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地球表面的任何物体都受到地球重力的作用,而地球重力场的自然过程规律及变化又与人类活动息息相关。本文概述了地球重力场的基本概念及其观测与应用,阐述了在我校以"地球科学"学科为主导的学科体系开设该类公选课程及课程设计的重要性。课程的开设将对培养具备一定的地学知识的综合型人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

"普通地质学"是高等院校地质类专业的一门学科基础课,以地球科学基本理论框架为知识内容、构建科学的地质学思维方法和人与自然和谐共进为核心的地球科学观为教学目标。在高校推动并普及地质学通识教育,对非地质学专业背景学生形成科学的世界观具有重要意义。本文具体分析了当前在非地质学专业开设"普通地质学"课程存在的问题,并从课程定位、教学内容、教学方法和考查方式等方面对课程的进一步推广进行了探讨。  相似文献   

编者按:目前,地球科学教育正日益引起地球科学家和教育家的共同关注,在科学教育领域的地位越来越重要,地球科学的内容已经成为各国科学课程内容构成的重要组成部分。本研究着重于对国际和国内科学课程标准中地球科学相关课程标准展开研究,一方面对美国、澳大利亚、法国、加拿大、日本、韩国、英国和新加坡等8个国家的地球科学课程标准进行分析,从其地球科学课程设置、地球科学课程标准框架、理念、目标、内容、课程评价等多个维度进行研究;另一方面是对我国新课程改革后的课程标准中地球科学相关部分进行对比分析,通过各个国家与中国的比较,总结国际科学课程标准中存在的优点及可借鉴之处,同时发现我国科学课程开设目前存在的问题,并就我国地球科学教育内容体系的构建提出建议。  相似文献   

科学课是帮助学生了解物质科学、生命科学、地球与宇宙科学、技术与工程的主要学科。开设此门课程,可以帮助学生了解自己生活、成长的世界,可以点燃他们热爱自然、热爱科学的兴趣。从生活的角度着手制定科学教学方案,可以提升课堂教学成效。  相似文献   

目前我校开设的动物生理学课程的前身是分别为畜牧、兽医专业和水产养殖专业开设的家畜生理学和鱼类生理学两门课程。自1996年由教育部发起的高等教育“面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”以来,我们就积极投入到动物生理学教学改革的研究与实践中,并开展了动物生理学课程的建设工作。至今我校动物生理学课程已建成面向动物生产类(动物科学、水产养殖、水族科学)、动物医学、动植物检疫、生物科学及生物技术等专业开设的一门专业基础课程。具有一支思想业务素质较高、年龄、职称、学科结构合理的师资队伍,形成了一套符合生理学学科发展…  相似文献   

张能达 《考试周刊》2009,(21):190-191
心理学研究表明,初中阶段学生的辩证逻辑思维开始逐渐发展,它的快速发展有助于学生建立科学的世界观,而初中科学课程的开设则为进行世界观教育提供了很好的时机,同时科学课程本身的学科特点决定了其中包含众多的辩证法观点。  相似文献   

工商管理专业学科竞赛大多是虚拟企业经营决策的竞技比赛,组织学生参与这类学科竞赛并取得相应成绩能促进学校重视实验教学课程的开设,并能帮助课程开设选取和试用相关软件,而实验课程的开设又能帮助学科竞赛选拔参赛选手和进行赛前练习。由此,本文从课程开设前期准备、课程内容设计、课程开设时间设计及课程考核设计多方面阐述了基于学科竞赛的工商管理专业实验教学课程的开设建议。  相似文献   

“分形与混沌”是本科院校高年级选修课,主要覆盖分形与混沌两块内容。现介绍“分形与混沌”课程的基本内容。同时,阐述开设此课程的必要性,以及当前分形教学过程中存在的困难,并提出适当的解决方案。通过设计分形维数的理论课、设计基于Python语言的分形实验课两个教学案例,表述了如何开展相应的分形几何教学。这些教学研究对“分形与混沌”这门选修课的开设有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

浙江省宁波市自1993年开始,将化学与物理、生物、地理等学科综合,在初中开设自然科学课程。2002年起,四门学科进一步整合,开设科学课程。历时四年的初中科学课改实践为2006年9月的高中新课改提供了宝贵经验。如何在新课程改革中搞好高中化学起点教学,发展和  相似文献   

课程综合化已成为当前课程改革的基本趋势,综合课程的开设是课程综合化趋势的必然产物。新一轮基础教育课程改革中开设的初中《科学》,就是由原来的初中物理、化学、自然地理、生物四门学科整合而成的一门新的"科学综合课",属于理科综合。在《科学》综合教学过程中存在着许多问题,有待进一步研究和探索。  相似文献   

地球科学在众多门类知识体系中具有基础性和先导性,不仅肩负着培养地学专才的学术责任,而且负有社会发展和人类生存所赋予的神圣使命。本文根据地球科学的特点和中国发展的时代要求,阐明我国高等院校普及地球科学教育的重要性和亟须性,并就目前地球科学教育存在的主要问题,提出教育改革的措施。  相似文献   

