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王书文 《精武》2003,(2):26-27
起源于河南古豫的心意六合拳,也如同它身边的黄河一样,悠远、神秘、莫测,时而平静如初,时而奔腾咆哮;时而迂回通幽,时而一泻千里;时而漫若郎铛,时而炫耀如电,这是黄河的脾性,心意六合拳的特点也如这条如龙的大河。譬如,它攻守合一,刚柔相济、全身松而四梢齐。沾实一点,如同两兵相对,永远是以中正之气罩着你(罩意),像上了膛的枪一样对着你,不动则已,一动必灵。  相似文献   

王书文 《精武》2002,(3):26-27
起源于河南古豫的心意六合拳。也如同它身边的黄河一样,悠远、神秘、莫测,时而平静如初,时而奔腾咆哮;时而迂回通幽,时而一泻千里;时而漫若郎铛。时而炫耀如电,这是黄河的脾性,心意六合拳的特点也如这条如龙的大河。譬如,它攻守合一,刚柔相济、全身松而四梢齐。沾实一点,如同两兵相对,永远是以中正之气罩着你(罩意),像上了膛的枪一样对着你,不动则已,一动必灵。  相似文献   

闻玄真  马志鸿 《武当》2004,(4):25-25
一、身手歌诀八卦掌卦上走,人在圈上变身手。圆中圆圈中圈,身手圈上旋丝扭。旋缠劲处处有,变幻莫测玄中修。动江河静山岳,自身中正通经络。首练功气为重,神气意力合为宗。呼吸吐纳导引术,松静圆活气灌行。八卦掌腿为精,里摆外扣步法清。行如龙坐如虎,机灵若猴,换式盘旋似苍鹰。  相似文献   

武功百家,源出同处,穷究其理,虽终不外以神导意,以意颁气,以气换力,变力还神,神凝于心,意溶于体。就其整体而言,无非内外两家之分。外家以调呼吸练百骸,身法矫健,进退敏捷为主;内家以强筋骨,运气功,以静制动,犯者应手立仆为主。  相似文献   

十分钟学蛙泳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在游泳学习过程中,初学者对水是又爱又怕,常常难以找到适合自己的练习方法。学习起来十分困难,而这一阶段,解决呼吸问题是根本。借助身体浮力屏气,在水中漂浮后,继而再学习游泳技术动作的方法运用起来较为容易。 一、树立信心,学习水中呼吸方法 首先在下水前一分钟,把水中呼吸过程做一遍,用嘴吸一口气,闭紧嘴,用鼻慢慢把气呼出,同时把手放在嘴鼻处体会呼气要慢,期间可以用手感觉一下呼吸,做两次,使学生感觉呼吸简单易学。下水靠池边站,吸口气半蹲把气呼在水里。其次要求初学者,带游泳眼镜,在水里清楚看到池…  相似文献   

太极拳运动是一种上下内外兼顾的复杂运动形式,其本身就是在解决一系列矛盾中完成的。无论哪一流派太极拳都有一致的共性,就是意识(心),呼吸(息),动作(身)三者紧密结合,“一动无有不动,一静无有不静”,“动中求静,不尚拙力;气如车轮,腰如车轴;如环无端,绵绵不断;呼吸根蒂,气沉丹田;专气致柔,纯任自然。”这些共性突出表现为一组组对立的矛盾。如果解够很好地掌握这些矛盾的特殊性,用不同质的方法去解决,太板拳就可以练好了。  相似文献   

对武术套路呼吸节奏调节方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方坚 《安徽体育科技》2006,27(4):21-22,25
武术套路运动呼吸节奏的好坏直接影响套路演练水平,武术套路运动正确的呼吸方法有:提气法、沉气法、聚气法、托气法4种。掌握正确的呼吸方法,并与技术动作协调配合,对提高武术套路演练技巧有良好的效果。  相似文献   

宋军 《游泳》2002,(6):26-26
随着素质教育的普及,少年儿童学习游泳的人数越来越多,且年龄也有逐渐偏小的趋势。我们教研室从上世纪八十年代开始在每年的署假举办少儿游泳班,主要从事蛙泳的培训,少数提高班的学员在学会蛙泳的基础上,可选学自由泳和仰泳。综观近二十年的教学经验,我们觉得少儿学习游泳,不管是哪一种泳姿,首先应该解决的问题就是“气”——及呼吸问题,因为呼吸问题不解决或呼吸节奏紊乱,其它的技术动作就很难保证顺利和高质量的完成。现以蛙泳为例,讲讲少年儿童蛙泳教学在呼吸这一技术环节中应注意的几个问题。一、从憋气着手,习惯水对口、鼻…  相似文献   

杨黔筑 《精武》2004,(4):27-27
太极拳界关于练拳发力要不要与呼吸配合的问题有两种观点:一种观点强调不与呼吸配合,另一种观点强调与呼吸配合。对此我们不应该简单地下结论,而应该首先了解气与力的相互关系,并把它放在一定习练阶段的条件下去分析,才能得出正确的结论。 一、气与力的相互关系  相似文献   

