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采用文献资料法、信息技术法、数理统计法,对2015年世界田径锦标赛男子百米决赛中苏炳添和博尔特的100 m技术的时空特征进行剖析,其目的是分析我国选手苏炳添与博尔特之间的技术差异性,以便为苏炳添日后改进训练提供参考。结果表明:1)苏炳添与博尔特之间的技术差异主要在于"步长"上,博尔特步长明显长于苏炳添。2)苏炳添的步频指数不理想,即步长、步频呈现非均衡发展,而博尔特步频指数较为合理,步长、步频呈现均衡发展态势。研究认为:苏炳添应在保持步频的背景下,以增加步长的训练为突破口,即:增大前摆角度、支撑腿缓冲角度、膝关节角度以及折叠程度等的训练。  相似文献   

采用现场拍摄、录像分析等方法,对谢震业与中外优秀男子200m短跑运动员全程速度与步态变化进行分析、评价。结果表明:1)不同步态变化组合特点是导致中、外优秀运动员速度节奏差异的内在原因,2者在步频能力不存在显著差异的前提下,步长能力却存在差异显著;世界优秀男子200m运动员普遍具有后程分段区间步长增加幅度更大的步态特点,以及前程分段速度储备动用率较低,后程分段速度更快的速度节奏特征;而国内运动员则表现为前程分段速度动用率过高,前后分段速度分配较为一致的速度节奏特征。2)200m项目上国内运动员步长储备不足的短板被进一步放大,其后程速度耐力差,所显现出的步长储备相对不足,是阻碍成绩进一步提高的关键所在。3)谢震业在全运会再次刷新全国纪录所表现出的平均步长增加与步频的适当降低是一个良好的发展趋势;"调节奏、增步长"是其进一步提升成绩的主要方向。  相似文献   

目的:全面分析和掌握苏炳添在东京奥运会男子100 m比赛中的关键运动技术表现特征,剖析苏炳添的成功对中国田径和世界田径的影响以及对国人的启示。方法:运用视频解析法、文献资料法和数理统计等研究方法对苏炳添9.83 s比赛进行运动学分析,并对苏炳添及其余2名男子100 m项目参赛运动员谢震业、吴智强在东京奥运会100 m项目上的表现和所产生的重要意义进行分析。结果:1)苏炳添半决赛成绩(9.83 s)较赛前个人历史最佳成绩提升0.81%,决赛成绩(9.98 s)较半决赛慢1.53%;2)苏炳添半决赛时在45~60 m处达到最大速度(11.969 m/s),30 m分段用时(3.674 s)较美国选手Maurice Greene创造的3.73 s分段纪录快0.056 s,60 m分段用时(6.279 s)较美国选手Christian Coleman创造的60 m世界室内纪录(6.34 s)快约0.06 s,较牙买加选手Usain Bolt创造的6.31 s分段纪录快约0.03 s;3)在无风状态下,苏炳添半决赛估算成绩约为9.876 s,60 m分段成绩约为6.31 s。结论:1)我国3名男...  相似文献   

利用数理统计法对世界优秀短跑运动员100m跑的各分段步频、步长等运动学指标进行评析,研究表明:世界优秀短跑运动员100m跑中长时间保持高速的途径是依靠自己的步长,而不是努力提高步频来保持;全程跑的加速节奏对全程的成绩有较大的影响;在各分段步长与步频对跑速的贡献具有显性差异。  相似文献   

通过影片解析,对当今亚洲及世界优秀女子800米跑选手的分段时间、速度、步长、步频等项参数进行对比分析,从中揭示了亚洲选手的差距所在。  相似文献   

采用影片解析与运动生物力学研究法。将辽宁省5位女子800米优秀选手在第7届全运会800米跑决赛中的分段时间与速度节奏,全程步频与步频指数,全程步数(步长)与步长指数,单步时相结构,步幅结构,支撑技术,摆动腿与臂的技术等,与国内组与国外组选手进行对比,从而揭示出她们的共性技术特征。  相似文献   

本文利用数理统计法对第三届与第七届世界田径锦标赛男子100m决赛运动员100m跑的各分段步频、步长等运动学指标进行评析,研究表明世界优秀短跑运动员100m跑中长时间保持高速的途径是依靠自己的步长,而不是努力提高步频来保持。同时发现,在各分段中步长与步频对跑速的贡献具有显著性差异。 1.世界优秀运动员全程跑的步频、步长变化表1是世界优秀运动员100米全程跑的分段步  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、信息技术法和技术录像解析法对博尔特2008北京奥运会、2009柏林世锦赛、2013莫斯科世锦赛三次夺得世界百米冠军的全程节奏进行解析,并与2013年世锦赛跑进10s的前5名选手的节奏进行对比。结果显示:1)与接近身高的选手比,博尔特步长、步频均有优势;2)传统的步频、步长指数技术风格分类方法,已不能满足区分当今世界顶级百米选手之间技术风格差异的需要;3)博尔特在第6~30步甚至35步之间的步频几乎不变,最后10步步频下降较少,仍能高于起跑后第2~5步的步频,可见其长时间维持步频的能力较强,而其余选手在跑的过程中步频增减较明显。  相似文献   

