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运用高速摄影及三维测力同步测试法,研究在不同的高台至起点远度的起跳腿啃深跳远练习中,运动员的踏跳动作结构变化及不同的着板技术对人体受力的影响。提出不同训练水平运动员合理的高台至起跳点远度及其在运用中的变化方法,认为起跳腿跳深跳远练习可作为男子跳远运动员的专门练习之一。  相似文献   

<正> 在跳远教学中,不少学生落地时小腿前伸不够,甚至前栽,直接影响了跳远的成绩。这除了落地技术掌握不好外,也与助跑、起跳、腾空技术有关。造成这一错误的原因及纠正方法如下: 1.助跑和起跳姿势不正确,起跳前人体向前速度快,踏板后起跳脚停住不动,使髋落后于肩,但上体仍以很高的速度继续向前,从而导致前栽。纠正时,只要助跑的最后三四步上体保持直立姿势,起跳腿上板时快速蹬地,当踏跳缓冲,身体处在垂直部位时,大、小腿充分拆叠,然后大腿积极向前上摆起并带髋向前,当起跳腿蹬离地面  相似文献   

对陈敏后两步助跑与踏跳技术的运动学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高速摄影与影片解析的方法,对健将级男子跳远运动员陈敏的后两步助跑与踏跳技术进行分析。结果显示,陈敏的助跑节奏良好,速度较快,但踏跳前一步明显减速,主要是由于摆动腿着地脚跟领先所致;着板技术与踏跳效果较理想,但起跳角偏小。  相似文献   

助跑速度和起跳能力是一对动态平衡的关系,跳远成绩的提高是原来平衡的打破,新的平衡的建立。针对起跳过程中几个角度的研究,学者们分别有以下研究:1·着地角、蹬地角的适宜与否,反映了运动员踏板技术的好坏,可根据运动员个体特点确定合适的着地角;扇面角的转化时机应在重心投影点之前;起跳时的髋关节的角度为165°~170°,膝关节的角度为175°~178°,小腿与地面夹角约为65°左右,随着跳远成绩的提高,起跳腿攻板的主动性也相应提高,着地角增加达到65°~70°,两大腿的夹角减少到38°~32°,上体角度为90°~107°,有助于攻板的积极性。2·中国跳…  相似文献   

主要从运动学的角度出发,着重从摆动腿膝关节角度的变化特点来分析不同水平男子跳远运动员起跳过程中摆动腿技术的异同,高水平运动员,在最后一步摆动腿蹬离地面瞬间,表现出相对较小的摆动腿膝关节角,角度变化曲线上表现为角度峰值出现在离地后0.02~0.03秒左右的瞬间,不同水平男子跳远运动员在起跳腿着地、起跳腿膝最大屈、起跳离地3个特征时刻,摆动腿膝关节角度差异不明显。  相似文献   

二十一、腾空步运动员起跳离地后,在腾空开始的前一阶段保持起跳离地瞬间的身体姿势。即:摆动腿大腿保持高抬,小腿自然下垂,踏跳腿放松,膝关节微屈留在体后、上体正直稳定,两臂保持踏跳结束时的姿势(图5)。腾空步的时间长短和向前移动的距离因采用的空中姿势不同而异。一般是蹲踞式腾空步时间和距离最长,走步式次之,挺身式最短。  相似文献   

跳远踏跳力学与技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
踏跳是跳远的主要部份。跳远运动员在助跑中所获得的速度,必须通过踏跳动作尽力获得下面两个效果。一、应尽量减少水平速度损失的比率,同时为踏眺腿蹬伸用力做好准备。二、把握恰当的时机,使踏跳腿爆发地蹬离地面,以获得尽量大的垂直速度。这是踏跳的两个任务。从而得到很好的起飞初速和腾起角以及较大的腾空高度。是取得理想跳远成绩的决定因素。为了做到上面两点,除了要求运动员具备良好的速度、弹跳力、运动技巧以及高度身体发展水平之外,还必须掌握完善合理的踏跳技术。近些年来,国内外专家对踏跳进行了许多研究,取得了巨大的成果,促进了跳远运动水平的提高。本文对踏跳技术首先进行力学分析,  相似文献   