贾澎 《中华武术》2004,(3):31-33
“金刚”是道教和佛教守护神,因之命名取其庄重、中正、威严之仪,无敌于天下之势。“对”是相合、相含、相对照之意。“三大对”是指身、手、步相对。拳势运动中身体移动、重心转换到某一侧时,须手与足、肘与膝相合,一动无有不动,一合无有不合,一对无不相对,不贪不欠,无过不及,头正身直,沉肩坠肘,吊裆松胯,气顺神蓄,气催力发,意动劲至,则五行百骸  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper was to understand which differences long-term swimming training can cause on trunk mechanics during breathing and how these differences are related to the years of swimming training. The variations and coordination among trunk compartments were considered as target movement patterns. Video-based plethysmography was utilised for data acquisition and pre-processing. A group of swimmers, who followed a long-term intensive swimming training previously to this study, was compared with a non-swimmer control group. The participants of both groups performed quiet breathing and vital capacity tests. From the compartmental volumes associated with each breathing curves, the relative amplitude and cross-correlation among these volumetric time-varying signals were calculated, in order to analyse the relative partial volume variation and the coordination among trunk compartments involved in respiration. The results of a Mixed-ANOVA test (P ≤ 0.05) revealed higher coefficient of variation (P < 0.001) and correlations among trunk compartments in the swimmers group when vital capacity was performed. Significant linear regression was found between the years of swim training and the coefficients of variation and correlation. The results suggest that after long periods of intensive swim training, athletes might develop specific breathing patterns featuring higher volume variations in the abdominal region and more coordination among compartments involved in forced respiratory tasks such as vital capacity.  相似文献   

Ballet training includes exercises of high and moderate intensities, which require breathing control for a good performance. This study describes the thoracoabdominal motion of professional dancers and compares the breathing patterns between professional dancers and non-dancers. Participants of this study were four male and four female (30.33 ± 4.64 years) professional dancers and four male and four female (22.75 ± 1.49 years) non-dancers. The participants executed two breathing manoeuvres while sitting motionless: quiet breathing (QB) and vital capacity (VC). The 3D coordinates of 32 retro-reflective markers positioned on the trunk were used to calculate the volume of the superior thorax, inferior thorax and abdomen. Principal component analysis was applied in the volume variation of each trunk compartment to search for dominant independent variables in a breathing motion pattern. The correlation coefficient was calculated to verify the coordination between the compartments during the breathing manoeuvres. A predominance of the superior thorax or abdomen movement was found in both groups. The professional ballet dancers have an efficient breathing pattern and maintain the same breathing pattern in QB and VC manoeuvres. On the other hand, the non-dancers group showed relevant changes of the breathing pattern to respond to a greater breathing effort, like in VC.  相似文献   

游泳训练中一个不可忽视的细小技术─呼吸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对教练员在游泳训练中只重视配合动作的技术,很少注意呼吸技术的训练进行了阐述。提出呼吸在游泳整个配合技术中,对身体位置、划水效果、训练节奏、以及增加氧的摄取等方面起着极其重要的作用。教练员在训练工作中不可忽视呼吸这一“细小”技术的训练。  相似文献   

呼吸节奏与技术动作的协调配合直接影响着武术套路的演练水平,而掌握正确的呼吸与发声方法是提高南拳套路演练水平非常重要的环节。  相似文献   

站桩是武术的基本功之一,它能使锻炼者的“意、气、形”三者合一,可起到“凝神练气,练气生精,练精化气,练气化神”的作用。它可促使人体经络畅通,气血运行,肺活量增大,起到强身健体的作用。另外还能提高人体的协调性、动作的精确度,使人体获得整体发劲的效果。站桩的研究、运用对武术爱好者提高训练水平具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Athletic performance requires the pacing of breathing with exercise, known as motor-respiratory coordination (MRC). In this study, we added cognitive and physical constraints while participants intentionally controlled their breathing locations during rhythmic arm movement. This is the first study to examine a cognitive constraint on MRC. Cognitive constraints included either instruction (Experiments 1 and 2) or signal detection (Experiment 1). Physical constraints were nonoptimal movement frequencies (Experiment 2). Instruction shifted breathing locations and both shifted and increased variability in the number of movements produced per breath (frequency ratio). Signal detection had no effect on MRC. Fast movement frequency resulted in higher, more variable frequency ratios. Cognitive and physical constraints can generate unnatural and variable breathing during athletic performance.  相似文献   


