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因特网上获取生物信息的方式很多,但利用Google能快速准确地获取生物信息学数据。一、Google的使用技巧1.Google的关键词搜索。Google对查询要求“一字不差”。例如:对遗传物质“脱氧核糖核酸”和“脱氧核糖核苷酸”的搜索,会出现不同的结果,即出现的结果分别是2071项查询结果和1683项查询结果。在搜索时,可以采用关键词检索。所使用的关键词可以是字、单词,也可以是短语、词组或句子。使用检索时非常简单,只要在搜索框内输入一个关键词,如“:基因突变”然后点击“Google搜索”按钮,结果就出来了。但单个关键词搜索得到的信息量巨大,会带…  相似文献   

在移动搜索日趋普遍和手机应用(APP)数量迅速增长的背景下,研究用户移动搜索行为与APP交互之间的关联,可以掌握用户在移动互联网环境下的搜索习惯,为用户提供更好的移动搜索服务。本文通过对在校大学生15天的手机日志挖掘和调查,分析了大学生的移动搜索会话、查询式与APP交互之间的关系,以及搜索时间、搜索主题与APP类型要素之间的关系。研究发现,大学生在移动搜索会话中,会较多地发生与其他APP的交互,其搜索途径更加丰富,查询式提交过程中的跨应用特征较为明显;大学生使用不同APP以及搜索不同主题信息时,搜索持续时长存在差异;大学生搜索参考类、购物类等信息时会偏向使用垂直类搜索引擎,而使用浏览与搜索类APP和社交类APP时,搜索主题十分广泛;大学生对同一主题类型信息的搜索,搜索时间不同也会影响APP的使用类型。图7。表2。参考文献30。  相似文献   

Google的搜索技巧1.关于布尔逻辑“与”——and,在Google查询时不需要使用“and”,因为Google会在关键词之间自动添加“and”,如果想逐步缩小搜索范围,只需输入更多的关键词;“或”——OR,要大写。在逻辑符号前后要加空格,否则会漏检,关键词间也要注意使用空格对结果的影响,如:输入“飞机发动机”,与“飞机发动机”检索结果不一样,前者作为一个词去找,后者则是作为两词求“与”逻辑。2.网页快照Google可贮存网页的快照,当网页服务器暂时中断时仍可浏览该网页的内容。若找不到服务器,则Google暂存的网页可以救急,尽管…  相似文献   

2004年10月.著名的Google将搜索带入了手机中.用户只需要发送一条短信便可以搜索想要查询的信息.可以将搜索结果保存到手机桌面上.也可以通过点击网页上的图标来查看信息。  相似文献   

新一代搜索引擎Google   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对Google搜索引擎的检索功能进行了评价,并对其查询结果如何阅览以图表的方式进行了介绍,对Yahoo、Google等搜索引擎的搜索方法进行了概述,同时展望了下一代搜索引擎.  相似文献   

新一代搜索引擎Coogle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文Google搜索引擎的检索功能进行了评价,并对其查询结果如何阅览以图表的方式进行了介绍,对Yahoo、Google等搜索引擎的搜索方法进行了概述,同时展望了下一代搜索引擎。  相似文献   

曾被喻为创新机器的Google,连同盛极一时的古格尔教(Google宗教),正在全球范围内经历一个不可逆转的去魅过程。Google还在创新吗?面对诸多创意迭出的第三代搜索引擎的出现,PageRank算法——Google所赖以成名的利器,似乎并没有给我们提供一个比其他搜索引擎更相关或者呈现方式更好的搜索结果。  相似文献   

Google Scholar与PubMed搜索比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Google Scholar是综合性的搜索引擎,PubMed是专业性的搜索数据库,两个系统的共同点是都能搜索学术文章,但由于两者拥有不相同的搜索数据及搜索方式的极不相同,返回的结果往往不同。通过对Google Scholar和PubMed做各种不同的搜索试验,对搜索结果进行比较和对比,得出两个系统之间的不同之处,发现造成这些不同的原因,以更清晰地了解Google Scholar和PubMed各自的搜索能力。  相似文献   

9月22日,Google成功地把Google图书预览直接嵌入到其网站中。基于GBS(Google Book Search,Google图书搜索)技术的嵌入式图书预览将很快出现在图书零售商和出版商的网站上,如B00KS—a—Million,0’Reilly和Macmillan,它也将出现在加利福尼亚大学和得克萨斯大学等一些大学的图书馆目录上。  相似文献   

本研究旨在揭示用户在移动端信息搜索中的搜索路径特征如何对搜索效果产生影响。通过用户实验的方法,在同一任务情境下设计两种不同的搜索任务,量化并提取路径长度、深度、复杂度和新颖度4个搜索路径特征,采用模糊集定性比较分析(fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis,fsQCA)方法,探索不同路径特征的组合对搜索效果的影响。本研究发现了6种带来高信息搜索效果的搜索路径特征组态,归纳出了3类可以带来高信息搜索效果的搜索路径模式:快速浏览型、查询探索型和查询保守型。本研究的创新点在于从组态的视角揭示了搜索路径特征与搜索效果之间的多重并发因果关系。  相似文献   

This essay examines the beta tool from Google, Google Dataset Search. The Google Dataset Search, announced in September 2018, is a search engine specific to finding research data published on the internet. The structure and methods of the search engine are examined, as well as the methods Google recommends to web developers to make it an effective tool across the World Wide Web. The column concludes with a discussion of the pros and cons of this tool in the research information landscape.  相似文献   

