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This analysis is concerned with the horizontal and vertical consensus of definitions of work appropriate to accomplish the goals of university administrators and faculty, as well as the congruency of ideal (intent) and actual (action/behavior) work of faculty. Data-gathering techniques include the following: historical analysis of the university; interviews with the provost, 5 college deans, and 32 chairpersons; and a survey of 503 faculty (69% return rate). Faculty work perceived to achieve departmental goals lacked horizontal consensus, especially among chairpersons in the same college and among faculty in the same department. Vertical consensus was weak, especially between chairpersons and their faculty, and in most colleges between deans and chairpersons. Greatest incongruencies were between faculty intentions and reported actions. There was declining support for administrative goals as one moved down the hierarchical structure within the university. Perspectives were explored that account for the lack of goal consensus and the incongruency between intentions and reported actions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes differences in power perception across hierarchical levels in university departments and their consequences on studying the power structure of universities. The study's major variables include the holder of power and the nature of decisions involved, controlling for the field and the prestige of the department. Two perceivers were the subjects of the study, chairpersons and faculty members. Comparison between the two perceivers yields considerable differences. The different patterns of power observed by faculty members and chairpersons and the various areas of agreement and disagreement between the perceivers are discussed and analyzed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the relationship between faculty role orientations and student perceptions of teaching effectiveness in community colleges. Survey questionnaires were completed by 260 faculty members and 12,396 students at five Pennsylvania community college campuses. Using a conceptual framework drawn from symbolic interaction theory, it was hypothesized that faculty members holding a student-centered role orientation will be perceived as more effective teachers than those holding a subject-matter orientation. Results indicate that whereas there is an association between a student-centered role orientation and perceived teaching effectiveness, the relationship is due to an intervening variable—the expected course grade. An examination of the causal chain of relationships among these variables is presented.This is a revision of a paper presented at the 1975 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (see South, Morrison and Hill, 1975).  相似文献   

Two explanations of congruency of ideal (intent) and actual (action/behavior) work of faculty are examined—reward expectations and referent others. Based on interviews with 5 college deans and 32 chairpersons, a survey of 503 faculty (69% return rate), and institutional data, it was found that referent others' goals have a greater influence than reward expectations on the congruency of work actions and intentions of faculty. Peers, chairpersons, and deans affect, in differing ways, the congruency of actions and intentions of faculty. Overwhelmingly, peers have the strongest effect, followed by chairpersons and deans. Of the three reward expectations variables (perception that work leads to tenure, promotion to associate professor, and merit salary increases), only the perception that work leads to tenure affects congruency of faculty work actions and intentions.  相似文献   

Accurate perception and comprehension of verbal and non‐verbal communication is important in one's interpersonal environment; such understanding may affect not only the child's academic achievement but how he/she relates to and is perceived by others. In the present study learning disabled (LD) and non‐learning disabled (NLD) middle school students were evaluated on their ability to perceive and accurately comprehend non‐verbal communication; they also responded to an interpersonal relations scale and a self‐esteem inventory. LD children differed from regular class students both in reported self‐esteem and in the ability to perceive and comprehend “wordless” communication, but similarities were noted between the two groups in reported need for interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

Identifying decision processes which academic managers prefer was the focus of this study. Sixty-eight division chairpersons in a community college system, 10 in a 4-year college, and 29 in a university were questioned about 30 problem situations. Chairpersons usually selected consultative decision-process styles which encourage faculty participation. These consultative decision styles are protective of the quality of decision outcomes. However, faculty acceptance and commitment to decision alternatives often was a threat. Participation was not used in problem situations as a means to resolving conflicts. The Vroom-Yetton decision model was helpful in identifying strengths and weaknesses of decision behaviors of chairpersons.  相似文献   

Accounting programs nationwide are reporting declines in enrollment and the demand for new accountants continues unabated. Given this current crisis in accounting education, attention needs to be given to recruitment and retention issues. This study used a Delphi procedure to sample the accounting department chairpersons in one state's community college system regarding four questions: What initially attracts community college students to accounting?; What are the predictors of success for community college students who choose accounting for majors?; What are the major problems students encounter in completing accounting programs and What recommendations do these chairpersons have for reducing attrition among community college accounting majors? Conclusions and recommendations are presented for community college counselors, administrators, and accounting faculty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that in the context of a large health science center heavily committed to scientific activity, there would be a positive relationship between the scientific productivity of faculty members and their effectiveness as teachers. Counts of citations by others and counts of publications were used as indices of scientific productivity. The index of teaching effectiveness was derived from students' perceptions of teaching effectiveness, elicited in a questionnaire that asked students to rate teachers in terms of the presence or absence of a series of behaviors grouped under five headings called the Components of Effective Teaching. The results of this study provide support to the notion that research and teaching are not separate and adversary phenomena each working to the disadvantage of the other, but under certain conditions are interrelated with research activity supportive of effective teaching.  相似文献   

