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高校英语跨文化教学中应该正视"中国英语"的存在,注重中国本土文化的输入,加强"中国英语"教学,以利于更好地传播博大精深的中国文化,提高中国的文化软实力.  相似文献   

在当前的语言教学中,我们越来越意识到语言和文化之间的密切联系,在大学英语的教学中开始注重"跨文化意识"的培养,从而促进学生的英语学习效果.本文从语言和文化的关系,和大学英语教学"跨文化意识"培养中教师该做些什么,以及教学注意点和文化导入的原则等几方面阐述在大学英语教学中如何进行"跨文化意识"的培养.  相似文献   

高校英语师范专业教师发展与师范专业认证标准之间的差距表现在教师专业成长缺乏师范专业认证引领下的发展规划、实践指导能力薄弱、服务地方实践教学类课题研究较少等方面.为了提高师范专业认证理念,促进高校英语教师专业发展,建议建立实践共同体、推行教育实践"双导师制"协同育人培养机制和加强教学学术研究.  相似文献   

随着国际化趋势的日益明显,我国大学英语教育正在经历改进和革新,英语学习的实际操作和运用能力更受重视.在财经类高校的口语教学和训练中,培养跨文化交际能力显得极为迫切.本文探讨了如何使教师和学生在教与学的过程中以英语学习的"大目标"--交流为导向,提高口语的实际运用能力和跨文化沟通能力.从何为"跨文化交际能力"说起,本文研究了英语口语教学在跨文化交际能力方面应导入的内容以及如何在英语口语教学中有效地进行文化渗入.  相似文献   

"双减"政策发布后,推动初中英语教学"提质增效"已成为初中英语教师的工作重点.教师要提高英语课堂效率,让学生有更多机会参加英语实践活动,重构教学模式,通过多元化设计教学目标、单元整合教学内容、实施以任务为导向的教学方法、开展分层检测等教学策略,构建初中英语高效课堂.  相似文献   

建设一支"双师"结构的教学团队是高职教育办出水平与特色的根本保障,也是高职教育内涵建设的重要任务.通过对几所国家示范性高职院校"双师"教学团队的典型案例剖析表明,通过遴选团队带头人,培养与引进"双师"素质教师、建立专兼职教师资源数据库、确定教学梯队的结构和营造团队文化组建"双师"团队;通过确立企业外聘教师管理制度、团队建设管理制度及建立评价和激励的长效保障机制等,是"双师"结构教学团队建设的共同特征.  相似文献   

关于"英语国家概况"课教学的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
"英语国家概况"课是高校英语专业的必修课,主要讲述英、美、加、澳、新等主要英语国家史地、政治、经济、教育和社会生活等方面的情况及文化传统,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生跨文化交际的能力.作为英语专业知识类课程,该课具有自身显著的特点,但和专业技能类课程相比较,教师对其教学相关问题思考还不够.本文拟就"英语国家概况"课的课程开设、教材建设、教学内容和方法及考试方式等方面进行理论和实践的探究.  相似文献   

经济全球化发展使英语作为国际通用语言得到了高度重视。大学时期是学生学习英语文化的重要时期,在高校进行英语文化教学,有助于学生了解英语文化内涵。通过分析高校英语文化教学的教师管理、教学过程管理、教学方法管理,为高校英语文化教学培养学生学习兴趣、提高教师教学效率提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李希 《现代英语》2021,(8):23-25
本研究探讨了在特定的英语媒介教学语境中,非英语专业大学生对中国文化英语学习给养的感知,承认了语言生态视角在洞察语境因素和感知给养之间的相互关系方面的益处.它增加了对一个研究不足的问题的实证理解:学生如何感知教师的教学语言使用和课堂活动有益于中国文化英语学习.最后得出结论:学生在为"推动式"和自主输出创造大量机会的活动中...  相似文献   

肖贻杰  罗美玲 《职业技术》2021,(3):28-33,48
"双一流"建设和"双高计划"实施中,教师队伍虽是关键因素,但是对于教师的内心感受特别是信任关注不够.基于广东部分"双一流"建设和"双高计划"高校的教师的问卷调查,探讨高校组织信任对教师工作绩效的影响.研究表明,基于教师视角,高校组织信任由学校信任、上级信任、同事信任三个维度构成;学校信任对教师的关系绩效有显著影响,但对...  相似文献   

本文通过对英语教学与研究相关文献的审视,指出了当前中国英语教学与研究所存在的误区,即忽视或摒弃自身语言文化和身份特性。在教学中,刻意模仿第一语言英语,试图达到英语为母语说话者准确、流利、自如地使用英语的程度。在科研中,一味效仿西方英语研究模式,其关注点往往是有待完善的学生英语。与此同时,本文结合中国英语教学与实践的现状,对中国式英语进行反思,在此基础上,对中国式英语重新定义。运用传统的中国儒学原理,并融入相应的西方学习理论和语言学习理论,笔者提出了全新的中国式英语教学模式,旨在于帮助中国英语学习者在本土化双语学习语境中更有效地掌握和运用语言知识,提高语言能力,达到最大的学习效果。更重要的是,以儒学原理为指导的教学模式,将使我们在教学和科研过程中进一步完善自我,不失民族及文化特征,对学生和教师都提出了一个明确可达到的学习和培养目标。  相似文献   

