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宋凯  陈悦 《情报学报》2024,(1):25-33
揭示技术演化脉络是把握技术发展规律的前提,基于专利信息的主题挖掘是基于技术发展微观机制呈现宏观规律的重要研究内容,对技术超前布局和创新驱动实践具有重大意义。技术主题动态演化分析DPL-BMM (Dirichlet process biterm-based mixture model with labelling)是一种附有标签的基于双项狄利克雷过程的混合模型,其突破了传统主题模型在进行主题识别时需固定主题数目的局限,通过增加技术主题表示模块使识别到的技术主题内容更加明确。本文以人工智能领域技术为例进行实证分析,研究结果表明,该方法对技术主题及其演化脉络展示具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

本文以专利中的技术术语作为事务、以术语中的词汇作为项,通过闭频繁项集挖掘方法,对专利文献中的技术术语的结构变化情况进行时序分析,以从新的角度来研究技术演化趋势,之后以硬盘驱动器磁头技术为例进行实证分析,实证结果表明,该方法能够对技术演化过程中所产生的技术变化进行有效识别。  相似文献   

本文在作者关键词耦合分析方法的基础上,提出利用研究专业演化图谱对研究领域演化进行分析的方法,并进行了实证研究.作者关键词耦合分析所得到的作者类团具有"研究专业"的特点,因此可将其作为分析单元探索研究领域的整体演化.本文所提出的研究专业演化图谱以研究专业为分析单元,通过图谱中研究专业规模、研究专业年龄以及研究专业间关系的变化来展示整个研究领域的变化情况.在海洋科学领域的实证表明,研究专业演化图谱不仅可以很好的展示海洋科学领域的整体发展,而且还可以发现领域内各研究专业的演化及其关系.  相似文献   

基于TAM模型的政府网站使用行为实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要介绍TAM模型的理论、发展和应用的基础上,就社会公众对上海市政府门户网站的使用行为进行实证研究。构建出本文的研究模型并提出假设,通过问卷调查的手段采集并分析数据,验证以上假设,最后对验证情况进行分析。  相似文献   

在前期构建的理论模型和研究假设基础上,以信息检索与利用国家精品课程网站用户为调查对象,搜集286份有效问卷。利用结构方程建模法、SPSS和AMOS软件对通过调查问卷获得的数据进行统计分析,实证检验提出的理论模型和相应的一系列研究假设。研究结果表明用户需要、感知价值、感知质量对用户满意具有较大影响。最后,依据实证分析结果提出几点网站的改进策略。  相似文献   

陈艳 《图书情报工作》2010,54(20):135-138
基于对相关信息技术采纳研究的回顾和总结,结合移动邮箱服务的特点,将技术接受模型与消费者行为过程结合起来,提出手机邮箱服务采纳行为研究的理论模型和假设并进行实证检验。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析技术主题演化过程可以梳理技术发展脉络,对于发展创新、预测技术发展趋势具有重要意义,但是从语义角度分析技术主题演化轨迹的研究较少。因此,从语义的角度出发,分析技术主题演化过程。[方法/过程]提出基于非负矩阵分解的改进的动态非负矩阵分解模型对专利文本进行动态主题建模,并利用TextRank算法抽取名词短语进行标注,增强所抽取技术主题的可解释性。在此基础上,利用词向量的方式计算技术演化轨迹,并进行可视化展示。[结果/结论]对2002年、2005年、2008年、2011年和2014年的五方专利进行实证分析,识别出65个技术主题及其演化轨迹,表明方法的可行性。  相似文献   

本文以个体消费者为研究对象,从电子商务网站质量出发,结合用户的感知因素,在理论分析框架的基础上,构建了面向电子商务网站的技术采纳行为模型并提出了相应的研究假设.通过调查问卷收集样本,利用spss 软件对问卷进行了信度效度分析,采用结构方程模型软件Lisrel 对研究假设进行了检验.实证结果显示,网站质量的三个维度是影响用户的感知有用性和感知易用性的重要因素;感知娱乐对态度的影响是显著的;信任对态度和行为意向存在直接影响,而感知风险通过信任对态度和行为意向存在间接影响.  相似文献   

利用专利文献数据识别技术领域的技术主题演化发展路径并分析其发展趋势,对于科技界、企业界进行专利技术创新具有重要的意义。首先,使用Open IE 5.1进行SAO (subject-action-object)三元组抽取,基于LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation)模型进行主题识别,根据TRIZ技术创新思想,基于action语义词典将技术主题划分到四个维度;然后,通过计算SAO三元组之间的相似度来测度技术主题之间的语义关联构建技术主题创新演化路径,并利用可视化技术构建技术主题创新演化路径可视化图谱,利用该图谱辅助分析技术主题演化脉络及其发展趋势。最后,通过石墨烯超级电容器(集流体)领域的实证,对该领域的技术问题(problem to problem,P-P)主题、技术功能(solution to solution,S-S)主题、解决方案(problem to solution,P-S)主题和技术效果(solution to problem,S-P)主题的创新演化路径进行解读分析,验证了本研究提出方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

李岱素  薛捷 《图书情报工作》2009,53(16):123-128
在知识管理研究领域,组织文化、组织结构和技术支持被认为会对企业的知识管理实践带来巨大的影响,同时,知识共享也被看成是知识管理的中心活动。基于已有研究,以知识共享为中介变量构建CST P的知识管理影响因素模型,并提出相应的研究假设。通过对珠三角地区的软件和IT企业开展问卷调查,采用结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验,并基于实证结果深入探讨技术、文化、组织结构和知识共享对于知识管理绩效产生影响的作用机制。  相似文献   