1 前言当今世界体育强国的100m跑提高较快,我国女子100m跑水平虽有较大的进步,但与世界水平相比有较大差距.研究分析国内外优秀女子短跑技术的发展趋向,为稳步提高我国女子100m跑成绩有一定现实意义.本文将用科学理论,对照统计材料与个人短跑实践,着重从影响100m跑成绩的两个因素,步频与步长变化,谈提高我国女子100m跑运动员速度的训练.2 理论概述与分析2.1 速度是步频、步长两个因素的结合,然而速度的增长或减慢是取决于这两个因素(或其中一个)的变化.从100m跑成绩与步频、步长变化的数学公式:百米成绩=100m/(步频×步长)可  相似文献   

步长和步频是跑步时身体位移在空间与时间方面运动学特征的表现。在跑的项目中,跑的成绩取决于跑的平均速度,决定跑速的因素主要是步长和步频。对1 00米跑来说,全程平均步长=1 00米/步数,全程平均步频=步数/1 00米成绩,故可推导出1 00米成绩=1 00米/(步长×步频)的公式。这个关系式直接表明了步长、步频的值越大,则成绩就越好。因此,通过保持一个因素增加另一个因素、或两者同时增加、或一个因素增加的幅度超过另一因素降低的幅度等都可以提高成绩。然而,步长和步频是发展速度中的一对矛盾,如何正确处理好它们之间的关系、弄清跑速与步长和步频之间的内在联  相似文献   

中外优秀100m运动员步频与步幅的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将世界优秀男子短跑运动员与我国优秀男子短跑运动员途中跑步频、步幅诸因素进行分析比较,结果显示腾空时间和支撑阶段支撑腿从垂直支撑到最大缓冲的时问过长是制约步幅的主要因素,合理延长后蹬腿距离是提高步频的有效途径。  相似文献   

周志明 《体育学刊》2003,10(5):109-111
用耦合振荡子与生物同步的理论,可以证明:无论是史前的动物在捕食的追击中,或是现代的运动员在争取优胜的跑步中,都可以从步伐频率的同步耦合中节约自己的体能,提高运动时奔跑的效率。  相似文献   

通过对中外百米短跑优秀运动员的运动指标进行相关性数理分析后发现:在影响运动成绩的主要因素中,依次是步幅、相对步幅、步频。而步频对成绩的影响,中外选手没有显著性差异。通过剔除法筛选,最终选择步幅、步频作为自变量建立最优回归方程进行分析。分析我国短跑运动员存在的不足,提出从整体性角度提高步幅的建议,为教练员科学训练提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated how manipulating first step width affects 3D external force production, centre of mass (CoM) motion and performance in athletic sprinting. Eight male and 2 female competitive sprinters (100m PB: 11.03 ± 0.36 s male and 11.6 ± 0.45 s female) performed 10 maximal effort block starts. External force and three-dimensional kinematics were recorded in both the block and first stance phases. Five trials were performed with the athletes performing their preferred technique (Skating) and five trials with the athletes running inside a 0.3 m lane (Narrow). By reducing step width from a mean of 0.31 ± 0.06 m (Skating) to 0.19 ± 0.03 m (Narrow), reductions were found between the two styles in medial block and medial 1st stance impulses, 1st stance anterior toe-off velocity and mediolateral motion of the CoM. No differences were found in block time, step length, stance time, average net resultant force vector, net anteroposterior impulse nor normalised external power. Step width correlated positively with medial impulse but not with braking nor net anteroposterior impulse. Despite less medially directed forces and less mediolateral motion of the CoM in the Narrow trials, no immediate improvement to performance was found by restricting step width.  相似文献   

通过对九运会中国男子百米跑优秀运动员途中跑的技术录像解析,分析所获得的速度、角速度、步频、步长、单步各时相等运动学参数的具体指标,并与国内外优秀百米跑选手作比较,结果认为,九运会男子百米途中跑速度较以往有了明显的提高,原因主要是步长的提高,但与国外优秀选手还有差距,主要原因是步长不足;中国百米跑运动员应减少腾空时间以增大身体重心位移的支撑与腾空时间比;九运会男子百米跑运动员的摆腿及摆臂技术差异较大,且摆臂时前摆不足后摆过大,使身体产生向前的动力不足。  相似文献   