助跑踏跳:固定姿势和步数,逐渐加速轻而稳。 倒二步大重心降,最后一步放脚快。 跳腿积极脚上板,重心迅速朝前移。 跳腿先屈髓膝躁,离板瞬间蹬伸直。空中动作 (蹲踞式) 跨步飞跃体正直,后腿前摆并前腿。 两腿上提靠近胸,落地挥臂伸小腿。 (挺身式) 摆腿下放靠后腿,臀部前移髓展开。 挥臂挺身及时做,收腹举腿臂后摆。 (走步式) 起跳结束放摆腿,跳腿屈膝向前迈。 空中走步两步半,臂腿配合后绕环。 动作自然而连贯,平稳落地勿后倒。助跑起跳:固定姿势加速跑,步幅轻稳重心高。 跳脚低抬放上板,臂腿配合离板快。第一跳:跨步腾空体正直,平衡换步不…  相似文献   

根据教学大纲要求,在小学三年级开始学习蹲踞式跳远。蹲踞式:起跳腾起后成“跨步飞跃”的姿势。当身体重心腾起到接近最高点时。起跳腿屈膝向前上方收起与摆动腿靠拢,空中形成“蹲踞”姿势,上举大腿,小腿前伸落地。我们在教蹲踞式跳远时,应该明确把学习重点放在助跑与起跳上。为以后学习跳远技术打下良好的基础。三年级教学任务: 学习跳远助跑与踏跳技术,发展腿部力量及弹跳力。  相似文献   

跳远踏跳阶段的生物力学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
跳远踏跳阶段的技术故然复杂,影响运动成绩的因素之众多,但我们认为着板时制动点的稳定性,支撑腿踝、膝关节销紧的程度,摆动动作的效果以及肌肉用力的顺序等因素最为重要。训练中把握住这些因素将有利于运动技术的提高。  相似文献   

跳远起跳技术的运用在学界一直存有争议,为探讨跳远起跳技术的生物力学原理,选取跳远起跳动作作为研究对象,建立起跳动作的数学模型并在计算机上实施基于肌肉动力学层面的运动模拟。模拟结果表明:在增大人体重心垂直速度和重心的腾起角方面,膝关节肌较之髋关节肌都有更为显著的作用;在相同的着地距离下,增大小腿环节角与增大大腿环节角相比明显有利。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of run-up speed on take-off technique in the long jump. Seventy-one jumps by an elite male long jumper were recorded in the sagittal plane by a high-speed video camera. A wide range of run-up speeds was obtained using direct intervention to set the length of the athlete's run-up. As the athlete's run-up speed increased, the jump distance and take-off speed increased, the leg angle at touchdown remained almost unchanged, and the take-off angle and take-off duration steadily decreased. The predictions of two previously published mathematical models of the long jump take-off are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the influence of run-up speed on take-off technique in the long jump. Seventy-one jumps by an elite male long jumper were recorded in the sagittal plane by a high-speed video camera. A wide range of run-up speeds was obtained using direct intervention to set the length of the athlete's run-up. As the athlete's run-up speed increased, the jump distance and take-off speed increased, the leg angle at touchdown remained almost unchanged, and the take-off angle and take-off duration steadily decreased. The predictions of two previously published mathematical models of the long jump take-off are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、特尔菲法、运动生物力学测量法和数理统计法,对男子跳远运动员起跳力量训练方法进行定量研究。结果表明:8步助跑跳远、4步助跑5级单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳、起跳腿跳深摸高、起跳腿跳深跳远等5项练习被公认为发展跳远起跳力量的方法;8步助跑跳远、4步助跑单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳是与跳远专项非常接近的专项力量训练方法;跳深跳远练习可以促进运动员提高积极着板起跳技术。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables that determine the performance of the standing long jump in children 6- to 12-years-old. There were 121 healthy children (58 girls) recorded while they performed the standing long jump test. All kinematic variables showed a significant correlation with calculated jump distance and measured jump distance, except for the knee joint angle at maximum shoulder extension angle, ankle joint angle at maximum shoulder extension angle, and shoulder joint angle at maximum knee flexion angle. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that sex, age, and body mass index accounted for 51.1% of the jump distance variance. Among all the kinematic variables, take-off distance and take-off speed were accounted for the most of the variation in the jump distance. Physical education teachers and coaches should consider special attention to these anthropometrics and kinematic aspects in improving the standing long jump performance in children.  相似文献   

