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班主任的主要职责是承担班级的管理和组织工作,及时妥当地处理班级中出现的问题。班主任与学生、家长之间的沟通与交流在中学班级管理工作中有着举足轻重的地位,是班主任进行中学班级管理工作的重要内容。本文是通过分析目前中学班主任管理中存在的问题,并通过一系列探究总结出来的管理方法。  相似文献   

家庭教育在大学生思想政治教育中起着重要作用,辅导员与家长的交流可以使很多难处理的学生问题得以解决。本文从辅导员与家长联系时机的把握、应注意的问题及沟通方式等层面阐述,综合分析如何构建、创新辅导员与学生家长的联系制度与方式。  相似文献   

初三的学生正处于一个特殊的时期,一方面面临着中考的巨大压力,另一方面进入了青春骚动期,不管是身体还是心理都发生了很大变化,很多学生都不能很好地适应这种变化,普遍出现厌学、叛逆、早恋等"症状"。一旦出现这种情况,必然会导致成绩的下滑,甚至会直接导致辍学,这些学生流落到社会上会造成很多的问题。因此,有一个好的领导者和引路人就显得非常必要。初三学生的班主任任务艰巨,工作开展困难,尤其在农村中学,教育资源匮乏、家长素质低等因素考验着每一个班主任。分析农村初三班主任工作的困难之处,阐述如何做好农村初三班主任工作的几项策略。  相似文献   

黄世群 《广西教育》2013,(26):12-12
在班主任工作中,加强家校联系是一项极为重要的内容,处理好学生家庭与学校的关系,会使班主任的工作事半功倍。班主任要做好班级管理工作就应当认识到与家长沟通的重要性,这样才能营造和谐的班级氛围,促进良好班风和学风的形成。因此,班主任与家长必须紧密联系,加强交流,才能互相配合,和谐施教。那么,班主任应如何加强家校联系呢?  相似文献   

黄延斌 《广东教育》2003,(12):51-51
随着年龄的增长,子女与父母的谈心越来越少,上了中学后在学校住宿,往往要一个月甚至更长的时间才回家一次。更甚的是有些学生的父母外出打工,这些学生就可能整个学期都不回家,与父母谈心的机会就显得更少了。也就是说学生的思想情况很多家长是不了解的。特别是像我们这类位于县城的学校,高中学生多数来源于偏远农村,这种情况特别突出。这样,如果班主任不联系家长,不创造一些机会让学生与家长交谈,学生很多心事家长和老师就不能了解,很多困难和问题就不能很好地解决,这就直接影响了学生的思想和学习的进步。怎样密切与家长的联系,共同教育好…  相似文献   

中小学班主任在其班级学生的管控中占主导地位,要切实做好中小学班级的管控工作需要应对很多不同的困难。在中小学班主任进行班级管控时,师生之间的交流、老师与家长间的联系有着十分关键的作用,是中小学班主任班级治理中的重点内容,班主任必须对学生进行全面了解才能够真正发挥沟通作用,才能帮助中小学生良好成长,进而促使同学与老师的协同进步。文章根据班级的实际情况,简单分析班级治理中沟通的突出作用,为班主任进一步增强中小学班级管控的水平提供一些方法。  相似文献   

冷玉强 《贵州教育》2014,(13):17-18
正班主任是班集体的组织者和指导者,负责全面关心、教育和管理学生,使他们成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律、身心健康的公民。班主任工作在学校、家庭和社会教育之间的作用是非常重要的。但在学校教育管理和调研交流中我们发现,不少教师倾注满腔热情,却得不到学生的理解。其实班主任工作中的学问很大,我们只有遵循其规律,才能事半功倍。一、与学生家长沟通交流在班级管理中,班主任肯定要与家长多联系沟通,这样才有利于管理学生。可是,往往会出现一种现象,就是当学生出了"问题"后班主任才跟家长联系,并且在交流的过程中老是谈劣势、谈不足,这实际上  相似文献   