The workplace, especially the academic department or division, provides an intriguing research site for study of correlates of scholarly performance. The objective of this study was to estimate a correlate model of three-year scholarly performance of clinical faculty in colleges of pharmacy. Two-hundred and ninety-six clinical faculty in pharmacy responded to an author-developed questionnaire. The scholarly performance items factored into three dimensions: “Refereed Research,”, “Grants/Books Research,” and “Nonresearch Scholarship.” A fourth single-item variable, “Contracts,” was also used as a dependent dimension. Eight correlates, including two related to the departmental workplace, emerged as factors significantly explaining the variation in scholarly performance. The two most significant were “Off-Campus Conversations” and “Department: Percent Time in Research.” These results as well as others were contrasted with prior correlate studies and suggestions were made for future additional study.  相似文献   

The fabric of higher education has changed dramatically in recent years with a sudden increase in the presence of part-time, nontenured faculty. Adjunct faculty have a significant presence in higher education institutions and need opportunities available to them so they feel like an important part of academic culture and are prepared to teach. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the similarities and differences in perceptions between three division chairpersons and 15 adjunct faculty members from three separate departments regarding teaching support, mentoring, and professional development opportunities at one community college. It was found that chairs and mentors appeared to be the most valuable individuals in supporting, acclimating, and retaining adjunct faculty according to the participants in this study. Without the roles chairs and mentors assumed, adjunct faculty could flounder and teaching quality could be hindered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the existing status of Building Communities’ recommendations. The recommendations were transformed and written as goal statements. Fifty‐nine deans and 98 division chairpersons were asked whether these goals had been implemented. Fifty‐three deans and 84 chairpeople returned usable questionnaires.

Chi‐square tests of independence (p < .05) were used to compare deans’ and chairpersons’ responses on existing goal status. Deans and chairpeople agree on the existing status of 32 of the 38 goal statements and share the same beliefs on the existing status of a vast majority of the goal statements.

Significant differences were identified, however, between deans and chairpeople regarding the existing status of (1) outreaching to disadvantaged students, (2) outreach‐ing to different adult populations, (3) renewing faculty, (4) ensuring that full‐time faculty teach the majority of credit‐bearing courses, (5) using computer technology to integrate educational and administrative applications, and (6) placing ill‐prepared students in developmental education programs. Deans were more likely than chairpeople to view the six goals that lacked agreement as having been implemented.  相似文献   

The systemic changes facing postsecondary institutions today pose a threat to the quality of academic programs unless new faculty can be successfully attracted and retained. To be more competitive in the recruitment and retention of faculty, a better understanding is needed of the adjustment experiences of newly hired faculty. Our study examined the adjustment of new hires at the point of entry into their institutions using research productivity as one indicator of adaptation. It was expected that perceived personal control, age, gender, and type of institution would relate to research productivity. At the beginning of their first and second year, newly hired faculty in three different types of postsecondary institutions responded to a comprehensive questionnaire concerning their initial adjustment experiences. A path analysis indicated both direct and indirect linkages between the independent variables of interest and research productivity. Substantial direct paths were found between the institution type and research productivity, specifically for the research I and liberal arts/comprehensive institutions, and to a lesser degree, between age and research productivity. Age, the research I university, and the liberal arts/comprehensive universities had direct effects on two measures of perceived control and were linked indirectly to research productivity via perceived control. Perceived control resulting from the personal qualities of the faculty members was instrumental to research productivity, whereas perceived control resulting from activities initiated by faculty members were not related to productivity. Surprisingly, gender was not related to research productivity through either direct or indirect paths. If the adjustment of newly hired faculty is viewed in terms of research productivity, then these results suggest that perceived control, the milieu of research-oriented institutions, and age (to a limited extent), are important predictors of faculty performance.  相似文献   

This article expands and extends the analysis of data previously reported in a study of the education deanship. The data were collected from national samples of deans, central administrators, department chairpersons, and faculty. Multivariate statistical procedures used were factor analysis with rotations, multivariate analysis of variance, and canonical discriminant analysis. The purposes of the retreatment of the data were to: (1) identify factors that were produced from the responses and compare them with the semantic factors described in the original analysis; (2) compare differences among respondent groups; and (3) assess commonality of responses within each group. New and unique factors, relationships, and group differences were found. Perceptions and acceptances of the dean's role were not uniform, with department chairpersons being the most heterogeneous.  相似文献   

