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<正>行动研究是教育实践者为了解决教育实际问题的需要,发展个人的实践理论,与教育理论工作者或组织中成员共同合作,在教育实践过程中进行的自我反思的探究形式。行动研究的鲜明特征有:一是实践取向,即研究的目的是解决中小学教师面临的最急需解决的现实问题;二是反省思考,即教师以反思为统整"知"与"行"  相似文献   

在新课程理念下尝试实施"交流互动式"化学课堂教学设计,并从现代教学论、人文主义心理学、建构主义心理学三个方面论述了其理论基础。"交流互动式"化学课堂教学设计应以课堂中的人际互动为取向,以启动、主动、能动、应用为主要教学流程,以学生对问题的自主探究与互动交流为主体,教师的引导与点拨为主导,以培养学生的自主创新能力,在互动交流中促进学生个性的发展,从而优化化学教学过程。其基本教学流程为启动阶段(巧设情境,引发冲突)→主动阶段(引导探究,讨论交流)→能动阶段(答疑点拨,交流延伸)→应用阶段(综合应用,反思归纳),并以具体教学案例对其实施加以评析。  相似文献   

王坤 《教育科学》2021,37(5):56-63
增进教师专业性亟须考察并完善教师专业的知识生产逻辑.建构教师专业不仅需要自上而下的教师教育学科知识,更需要自下而上的教师教育实践知识.本研究主要以迈克尔·扬(Michael F.D.Young)的职业知识的"知识本位取向""标准本位取向""联结取向"理论以及哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas)的"技术的兴趣""实践的兴趣""解放的兴趣"认识兴趣理论,考察、反思当前我国教师职业走向专业化的知识生产逻辑,析出机械主义、表现主义与功利主义的知识生产困境.本研究以"我感故我在"为教师专业的知识生产的另一种理念状态,提出涵育教师知识的三个"活水源头"——热爱、同情与关心,专注涵情育师,以深度的知识学习修炼教师品格,磨砺并完善人际情感交往,以此种情感人文主义教师专业的知识生产逻辑融入、纾解现实困境.  相似文献   

王坤 《教育科学》2021,37(5):56-63
增进教师专业性亟须考察并完善教师专业的知识生产逻辑.建构教师专业不仅需要自上而下的教师教育学科知识,更需要自下而上的教师教育实践知识.本研究主要以迈克尔·扬(Michael F.D.Young)的职业知识的"知识本位取向""标准本位取向""联结取向"理论以及哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas)的"技术的兴趣""实践的兴趣""解放的兴趣"认识兴趣理论,考察、反思当前我国教师职业走向专业化的知识生产逻辑,析出机械主义、表现主义与功利主义的知识生产困境.本研究以"我感故我在"为教师专业的知识生产的另一种理念状态,提出涵育教师知识的三个"活水源头"——热爱、同情与关心,专注涵情育师,以深度的知识学习修炼教师品格,磨砺并完善人际情感交往,以此种情感人文主义教师专业的知识生产逻辑融入、纾解现实困境.  相似文献   

西方知识观经历了从知识本体论向知识认识论、从知识认识论向知识价值论的两次重大转变,其中每一次转变都对教师知识观产生了重要影响。它不仅让人更深入地认识教师实践知识的本质,而且使人更明确教师实践知识的价值取向,即以实践活动为基础的取向,以教师反思为动力的取向,以探寻实践知识的意义为根本目的的取向。  相似文献   

编写高质量的教师培训教材,是保证培训效果、提高培训质量的基础性工作。以区域新教师培训教材《帮你迈好教师职业生涯第一步(上下册)》的编写为例,阐述了教师培训教材编写的价值追求,即基于目标性、学术性和实践性和谐统一的价值追求。该教材以"引思聚焦、释疑建构、操作实践和拓展延伸"为结构要素,利用基本话题为引导、核心主题为线索、重要问题为切入,运用丰富的教育教学案例、切实可行的任务驱动和鲜活新颖的活动体验等多种形式,将新任教师应知应会的内容有机串联起来,将新任教师岗位实践工作指南的内容清晰呈现出来,切实提高了新教师培训教材的亲和力、针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

