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目的:通过比较动力性与静力性核心力量训练在青年羽毛球运动员躯干旋转力量及稳定性的训练效果差异,为其提供针对性训练策略。方法:采用实验法将20名(男女各10名)上海羽毛球队一级运动员随机分配到动力组(n=10)和静力组(n=10)进行12周干预,干预前后分别进行等速肌力和生物反馈动作控制测试。结果:(1)干预后,动力组在60(°)/s的等速测试与干预前以及干预后的静力组相比,躯干向左、向右旋转的最大力矩显著增加(P<0.05),平均功率和最大功率也有一定程度的增加,但尚未达到显著性水平;在180(°)/s的等速数据中的平均功率、最大力矩和最大功率指标与干预前以及与干预后的静力组相比,均有显著性增加(P<0.05);干预后,静力组的60(°)/s和180(°)/s的等速测试中3项指标与干预前、干预后相比均无显著性差异(P>0.05);(2)干预后,最大稳定角度与干预前以及干预后2组对比,动力组在45°、135°、-135°、-45°方向上优于静力组(P<0.05),静力组在0°、90°、180°、-90°方向上优于动力组(P<0.05)。结论:静力性核心力量训练不能显著提升青年羽毛球运动员躯干旋转力量;动力性核心力量训练可以提升青年羽毛球运动员躯干慢速旋转力量的最大力矩,以及快速力量的最大力矩、平均功率、最大功率;静力性和动力性核心力量训练分别在某些关节角度增加核心稳定性,两者结合是提升躯干稳定性的有效方法,可根据运动员的个性化需求选择。  相似文献   

目的:了解中年亚健康人群的血清生化指标特点。方法:以筛选出的中年(35~55岁)亚健康人群为研究对象(203例,其中男性131例,女性72例),以中年健康人群作为对照(40例,其中男性20例,女性20例),检测其空腹血尿酸(UA)、血糖(GLU)、血脂及肝功能相关的丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)等生化指标,并分析各生化指标的特点。结果:中年亚健康人群的UA、TC、TG、TC/HDL-C和LDL-C水平均显著高于健康对照组,且亚健康男性高于同年龄段的亚健康女性(P〈0.05),HDL-C水平显著低于健康对照组,且亚健康男性低于同年龄段的亚健康女性(P〈0.05);GLU水平均无显著性差异(P〉0.05);亚健康男性的TG水平达1.86±0.94 mmol/L,明显高出正常血脂上限水平1.7 mmol/L,表现出边缘性升高;亚健康组与健康组的ALT、AST、ALT/AST等肝功能指标无显著性差异,但是亚健康男性的ALT、AST、ALT/AST和ALP显著高于亚健康女性;亚健康男性三个年龄段的UA水平均高于正常范围;随着年龄的增长,亚健康人群的TG及TC/HDL-C水平均有增高的趋势,HDL-C则呈下降的走势。结论:中年亚健康男性的血尿酸和血脂等生化指标表现出异常的趋势。  相似文献   

为了检验长期习惯性的体育运动是否影响老年人I型和Ⅱ型T细胞因子的平衡.通过对9名老年妇女(平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(32.2±1.0)mL·kg-1·min-1)进行步行训练;挑选12名不进行运动训练的老年(妇女平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(27.8±0.9)mL·kg-1·min-1)和9名不进行运动训练的年轻妇女(平均年龄(26±1)岁,最大耗氧量(37.8±1.3)mL·kg-1·min-1);然后检测了CD4+和CD8+T细胞中IFN-γ、IL-2和IL-4的水平,并对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞进行了比较.结果老年人运动组表达IFN-γ的CD4+细胞数目与比青年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);老年运动组表达IL-2的CD8+的T细胞数目与老年非运动组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);青年组表达IL-4的CD8+细胞与老年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);3组中CD4+和CD8+T细胞中IFN-γ/IL-4的比率差异无显著性.实验结果显示年龄对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞的影响比运动训练对它的影响更大.  相似文献   

研究对象:从普查中随机选择健康老年人52名,其中男性27名,女性25名,年龄在61~74岁之间(平均年龄68.73±5.42岁)。研究方法:比较实验法、测试法、数据分析法。研究结果锻炼组T-PA显著高于不锻炼组(P<0.01);而PAI-1没有显著性差异,但体育锻炼组低于不锻炼组;锻炼组T-PA/ PAI-1显著高于不锻炼组(P<0.01)。锻炼组PL、α2-PI、PL/α2-PI、Fg与不锻炼组存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。不锻炼组中男性与女性T-PA、PAI-1、T-PA/PAI-1无显著差异。不锻炼组中男性与女性PLG、PL、α2-PI、PL/α2-PI、Fg无显著性差异。锻炼组中男性与女性T-PA、PAI-1、T-PA/PAI-1无显著性差异。锻炼组中男性与女性PLG、PL、α2-PI、PL/α2-PI、Fg无显著性差异。  相似文献   