本研究基于议程融合的假设,通过实验的方法对受众在不同媒介信息获取渠道中产生的属性议程设置进行探讨,验证了不同大小的群体规模对属性议程设置效果的不同影响,以及在议程融合过程中群体规模对受众的不同信息依赖程度的倾向的影响。该实验研究对议程融合假设做出了一定的修正并提出了一些值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   


This research explores the hypothesis that social stress, as indexed by rising unemployment in society, leads to increased preference for crime drama on TV. This hypothesis is tested by relating the unemployment rates in the U.S., Canada, and Germany over several years with national trends for the relative popularity of crime drama (i. e., as compared to the popularity of other program categories). Support for this hypothesis is found in the U.S. and in Canada.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the results of a meta-analysis concerning the third-person effect's perceptual hypothesis. The hypothesis predicts that people judge the media to exert greater persuasive influence on other people than on themselves. Thirty-two published and unpublished studies with 121 separate effect sizes were examined. The overall effect size between estimated media effects on self and on others was r = .50. Among the 8 moderators investigated (source, method, sampling, respondent, country, desirability, medium, and message), 3 (sampling, respondent, and message) yielded significant effect size variations. Third-person perception in nonrandom and college student samples was significantly larger than in random and noncollege student samples. From a theoretical perspective, these findings may have been due to student participants perceiving themselves to be smarter than other people. A more disturbing explanation would attribute these findings to researchers relying on student samples.  相似文献   

The subject of homosexuality remains taboo in contemporary China, given that the public maintains a considerably negative attitude toward the subject. Recent Pew Research indicates that, on average, 21% of Chinese respondents believe that homosexuality should be accepted. However, parallel surveys of Internet users paint a different picture, as online surveys found a more liberal atmosphere toward homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The online and offline discrepancy in attitudes toward homosexuality begs the question of whether the Internet carries a stigma-reducing function in terms of views on sexual minority groups. Guided by the contact hypothesis and parasocial contact theory, the current study investigates the de-stigmatizing effect of the social media on homosexuality in China. A web-based survey with 980 social media users with a heterosexual orientation confirmed the positive role of interpersonal-mediated contact with lesbian and gay celebrities via social media venues in stigma reduction; but findings did not lend support to the parasocial-mediated contact hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):347-361
The present study takes a developmental approach to predicting the amount of affectionate communication fathers give their own sons by examining the amount of affection men received from their own fathers. Two developmental orientations are addressed: the modeling hypothesis, which predicts that positive behavior patterns exhibited by parents will be replicated in their children's own parenting, and the compensation hypothesis, which predicts that negative parenting behaviors are compensated for in children's parenting of their own children. We combined these approaches to advance a hybrid prediction that, when applied to affectionate communication, calls for a curvilinear relationship between the affection men received from their own fathers and the affection they give their own sons. Five hundred six men who were fathers of at least one son participated in the current study, and the results provided direct support for a combined modeling‐compensation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Media Freedom and Social Capital   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines the relationship between media freedom and social capital by using cross-country panel data. The hypothesis of the current study is the U-shaped relationship between media freedom and social capital, which is based on the claims that media freedom has a negative impact on bonding social capital and a positive effect on bridging social capital. To test the hypothesis, this study uses OLS and 2SLS regression methods, as well as panel data random effects regression. The empirical ?ndings support the hypothesis of the U-shaped relationship.  相似文献   

Prior research has supported the mere presence hypothesis, which suggests that cell phones act as an environmental nuisance that negatively impact the quality of face-to-face interactions. This study conducted an experiment to determine whether cell-phone presence negatively influences conversation satisfaction. Specifically, network member dyads (= 46) engaged in unstructured conversations where one partner’s cell phone was either absent or present. The results revealed that, whereas the mere presence of a cell phone did not influence conversation satisfaction, individuals’ recollection of whether or not a cell phone was present did significantly negatively impact their pre- to posttest reports of conversation satisfaction. Implications of these findings for research on the mere presence hypothesis as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The hypothesis that a self‐contradictory communication is less persuasive than a non‐contradictory one was tested. The data supported the hypothesis only for those subjects who perceived the contradiction; neither open and closed‐mindedness nor initial attitude toward the policy advocated in the communication accurately distinguished the perceivers of the contradiction from the non‐perceivers.  相似文献   

Library literature frequently reports projects to remove print collections and replace them with other amenities for patrons. This project challenges the untested assumption that the physical library itself serves no useful function to its users unless they are actively consulting books from the shelves. The alternative hypothesis is that readers benefit from the mere act of studying while in a book-filled environment.To test this possibility, ten subjects completed SAT-style reading comprehension tests in both a traditional library environment, and a renovated chapel that strongly resembles library space except for lacking books. Results provide a reasonable basis to support an expectation that readers perform better on reading comprehension tasks performed in book-rich environments.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that dyads composed of two cognitively complex individuals would be more successful at a communication task than would dyads composed of two individuals who are both noncomplex. Another hypothesis was that mixed dyads (one person complex, one noncomplex) would be more effective than noncomplex dyads but not as effective as complex dyads. The data supported the hypotheses. When both members of a dyad were complex or when the complex member of a mixed dyad was the person giving directions, the directions were more effective than when both members are noncomplex or when the noncomplex member of a mixed dyad was giving directions.  相似文献   

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