高校学生组织是联系青年学生的桥梁和纽带,在大学生思想政治教育工作中发挥着独特的作用,是校园文化建设的重要保障,是大学课堂教学的有力补充。笔者从学生组织在大学生思想政治教育中的作用着手,结合高校学生教育管理工作的实际,分析学生组织在大学生思想政治教育工作中发挥作用时所面临的问题,思考如何加强学生组织建设,使之成为大学生思想政治教育工作的主要阵地和重要载体。  相似文献   

家长的苦恼 作为班主任,经常与一些学生家长交流关于学生的问题,发现很多家长最苦恼的事情是难以和孩子沟通、交流。他们反映孩子进入中学后,甚至不与父母交流自己在学校的事情以及自己的生活、兴趣爱好,逐渐把自己的心封闭起来,无形中与父母之间出现了一堵墙。  相似文献   

在班主任的日常教育管理中,学生出现问题的原因很多,其中有相当部分来自家庭的影响。因此,要想较为圆满地解决问题,班主任得加强与家长的联系,做一做家长的思想工作。反思自己几年来的班主任工作,在了解学生发生问题的实质根源后,也去管了别人家的“闲事”,做了一些家长的思想工作。得到了较为完满的结果。现举两个案例与大家一起分享。  相似文献   

This article deals with the usually unverbalized aspects of a college student's emotional life, and how this affects communication with parents. During college the student essentially recreates her or himself. College students find themselves in a "Largely unrecognized turmoil," confronted with new rules for interaction, new lifestyles, and a lack of familiar structure. This leads to a great deal of self-evaluation, comparing previous structures (from the home and high school) with new ideas. Within these circumstances of uncertainty, questioning, and experimentation, the student is particularly vulnerable and greatly wishes for strong expressions of parental support. The issue of communication with parents is clouded by the student's wish for the parents to see her or him as adult and "together"; therefore, the student will rarely express the need for support. If parents are more aware of the student's unverbalized circumstances, as well as appreciative of what they themselves can gain from the changes their daughter or son experiences, both student and parent will feel more at ease and can grow personally. The article suggests certain guidelines for communication between parents and students.  相似文献   


In Colleges of Further Education communication between tutors and students or tutors and the parents of students is not generally a problem. However, when the students have severe learning difficulties communication between tutors and parents takes on a different meaning and significance. This paper begins by examining models which describe this relationship before reporting a qualitative study of tutor/parent communication. The study found that the college rhetoric of client centredness was not matched by practice, and more importantly, identified unaddressed issues relating to the status of the student. In order to resolve these difficulties an alternative model is outlined.  相似文献   

基于PISA2015中国四省市数据,采用多层线性模型,研究中学生各科课外补习时间投入对学业成绩的影响效应.研究发现:课外补习时间与学业成绩之间存在先降后升的非线性关系,表明学科补习具有门槛效应,当补习时间超出某个阈值,学业成绩才会出现质的提升;数学补习时间投入差异扩大了不同家庭背景学生间数学成绩的差距,会造成教育结果的不均等;校内课程时间对学生成绩的影响呈先升后降的非线性关系,相较于补习时间,校内课程时间能更有效地提升学生成绩.因此,中学生及家长应基于实际的补习需求,合理投入补习时间;学校应保证学生校内课程学习时间,发挥学校教育的主导作用;政府应重视课外补习对教育公平的冲击,加强对校外培训机构的监管,还要为经济困难家庭学生提供必要的课外补习机会,缩小因课外补习带来的教育结果不均等,努力促进校内外教育公平.  相似文献   

师范生从学校走上工作岗位成为一名新教师时将面临着很多的困境,对此,师范院校应在课程设置和对师范生教学技能培训的过程中加强对学生教学设计能力,实验能力,信息技术处理等各方面能力的训练.使师范生及时适应新的环境成为一名合格中学教师.  相似文献   

随着高校管理模式更加人性化,加强学生事务服务成为高校学生工作中较为重要的一部分,“一站式”学生综合事务服务大厅正是体现“以学生为本”的服务理念.结合当下高校大力推进学生事务平台的建设,分析手机媒体在学生事务服务方面的优势.结合手机在大学生群体中的广泛使用提出了基于手机媒体的学生事务平台的发展方向,并从目标用户研究和需求分析与应用系统设计两个方面提出了设计基于手机媒体的学生综合事务服务平台的思路,使“90后”大学生享有更加快捷、便利、贴心的成长成才服务.  相似文献   