As the effect of performance level on sprinting mechanics has not been fully studied, we examined mechanical differences at maximal running speed (MRS) over a straight-line 35 m sprint amongst sprinters of different performance levels. Fifty male track and field sprinters, divided in Slow, Medium and Fast groups (MRS: 7.67 ± 0.27 m?s?1, 8.44 ± 0.22 m?s?1, and 9.37 ± 0.41 m?s?1, respectively) were tested. A high-speed camera (250 Hz) recorded a full stride in the sagittal plane at 30–35 m. MRS was higher (p < 0.05) in Fast vs. Medium (+11.0%) and Slow (+22.1%) as well as in Medium vs. Slow (+10.0%). Twelve, eight and seven out of 21 variables significantly distinguished Fast from Slow, Fast from Medium and Medium from Slow sprinters, respectively. Propulsive phase was signi?cantly shorter in Fast vs. Medium (?17.5%) and Slow (?29.4%) as well as in Medium vs. Slow (?14.4%). Fast sprinters had significantly higher vertical and leg stiffness values than Medium (+44.1% and +18.1%, respectively) and Slow (+25.4% and +22.0%, respectively). MRS at 30–35 m increased with performance level during a 35-m sprint and was achieved through shorter contact time, longer step length, faster step rate, and higher vertical and leg stiffness.  相似文献   


Studies on running biomechanics and energetics are usually conducted on a treadmill. To ensure that locomotion on a treadmill is comparable to locomotion overground, participants need to be expert in the use of the device. This study aimed to identify the number and duration of sessions needed to obtain stable measurements for spatiotemporal and metabolic parameters in unexperienced treadmill runners. Fourteen male recreational runners performed three 15-min treadmill running trials in different days at a submaximal speed. Spatiotemporal and metabolic parameters were registered at minutes: 5, 10, 15 and their within-trial and between-trial changes were analysed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test. Within-trial differences were found in step frequency (decreased over time), Step Length and Contact Time (increased), reaching stability at different time points. Ventilator parameters increased, reaching stability after 5–10 min, while heart rate increased progressively over time. The only between-trial differences were an increase in step length and a decrease in step frequency at min 1, between trials 1 and 3. In conclusion, at least three running trials of 15 min are required to familiarize with the device. The last 5 min of the third trial can be regarded as stable measurements.  相似文献   

In the finishing kick of a distance race, maximizing speed becomes the focus even if economy may be sacrificed. If distance runners knew how to alter their technique to become more sprint-like, this process could be more successful. In this study, we compared the differences in technique between sprinters and distance runners while running at equal and maximal speeds. Athletes consisted of 10 Division I distance runners, 10 Division I sprinters, and 10 healthy non-runners. They performed two tests, each consisting of a 60-m run on the track: Test 1 at a set pace of 5.81 m/s, while Test 2 was maximal speed. Video was collected at 180 Hz. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the sprint and distance groups at maximal speeds were found in the following areas: speed, minimum hip angle, knee extension at toe-off, stride length, contact time, and recovery knee at touchdown. In Test 1, sprinters and distance runners displayed many of the same significant differences. The control group was similar to the distance group in both trials. As distance runners attempt to sprint, the desired adjustments do not necessarily occur. Distance runners may benefit from biomechanical interventions to improve running speed near the end of a race.  相似文献   

This investigation examined step-by-step kinematics of sprint running acceleration. Using a randomised counterbalanced approach, 37 female team handball players (age 17.8 ± 1.6 years, body mass 69.6 ± 9.1 kg, height 1.74 ± 0.06 m) performed resisted, assisted and unloaded 20-m sprints within a single session. 20-m sprint times and step velocity, as well as step length, step frequency, contact and flight times of each step were evaluated for each condition with a laser gun and an infrared mat. Almost all measured parameters were altered for each step under the resisted and assisted sprint conditions (η2 ≥ 0.28). The exception was step frequency, which did not differ between assisted and normal sprints. Contact time, flight time and step frequency at almost each step were different between ‘fast’ vs. ‘slow’ sub-groups (η2 ≥ 0.22). Nevertheless overall both groups responded similarly to the respective sprint conditions. No significant differences in step length were observed between groups for the respective condition. It is possible that continued exposure to assisted sprinting might allow the female team-sports players studied to adapt their coordination to the ‘over-speed’ condition and increase step frequency. It is notable that step-by-step kinematics in these sprints were easy to obtain using relatively inexpensive equipment with possibilities of direct feedback.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of commercially-available physical activity devices when walking and running at various treadmill speeds using CTA 2056: Physical Activity Monitoring for Fitness Wearables: Step Counting, standard by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). Twenty participants (10 males and 10 females) completed self-paced walking and running protocols on the treadmill for five minutes each. Eight devices (Apple iWatch series 1, Fitbit Surge, Garmin 235, Moto 360, Polar A360, Suunto Spartan Sport, Suunto Spartan Trainer, and TomTom Spark 3) were tested two at a time, one per wrist. Manual step counts were obtained from video to serve as the benchmark. The mean absolute percent error (MAPE) was calculated during walking and running. During walking, three devices: Fitbit Surge (11.20%), Suunto Sport (22.93%), and TomTom (10.11%) and during running, one device, Polar (10.66%), exceeded the CTA suggestion of a MAPE < 10%. The Moto 360 had the lowest MAPE of all devices for both walking and running. The devices tested had higher step accuracy with running than walking, except for the Polar. Overall, the Apple iWatch series 1, Moto 360, Garmin, and Suunto Spartan Trainer met the CTA standard for both walking and running.  相似文献   

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