independent activist archive. The article describes the development of queer history and the need to find sources telling about queer lives and discusses the role of the archival institutions and archival science in remembering and forgetting queer pasts. The article reflects also how the archival policies and archival practices affect which pasts are officially remembered and which are forgotten.  相似文献   

Although much has been written about formal archival spaces, little scholarship has addressed the physical spaces of community archives. This paper asks: How do community members imagine the physical spaces that steward identity-based community archives? Based on focus groups with more than 54 community archives users at five different community archives sites across Southern California, this paper examines how members of marginalized communities conceive of the physical space inhabited by community archives representing their communities. The sites explored range from a prominent location on a university campus, to storefronts, strip malls, and small cinderblock buildings. Yet across sites, users spoke about community archives spaces as symbolic and affectively moving locations. Many users described their community archives site as a “home-away-from-home,” marked by intergenerational dialog and a profound sense of belonging. For other users, community archives sites were described as “politically generative spaces” which foster dialog and debate about identity, representation, and activism and enable the community to envision its future. And yet, while the very existence of community archives is political, many participants felt that the full political potential of these sites is not yet realized. By listening to the voices of the communities represented and served by community archives, our research both indicates that a shift is warranted in archival metaphors of space and reveals how community archives are personally and politically transformative spaces for the communities they represent and serve.  相似文献   

Notable radio scholars including Christine Ehrick, Phylis A. Johnson, and Caroline Mitchell have explored critical challenges of gender and sexuality radio research and its importance in relation to communities. A major issue faced in studying the early years of women’s history in broadcast is the ephemeral nature of the medium as many of the voices are lost in the ether, unrecorded or once deemed inessential to archive. Web-based radio and podcast archives provide renewed avenues for listening to lesbian and queer women’s radio across transnational borders yet many long running shows in Canada such as The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio have only recently begun to surface as digital collections. As personal and institutional archives of lesbian and queer women radio begin to reach a public audience, analysis of radio works across decades of LGBTQ2+ activism and feminisms must be traced to understand the role of radio and digital radiogenic media in creating space and identity for queer activism. A turn to the past brings forward questions of analog and digital futures for radio and podcasting space as place to construct and shape queer and especially lesbian communities and identities in the North American broadcasting industry. Through research of notable live and pre-produced content including Dykes on Mykes on CKUT 90.3 FM, and The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio, this work offers an exploration of radio and radiogenic media’s role in creating sonic space for queer and feminist subjectivities.  相似文献   

Community archives have compelled shifts in dominant archival management practices to reflect community agency and values. To analyse these shifts, we ask: In what ways do community archives and their staff challenge traditional archival modes of practice? Do community archives work within or against dominant frameworks for institutional sustainability? Do community archives challenge or replicate dominant custody practices? Based on semi-structured interviews with 17 founders, staff and volunteers at 12 Southern California community archives, this research examines the diverse models of practice utilised by community archives practitioners that diverge from and challenge standard practices in the field. By addressing these questions, our research uncovers a variety of models of practice employed by communities in Southern California to autonomously create and sustain their archives.  相似文献   

This article analyses two long-running gay and lesbian radio programs from the BBC from the 1990s to highlight different approaches to notions of identity and definition, based on items that focused on interactions with physical space, both public and private. The weekly program Gay and Lesbian London broadcast in London on BBC GLR94.9 contained items that constructed a different relationship between gay identity and locations, compared to Gaytalk on BBC GMR, and its relationship with Manchester. By exploring the significance of gay and lesbian radio in relation to ideas around community, and its relationship with the editorial narrative, the paper argues there is fluidity between community and identity. The subsequent analysis of the radio output in the two programs focuses on the intersection between spatial relationships and sexuality. Content from the Manchester program foregrounded the prominence of the city’s commercial area, the Gay Village, in queer lives, while in London, domesticity and dispersed community apart from the gay scene dominated the narrative. The way these two programs mediated the relationship between communities of listeners and their locations throws light on gay and lesbian experiences during an important period of social and political change.  相似文献   

Jessie Lymn is a PhD Candidate at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and a casual academic in the Information Studies programs at both UTS and Charles Sturt University. Her doctoral research focuses on the archival practices of subcultural communities and how this furthers temporal and spatial understandings of archives.

Building on Eichhorn’s concept of ‘archival genres’, this article considers the recent spate of zine anthologies published in Australia and the United States as examples of these genres. It proposes that the anthologies are archives of content, form and practice, given that they commonly reproduce entire zines as visual material, not just text, and are produced by members of zine communities. This article argues that the anthologies’ narratives, presentation and distribution preserve ideologies of zine culture and that archival genres create spaces for the preservation of practices.  相似文献   

杨静 《档案学研究》2018,32(1):75-80
“互联网+档案”时代,作为档案事业重要参与主体的档案用户应该受到学术界及实践领域的更多重视。积极推动档案潜在用户的转化是“互联网+”时代特征的要求,也能为增强档案价值的社会认同感、践行档案工作基本原则、寻求档案工作突破口寻找灵感。本文拟从加强档案用户研究与思维创新,推动档案网站服务的个性化、交互性和社会化,共建共享,跨界融合等角度得出自己的思考,以期对档案用户工作及潜在用户的发掘有所启示。  相似文献   