教师学科教学知识(PCK)的建构是教师专业发展的核心。本研究在深度访谈和现场观察的基础上,建构了教研活动中PCK发展的扎根理论,探究出教研活动促进教师PCK发展的"理解—参与—分享—实践—反思"模式,即教师对所教内容和如何教的理解;基于自身发展需要的主动参与和"边缘性"的被动参与;对自身经验和集体知识的分享;把经验库中的知识迁移到新的问题情境中进行实践;对"经验"与"实践"的结合进行反思,进而内化为自己的学科教学知识(PCK)。  相似文献   

目前教师专业发展的路径可以大致归为三类:"知识—技能"取向、"实践—反思"取向、"文化—生态"取向,多种取向和途径在操作模式层面存在着一定的局限性。本文从教师专业发展文化路径的实践诉求展开讨论,结合自身的专业发展经历,一线的教育教学实践和不同学校的观察比较,突出教师专业发展在新的时代背景和发展要求下,必须要"基于学校""取径文化"。鉴于此,结合理论支持、发展实践和学校推进,提出了中小学基层学校可供借鉴、选择的现实而有效的五点行动建议:秉承文化自觉,注重多维推进,把握动态平衡,倡导知行合一,推行效能评价。  相似文献   

教育部新颁布的中小学教师《专业标准》彰显了实践取向的价值诉求。基于实践取向的教师知识观与教师教育观,主张创设理论—实践共同体,在实践反思、行动研究中生成与优化教师的实践性知识。重建"理论与实践交融"的农村小学语文骨干教师培训模式。这一模式的特点是在实践教学情境下,理论、科研、实践三大板块理论与实践相互渗透、交融,共同指向教师的实践性知识的生成与优化。  相似文献   

孙岩 《中学教育》2014,(1):21-25
教师专业发展的实践-反思取向认为影响教师专业发展的知识来源于教师的经验反思,教师的教育经验是教师提升教育实践的重要法宝。舍恩在《反映的实践者》一书中提出实践工作者拥有一套指导实践的知识-资料库,它涵盖了实践者所有的个人经验,而情境先行是资料库区别于经验复制的根本性特征。资料库为教师在教育教学问题情境中"相似地看待着"情境和"相似地解决着"情境问题提供先例和指引。  相似文献   

Design tasks are omnipresent in our everyday lives. Previous research shows that reflective thinking is one of the critical factors in solving design problems. Related research has attempted to capture designers’ reflective thinking process. Yet a close inspection of designers’ reflective thinking taking place during their design process demands further effort. To understand designer’s reflective practice and to find better ways to promote novices’ reflective thinking in solving real-world design problems, a comprehensive model was developed. This model identified three dimensions to guide the understanding of designers’ reflective thinking during a design process: (1) the timing of reflection, indicating the points in the process where reflective thinking occurs, (2) the objects of reflection, showing the different types of objects that designers may reflect upon, and (3) the levels of reflection, referring to the different levels of designers’ reflection. This model provides for meaningful aspects of reflective thinking to be situated in a design process, which can guide educators and instructional designers in developing appropriate learning environments for facilitating novice and practicing designers’ reflective thinking. Moreover, the model can serve as a stepping stone for further research.  相似文献   

Competence in dealing with fundamental problems connected with mathematical model building requires three different forms of knowledge. Mathematical knowledge itself, technological knowledge about how to develop a model, and reflective knowledge relevant for evaluation of the model building process. We find that reflective knowledge cannot be reduced to technological knowledge, so that it is important for mathematical education that is to be consistent with a critical pedagogy to provide opportunities for development of that type of knowledge.A general conceptual framework for identification of reflective knowledge is presented via a structural (synchronic) and a developmental (diachronic) perspective of a mathematical model.The synchronic perspective includes relationships between the model, its object in reality, a complex of theories, a complex of interests, and a conceptual framework or system mediating the connection between model and object. The diachronic perspective includes the components: problem identification, structure of argumentation, basis for critique, and space of possible actions, all of them sensitive to the application of mathematics. In that sense mathematics is not a neutral tool in a technological investigation, a fact which mathematical education has to reflect.  相似文献   

The role of critical and creative thinking has been debated within the field of instructional design. Through an instructional design and development project we have identified how critical and creative thinking are essential to the instructional design process. This paper highlights a recent project focused on a virtual Native American village and the development of supporting instructional materials. The materials combine instruction on content-area material, technology and critical and creative thinking skills. Our concept of critical and creative thinking skills is guided by a model that includes idea generation, reflective judgment, attitudes and dispositions and self-regulation. Through the process of designing instruction to teach critical and creative thinking skills, we recognized that these critical and creative thinking skills are essential in the design process.  相似文献   

