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Web信息检索技术浅谈   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Web是目前全球最大的信息系统,本文主要介绍了Web信息检索系统的分类、Web信息检索技术、其他信息获取技术,结尾阐明Web信息检索的发展趋势。  相似文献   

数字信息资源长期保存技术体系研究*   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
在参考OAIS参考模型,借鉴国外主要保存系统的技术框架和相关技术体系的基础上,提出一个能够容纳当前主要数字保存技术的数字保存技术体系。这一体系中的数字保存技术又分属于5个功能块,分别为保存管理功能块、摄入功能块、仓储功能块、存储管理功能块和访问功能块,并对各个功能块之下的主要技术进行阐述。  相似文献   

王慕抽 《图书馆学刊》2006,28(4):122-124
阐述了校园一卡通的概念、意义,重点介绍了一卡通系统与图书馆ILAS系统在实践中的对接技术及融合参数设置。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍一种OCR方法,以取代计算机化流通管理中通常所采用的条形码,并讨论了“条形码化工程”的缺点,介绍了OCR法软件系统的模块构成及功能、字符识别的三次扫描过程、试验过程和试验结果。  相似文献   

<正> 为发挥网络媒体的交互性,给网民提供一个参与、发表自己意见的地方,以反映民情民意,为党和政府的决策提供参考,有必要在新闻网站上建立论坛。本文将介绍本人开发的新闻论坛系统,它采用B/S三层体系结构,利用ASP和SQL Server7.0进行开发,在WindowsNT+IIS环境下运行。 本文根据新闻论坛系统的特点,阐述系统所采用的功能模块、数据结构和主要技术,以及其个性化实现,来说明基于数据库和ASP的新闻论坛系统的开发方法。  相似文献   

随着图书馆数字化进程的不断推进,图书馆将不仅是一个基于数字化资源的信息检索和服务系统或资源系统,而是一个以用户为核心,其资源、服务可以共享,信息处理智能化的系统。  相似文献   

<正>该项目是我国目前首次将计算机音频自动处理技术综合应用于大规模广播电视监测的现代化、高技术的自动化监测系统,充分体现了技术应用模式创新和集成创新两方面特点。首创了采用多种抗噪声技术,对信噪比较低的短波信道音质的广播语音实现了高可靠度的语种识别,在15个语种条件下识别准确率达到95%。同时应用基于似然比  相似文献   

主要介绍了个人博客系统的设计思想,包括系统概述、系统的组成和功能构想,对系统中使用的数据库技术也进行了的阐述.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着数字视音频技术、计算机网络技术的发展,各地电视台纷纷进行节目制作和播出系统的数字化改造。电视节目制作从传统以录放机加字幕机的线性电编的模式,转变到普遍应用非线性编辑系统及非编制作网;节目的播出也从以录像机为主播出信号源、以基带模拟视音频信号传输的方式,逐步转变成硬盘播出服务器为源设备的数字信号播出方式;文稿编辑也逐渐从手写转  相似文献   

正如前文所述,可信计算技术是要提供各种技术手段来减少系统失效,提高系统可信性。而系统失效是由故障引起的。所以,故障检测是可信计算技术中实质性的一环。我们不仅是要概率地说这个系统是可信、还是不可信,而更需要知道该系统是否有故障、故障在哪里。故障检测的过程就是测试。由于测试的对象不同、测试的环境和条件不同,测试技术多种多样。  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

中非智库合作进入新时代。为全面落实中非合作论坛北京峰会成果,加快中非命运共同体的构建,中非智库论坛第八届会议就“中非智库媒体交流合作与中非话语权建设”议题进行深入探讨。构建命运共同体对中非智库媒体提出新要求,讲好中非故事、捍卫话语权是中非智库媒体的新使命。中非应强化智库建设,构建全方位、立体化的中非智库合作网络;拓展中非智库合作领域,聚焦治国理政、职业教育、出版传播、法律服务等;加强智库媒体融合,创新叙事方式和路径,提升话语权和影响力,为共筑中非命运共同体提供智慧支持。  相似文献   


Plagiarism in media and print continues to be a major issue for professors, librarians, and students. Through initiatives and outreach from the B. Davis Memorial Library at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University, plagiarism Web sites have been created and workshops and programs continually provided for faculty and students to detect, discourage, and prevent plagiarism. Faculty members are presented with techniques and tips that range from designing assignments to detecting and ultimately stemming the tide of plagiarism, and students are apprised of plagiarism and the myriad ways of avoiding it. However, collaborations between librarians and the academic community are vital in arresting and curtailing this pervasive problem.  相似文献   

