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奥运对经济的影响是通过多种方式进行的,直接影响为狭义奥运经济,主要是围绕奥运会本身而产生的商业运作和经济活动;间接影响会扩大相关产业的市场需求,并为新兴行业的成长提供机会,其影响可以持续10~15年.间接影响的内容比直接影响更广泛、意义更深远.奥运经济的影响是多领域的,从生产领域来看.奥运的食品供应和食品安全涉及农业等;服务领域涉及城市基础设施(交通、通信)服务、金融保险服务、商务服务、旅游服务、餐饮服务、新闻服务、语言服务以及志愿者服务等;奥运对消费领域的影响主要表现在对奥运会影响的巨大预期和奥运会期间大量人流和比赛活动的消费需求,虽然时间短,但影响力却是巨大的.2005~2008年北京市政府消费年均增长率为15.33%,超过以往任何时期.  相似文献   

在对奥运会主题口号进行回顾的基础上,剖析其社会学内涵.主要结论:国际政治风云会影响到奥运会申办及举办国家对于奥运会主题口号的设计;奥运会主题口号赋予了奥林匹克运动更为深广的教育意义;充分体现了人类文化发展的共通互融性.伴随着人类社会现代化的发展脚步,各种矛盾与危机也日趋突出,奥林匹克运动将在政治领域、经济领域、文化领域的发展进程中担任更为重要的角色,因此与"和平/Peace"、"和谐/Harmony"相关的单词或语句将依然是未来奥运会举办国设计主题口号时的关键词语.  相似文献   

1.北京奥运会对上海的影响(1)中华民族共同体意识的增强自申奥成功的那天起,所有国人就意识到这是关系整个国家的事情。因为,在奥运会的组织筹备过程中,必然会遇到各种困难和挑战,而原先处在各个社会不同阶层和领域的人  相似文献   

北京奥运会对我国高校体育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008北京奥运会不仅对我国政治、经济、文化及人们的生活领域产生重要影响,而且对新世纪我国高校体育的发展提供了新的发展契机。本文主要论述北京奥运会在推动高校体育基础设施建设、加速高校体育改革和体育文化建设、提高大学生素质等方面的重要作用,旨在使体育工作者更加深刻理解北京奥运会对我国高校体育的重要意义,抓住机遇、深入研究,借奥运东风促进高校体育进一步改革和发展。  相似文献   

北京奥运会对我国体育信息化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于红霞  李瑜 《体育学刊》2005,12(4):143-144
以北京奥运会为契机,从体育信息化几个重要因素:体育信息资源的共建共享、体育信息网络的发展、信息技术在体育领域的推广与应用、体育信息产业的开发、体育信息人才的培养几个方面入手,着重研究了北京奥运会对体育信息化的影响.  相似文献   

前奥运举办国对北京奥运会后中国 体育改革与发展的启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
奥运会对举办国体育发展无疑具有重要影响。通过对日本、韩国和澳大利亚举办奥运会与这3个国家体育改革与发展的全面分析,对奥运会对举办国体育改革与发展的影响进行深入研究,以期为抓住北京奥运会之契机促进中国体育的可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

尽管现行奥运会强制性体育仲裁协议模式对解决奥运会体育争议纠纷起到了积极作用,并推动国际体育仲裁院(CAS)成为国际体育争议解决领域的权威。但是,其强制性对运动员公民基本权利的侵犯和对运动员仲裁合意与意思自治的限制,以及对CAS自身瑕疵的异化作用,却使其在不断瓦解体育仲裁本身优势的同时,进一步成为影响奥运会体育仲裁和CAS正当性的负面因素。因此,通过在最大程度上去除“强制性”,即仅在特例中允许强制体育仲裁的存在,改良当前奥运会体育仲裁模式,便成为维护与巩固CAS和整个奥运会体育仲裁公正性、权威性以及广泛国际影响力的必然选择。  相似文献   

奥运会对举办城市的经济影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对多种经济学理论的综合研究,回答了奥运会对举办城市经济影响的理论问题。研究了奥运会对举办城市产生的经济影响,建立了奥运会对举办城市产生经济影响的理论模型。模型包括两部分内容:一是奥运会的收入与支出,二是奥运会的投入与产出。举办奥运会的支出,就是对奥运会举办城市的投入,产生的经济影响就是产出,这一切都是在可持续发展理论指导下进行的。  相似文献   