从课堂教学浅谈小学生英语学习兴趣的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪信息化和多元化的社会使人们认识到英语学习的重要性,许多国家已经把英语教学作为基础教育阶段公民素质的重要组成部分。2001年初,教育部决定从2001年秋季开始在全国范围内积极推进在小学阶段开设英语课程。“兴趣是最好的老师”,小学英语教学重在培养小学生英语学习兴趣。在课堂教学中,教学内容的选取要体现其趣味性,教学方法要体现其直观性和多样性,教学形式要省时有效,教学评价要有利于小学生英语学习兴趣的形成。  相似文献   

This study explores six Vietnamese, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ reflections on their experiences of English language learning during the early 1980s to the late 1990s. Data collected in narrative interviews with the participating teachers revealed a wide range of issues that arose during their EFL learning, central to which was the prevalence of grammar-focused practices in all EFL classes. From their perspectives as EFL teachers today, the participants see their learning experience as a way of learning to teach. In particular, they pinpoint the negative aspects of language teaching at that time in the hope that their teaching practice today will not repeat the same mistakes. However, they also reflect on positive aspects, especially their influential teachers, to inform their teaching. Based on the findings, the study suggests that language teachers’ experience of language learning should be considered part of reflective teaching as well as of teachers’ trajectories of learning to teach.  相似文献   

邹旭 《海外英语》2012,(15):131-133
With the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology(ICT),the modern information and communica tion media have been changing the rationale of learning and teaching.Under such circumstances,a person’s,especially an educator’s in formation literacy plays an important role in their personal and professional development.This essay discusses the influence of the new challenge on EFL(English as a foreign language) teachers’professional development.EFL teachers should be fully empowered to be infor mation literate language educators in the curriculum innovation of TEFL(teaching English as a foreign language).It is suggested that EFL teachers’awareness,attitudes,and personal needs should be taken into account in the process of integrating ICT into their professional practice and self-development.  相似文献   

The present article lies at the intersection of research on teacher cognition and speaking competence in a second language. It is a qualitative analysis of teacher accounts of speaking in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Iran. More specifically, the study is an exploration of three EFL teachers’ conceptions of learning and teaching the speaking skill in English. The teachers represented varying levels of experience and education and were classified as experts and novices. Through juxtaposing teachers’ views of how students should learn to speak and how the teachers themselves learned to speak English, the research study uncovers the interwoven nature of learning experience with teaching conceptions. It also unveils the images underpinning their conceptions of how to learn and teach speaking in an EFL context. The results also portray teachers as having unique ways of thinking of speaking while at the same time sharing certain patterns.  相似文献   

郭红 《海外英语》2012,(7):59-61,70
Nowadays,more and more foreign teachers have come to or been invited to China,joining in the English education cause,especially in colleges and universities.Using the methods of questionnaires and interviews,this paper conducts a survey of three foreign teachers and one hundred Chinese English majors at Qufu Normal University,aiming to explore their different perceptions and attitudes towards varied aspects of cross-cultural communication in native EFL classes.The quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the survey were both processed and analyzed from such categories as "teaching contents","teaching attitude","teaching methods","classroom interaction" and "cultural background".The findings suggested that intercultural communication plays a significant role in the process of English language teaching and learning at college native EFL classes.  相似文献   

During the most recent educational reform in Estonia, a new National Curriculum was introduced in 2010 providing new guidelines for education generally and foreign languages specifically. To investigate the understanding that an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher has about professional teaching and whether it matches the principles of the curriculum, a research project was conducted amongst EFL teachers at the lower secondary school level. A brief theoretical background to the topic is given and Estonian EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching based on the findings of the survey are described. The study identifies that, although generally EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching are in concordance with the principles contained in the new curriculum, there are aspects that should be addressed by both pre- and in-service education teacher programmes.  相似文献   

文章对EFL学习者英语写作里使用时间状语时出现的母语负迁移作了实证研究,分析了英语写作中存在的母语负迁移现象和造成负迁移的因素,提出了英语学习中应该采用恰当的教学方式,创设真实情境下的英语语言环境,利用语言的迁移规律,帮助学生克服干扰,减少负迁移,促进正迁移,提高英语学习成效。  相似文献   

文章对EFL学习者英语写作里使用时间状语时出现的母语负迁移作了实证研究,分析了英语写作中存在的母语负迁移现象和造成负迁移的因素,提出了英语学习中应该采用恰当的教学方式,创设真实情境下的英语语言环境,利用语言的迁移规律,帮助学生克服干扰,减少负迁移,促进正迁移,提高英语学习成效。  相似文献   

孙春 《培训与研究》2009,26(7):111-113
高中英语教师的教学行为既受教育方针政策的影响,也受教学理论的影响。要适应21世纪高中英语教学,就要实现高中英语教学行为的转向与融合:“以教师为中心”的教学思想要向“以学生为中心”的思想转化;既要强调以教师为主导,也要考虑以学生为主体;既注重学生英语交际能力的训练与培养,又不忽视学生学会学习、学会认知,学会适应各种英语环境解决各种英语语言知识技能问题的训练;既培养学生的应试能力,又培养学生的应变能力。  相似文献   

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