制度建设:图书馆发展之根本保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
规章制度是组织加强内部管理的重要基础.图书馆规章制度具有教育引导、评价预测、激励等功能.目前在图书馆规章制度建设中,制度的构建和执行都存在一些缺陷.加强和完善规章制度建设,必须树立权利意识、合作意识、程序意识,处理好内部规章与法律、图书馆整体需要与个人需要以及普遍性与针对性等关系,做到严格、公正地执行规章制度.  相似文献   

Technology advances in eHealth and mHealth are changing the way that health care consumers and providers communicate, receive and deliver care, and access health information. As electronic health records and smartphones have become ubiquitous in the United States, opportunities and applications for the integration of eHealth and mHealth have increased. In addition to technology advances, the changing health care model is simultaneously adapting to and driving initiatives in digital health care. With these digital initiatives have come challenges, including data overload, security and privacy concerns, deficits in technological and health literacy skills, and sorting through the vast number of choices of digital applications. Navigating this changing landscape can be overwhelming and time consuming for both health care providers and consumers. Librarians are uniquely positioned to assist providers and consumers to break down barriers within the digital health care landscape through data management initiatives, technology and health literacy instruction, and finding and evaluating health information and digital health technologies.  相似文献   

对美国和英国的4个高校数据监管项目进行调研和比较分析,发现数据监管需要大学的数据管理政策和计划的支持,数据监管与图书馆机构库密不可分,数据监管项目需要与科研人员密切合作,需要平台的支持.因此,图书馆应积极参与数据监管,制定合理的数据监管计划,将机构库与数据监管结合起来建设,建立数据标准和规范,搭建数据监管平台,提升馆员的数据监管技能.  相似文献   

Computational modelling of music similarity is an increasingly important part of personalisation and optimisation in music information retrieval and research in music perception and cognition. The use of relative similarity ratings is a new and promising approach to modelling similarity that avoids well known problems with absolute ratings. In this article, we use relative ratings from the MagnaTagATune dataset with new and existing variants of state-of-the-art algorithms and provide the first comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of this approach. We compare metric learning based on support vector machines (SVMs) and metric-learning-to-rank (MLR), including a diagonal and a novel weighted variant, and relative distance learning with neural networks (RDNN). We further evaluate the effectiveness of different high and low level audio features and genre data, as well as dimensionality reduction methods, weighting of similarity ratings, and different sampling methods. Our results show that music similarity measures learnt on relative ratings can be significantly better than a standard Euclidian metric, depending on the choice of learning algorithm, feature sets and application scenario. MLR and SVM outperform DMLR and RDNN, while MLR with weighted ratings leads to no further performance gain. Timbral and music-structural features are most effective, and all features jointly are significantly better than any other combination of feature sets. Sharing audio clips (but not the similarity ratings) between test and training sets improves performance, in particular for the SVM-based methods, which is useful for some applications scenarios. A testing framework has been implemented in Matlab and made publicly available http://mi.soi.city.ac.uk/datasets/ir2012framework so that these results are reproducible.  相似文献   

科学数据和信息是重要的科技资源,是科技创新活动的重要基础和工具。科学数据和信息是国家科技基础 条件平台建设体系中非常重要的一类资源,加强科学数据和信息资源管理与共享研究,是推进科技平台建设的重要理 论基础。本文在对比分析国外科学数据和信息资源管理与共享现状的基础上,系统总结了我国在科学数据和信息管理 和利用方面取得的主要工作成效,提出完善制度体系和管理机制、推动数据中心建设、加强数据和信息全生命周期管 理等意见和建议  相似文献   

基于知识图谱的国际高等工程教育学科前沿的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:运用科学计量学中的期刊共被引方法及可视化技术,对国际高等工程教育研究的17种期刊进行了科学计量分析。研究得出,当前国际高等工程教育学科前沿研究存在3个主流期刊知识群,其研究主题主要分别围绕“化学科学与工程、计算机科学与工程、机械科学与工程”、“环境科学与工程、生物科学与工程、心理学与工程学的结合”、“生物科学与技术、环境科学与技术”等方面。最后,对研究结果进行了一定的讨论与展望。  相似文献   

金悦  赵彦昌 《档案学研究》2022,36(6):136-143
照会是近代对外交往中最常用的文书形式。美国国家档案馆藏近代美国驻奉天领事馆领事报告档案中含有大量美国领事与中国东北当局的往来照会,这些照会内容丰富,中英文兼备且保存完整,其以外交文书的形式承载了丰富多元的历史内涵,因此具有极高的档案价值。本文通过细致爬梳领事照会档案,从发文方向、语言、事由、涉事方等角度对其进行细致分类,进而从文书体式及历史内涵等方面进行深入研究。该研究将有助于档案学、历史学更好地体认近代照会文书的程式与内容的演变以及其蕴含的深层历史脉络。中美往来照会逐渐由传统的繁复的程式向高效练达的风格演变,也成为中美外交文书和外交观念相互交融与影响的例证。  相似文献   

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