This selective review highlights some representative types of problems students and parents experience during the college years. The key issue is adaptation to change. Academic work impairment, disruptions in parent-child and family relationships, interpersonal problems with peers as well as teachers at college can, more often than not, be related to the "normal" developmental changes occurring both in parents and college students whose life cycles and developmental tasks intersect and interact. These tasks and related problems include students' separation and independence from parents, imparied academic work performance, social and sexual difficulties, and severe emotional problems including suicidal and psychotic behavior. In this presentation neither panaceas nor easy solutions to student emotional problems are offered. Instead, an attempt is made to provide a psychological perspective, to clarify the issues, to suggest ways of avoiding certain problems and, where problems already exist, to show possible directions for successful outcomes.  相似文献   

The authors draw from a 16-month ethnographic study to examine Latino middle school boys’ early college and career aspirations. Sources of information and support for students, as well as contextual factors that shaped students’ early career aspirations were explored. Findings indicate that early college and career exposure may allow Latino middle school males to form feasible college and career plans. While parents and older siblings served as sources of encouragement, teachers and other institutional agents played a more direct role in assisting students prepare and plan for college. The AVID program provided exposure and concrete information that allowed students to identify different colleges and admissions requirements. Findings from this study may be beneficial for school leaders who hope to engage Latino males during this critical stage of development and help improve their college participation rates.  相似文献   

摘要对229名寄宿制学校中学生的调查显示:(1)寄宿制学校中学生在学习适应和身心症状适应维度上得分较高.存在适应困难,其中高一学生的学习适应困难得分显著高于初一;(2)在父亲教养方式上,男生在过分干涉、拒绝否认、过度保护因子上的得分显著高于女生;在母亲教养方式维度上,男生在拒绝否认因子上的得分显著高于女生;初一学生在父亲情感温暖、理解上的得分显著高于高一学生;母亲文化程度为大学或中专的学生在情感温暖、理解上的得分显著高于文化程度为初中及以下的学生;(3)父母教养方式与其子女的适应策略存在显著相关,分离策略和母亲的惩罚严厉对中学生的学校适应困难有较强的预测作用,可以解释总变异的39%。  相似文献   

学校、家庭、社会是学生发展的重要影响因素。然而,随着学生的成长,特别是在高等教育阶段,学校与家庭之间的沟通机制缺失,家长对学校发展与学生培养的作用没有有效发挥。为实现家、校互动,为学校培养目标的实现获取更为广泛的现实依据,我院编制了《关于高职院校办学与人才培养状况的调查问卷》,以学生家长为调查对象,对调查结果进行定量分析,为高职院校专业建设、师资队伍建设、学生培养模式完善等方面提供了切实的参考依据。  相似文献   

Although college readiness is a centerpiece of major educational initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards, few systems have been implemented to track children's progress toward this goal. Instead, college‐readiness information is typically conveyed late in a student's high‐school career, and tends to focus solely on academic accomplishments—grades and admissions test scores. Late‐stage feedback can be problematic for students who need to correct course, so the purpose of this research is to develop a system for communicating more comprehensive college‐readiness diagnoses earlier in a child's K‐12 career. This article introduces college‐readiness indicators for middle‐school students, drawing on the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS), a nationally representative longitudinal survey of educational inputs, contexts, and outcomes. A diversity of middle‐school variables was synthesized into six factors: achievement, behavior, motivation, social engagement, family circumstances, and school characteristics. Middle‐school factors explain 69% of the variance in college readiness, and results suggest a variety of factors beyond academic achievement—most notably motivation and behavior—contribute substantially to preparedness for postsecondary study. The article concludes with limitations and future directions, including the development of college‐readiness categories to support straightforward communication of middle‐school indicators to parents, teachers, and students.  相似文献   

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