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采用问卷调查和数理统计方法探讨了运动员应激评价结果与应对方式之间的关系及一般自我效能感的影响作用。结果表明:①运动员主要将临场应激评价为挑战性和威胁性压力,评价为挑战性压力时,运动员倾向于采用情绪应对和问题应对;评价为威胁性压力时,运动员倾向于采用回避应对。②一般自我效能感与挑战性和威胁性压力不存在显著性相关关系,但与问题应对呈显著性正相关,与回避应对呈显著性负相关。③一般自我效能感对应激评价结果与应对方式的关系具有显著的调节作用,这一调节作用主要表现为:随着挑战性压力水平的升高,一般自我效能感较高的个体趋向于问题应对,一般自我效能感较低的个体趋向于情绪应对;随着威胁性压力水平的升高,一般自我效能感较高的个体趋向于情绪应对和超越应对,一般自我效能感较低的个体趋向于回避应对。  相似文献   

学风建设是学生管理工作中的重要内容,加强学风建设离不开对学生主体身份的认同.本次研究基于学生本位理念,采用网络问卷调查法,以我校社会体育学院2017级与2018级学生为主要研究对象,以促进学风建设为落脚点,理论研究和实证研究相结合,旨在深入探析影响学生学习状态的具体因素分布状况,从而提出应对机制与干预措施,改善学生学习...  相似文献   

本研究主要采用问卷调查、数理统计、文献资料等方法,在普通高校推行教师绩效管理改革的背景下,对广东省普通高校体育教师职业压力及其应对方式状况进行调查,结果显示:58%的被调查者认为高校体育教师是一种压力"较大"或"很大"的职业,其主要压力来源体现在:工作负荷、自我发展需要、学生因素和职业期望等四个方面;普通高校体育教师普遍采用积极的应对方式,其应对方式在性别、职称、学历存在差异;体育锻炼作为一种有效的应对方式被广东省普通高校体育教师群体所普遍使用。最后从完善绩效考核体系、提高教师压力的认知和科学参与体育锻炼等方面提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

从大学生就业指导工作实践出发,考察了体育院校大学生就业压力应对方式的基本特点。对984名体育院校大四本科生进行了问卷调查,结果表明:①体育院校大学生就业压力应对方式包括三个因子:自我提升、发泄倾诉、心态调节。②女生在自我提升和心态调节两个因子的水平高于男生,在发泄倾诉因子的水平低于男生。③体育教育、民族传统体育和非体育专业的学生在自我提升和心态调节两个因素水平高于运动训练专业学生,运动训练专业的学生在发泄与倾诉因素水平高于其他各专业学生。体育院校大学生就业压力应对方式存在显著的性别与专业差异。  相似文献   

运用质性研究法,分析、归纳羽毛球运动员比赛压力源和应对策略,为高水平羽毛球运动员的比赛情绪管理提供研究依据.以14名中国羽毛球队运动员的比赛总结为研究资料,通过码号登录、开放编码和主轴编码,分别得到赛前压力源与应对策略、临场压力源与应对策略的一级与二级编码主题.主题分析的结果表明,运动员的赛前压力来自于比赛结果期望和自我状态、能力感之间的心理差异,趋近应对和回避应对是赛前应对的2个策略;运动员的临场压力来自对每一球的直接结果期望和阻碍期望实现的压力反应与逆境挑战的心理冲突,应对临场压力的主要策略是战术应用、临场变化和争取暂停.  相似文献   

以洛阳师院体育学院50名学生为研究对象,在体操课中进行自我保护方法的教学实验.结果表明:加强自我保护方法的理论和实践教学,既可以明显提高学生自我保护的意识和能力、有效避免或减少损伤的发生、降低损伤的程度,保护其相关部位,还能提高学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进身体素质的发展和体操动作技能的形成,全面提高体操教学的质量.  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员的压力来源与应对策略研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用半结构式访谈法深入探讨我国职业足球运动员的压力来源和应对策略。结果发现,我国职业足球运动员的压力来源主要有比赛的压力、人际关系的压力、生涯发展的压力、身心状况的压力、他人和自我期望的压力;采用的应对策略主要为心理积极准备、比赛压力管理、消极应付、宣泄、寻求社会支持与忍受,其中积极性应对策略占61.07%,消极性应对策略占38.93%。依据研究结果分析其原因和特点,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