北京奥运会对我国发展的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
2008奥运会将对我国发展产生积极的影响。下面从三个方面来讲北京奥运会对我国发展的影响:全球视野中北京奥运会的“三赢”;北京奥运会对我国经济社会的影响;北京奥运会对中国体育发展的影响。 一、全球视野中北京奥运会的“三赢” 2001年7月13日,国际奥委会在莫斯科举行的第112次全  相似文献   

在雅典奥运会的闭幕式上,国际奥委会主席罗格高度评价了雅典奥运会的组织与管理工作。如今,雅典奥运会已经结束,在雅典官方报告还没有出版之前,有关雅典奥运会组织管理的成功经验在相关学术领域还是一个空白。而组织管理作为整个运动会的核心,在整个奥运会中发挥的作用是显而易见的。同时,及时了解雅典奥运会的组织管理特点对北京奥运会也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   


This paper examines the history of the early Pan-American Games, held in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Chicago. The history of the Pan-American Games demonstrates the decline of goodwill between the US and Latin American sports organizations, audiences, and journalists during the Cold War. Despite the diplomatic failures of the Pan-American Games from a US-centred perspective, they are vital to understand the history of women’s participation in sport and solidarity among Latin American delegations.  相似文献   

After the Second World War the Southeast Asian countries of Burma (1948), Laos (1954), Cambodia (1955), South Vietnam (1955), Malaya (1957), and Singapore (1959) sought independence from the British, French and Japanese colonialists. The first post Second World War and post-colonial biannual multisport Southeast Asian Games was held in Bangkok in 1959 among these countries (and Thailand) although they were relatively poor developing countries. Referring to official reports of the eight bi-annual SEAP Games and other sources of information this research studies how the organization of the eight SEAP Games since 1959 contributed to the nation building process of each country and shaped the political landscape. This was carried out by creating a national identity through sports in each country as well as creating a sense of regional cooperation during periods of war, shifting boundaries and identities. This was done through rituals to legitimize newly ascended constitutional monarchies and heads of states, national flags and athletes' national identity during competition. The SEAP Games also gradually opened avenues for women's participation similar to female athletes in the Olympic Games. It also provided opportunities for promising athletes to shine, improve and compete at higher levels at the Asian and Olympic Games.  相似文献   

At the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912, Johannes Sigfrid Edström, Avery Brundage, Carl Diem and Karl Ritter von Halt met each other for the first time and started to cooperate afterwards. From the 1930s they all played a very important role in IOC and in the Olympic System (I prefer system instead of movement). The article examines the role of the network in the international discussion about the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, the networks perceptions of the Jews and their cooperation with the Nazis, the networks importance for the denazification of Karl Ritter von Halt after the Second World War and the influence in IOC to West Germany and East Germany during the Cold War until the 1972 Olympics when East Germany participated for the first time as a sovereign state and Avery Brundage resigned as president of the IOC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to present the current state of scientific knowledge on the Winter Olympic Games (2000 to present-day) and their urban and tourism-related impacts. To achieve this, a scoping review was performed using established methodology. Of the 1694 English and French peer-reviewed sources identified from 14 different databases, 47 met the specific inclusion criteria and were retained for analysis. Findings were divided into three sections according to our objectives: (1) methodological profiles of the selected articles; (2) urban impacts; (3) tourism-related impacts. First, the reviewed sources – mainly qualitative – generally showed that mega-events such as the Winter Olympic Games are a catalyst for the urban renewal of host cities. However, these urban transformations must be part of a global scenario to ensure long-term viability. Although research shows that the Games represent an opportunity for the development of the tourism industry, the scoping review showed mixed results in terms of tourist flows and the enhancement of the city’s image. The concluding remarks identify the limitations of this study and offer opportunities and areas of research regarding the next Winter Games.  相似文献   