有氧健身运动对中老年女性体质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用分组测试与问卷调查法,了解有氧运动对中老年女性体质的影响。结果表明,在中年更年期,长期参加有氧运动组女性的WHR、安静脉搏、舒张压低于较少运动组,而肺活量、握力、坐位体前屈、最大摄氧量高于较少运动组的女性,差异具显著性;在老年前期,长期参加有氧运动组女性的BMI、WHR、体脂率、舒张压均显著低于较少运动组,而肺活量、握力和单足站立高于较少运动组的女性,差异具显著性。据此,长期参加有氧运动可明显改善中老年女性的体质状况。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有氧运动对不同年龄段雄性SD大鼠皮质醇、血睾酮的影响。方法:按照不同月龄,将大鼠分为青年组、中年组、老年组。每个年龄又分为运动组和对照组。运动组大鼠每日进行1小时的跑台运动,对照组常规饲养。8周后,把所有大鼠统一处死,取大鼠心脏血,测皮质醇、血睾酮的含量。所得数据采用单因素方差分析法进行统计。结论:大鼠皮质醇随着年龄的增长显著降低(P<0.01)。青年、中年运动组大鼠皮质醇含量低于对照组。但老年运动组皮质醇含量高于老年对照组及中年运动组。8周有氧运动后,各年龄段运动组大鼠血睾酮均高于对照组,且有显著性差异(P<0.05)。其中中年组大鼠血睾酮高于青年组、老年组。青年组和老年组血睾酮没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究长期练习太极拳、交谊舞、慢走对老年女性平衡能力的影响。研究方法:采用秒表和芬兰Good Balance平衡训练测试系统对太极拳组(15名)、交谊舞组(15名)和慢走组(14名)老年女性进行平衡能力的测试。实验结果:在闭眼单足站立中,太极拳组与慢走组具有显著性差异。在静态平衡能力测试中,太极拳组与慢走组在双脚睁眼、双脚闭眼、单腿睁眼中出现显著性差异。交谊舞组与慢走组在半脚测试中出现显著性差异。在动态平衡能力测试中,时间T与人体重心COP移动的总距离D,太极拳组与慢走组有显著性差异。COP在X轴上的移动距离MLD,太极拳组与慢走组,交谊舞组与慢走组之间都具有显著性差异。结论:太极拳和交谊舞在改善老年人平衡能力方面效果都优于慢走;太极拳和交谊舞具有良好的防止老年人跌倒的功效。  相似文献   

运用生物电阻抗法对成年人人体成分的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用生物电阻抗法对不同年龄组人体身体成分进行测试。生物电阻抗法根据人体体内各组织成分确定营养状况,优于其他常规测定方法。测试结果显示:中年组的人体细胞内、外液、蛋白质含量、肌肉量和骨矿物质量的平均值最大,与青年组和老年组都有显著性差异; 而男性中年组的脂肪量和脂肪率的平均值与老年组差别不大,女性中、老年组的脂肪量差别也不大,但脂肪率有显著性差异,而老年组与青年组的脂肪量和脂肪率都有显著性差异(P<0.01)。同时结合测量基本的人体参数计算腰臀比和体重指数,发现老年人脂肪量的增加主要在腰部堆积,增加了因肥胖导致各种疾病的产生可能性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨普拉提运动对慢性非特异性颈痛患者的影响。方法:42名符合条件的受试者被随机分置于实验组(n=21),给予每周3次,为期6周的普拉提干预,对照组(n=21)不进行任何干预,实验前和实验结束后24h内进行相关指标的测量。结果:疼痛指标两组具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),实验组疼痛下降明显;功能障碍指数组间具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);SF-36中对身体疼痛和精力的影响组间具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),生理机能、生理职能、一般健康状况、社会功能、情感职能、心理健康方面具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:普拉提运动对慢性非特异性颈痛患者的治疗具有积极疗效。  相似文献   