文章通过文献资料法阐述了体育生活化以及生活方式的概念极其涵义,通过观察法、问卷调查法、数据统计与逻辑分析法等,以湖北科技学院的学生为例,对体育生活化背景下大学生生活方式进行了调查与分析,得出:大学生由于健身意识淡薄,体育能力较差,学习压力过大等等原因,促使他们更多的业余时间用于应对学习考试和网络游戏,用于体育健身的时间很少.文章试图通过这些调查与分析找出引导大学生健康生活方式的有效途径,使大学生在校期间能形成一种与现代社会相适应的体育生活方式.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等,以美国体育学院为研究个案,分析其教练员教育的现状,主要结论:美国体育学院教练员学历教育主要为学生胜任教练员工作岗位奠定基础,教练员继续教育主要满足在职教练员的认证;入学形式灵活;学习形式多样;以教练员领域的理论课程为主,安排少量的运动项目技能课程;专业课程考核方式有差异,注重实践课程考核;学生毕业要求较高.建议我国体育院校教练员培养应在专业方向上使培养目标具体化;制定不同层次的教练员教育计划;进一步完善招生入学条件;遵循以职业为导向、以能力为本位的原则,优化课程结构;全面综合地考核专业课程并重视实践课程考核;适度延长学制,提供多种学习形式;注重与体育组织合作,提供多样化的教练员继续教育计划;加强专业师资队伍建设.  相似文献   

体育学院学报科研论文调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在调查统计的基础上,通过分析和研究国家体委直属六所体育学院1980—1987年各期学报论文的学科类别、项目比例及主要科研课题的一般指数,总结体育学院科研经验和学术特点,分析体育学院的科研规律和学报特色,力求探讨我国体育学院的科研方向与发展趋势,为上级科研主管部门、各体育学院的科研组织部门及学报编辑工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the ways in which coping style and situational appraisals are related to the consistency of using approach and avoidance coping strategies for skilled Australian basketball referees (n = 133) after three game-related stressful events. The events, ‘making a mistake’, ‘aggressive reactions by coaches or players’ and ‘presence of important others’, were determined from previous research on sources of acute stress among basketball officials. Our findings indicated that: referees exhibited consistent avoidance, but not approach, coping styles; they used more avoidance than approach strategies; and they perceived stress to be positively correlated with approach, and negatively associated with avoidance, coping strategies. These findings suggest that individual differences exist in perceptions of stress (i.e. situational appraisals), controllability and coping styles among moderately and highly skilled basketball referees. The implications for teaching cognitive and behavioural strategies for effective coping with acute stress in basketball officiating are discussed.  相似文献   

Coping in sport: A systematic review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper was to systematically review the literature on coping in sport, examining evidence for both the trait and process perspectives, the types of coping strategies used by athletes, gender differences, age-related differences, and coping effectiveness. A comprehensive literature search of SPORTdiscus, PsychLIT, and PsychINFO in November 2004 yielded 64 studies spanning 16 years (1988 - 2004). The results indicated that athletes use a variety of coping strategies. Forty-six papers supported or adopted the process perspective (Lazarus, 1999; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). There were also gender and age-related differences. Evidence was found to support three of the different models of coping effectiveness (goodness-of-fit approach, choice of coping strategy, and automacity). Based on this evidence, future research should address some of the methodological and measurement limitations of the sport psychology coping literature. In particular, prospective research designs that minimize the time delay between recall and the stressful experience are required to assess how coping changes over time. More attention to developmental issues to guide the formulation of sport-specific models to enhance our theoretical understanding is also required. Finally, coping effectiveness should be examined both in the short and long term, as a greater understanding of coping effectiveness has the potential to make a significant impact on applied practice.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between coping strategies and attentional bias after a sport competition. We administered the Ways of Coping Checklist (Paulhan, Nuissier, Quintard, Cousson, & Bourgeois, 1994) to 145 athletes immediately after they had participated in a sport competition. We also assessed attentional bias using a dot probe detection task. Results revealed that emotion-focused coping strategies led athletes to orient their attention away from threat, whereas athletes who adopted problem-focused coping strategies focused their attention toward threat. More precisely, problem-focused coping strategies are related to a facilitated detection of threat, not to disengagement difficulties. The vigilance attentional bias seems to be a compensatory strategy to cope with a stressful situation, such as sport competition.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the interactive effects of hardiness (high vs. low hardiness) and anxiety direction (facilitators vs. debilitators) on performers' competitive anxiety intensity responses, self-confidence levels and the frequency and effectiveness of coping usage. Significant interaction effects showed that the high hardiness/facilitators reported the greatest use of planning, active coping and effort strategies during stressful competitive situations and viewed this use as more effective in dealing with these situations than the other groups. Main effects for hardiness on the competitive anxiety response and self-confidence revealed the high hardiness group to have lower levels of worry and somatic anxiety and higher levels of self-confidence than the low hardiness group. These findings have important implications for the development of hardiness-related coping strategies in sport performers.  相似文献   