武术在柏林奥运会上的表演实现了其与现代奥运会的首次接触,具有重要的历史价值和一定的启示意义。在史料搜集与整理的基础上运用文本分析法、逻辑归纳法和历史比较法对武术奥运首秀的前因后果展开研究。竞技是全面抗战前武术发展的主要内容,张之江此间积极推动武术竞技化改造。至柏林奥运会前夕,为了寻求参与奥运会以向西方推广武术并学习竞技化改造经验,张之江率先发起了奥运竞技的倡议。然而,体育协进会转从展示国家形象的现实利益出发,决定派出武术队随队参与表演。基于此,武术的奥运首秀由"竞技"转变为"表演",并依此为主体进行了充分的准备。柏林奥运会期间,武术在德国6个城市的12场表演获得了积极反响,却并未借此历史机遇学习奥运精神促进近代武术沿着竞技化之路进行提升。面向未来,从武术奥运首秀中至少可以得到两点启示:传承"套路表演"实施精准传播以提升武术"走出去"的影响力;发展"技击竞技",在文明互鉴中始能提高武术"走出去"的竞争力。  相似文献   

2008年奥运会及其社会影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2008年北京奥运会带给中国的社会影响是广泛的,其原因是处于转型期的中国社会发展的走向与奥林匹克运动的目标具有一致性,而且北京奥运会的筹办过程与中国社会的转型过程相重合。着眼于这届奥运会与中国社会之间的关系,讨论了北京奥运会对中国社会价值在四个不同层次上的影响。  相似文献   


The Games of the New Emerging Forces (GANEFO) often serve as an example of the entanglement of sport, Cold War politics and the Non-Aligned Movement in the 1960s. Indonesia as the initiator plays a salient role in the research on this challenge for the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The legacy of GANEFO and Indonesia’s further relationship with the IOC, however, has not yet drawn proper academic attention. This paper analyzes Indonesia’s interactions with the IOC until the present time, with a focus on the country’s involvement in sporting events under the patronage of the IOC (such as the Asian and Southeast Asian Games). In addition, two case studies demonstrate the variable relationship between the two actors. First, Indonesia only narrowly escaped sanctions over a dispute on the use of the Olympic logo in 2015. Yet, the country is named as host of the 2018 Asian Games, hence showing high ambitions to re-enter the international sports arena. These incidents illustrate the significance of conformity of local agencies towards the IOC with regard to political positions and power structures. The study opens the field to local – Asian – perspectives on interactions with the IOC.  相似文献   

Behind the shadows of an Olympiad replete with tales of Cold War acrimony and lavish commercial excess, emerges South Africa's bureaucratic attempt to achieve readmission to the Olympic Movement prior to the 1984 Los Angeles Games. In the backdrop of the Reagan administration's conciliatory policy of ‘constructive engagement’ towards Pretoria, the all-white South African National Olympic Committee aspired to cease its two-decade-long sporting isolation in the southern California metropolis. Drawing upon archival materials from the International Olympic Studies Center and public debates in the leading national and sporting newspapers and periodicals of the time, this paper will detail and analyse how International Olympic Committee president Juan Antonio Samaranch was forced to navigate a tight political tightrope over the South African issue. Any concession towards Pretoria would have likely agitated the African-bloc nations – a powerful constituency on the IOC with a proclivity for boycotting Olympic Games – as well as the global-nexus of anti-apartheid groups that vehemently opposed South Africa's participation in Los Angeles.  相似文献   


The 1936 Olympic Games are considered to be the explicit union of sports and politics. Many studies have analysed the accomplishments of Jesse Owens at Hitler’s Olympics. However, football provides another collision between sports and politics at the same Olympic Games, which also impacts the debate regarding the relationship between sports and politics. That relationship is rarely studied. Football had been out of the Olympic programme of the 1932 Los Angeles Games and returned to the programme for the 1936 Berlin Games. However, on its return there was an incident in the match between Peru and Austria in the second round of the tournament. It all started when a spectator invaded the field and kicked an Austrian athlete. The match was restarted and Peru won the game in overtime. After the game the Austrians formalized a protest and FIFA set up a European committee to review the case. Through historical analysis, from official documents and newspapers of that time, this episode showed two points: that FIFA was a Eurocentric entity; and that sports and politics go together, after all, since in the rescheduled new game, Peru, as a protest and in a demand for dignity, withdrew its entire delegation from the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

汪百祥 《体育科技》2007,28(2):12-16
奥运会作为目前的一项世界性的大型节事,势必会对举办国的旅游业乃至经济产生重大影响。本文通过比较悉尼奥运会及雅典奥运会对澳大利亚和希腊旅游业的短期与长期效应,初步探讨了2008年北京奥运会的短期与长期效应,同时指出2008年北京奥运会对我国旅游业的不利影响。在分析的基础上阐述了中国旅游业迎接2008年北京奥运会应采取的对策与措施。  相似文献   

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