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“体育科学研究方法”专栏的开设始自张力为博士的一个想法。当时我曾委托他为本刊主持一个专题 ,而对学问严肃又负责的他却迟迟没有组到自认为合格的稿子。交流中我们谈起目前体育学术界在研究方法上存在的问题种种 ,不久就有了他的 12篇关于研究方法的文章寄来 ,看来他已是厚积薄发。于是 ,我们想索性办个专栏 ,引发更多学者的关注和参与。我们请姜达维教授审阅了张博士的文章 ,便有了网上精彩的对话和更多思想火花的迸发。“体育科学研究方法”专栏就在这样一个充满激情与智慧的讨论中开场了。  相似文献   

83年中国“长城杯”足球锦标赛期间,《体育报》曾在头版连续刊载七篇评球文章,文章署名“特约评论员”。岂不知,这位足球行家却是袁世海老先生。袁老的“球瘾”可不亚于小青年,不吃饭也要连看两场球;有一场好球他要看不上,就会连续几天怅然若失。他为什么对足球如此痴迷,请看《名人与体育》专栏文章。  相似文献   

在2008年,我们编辑部决定邀请周登嵩老师对"新时期体育教师如何进行科研"进行系列演讲,有两个原因:第一,7号文件和阳光体育活动的推行,给学校体育带来了一个良好的发展环境,但要在这个良好环境中有所作为,提升教师自身素质尤为重要,这其中提升科研能力,开阔视野也就迫在眉睫;第二,在中文体育期刊网上,周登嵩老师多年前就为学校体育写关于体育科研方面的文章,且一直为广大教师所关注,检索引文次数的前五位,均是周老师的科研辅导文章。几期专栏下来,周老师的文章再度受到了广大读者的欢迎,作为编辑,我们感到了些许欣慰,也非常感谢广大教师对我们工作的支持,本期我们选择了一名基层教师的来信,以下是他的一番心声,请广大读者一同倾听。  相似文献   

从科学方法论的角度对系统科学在体育科学中的方法论进行了讨论。结果表明,系统科学推动了体育科学研究方法的革命;系统科学在辩证唯物主义和体育科学研究之间架构了桥梁;系统科学为我们提供了体育科学的一般模式;系统科学提供了“问题”的模型,为我们开发有价值的研究课题打下了基础。  相似文献   

刘琴芳 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):141-143
通过献资料研究、访谈调查、实地研究等方法,在了解学校体育科研现状的基础上,结合体育教师的工作性质和科研素质的实际状况,就学校体育科学研究方法论中存在的一些问题及其进行“质的研究”作一初步探讨,以开阔学校体育科研工作方法论的视野。  相似文献   

对毛泽东体育辩证法思想的探讨周志俊,魏名国毛泽东的体育思想内容十分丰富。我们在研读毛泽东的有关体育的文章和论述中,发现其中“充满了辩证唯物论”的珍宝。研究和继承他的体育辩证法思想,不仅对推动我国体育事业的发展具有直接指导意义,而且对经济建设和改革开放...  相似文献   

杜金 《精武》2013,(19):84-85
我国在寻求发展的过程中提出了“以人为本”的科学发展观,那么教育就必须适应发展的需要,因此我们的教育必须要“以人为本”,体育是德、智、体、美、劳中的一个方面,体育教育也应该坚持“以人为本”,在体育的过程中体现人文精神,让体育为人的全面发展起到其应有的作用。文章着重分析学校体育中的所体现的人文因素,探讨研究人文科学融合于体育教学的必要性及其方法和途径。  相似文献   

本文从建立体育科研方法论的实际需要出发,将体育科学研究投映于人类科学研究的宏观背景上,以自然科学研究和社会科学研究为参照系,分析了体育科学研究的“两栖性”和“主客体同一性”特点。  相似文献   

体育学术论文常见的疏误及分析武汉体育学院赵蕴一、前言体育学术论文是对体育学术领域中的问题进行研究和探讨,表述体育科学研究成果和作者观点、见解的文章。对体育函授生来说,掌握科学研究和撰写科研论文的方法是其必修的课程和应具备的基本功。从我们调查研究的结果...  相似文献   

在中华人民共和国体育史上,1952年是具有特殊意义的一年。这一年发生了许多重大体育事件,而正是这些重大事件确立了新中国体育发展的指导思想、组织管理体制以及积极参与国际体育交往和国际奥林匹克运动的方针。为使读者了解1952年发生的重大体育事件,本刊特辟“新体育———1952”专栏,以示纪念。除专栏中刊登的文章外,本期其他栏目中刊登的《未英胡同的故事》和纪念马约翰先生的文章,以及《荣高棠体育传略》(连载)中也涉及与此相关的内容。我们希望通过这些回忆和评论获得新的启示。  相似文献   

研究问题与统计方法的有机配合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在实证性研究的设计阶段.研究者应明确研究课题,界定自变量、因变量、控制变量和协变量的操作定义和相互关系,并根据研究课题和变量关系选择合适的统计技术。分别讨论了分析变量关系、探讨组间差异、预测组别隶属以及考察变量结构这四类统计技术解答的研究问题,并通过科研实例介绍了根据研究问题选择统计技术的思路。特别指出。一个研究问题通常可以由多个统计方法加以解决。  相似文献   