Google is the single largest driver of traffic to library Web sites and digital repositories, and librarians would do well to listen when the search giant reveals information about its practices or makes recommendations. Recently, Google announced that it would begin to favor Web sites that use the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) in its search results rankings. HTTPS encrypts data transmission and one of Google's stated reasons for this change is to help make the Web safer and minimize data theft. Similar announcements by Google have sometimes been ignored by librarians, to the peril of the visibility and use of library products and services on the Web.  相似文献   

Google Scholar is a free service that provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly works and to connect patrons with the resources libraries provide. The researchers in this study analyzed Google Scholar usage data from 2006 for three library tools at San Francisco State University: SFX link resolver, Web Access Management proxy server, and ILLiad interlibrary loan server. Overall, the data suggested that Google Scholar had become a very useful resource in the library and was a significant addition to the library's collection of research databases. SFX data revealed requests from Google Scholar grew ten-fold from 2006 to 2011, and that Google Scholar became the top-ranked SFX source for requests in 2011. Library patrons favored Google Scholar over San Francisco State University's federated search tool, MetaLib, and it has become an important source for interlibrary loan requests. Analysis of San Francisco State University usage data will assist other libraries in their decisions about the implementation of Google Scholar.  相似文献   

This article critically examines four Google search products (Google Advanced Search, Google News Advanced Search, Google Books Advanced Search, and Google Advanced Scholar Search) and shows how each uses metadata to enhance or improve search results. In addition, the article shows how metadata can increase search precision and recall in information discovery systems. From a library perspective, this article analyzes some of the metadata-enabled features of Google's advanced search pages and compares these features to those found in a typical online library catalog. From a serials perspective, Google News Advanced Search demonstrates how Google indexes news websites, sites that are essentially continuing resources. As Google incorporates more and more metadata functionality into its advanced search pages, they increasingly begin to function more like online library catalogs and less like search pages found in a traditional Internet search engine. The simple search box has many limitations, and like libraries, Google is increasingly creating and offering metadata-enabled search features that improve search precision and recall in its products.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper investigated the impact of the advanced search features of three common search engines on retrieval result performance: Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The authors analyzed 240 search queries with different information need emphases to determine retrieval effectiveness differences among regular search, title search, exact phrase search, and PDF file format restriction search. A one-way ANOVA method and regression analysis method were used for the study. It was found that the PDF file format restriction search achieved the best retrieval performance among Yahoo, Google and Live Search. The regular search achieved the best web page ranking performance among Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The findings of this study can be used to assist users in formulating an appropriate search strategy to improve search effectiveness, and to shed light on how search engines react to different types of search features in terms of retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   



Google Scholar is often used to search for medical literature. Numbers of results reported by Google Scholar outperform the numbers reported by traditional databases. How reliable are these numbers? Why are often not all available 1,000 references shown?


For several complex search strategies used in systematic review projects, the number of citations and the total number of versions were calculated. Several search strategies were followed over a two-year period, registering fluctuations in reported search results.


Changes in numbers of reported search results varied enormously between search strategies and dates. Theories for calculations of the reported and shown number of hits were not proved.


The number of hits reported in Google Scholar is an unreliable measure. Therefore, its repeatability is problematic, at least when equal results are needed.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper investigated the impact of the advanced search features of three common search engines on retrieval result performance: Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The authors analyzed 240 search queries with different information need emphases to determine retrieval effectiveness differences among regular search, title search, exact phrase search, and PDF file format restriction search. A one-way ANOVA method and regression analysis method were used for the study. It was found that the PDF file format restriction search achieved the best retrieval performance among Yahoo, Google and Live Search. The regular search achieved the best web page ranking performance among Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The findings of this study can be used to assist users in formulating an appropriate search strategy to improve search effectiveness, and to shed light on how search engines react to different types of search features in terms of retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   


Google Scholar has multiple uses as a reference tool of last resort, including citation completion, an alternative when catalogs are down, and interdisciplinary metasearching and database suggestion. During the reference desk transaction, users can be taught effective Google Scholar search techniques such as advanced search functionality and the nuances of results' groupings. In addition, reference desk interactions with Google Scholar give insight for instructional workshops.  相似文献   

Google搜索引擎及其技术简介   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
搜索引擎已经成为人们网络:生活必不可少的工具,因此,国内外的各种搜索引擎纷纷出现。而Google搜索引擎以其雄厚的技术为支撑,凭借其强大的检索功能和高质量的检索服务,逐渐吸引和留住了世界各地的大量网民,成为了世界上最著名的搜索引擎之一。本文在介绍Google基本概况、检索特色及特色功能的基础上,介绍了其核心技术及工作机理,最后对其发展趋势作了分析。  相似文献   

Web hyperlink analysis has been a key topic of Webometric research. However, inlink data collection from commercial search engines has been limited to only one source in recent years, which is not a promising prospect for the future development of the field. We need to tap into other Web data sources and to develop new methods. Toward this end, we propose a new Webometrics concept that is based on words rather than inlinks on Webpages. We propose that word co-occurrences on Webpages can be a measure of the relatedness of organizations. Word co-occurrence data can be collected from both general search engines and blog search engines, which expands data sources greatly. The proposed concept is tested in a group of companies in the LTE and WiMax sectors of the telecommunications industry. Data on the co-occurrences of company names on Webpages were collected from Google and Google Blog. The co-occurrence matrices were analyzed using MDS. The resulting MDS maps were compared with industry reality and with the MDS maps from co-link analysis. Results show that Web co-word analysis could potentially be as useful as Web co-link analysis. Google Blog seems to be a better source than Google for co-word data collection.  相似文献   

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