To ensure precise foot placement on the take-off board, long jumpers visually regulate their stride pattern during their run-up. A relationship between how much visual guidance they use and the horizontal distance they jump has not, however, been quantified. Run-up precision is often practiced using run-throughs, which exclude the take-off and, therefore, the high physical stress of the complete long jump. The validity with which this common training method simulates the long jump approach remains, however, to be verified. Four state-standard long jumpers and two heptathletes completed two sessions, each comprising six runthroughs and six competition long jumps. A 50 Hz video camera was manually panned from an elevated platform to film each trial, to enable subsequent gait characteristic evaluations. Linear regression analyses identified that a longer visual regulation phase, measured in time, distance or number of strides, was a key predictor of long jump distance. The number of strides that were visually regulated during the long jump approach was, accordingly, positively correlated with long jump distance (r = 0.67, p = 0.001). The amount of visual regulation used during run-throughs was, however, less than half (p = 0.001) of that observed during long jump approaches. Our results should compel long jump coaches to supplement run-through training with additional visual guidance exercises, to encourage their athletes to visually regulate more of their long jump approach.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effects of inclined and raised flat boards on the take-off motion of the long jump to determine the effectiveness of these boards as training tools. Eight male long jumpers were videotaped with two high-speed video cameras (250 Hz) set perpendicular to the runway. Four different jumps were performed with in four conditions, all with their medium length run-up: a long jump with their normal technique, long jumps on upward inclined boards of two different inclinations (2.5 and 5.0 degrees), and a long jump on a raised flat board (0 degrees, 50 mm). The raised flat board enhanced the pivot of the body over the take-off foot, and reduced flexion of the take-off leg knee. However, the inclined boards did not produce the same effects as the raised flat board. The use of the inclined boards increased the vertical velocity of the centre of mass of the body at toe-off, resulting in increased airborne time. These results suggest that the raised flat board and inclined boards would be effective in improving long jumpers' techniques during the take-off and airborne phases.  相似文献   

背越式跳高起跳技术主要由起跳腿的蹬伸技术与摆动腿的摆动技术所组成。目前,大多数人们集中于跳高起跳的"蹬伸"技术研究,对起跳阶段的"摆动"技术研究相对较少。文章运用现场技术录像和运动图像解析的方法,对我国优秀男子跳高运动员在起跳阶段摆动技术进行解析研究,结果表明:我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳前摆动腿最大缓冲幅度比较大;在起跳阶段摆动腿蹬离瞬间,摆动腿膝关节角度变化较小。背越式跳高起跳过程中的摆动腿缓冲阶段,身体重心的高度、摆动腿膝角的变化情况与助跑水平速度的损失有显著性相关。助跑最后一步摆动腿的伸膝角度、伸膝速度与起跳腿着地时摆动腿的摆动速度、摆动腿离地后的最大摆动速度都有高度的相关性。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、信息技术、数理统计等方法,以北京世界田径锦标赛女子跳远决赛前三名运动员为研究对象,对跳远起跳技术进行运动学分析.结果表明:北京世锦赛女子跳远运动员的起跳技术整体上已达到世界优秀水平,在起跳阶段蹬地角度、起跳扇面角度比较理想;在起跳中时间大体呈现T1> T2=T3 的特征,存在较大的不合理性;运动员起跳腿的"缓冲与蹬伸"和摆动腿的"蹬、摆"技术呈现出摆动腿摆动不积极、蹬伸质量不高的特征.  相似文献   

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