女游泳运动员大负荷训练中的情绪和应对方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查女游泳运动员 6周大负荷训练中的情绪和应对方式 ,了解她们在大负荷训练中的心理特点 ,为提高游泳运动员在大负荷训练中的心理承受能力提供依据。研究表明 ,女游泳运动员大负荷训练中的情绪变化受负荷总量变化的影响 ,优秀运动员在大负荷训练感受中肌体劳累 ,精神疲倦和自我怀疑百分数均高于普通运动员。在大负荷训练应对方式中 ,优秀运动员宣泄和回避的百分数低于普通运动员 ,自我激励 ,寻求他人支持 ,自我安慰 ,关注队友感受等维度的百分数高于普通运动员。提示在大负荷训练中 ,优秀运动员似乎更倾向采用积极应对方式。  相似文献   

师范院校大学生体育锻炼与应对方式关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察大学生应对方式与体育锻炼之间的关系。采用问卷调查法对江西师范大学的342名人学生的应对方式和身体锻炼的关系进行调查分析,研究表明:大学生一般应对方式与体育锻炼之间存在着显著相关关系;问题解决应付方式与锻炼兴趣之间存在着显著的相关,但其它应付方式之间却没有相关。  相似文献   

冰壶高水平竞技比赛具有应激性特征,冰壶运动员比赛所采取的应对策略,是其参赛能力的重要标志和其竞技能力的重要组成部分。分析了冰壶运动员比赛压力特征及成因,探讨了冰壶运动员应对方式的影响因素和获得途径,指出冰壶运动员应对策略是冰壶运动员心理素质的重要表现。从树立信心,采取积极的应对方式;建立认知对策库,提高冰壶运动员比赛认知能力和快速适应比赛的能力;制定冰壶运动员个性化的应对训练程序,实施个性化的应对训练方案,评价应对效果等方面,阐述了冰壶运动员的比赛应对策略,旨在促进冰壶运动员最佳竞技状态的形成,指导冰壶运动训练和比赛。  相似文献   

大学生应激应对方式与体质健康的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大学生的应激应对方式和体质健康进行实证性调查与分析,并对两者的相关性进行研究。结果发现:大学生的应激应对水平较高,有34.7%的大学生一直“对可能有压力的事件或情景早做准备”,只有3.5%的大学生从未早做准备;有49.9%的大学生一直“寻求亲密的人释放感情和给予帮助”,只有3.9%的大学生从未“寻求亲密的人释放感情和给予帮助”;大学生的应激应对方式与体质健康呈显著性相关。  相似文献   

应对的理论研究及其在运动领域的应用现状和发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在应对的研究中,存在人格功能理论、情景理论和相互作用理论,而人格特质和情景因素的交互作用模式是研究应对的比较科学的研究取向。运动领域应对的研究主要涉及到运动员的压力源、应对方式及其影响因素、应对方式量表等方面。在今后的应对研究中,应注重心理防御机制和积极应对方式及后果的研究,并且要探寻个性化的应对训练程序,这样才能使应对的理论研究和运动实践有效地结合起来。  相似文献   


Purpose of this study was to externally validate and test a conceptual transient model involving six paths that linked sources of acute stress to avoidance and approach coping styles among Turkish basketball referees. The sample consisted of 125 Turkish basketball referees ranging in age from 18 to 36 years (mean = 25.58. σ = 3.69). The path analysis tested the relationships simultaneously from stressors, in consecutive order, distractions, subpar performance and verbal abuse, to coping styles, first both avoidance-cognitive and approach-cognitive, and then approach-behaviour. Results indicated that the model achieved a good fit and that all paths tested simultaneously were significant. The distractions stressor was positively related to subpar performance, which, in turn, was positively related to verbal abuse. Verbal abuse was negatively associated with an avoidance-cognitive coping style and positively related to the approach-cognitive coping style. The results also supported a crossover effect of both avoidance-cognitive and approach-cognitive on approach-behaviour. One implication of this study is that coping should be studied in naturally occurring stages, a process-oriented approach. Another implication is that approach and avoidance coping styles, each sub-divided into cognitive and behavioural categories, provide a meaningful framework which provides sports officials a coherent structure for learning and improving ways to cope with acute stress experienced during the contest.  相似文献   

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