This study used both an instantaneous net drag force profile and a symmetry timing to evaluate the effect of the breathing action on stroke coordination. Twenty elite swimmers completed a total of six randomised front-crawl towing trials: (i) three breathing trials and (ii) three non-breathing trials. The net drag force was measured using an assisted towing device mounted upon a Kistler force platform, and this equipment towed the swimmer at a constant speed. The net drag force profile was used to create a stroke symmetry index for each swimming trial. Analysis using the symmetry indices identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical instantaneous net drag force stroke profile in both the breathing and non-breathing conditions, despite no significant differences in the time from finger-tip entry to finger-tip exit. Within the breathing condition, the faster swimmers compared to the slower swimmers demonstrated a lesser percentage of overlap between stroke phases on their breathing stroke side. During the non-breathing condition, the faster participants compared to the slower swimmers recorded a reduction in the percentage of overlap between stroke phases and less duration in the underwater stroke on their breathing stroke side. This study identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical net drag force profile within both conditions; however, asymmetry was less prevalent when examining with only the timing symmetry index.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of breathing frequency and tidal volume on resting heart rate variability in children aged 9 years ( n = 29) and 16 years ( n = 19). Heart rate variability was measured in four conditions: (1) without the control of ventilation followed at random by (2) a fixed breathing frequency of 12 breaths· min -1 , (3) a breathing frequency of 12 breaths· min -1 but with a fixed tidal volume of 30% vital capacity and (4) a fixed breathing frequency of 6 breaths·min -1 and a tidal volume of 30% vital capacity. A total of 128 RR intervals (the time between two spikes in the heart rate) were detected and absolute high- and low-frequency spectral components were calculated using autoregressive modelling. The younger children were unable to control ventilation to achieve conditions 3 and 4; therefore, a 2 2 2 (group 2 condition) analysis of variance was used to analyse conditions 1 and 2. There were significant interactions between group and heart rate variability conditions for the low-frequency component and the ratio of low to high frequencies ( P ? 0.001). The main effect for condition showed that at 12 breaths· min -1 with no fixed tidal volume there was a significantly higher standard deviation of the RR interval, total power and high-frequency ( P ? 0.01) and lowfrequency spectral components ( P ? 0.05) than in the condition with no ventilatory control. Across the four breathing conditions for the older participants, the high-frequency spectral component was significantly higher in the condition at 6 breaths· min -1 with a fixed tidal volume than in that with no ventilatory control ( P ? 0.005); the ratio of high to low frequencies was significantly lower for the spontaneous condition than those performed at 12 breaths· min -1 ( P ? 0.001). The results provide evidence of the need for ventilatory control when assessing short-term resting heart rate variability in children.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of breathing frequency and tidal volume on resting heart rate variability in children aged 9 years (n = 29) and 16 years (n = 19). Heart rate variability was measured in four conditions: (1) without the control of ventilation followed at random by (2) a fixed breathing frequency of 12 breaths x min(-1), (3) a breathing frequency of 12 breaths x min(-1) but with a fixed tidal volume of 30% vital capacity and (4) a fixed breathing frequency of 6 breaths x min(-1) and a tidal volume of 30% vital capacity. A total of 128 RR intervals (the time between two spikes in the heart rate) were detected and absolute high- and low-frequency spectral components were calculated using autoregressive modelling. The younger children were unable to control ventilation to achieve conditions 3 and 4; therefore, a 2 x 2 (group x condition) analysis of variance was used to analyse conditions 1 and 2. There were significant interactions between group and heart rate variability conditions for the low-frequency component and the ratio of low to high frequencies (P < 0.001). The main effect for condition showed that at 12 breaths x min(-1) with no fixed tidal volume there was a significantly higher standard deviation of the RR interval, total power and high-frequency (P< 0.01) and low-frequency spectral components (P < 0.05) than in the condition with no ventilatory control. Across the four breathing conditions for the older participants, the high-frequency spectral component was significantly higher in the condition at 6 breaths x min(-1) with a fixed tidal volume than in that with no ventilatory control (P < 0.005); the ratio of high to low frequencies was significantly lower for the spontaneous condition than those performed at 12 breaths x min(-1) (P < 0.001). The results provide evidence of the need for ventilatory control when assessing short-term resting heart rate variability in children.  相似文献   

文章对如何利用腹式呼吸缓解痛经进行了探讨,主要就部分在校大学生痛经情况和程度进行了分析和总结.在大学生这个花样年华的时代,大部分精力应该用在学习上,提高为国家服务的本领,如果每月都被痛经所左右,是很可悲的.腹式呼吸就是一种既经济又有效的方法,腹式呼吸是中国传统养生功法的核心,对人体的内脏活力的提升、对生命质量的改善有着积极的作用.每天坚持腹式呼吸的锻炼不仅可以缓解痛经还会对我们的生活质量有更大的提高.利用腹式呼吸这一项简单不伤身的方法来缓解女性朋友的痛经,给予女性朋友更多帮助,减轻女性朋友在经期时带来的痛苦,通过实证研究来证明这一观点,最后得到大家的认可,从而更好地受益于广大女性朋友.  相似文献   

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