地学创新人才培养机制的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为适应地学学科发展和创新人才培养需要,打破过去单一守旧的人才培养机制,立足于“以人为本”的教育理念,构建适合于地学创新人才培养机制、提升地学类学生的自主创新能力是地质类院校所面临的一个现实课题,也是我国由地学大国向地学强国迈进的实现路径。  相似文献   

Although some have claimed that criminal justice and criminology have arrived as disciplines, recent research reveals that there is little consistency amongst Master's programs. This paper replicates and extends previous research into curricular requirements. The required course curricula of United States programs offering a Master's degree in criminal justice or criminology are described. This research identifies correlates of specific course requirements and provides a discussion of the current and future state of criminal justice and criminology graduate education.  相似文献   

高师函授教育只有认真贯彻基础教育课程改革精神,制定好发展目标,改革和调整专业设置和课程结构,革新教学方式、考试方式,促进中小学校本教研和综合课开设,才能与基础教育课程改革相适应,才能立于不败之地。  相似文献   

分形几何课程实验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分形几何在我国当前的中学课程改革中应如何定位,是我们亟需研究的问题.分形几何初步进入中学课程是完全可行性,分形几何具有较高的教育价值,表现在:可以开拓学生的数学视野;培养学生的创新思维;发展学生的辩证思维;培养学生的审美情趣.此外,开设分形几何初步还有利于信息技术与数学课程内容的整合.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the introduction and incorporation of research methods into an advanced undergraduate level course, Social Psychology of Aging. This case serves as an example of the challenges and issues facing those who teach aging courses within a broader discipline to students who enroll in the class with various motivations and levels of expertise. Issues of methodology are incorporated at several junctures, including class lectures, active learning exercises, examinations, a term paper, and critique of journal articles to increase the students' awareness of the relevance of methodology and the benefits of utilizing sound research methods in studying aging. The development and teaching of this course is illustrative because it requires both the incorporation of two disciplines (Sociology and Psychology) as well as an integration of the discipline of the course offering (Sociology) and the study of aging (Gerontology).  相似文献   

In an examination of a brief and innovative partnership, we compared outcomes for two disciplines, Elementary Statistics and General Psychology, across three formats: online as part of the San José State University-Udacity partnership (termed SJSU Plus), face-to-face (FTF), and online in a redesigned course offering. We also examine predictors of student performance in the SJSU Plus courses. The first offerings of the SJSU Plus courses showed poorer performance compared to their FTF and redesigned online equivalents. Redesigned online courses and FTF courses had similar pass rates. SJSU Plus course performance was significantly improved in the second offering of the Elementary Statistics course. More completed assignments in the SJSU Plus courses were associated with higher exam scores and final grades. We conclude that mode of delivery did not contribute significantly to variations in pass rates.  相似文献   

经济社会发展对地质工作提出了强劲的需求,要求地质工作实现快速发展和提高。事业兴旺,关键在人,经济社会发展对地质工作的要求也就是对地学教育、人才培养的要求。抓好各自特色学科专业建设,是摆在地质院校面前一项十分重大又基础的任务。但是从总体上说,目前特色学科的建设仍显不足,我们应进一步审视特色学科的定位,特别注意明确其闪光点、生长点和制高点;特色学科要重在加强建设,特别要注意依靠领导、教师、学生和建设环境的营造、传统精神的发扬。  相似文献   

The present study represents an evaluation of the implementation of the integration of the American Sociological Association's (ASA) Integrating Data Analysis Project into 2 online offerings of an undergraduate sociology of aging course. This program was developed in response to concerns that students did not understand the complex relationships between theory, research, and substantive topics within the discipline. The association's goal was to encourage curricular change in sociology. Then it was to share the experiences in sociology with other social science disciplines that might also benefit from introducing quantitative literacy components into their curricula. Results of the analysis reveal that, contrary to the beliefs of many, the students in these 2 courses found these modules to be beneficial in helping them to better understand the empirical nature of sociology. Many students even expressed an interest in participating in future research projects in sociology and/or other disciplines. We concluded that the students were not overly anxious about the quantitative literacy components of the course. Also, including online data analysis strategies using publicly available data and the complimentary software available at the sites offering these data represent cost and time-effective methods of introducing quantitative literacy into the aging studies classroom.  相似文献   

This article reports on an inquiry into what tends to be taken for granted with regard to the teaching and learning of mathematics. The inquiry, undertaken in the context of a course on methods for mathematics teaching, was developed around an examination of the mathematical notions that infuse conventional theories of cognition and that permeate the structures and practices of school mathematics. In particular, concepts drawn from or aligned with Euclidean geometry were examined. Specifically, alternatives drawn from fractal geometry were explored. The importance of interrogating the often-transparent figurative underpinnings of our thinking about thinking is highlighted.  相似文献   

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