目前,立体构成在装饰设计教学中存在诸多的问题:训练方法与室内设计专业知识联系较少,缺乏针对性;理论讲授与现实设计作品联系少,不利于学生实践;作业单调,教学方法重技能、轻创意,学生缺少创新精神;材料运用太单一,影响学生的创新能力.教师在课程设计和题目布置上要注重立体构成与后续课程的联系;注重多样性材料与环境的巧妙结合;合理安排相关的社会实训教学环节;借助现代化教学手段加深学生对立体构成的理解;定期开展作业讲评,以评促建、以建促改、以改促进.  相似文献   

2017年德国高校校长协作会、文化部长协作会、德国教育和科学部联合出台了新修订的《德国高等教育学位资格框架》,它通过“能力”将宏观的政策层面与微观的实践层面结合起来,其核心是:以科学知识为基础的反思性和创新性能力;应用科学方法和生产新知识的能力。在能力描述中关注知识获取的过程,强调知识的理解力,突出跨学科、反思能力和研究性学习这样一些对毕业生未来工作和学习具有重要意义的培养目标,既从职业的角度描述了毕业生应获得的能力,也将高等教育看作是培养人的过程,揭示了高等教育人才培养未来发展的方向,为中国的高等教育改革提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a theoretical model to analyze prospective teachers?? reasoning and knowledge of real numbers, and to provide an empirical verification of it. The model is based on Sierpinska??s theory of theoretical thinking. Data were collected from 59 prospective teachers through a written test and interviews. The data indicated that mathematical tasks on real numbers, based on Sierpinska??s theory, could be categorized according to whether they require reflective, systemic or analytic thinking. Analysis of the data identified three different groups of prospective teachers reflecting different types of theoretical thinking about real numbers. The interviews confirmed the empirical data from the written test, and provided a better insight into the thinking and characteristic features of the prospective teachers in each group. The analysis also indicated that the participants were more successful in tasks requiring systemic and analytic thinking, and only when this was achieved were they able to solve problems which required reflective thinking. Implications for teaching related to the findings of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

教师作为研究者是新课改赋予教师角色的新内涵。缺乏研究和反思型思维的教育准备、缺少系统的教师教育知识、教师教育专业学生自身不愿或不会研究和反思等因素制约着研究型教师培养。教师教育专业培养研究型教师的主要策略有:培养师范生主体意识,强化专业发展;树立反思教育观念,优化理论学习;构建交流平台,共享合作空间;加强教学实践,设计教学行为。  相似文献   

杜威的反思性思维与教学理论浅析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
反思性思维与教学理论是现代美国教育家杜威教育思想体系的一个重要的组成部分。“如何思维”是他所论述的一个重要命题。本文从思维和反思性思维的涵义及价值、“思维五步”和“教学五步”以及思维训练与教学活动的关系等方面分析论述了杜威的反思性思维与教学理论。教学成功的关键就是要能激发儿童的思维。反思性思维是最好的思维方式。因此,无论对教育来说,还是对儿童来说,通过反思性思维训练,培养优良思维的习惯都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

根据现代教育心理学理论,阐明于例题的设计应注重:便于审题;前后知识连续性;对比性;变式练习;提高学生的形象思维能力;克服学生的思维定势;培养学生的发散思维;培养学生思维的深刻性与整体性八个方面.它对物理教师提高上课效率,落实素质教育有很大作用.  相似文献   

Critical Thinking, Learning and Confucius: A Positive Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I argue that Confucius' view of learning in the Analects entails critical thinking. Although he neither specified the logical rules of good reasoning nor theorised about the structure of argument, Confucius advocated and emphasised the importance of critical thinking. For Confucius reflective thinking of two sorts is essential to learning: (1) reflection on the materials of knowledge, in order to synthesise and systemise the raw materials into a whole, and to integrate them into oneself as wisdom; (2) reflection on oneself, (a) in order to ensure that such synthesis, systemisation, and integration proceed in an open-minded, fair and autonomous way, and (b) in order to integrate knowledge with the self, that is, to internalise it until it becomes oneself.  相似文献   

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