体育锻炼对老年人骨密度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对华东地区部分老年人跟骨骨密度(BMD)测量,探讨老年人衰老过程中跟骨BMD的性别差异以及体育锻炼对老年人跟骨BMD的影响.结果显示,老年人跟骨BMD存在着性别的高度显著性差异,老年男性跟骨BMD明显高于老年女性.老年男性常锻炼组的BMD显著高于不常锻炼组.结果提示,经常参加体育锻炼可以增加老年男性骨密度,从而减少骨质疏松症的发生.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中老年女性增龄性肌力流失的规律特征。方法:以85名中老年女性为实验组,按年龄分为3个年龄组,以29名青年女性为对照组,运用全身型双能X线骨密度仪、Con-Trex等速肌力测试系统进行全身肌肉质量,下肢髋、膝、踝关节屈伸等长与60°/s的等速肌力测试。结论:50年龄段的中年女性已表现出明显的肌肉质量流失、且在70岁前仍表现为以下肢肌肉质量流失为主的局部性特征。中老年女性下肢肌肉力量流失的增龄性特征表现为髋关节的肌肉力量流失最早表现,下肢肌肉收缩力量呈现快速流失的“拐点”约在60岁年龄段,且有肌肉的动态收缩力量的流失先于等长收缩力量的年龄特征。下肢三关节等长收缩力量流失呈现“髋-膝-踝”模式,60°/s的等速力量约在60岁后呈现“膝-踝-髋”模式。结论:老年女性膝关节屈肌较之伸肌可能有着更高的肌力流失速率。肌肉质量与力量流失的关系方面表现出力量流失先于质量流失的特征。  相似文献   

Inspiratory muscle fatigue may occur in as little as 6 min during high-intensity spontaneously breathing exercise. The aims of this study were to determine whether inspiratory muscle fatigue occurs during swimming exercise and whether inspiratory muscle strength differs between the supine and standing body positions. Seven competitive swimmers were recruited to perform a single 200 m front-crawl swim, corresponding to 90-95% of race pace. Inspiratory muscle strength was measured at residual volume using a hand-held mouth pressure meter that measured maximal inspiratory pressure in the upright and supine positions. At baseline, maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position was significantly lower than maximal inspiratory pressure in the upright position (112 +/- 20.4 and 133 +/- 16.7 cmH2O, respectively; P < or = 0.01). Post-exercise maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position (80 +/- 15.7 cmH2O) was significantly lower than baseline maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position (P < or = 0.01). The results indicate that a single 200 m front-crawl swim corresponding to 90-95% of race pace was sufficient to induce inspiratory muscle fatigue in less than 2.7 min. Furthermore, although diaphragm muscle length is optimized when supine, our results indicate that the force output of the diaphragm and inspiratory accessory muscles is greater when upright than when supine.  相似文献   


Speed of movement in a lateral adductive arm swing was timed at seven equidistant points on an arc of 120 degrees. Static strength and effective arm mass were measured in the movement position. Data obtained on 36 men and 36 women were subjected to a centroid factor analysis. The structure for both sexes consisted of a single common factor for arm speed and a substantial item-specific factor for the first 17 cm. of movement, suggesting that the velocity curve probably consisted of two components. The correlations between the strength/mass ratios and speeds of movement were almost zero, except in the middle phase of the action, where the relationship was .29 for men and .27 for women (.36 and .34 when corrected for attenuation). These very low correlations supported the hypothesis of neuromotor specificity. Circumferential speed for women was 17 percent slower than for men, partly because their arms were shorter. In angular speed, the sex difference was only 5 percent.  相似文献   

运用数字式X线摄片机、双能X线骨密度仪(DEXA)、红外热像仪分别测量训练前后的颈椎的生理曲线前凸深度、最大屈伸活动指数、C4—6的BDM及项背区红外热象图的实验结果。通过对实验数据进行记录,并运用SPSS软件对数据进行处理。结果表明,训练前后A、C组的生理曲线前凸深度、最大屈伸活动指数、C4—6的BDM的对比有非常显著性差异(P〈0.01)。项背区红外热象图的变化得出患部炎症的消退和病灶部位的恢复达到65%。实验结论:羽毛球是一项非常适合中老年颈椎轻度退行性变的预防和治疗性锻炼的运动项目。  相似文献   

Inspiratory muscle fatigue may occur in as little as 6 min during high-intensity spontaneously breathing exercise. The aims of this study were to determine whether inspiratory muscle fatigue occurs during swimming exercise and whether inspiratory muscle strength differs between the supine and standing body positions. Seven competitive swimmers were recruited to perform a single 200 m front-crawl swim, corresponding to 90-95% of race pace. Inspiratory muscle strength was measured at residual volume using a hand-held mouth pressure meter that measured maximal inspiratory pressure in the upright and supine positions. At baseline, maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position was significantly lower than maximal inspiratory pressure in the upright position (112±20.4 and 133±16.7 cmH2O, respectively; P?0.01). Post-exercise maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position (80±15.7 cmH2O) was significantly lower than baseline maximal inspiratory pressure in the supine position (P?0.01). The results indicate that a single 200 m front-crawl swim corresponding to 90-95% of race pace was sufficient to induce inspiratory muscle fatigue in less than 2.7 min. Furthermore, although diaphragm muscle length is optimized when supine, our results indicate that the force output of the diaphragm and inspiratory accessory muscles is greater when upright than when supine.  相似文献   