University administrators, college deans, department chairpersons and directors, faculty members, graduate assistants, and undergraduate students were mailed questionnaires concerning the roles of and attitudes toward graduate assistants at the University of Minnesota. Basic agreement was found to exist among the six groups surveyed with regard to many aspects of graduate assistantships. Graduate assistants were found to have little knowledge of many departmental concerns that directly affect them. The number of formalized policies regulating graduate assistantships was found to vary with the classification of assistantship.Copies of the complete report may be obtained from Measurement Services Center, University of Minnesota, 9 Clarence Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414.  相似文献   

This study examined the usefulness of faculty ratings as a measure of departmental quality. Two hundred and thirty-three faculty members from six departments responded to two questionnaires relating to the department—the Department Evaluation Survey (DES)—and to the department head—the Administrator Evaluation Survey (AES). A factor analysis of the DES revealed three underlying dimensions: Satisfaction with the Department's Academic Environment, Satisfaction with the Department's Governance and Operating Procedures, and Satisfaction with Student Quality. The factor analysis of the AES identified only one underlying dimension. Both the DES and AES were found to be highly reliable and effective in discriminating among departments. Very high positive correlations were also found between selacted DES and AES items suggesting that the performance of the head plays a very important role in faculty perceptions of the departments, and vice versa. Faculty ratings would appear to be a useful initial criterion in evaluating a department or head.  相似文献   


No administrative position appears to be more pivotal in facilitating grassroots change in the community college than that of the department or division chairperson. However, no one, until the present effort, has systematically assessed two-year college chairpersons to determine what they perceive their staff development needs to be. The results of the present study indicate that preservice and inservice training received by chairpersons was generally nominal, and that self-improvement activity appears weak. Further, the respondents reported extensive and serious needs related to knowledge of the community college, managerial skills, personnel matters, administrative matters, curriculum and instruction, student personnel services, and some 18 other possible training needs ranging from the law and higher education to the effective use of a secretary. Chairpersons were also asked to indicate what they consider to be the most convenient times and conditions for inservice training. They suggest that they would seek out substantially more training than they do if better funding, time, and site configurations were made available. Finally, concrete recommendations are made to increase the availability of training of two-year college chairpersons.  相似文献   

This project asked 202 randomly selected faculty members to evaluate the supportive and defensive communication and leadership behaviors of their department chair. The supportive behavior of problem orientation alone explained 43% of the variance in faculty ratings of chair job effectiveness. On the other hand, empathy explained 68% of the variance in faculty ratings of relational satisfaction with their department chair. In addition, a t test revealed that more effective chairs utilized all 6 of Gibb's supportive communication behaviors more, and 5 of 6 defensive behaviors less, than their more negatively evaluated peers. Second, a series of stepwise regression procedures explained 16% of the variance in bureaucracy scores, 69% of the variance in Machiavellianism, and 62% of the variance in transformational leadership. Finally, the communication behaviors of strategy, neutrality, and problem orientation explained 56% of the variance in faculty job satisfaction and strategy, neutrality, evaluation, gender, and age explained 41% of the variance in organizational commitment scores.  相似文献   

In our pre-service department, university practicum supervisors are faculty members who offer academic, social, and personal support to teacher candidates during their year-long program. Their role is described as one designed primarily to provide formative assessment and feedback to improve classroom practice and reflection on practice. This collaborative self-study describes how two new faculty members responded to the challenges posed by the teacher candidate evaluation process. Methods used included formal tape-recorded discussions during meetings of the self-study group of newly hired faculty, email correspondence, field notes, feedback from public forums about our work, and teacher candidate insights concerning the practicum evaluation process conducted by faculty. New strategies were developed to address the tensions associated with using summative evaluations in a formative framework and to improve practice during faculty practicum supervision.  相似文献   

The present study examined the patterns of perceived management functions of deans and department chairpersons in three schools: social sciences, physical sciences and medical school. In all schools, deans were perceived as paying utmost attention to outside activities, and least attention to inside activities. The study explored the relationships between personal career data and scales of perceived managerial functions on one hand, and between job satisfaction and management functions on the other hand. Articles were found to be negatively correlated with perceptions of managerial functions in all schools. Seniority, rank, and tenure were positively associated with inside activities of the dean and the chairperson in the social sciences. Managerial functions were positively related especially to satisfaction with governance. The implications of the results were discussed and elaborated.  相似文献   

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