《工商档案管理学》蕴含着陆时万系统而丰富的档案思想,如关于企业档案及其管理的概念认知、价值认识、职能设计等方面的思想。作为时代的产物,《工商档案管理学》及其档案思想固然存在一定的局限性,但此种对工商领域档案管理的探究拓宽了近代档案管理工作与研究的范围,且在工商档案管理工作界定中展现出超前的服务意识。给予该讲义必要的关注和解读,对全面把握近代档案思想遗产,深入研究企业档案管理的历史传统,有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article proposes a theoretical framework for managing records documenting human rights abuse based on five key principles learned from community archives discourses: participation, shared stewardship, multiplicity, archival activism, and reflexivity. In shifting the focus of human rights archives to these core community-centric values, this paper proposes a survivor-centered approach to such records and argues that survivors should maintain control over the decision-making processes related to records documenting their abuse.  相似文献   

档案科技项目管理是档案部门一项重要的工作,是科技兴档的重要手段。本文就如何开展好档案科技项目管理,从过程管理的各个环节入手,对档案科技立项管理工作进行了探索和总结,提出了档案科技立项工作规范化的过程管理,便于档案部门对科技立项工作的深入了解和具体操作。  相似文献   

档案文化源于档案及档案现象,是一种包括了物质载体和附着信息形成过程的管理规则。档案文化理论以中国特色社会主义文化观为基础,根本价值是建构档案学理论与参与包括社会记忆、国家治理等在内的各种社会活动,核心内容在于认同,衍生部分包括档案职业大赛、档案展览和档案电视片等等。  相似文献   

孙军 《档案学研究》2021,35(6):47-51
档案权属原则及界定规则是健全档案法律制度的法理基础,是制定档案管理措施的逻辑前提。当前在我国企业所有制经济结构快速调整过程中,档案权属的确立能够及时定分止争,保护权利人的档案权益,促进档案效用得到最大程度的发挥。新《档案法》沿袭了旧法的思路,规避了档案的权属立法,实施中不仅会弱化档案管理举措的实效,也与档案司法保护制度衔接不畅,难以支撑《档案法》域外适用效力的实现。因此,明确档案的权属主体原则、建立档案权属界定规则,并依托档案权属扩展档案法律的域外适用效力是档案法律制度完善的必然选择。  相似文献   

赵跃 《档案学研究》2019,33(5):52-60
大数据时代兴起的数据化浪潮引发档案界对档案数据化趋势的关注。档案数据化被认为是档案数字化发展的新阶段,它是指档案部门以用户需求和业务需要为导向,将数字档案资源转换为可供阅读、分析和处理的档案数据资源的过程。档案数据化对大数据时代档案工作的数据转型与纵深发展具有重要现实意义,它有助于突破档案信息资源深度开发瓶颈、创新以需求为导向的档案服务模式以及推动档案管理业务流程实现智慧化。但由于诸多不确定性因素的存在,档案数据化工作同样面临困境,主要体现为政策与动力层面的困境、人才与技术层面的困境。  相似文献   

档案职业声望评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴红 《山西档案》2004,(2):15-19
档案职业声望是人们对档案职业社会地位的主观价值评价,是决定档案职业生存和发展的重要指标。章论述了档案职业声望及其研究意义,并根据实际调查对档案职业声望进行了部分评价。试图说明,职业声望的变化是促使劳动进行职业选择的重要动力,而档案职业声望研究的目的在于使从业产生对档案职业的认同意识,推动档案职业的构成、配置向均衡化、合理化、高级化发展。  相似文献   

浅议抗战档案在抗日专题展中的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战档案是抗日战争时期形成并流传和保存下来的文献、实物、照片等原始档案资料,反映了抗日战争的原始面貌,是抗战展览的珍贵实物。文章从抗战档案的权威性和史实性谈起,结合新四军纪念馆的展览工作,对抗战档案的重要地位和作用进行分析,以将抗战档案中延伸出来的抗战文化在新时期得到传承和弘扬。  相似文献   

文章选取了三种可能作为档案职业资格认证的主体,即以国家档案局为代表的档案行政部门、以档案学会为代表的行业组织和以人力资源和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心为代表的国家认证机构,并对这三者作为档案职业认证主体的可行性以及存在的障碍进行了分析,试图为中国档案职业资格认证制度的确立寻找解决之道。  相似文献   

谭必勇  陈珍 《档案学研究》2017,31(6):117-124
本文旨在从社群档案视角探索体制外档案资源进入国家公共档案资源体系的路径与方式。在分析澳大利亚“强制收养历史项目”历史源起的基础上,梳理了澳大利亚国家档案馆在“强制收养历史项目”诞生前后发挥的特殊作用,认为“强制收养历史项目”初步形成了以社群成员共同经历为基础、政府力量为主导、非政府组织多方联动的社群档案资源体系构建模式,为创建我国体制外社群档案资源进入体制内公共档案资源体系的常态化机制提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Marian Hoy 《Archival Science》2011,11(3-4):391-408
When emerging professionals start working in archival institutions, libraries and museums (also referred to as collecting institutions), they bring knowledge and skills gained through internships, formal study, volunteer activities and previous work experience. They learn new processes quickly, are passionate about working with holdings or collections and are keen to build their knowledge. They gain exposure to the different disciplines that are reflected in the roles of archival institutions, libraries and museums as they build their professional identity and consider future career directions. What else do they need? A research study about the experiences of a group of individuals embarking on first or subsequent careers and starting new positions in collecting institutions found that relationships were an essential component in developing their skills and knowledge and planning their future directions. The article would be of interest to students looking ahead to working in an archives, library or museum and exploring career paths; supervisors and mentors who work with emerging professionals; professional associations and communities of practice; and educators who have a role in developing curriculum in educational or workplace contexts.  相似文献   

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