结构公式模型是根据因果关系假设,同时求解由多元变量构成的一组线性方程的方法。它由反映观测变量与潜在变量之间关系的测量模型和反映潜在变量之间关系的结构模型两部分组成,其最典型特征是要求研究者在理论指导下对变量间关系作出明确假设。结构公式模型是目前惟一能够对所有变量关系同时进行完整分析的统计技术,它的产生与应用,反映了社会科学研究的复杂化和多元化。通过实例介绍了将研究问题与结构公式模型有机结合的方法:  相似文献   

In order to determine the usefulness of neural models in optimisation of recruitment processes, statistical analyses were carried out on measured results of javelin throwers using a full take off. A group of 140 Polish junior javelin throwers took part in the research. In order to choose the optimum combination of model parameters the Hellwig method was used. Linear and multilayer perceptron neural models were constructed and used to calculate combinations of variables. Statistical analysis of the results showed that the linear model was not able to describe precisely the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables for the investigated group of young javelin throwers. For the investigated group, the perceptron network with a 4-3-2-1 structure gave the best predictive relationship for sports results of the javelin throwers.  相似文献   

There has been a recent resurgence in debate about methods for statistical inference in science. The debate addresses statistical concepts and their impact on the value and meaning of analyses’ outcomes. In contrast, philosophical underpinnings of approaches and the extent to which analytical tools match philosophical goals of the scientific method have received less attention. This short piece considers application of the scientific method to “what-is-the-influence-of x-on-y” type questions characteristic of sport and exercise science. We consider applications and interpretations of estimation versus falsification based statistical approaches and their value in addressing how much x influences y, and in measurement error and method agreement settings. We compare estimation using magnitude based inference (MBI) with falsification using null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), and highlight the limited value both of falsification and NHST to address problems in sport and exercise science. We recommend adopting an estimation approach, expressing the uncertainty of effects of x on y, and their practical/clinical value against pre-determined effect magnitudes using MBI.  相似文献   


The aspects of this investigation were to determine what relationship existed between the priority rankings by college students of personal and community health centered areas to be covered in a basic course and the percent of class time instructors devoted to the same areas; to collect problems and questions; and to construct a suggested time allotment schedule for teaching the various health areas. A rank-response instrument was constructed for use by students. Their instructors processed a content-weighting instrument. Treatment and analysis of data revealed a negligible degree of relationship between rankings of students and those of their instructors; and that instructors tend not to be in agreement with what their students consider prime areas of health content. Students were in general agreement about problems to be solved and questions to be answered. Use of student priorities is only one factor used in determining content for the basic personal and community health course for freshmen.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity and strong advocacy for combining quantitative and qualitative methods, few mixed methods approaches are found in the sport management research. As a result, this article examines the frequency with which mixed methods research has been used in recent sport management research, and demonstrates ways in which mixed methods can help improve the validity of research findings in sport management related topics. Because research in sport management often is concerned with causal questions, this article provides mixed methods designs for improving causal inference. Examples are provided from three areas of sport management research, including marketing, organizational behavior, and finance. The designs that are provided are based on the mixed methods design dimensions of time order and priority of quantitative and qualitative data.  相似文献   

Errors in statistical analysis of multiple dependent variables and in documenting the size of effects are common in the scientific and biomechanical literature. In this paper, I review these errors and several solutions that can improve the validity of sports biomechanics research reports. Studies examining multiple dependent variables should either control for the inflation of Type I errors (e.g. Holm's procedure) during multiple comparisons or use multivariate analysis of variance to focus on the structure and interaction of the dependent variables. When statistically significant differences are observed, research reports should provide confidence limits or effect sizes to document the size of the effects. Authors of sports biomechanics research reports are encouraged to analyse and present their data accounting for the experiment-wise Type I error rate, as well as reporting data documenting the size or practical significance of effects reaching their standard of statistical significance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify appropriate statistical methods for analysing categorical differences in discrete variables or 'performance indicators' resulting from performance analysis. The random mechanisms associated with discrete events do not follow a normal distribution; that is, the normal distribution is a continuous not a discrete probability distribution. We propose appropriate statistical methods based on two key discrete probability distributions, the Poisson and binomial distributions. Two approaches are proposed and compared using examples from notational analysis. The first approach is based on the classic chi-square test of significance (both the goodness-of-fit test and the test of independence). The second approach adopts a more contemporary method based on log-linear and logit models fitted using the statistical software GLIM. Provided relatively simple one-way and two-way comparisons in categorical data are required, both of these approaches result in very similar conclusions. However, as soon as more complex models or higher-order comparisons are required, the approach based on log-linear and logit models is shown to be more effective. Indeed, when investigating those factors and categorical differences associated with binomial or binary response variables, such as the proportion of winners when attempting decisive shots in squash or the proportion of goals scored from all shots in association football, logit models become the only realistic method available. By applying log-linear and logit models to discrete events resulting from notational analysis, greater insight into the underlying mechanisms associated with sport performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

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