In lateral reactive movements, core stability may influence knee and hip joint kinematics and kinetics. Insufficient core stabilisation is discussed as a major risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Due to the higher probability of ACL injuries in women, this study concentrates on how gender influences trunk, pelvis and leg kinematics during lateral reactive jumps (LRJs). Perturbations were investigated in 12 men and 12 women performing LRJs under three different landing conditions: a movable landing platform was programmed to slide, resist or counteract upon landing. Potential group effects on three-dimensional trunk, pelvic, hip and knee kinematics were analysed for initial contact (IC) and the time of peak pelvic medial tilt (PPT). Regardless of landing conditions, the joint excursions in the entire lower limb joints were gender-specific. Women exhibited higher trunk left axial rotation at PPT (women: 4.0 ± 7.5°, men: ?3.1 ± 8.2°; p = 0.011) and higher hip external rotation at both IC and PPT (p < 0.01). But women demonstrated higher knee abduction compared to men. Men demonstrated more medial pelvic tilt at IC and especially PPT (men: –5.8 ± 4.9°, women: 0.3 ± 6.3°; p = 0.015). Strategies for maintaining trunk, pelvis and lower limb alignment during lateral reactive movements were gender-specific; the trunk and hip rotations displayed by the women were associated with the higher knee abduction amplitudes and therefore might reflect a movement strategy which is associated with higher injury risk. However, training interventions are needed to fully understand how gender-specific core stability strategies are related to performance and knee injury.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that females incur less muscle damage than males after strenuous exercise, but limited data are available for humans. To determine possible differences between the sexes in humans, the response to high-force eccentric exercise was examined in a large sample of women (n = 83) and men (n = 82). The participants performed a bout of eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors consisting of 70 maximal repetitions. Isometric strength, resting elbow angle and muscle soreness were measured before, immediately after (except soreness) and then daily for 7 days after exercise. There was a significant loss in strength among both groups (69% for women and 63% for men) (P?0.01) immediately after exercise; at 168 h post-exercise, women still had a 27% strength loss and men had a 24% strength loss. No significant difference in strength loss or recovery rate was found between men and women. Soreness reached peak values 32-48 h post-exercise (P?0.01), with no significant difference between men and women. Range of motion decreased significantly until 3 days after exercise (14.6° or 0.255 rad loss for women; 12.2° or 0.213 rad loss for men) (P?0.01); at 168 h post-exercise, the women and men still showed a loss of 4.8° (0.084 rad) and 4.0° (0.07 rad), respectively. There was a significant interaction of sex x time (P?0.01); a post-hoc test indicated that the women experienced a greater loss in range of motion at 72 h than men and this difference was maintained to 168 h post-exercise (P?0.01). Thus, our results do not support the contention that women have a lower response to eccentric exercise than men.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to compare established methods with newly-developed methods for estimating the total energy expenditure (TEE).MethodsThe study subjects comprised 46 individuals, including 16 middle-aged men (mean age 51.4 years), 14 middle-aged women (mean age 49.9 years) and 16 young women (mean age 19.1 years). The TEE was estimated from 24-h heart rate (HR) data using newly-developed software (MoveSense HRAnalyzer 2011a, RC1, Suunto Oy, Vantaa, Finland), and was compared against the TEE determined using doubly labeled water (DLW). Agreement between the two methods was analyzed using Bland and Altman plots.ResultsThe HR method yielded similar TEE values as the DLW method at the group level, with an average of 8.6 kcal/day in the difference in the mean, but with large individual variations. Forty-four (96%) out of 46 subjects fell within ±2SD of the mean difference in TEE comparisons, and there was no tendency towards under- or over-estimation.ConclusionOur results indicate that the current software using HR analysis for the estimation of daily TEE needs further development for use with free-living individuals.  相似文献   

One important extrinsic factor that causes foot deformity and pain in women is footwear. Women's sports shoes are designed as smaller versions of men's shoes. Based on this, the current study aims to identify foot shape in 1,236 Chinese young adult men and 1,085 Chinese young adult women. Three-dimensional foot shape data were collected through video filming. Nineteen foot shape variables were measured, including girth (4 variables), length (4 variables), width (3 variables), height (7 variables), and angle (1 variable). A comparison of foot measures within the range of the common foot length (FL) categories indicates that women showed significantly smaller values of foot measures in width, height, and girth than men. Three foot types were classified, and distributions of different foot shapes within the same FL were found between women and men. Foot width, medial ball length, ball angle, and instep height showed significant differences among foot types in the same FL for both genders. There were differences in the foot shape between Chinese young women and men, which should be considered in the design of Chinese young adults’ sports shoes.  相似文献   

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